办公楼毕业设计英文翻译(外文翻译)原文:the future of the tall buildingand structure of buildings zoning effects on the density of tall buildings and solar design may raise ethical challenge. a combined project of old and new buildings may bring back human scale to our cities. owners and conceptual designers will be challenged in the 1980s to produce economically sound, people-oriented buildings.in 1980 the level house, designed by skidmore, owings and merril1 (som) received the 25-year award from the american institute of architects “in recognition of architectural design of enduring significance”. this award is given once a year for a building between 25and 35 years old .lewis mumford described the lever house as “the first office building in which modern materials, modern construction, modern functions have been combined with a modern plan”. at the time, this daring concept could only be achieved by visionary men like gordon bunshaft , the designer , and charles luckman , the owner and then-president of lever brothers . the project also included a few “first” : (1) it was the first sealed glass tower ever built ; (2) it was the first office building designed by som ;and (3) it was the first office building on park avenue to omit retail space on the first floor. today, after hundreds of look-alike and variations on the grid design, we have reached what may be the epitome of tall building design: the nondescript building. except for a few recently completed buildings that seem to be people-oriented in their lower floors, most tall buildings seem to be a repletion of the dull, graph-paper-like monoliths in many of our cities. can this be the end of the design-line for tall buildings? probably not. there are definite signs that are most encouraging. architects and owners have recently begun to discuss the design problem publicly. perhaps we are at the threshold of a new era. the 1980s may bring forth some new visionaries like bunshaft and luckman. if so, what kinds of restrictions or challenges do they face?译文:高层建筑展望及建筑结构 区域规划对高层建筑物的密度和对自然采光设计可能引起道德问题将产生影响。能源的有限性将继续成为建筑设计面临的独特挑战。新老建筑的结合将会给我们的城市带来人情味。要设计建造出经济实用,以人为本的建筑物,将会是业主和概念设计师在20世纪80年代面临的挑战。1980年欲斯柯摩尔、奥英斯和米瑞尔(som)设计的莱弗公寓获得了美国建筑师协会授予的25年奖“以奖励具有深远意义的优秀建筑设计”。这响奖每年授予一座房龄在2535年之间的建筑物。用刘易斯.芒福德的话来说莱弗公寓是“第一座集现代材料、现代施工、现代功能与现代设计方案为一体的办公楼”。在当时,这样大胆的构思只有像设计师戈登.邦沙福特和业主莱弗兄弟公司当时的总裁查尔斯.卢克曼那样富于幻想的人才能创造出来了。而且,这项工程包含了几个”第一”:(1)它是第一座全封闭的玻璃大厦;(2)它是som三人合作设计的第一栋办公楼;(3)它是公园大街第一座一层楼不设零售商场的办公楼。今天,经过众多外观相似而柱网变化的设计,我们已难以对建筑物进行归类,这也许是高层建筑设计的缩影。除了最近竣工的几栋低层楼房似乎比较怡人外,在我们的许多城市中,多数高层建筑物看上去就像图表上的柱标,好似一块块单调而又笨拙的巨石。难道这就是高层建筑设计行业的终点吗?也许不是。有迹象表明其发展是非常令人鼓舞的。建筑师和业主最近已开始公开讨论设计问题。也许我们正处在一个新时代的开端,20世纪80年代也许会产生一些像邦沙福特和卢克曼那样的幻想家。要是如此,他们会面临什么样的限制或挑战呢?区域规划 很显然,城市可以限制高层建筑的密度,也就是减少每平方英里高层建筑的数量。1980年,“堵塞网”这个术语第一次在纽约市公开使用。它的出现在公
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