



奥巴马 2013 年 11 月 2 日演讲译文 Hi, everybody. On Thursday, I addressed a conference for business leaders from around the world. And my pitch was simple: Choose America. Invest in America. Create jobs in America. 大家好。周四,我全球企业领导人大会上发表讲话。我的基调很简单:选择美 国。投资美国。在美国创造就也机会。 It speaks to my top priority as President: growing our economy, creating good jobs, strengthening security and opportunity for the middle class. 这涉及我作为总统的第一要务:发展我们的经济,创造新就业机会,加强中产 阶级的安全感和机会。 Over the past three and a half years, our businesses have created over seven and a half million new jobs. And this week, the Treasury confirmed that since I took office, weve cut our deficits by more than half. 在过去的三年半里,我们的企业创造了超过七百五十万个新就业机会。本周, 财政部证实自从我就任以来,我们已经把赤字减少了一多半。 But we have more work to do. We need to grow and create more good jobs faster. Thats my driving focus. And Ill go anywhere and do anything to make it happen. 但是我们还要更进一步。我们要加快发展和创造好的就业机会。这是我要抓的 纲。我将不遗余力地做到。 That has to be Washingtons driving focus as well. But I know that what you often hear out of Washington can sound like Charlie Browns teacher a jumble of unfocused noise thats out of touch with the things you care about. 这也应该是华盛顿要抓的纲。但是我知道你们经常听到的来自华盛顿的声音如 同查理布朗的老师所说-呕哑嘲哳难为听的噪音,与你们关注的事没有一毛钱 的关系。 So today, I want to cut through that noise and talk plainly about what we should do right now to keep growing this economy and creating new jobs. 今天,我就切入这噪音,直言不讳地讲我们现在要做的是继续发展经济和创造 新就业机会。 It begins by ending what has done more than anything else to undermine our economy over the past few years and thats the constant cycle of manufactured crises and self-inflicted wounds. 首先要叫停我们在过去几年里所做的最损害我们的经济的事-即一轮接一轮的 制造危机和自我伤害。 I was glad to hear the Republican leader in the Senate say this week that they wont pursue another government shutdown or threaten another default on our debt. Because we shouldnt be injuring ourselves every few months we should be investing in ourselves. 我很高兴得知参议院的共和党领导人说本周他们不会再次谋求关闭政府或用赖 账威胁。但是我们不应该每隔几个月就伤害自己一次-我们应该投资于我们自 己。 And one way to do that is through the budget that Congress started working on this week. 这样做的途径之一就是通过国会本周着手的预算。 Now, budgets can be a boring topic especially on the weekend. But they can also be revealing. Because they expose what our priorities are as a country for all to see. 现在预算成了令人纠结的话题-特别是在周末。但是它们可能被掩盖。因为它 们揭示了我们每个人的国家关注的要务。 Think about it. We can keep wasteful corporate tax giveaways that working folks dont get or we could close those loopholes and use that money to pay for things that actually create jobs. 想想吧。我们是继续保持工薪阶层得不到的造成巨大浪费的企业税收漏洞大开- -还是堵塞这些漏洞然后用这些钱为创造就业机会所需要的东西买单。 We can keep harmful cuts to education programs or we could give more kids a head start, hire more teachers in math and science, and help more kids afford a college education. 是有百害而无一利地削减教育经费-还是让更多的孩子们享受 head start 项目 的恩惠,雇佣更多的老师教授数学和科学,帮助更多的孩子们上得起大学。 We can keep doling out corporate welfare to big oil companies or we could keep investing in the renewable energy that creates jobs and lowers our carbon pollution. 是继续给大石油公司福利优惠-还是继续投资于创造就业机会和减少碳污染的 可再生能源。 Priorities. Choices. Thats what this is about. And the stakes for the middle class couldnt be higher. If we dont pick the right priorities now, make the right choices now, we could hinder growth and opportunity for decades, and leave our children with something less. 这是关于要务和选择的大事。中产阶级不能再冒更大的风险了。如果现在我们 不抓正确的要务,不做出正确的选择,我们就会妨碍几十年的发展和机会,给 我们的后代留下的更少。 That includes the obsession with cutting just for the sake of cutting. That hasnt helped our economy grow; its held it back. 这包括为了削减而削减的僵死思维。这无助于我们的经济增长;它拖累我们的 经济。 Remember, our deficits are getting smaller not bigger. On my watch, theyre falling at the fastest pace in 60 years. So that gives us room to fix our long-term debt problems without sticking it to young people, or undermining our bedrock retirement and health security programs, or ending basic research that helps the economy grow. 请注意,我们的赤字正在减少-不是增加。在我看来,它们正在以60年来最快 的速度减少。所以这就给了我们空间解决我们的长期债务问题而不把它留给后 人、不损害我们的基本退休和医保项目、不结束有利于我们的经济增长的研究 工作。 Heres the bottom line. Congress should pass a budget that cuts things we dont need, and closes wasteful tax loopholes that dont help create jobs, so that we can free up resources for the things that actually do create jobs and growth. 这就是底线。国会应该通过一个预算削减我们不需要的东西,堵塞造成巨大浪 费的不利于创造就业机会的税收漏洞,这样我们就可以腾出资源用于造成就业 机会和经济发展。 Building new roads, and bridges, and schools, and airports that creates jobs. Educating our kids and our workers for a global economy that helps us grow. Investing in science, technology, and research that keeps our businesses and our military on the cutting edge. Its vital for our economic future. 新修道路和桥梁,新建学校和机场-这创造就业机会。 教育我们的孩子们和我们的工人以适应全球经济-这有利于我们发展。 投资于科学、技术和研究-这保持我们这企业和军队的优势。这对我们经济的 未来举足轻重。 So the question isnt between growth and fiscal responsibility. We need both. The question cant be how much more we can cut; its got to be how many more jobs we can create, how many more kids we can educate, and how much more shared prosperity we can generate. 所以问题就是在发展和财政责任之间的矛盾。我们要二者得兼。我们的问题不 是还能进一步削减多少;而是我们能再创造多少就业机会,再让多少孩子受到 教育,以及再创造多少财富共享。 Because in America, our economy doesnt grow from the top-down. It grows from the middle-class out. And as long as


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