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河南工业大学外语学院2011届毕业生论文管理规定与写作指南a guidebook for the regulations and preparation of thesis for english majorsschool of foreign languages henan university of technology第一部分毕业生论文管理规定综合论文训练是全院每个本科生按照培养方案达到本科培养目标的重要环节,也是训练学生解决实际问题的基本能力、培养创新意识和创新能力的综合环节。该环节要求学生在教师指导下综合运用所学知识,完成一项课题研究或相应的综合训练任务,并独立完成一篇论文,该论文作为学生的“学士学位论文”。一、基本教学要求 1、时间及学分等要求综合论文训练一般时间为10周、学分为10学分,正常应在第四学年第八学期结束之前完成。在进入综合论文训练阶段前,应审查学生完成课程学习情况,对尚有多门不通过课程(视情况而定),不予安排进行综合论文训练。 2、选题原则综合论文训练的选题可以由学生根据导师(或导师组)的指导选题,也可以从各类课外学术科技活动和社会实践中选题,或以其它方式选题,选题可以由教师提出,也可以由学生提出。应符合以下原则:(1) 选题应联系改革开放、社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的实际需要,对某些基础理论和学术问题进行探讨,并尽可能结合学校的科研项目和社会生活的实际问题进行研究和设计。(2) 选题要考虑学生的专业基础和实际水平,选题不宜过于宽泛,应是学生在短期内经过努力能基本完成或者可以相对独立地做出阶段性成果的课题。(3)应鼓励和支持少数优秀学生选做创新性强或与导师的研究课题紧密结合的课题。(4) 毕业论文一般为一人一题。(5)鼓励学生做实证性的科学研究,对所收集、调查的数据资料运用图表进行量化分析。以体现科研与实践相结合的研究方法。 3、指导教师每个学生都要有确定的指导教师对综合论文训练全面负责。指导教师应具有中级以上职称(含讲师)的教师担任,此外根据需要也可安排辅导教师。导师主要负责学生的开题和论文撰写工作。二、论文撰写与答辩1、论文撰写要求:(1)论文应综述前期的研究成果,说明本项研究的起点、研究的创新之处。论文中不得采用伪造或篡改的数据与资料,不得抄袭他人成果。论文出现以下情况之一者视为抄袭:论文有三分之一篇幅内容与他人论文内容雷同;大段引用他人论文内容而未标明引用出处;主要论点、论据雷同等。抄袭行为在撰写时一经查出,由指导教师批评教育使其改正;知错不改者按作弊论处,毕业论文成绩计零分,取消答辩资格。2、答辩工作要求:答辩工作一般在第八学期末进行。每位学生必须进行综合论文训练的答辩,答辩工作由学院负责组织,答辩小组的成员为3名以上教师(讲师以上)。除指导教师外,论文在答辩前至少应经一位答辩小组的成员评阅。答辩前由指导教师对论文给出评语,评阅教师写出评阅意见。答辩完毕由答辩小组根据指导教师、评阅人的意见及答辩情况,评出答辩的成绩。三、毕业论文成绩的评定:1、毕业论文(毕业设计)的成绩的评定,首先由指导教师进行初评,写出评语,按优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五等记分。2、成绩评定标准优秀:调查研究深入,掌握资料充分,独立完成作业,观点正确,立论新颖,有独立见解,论文条理清楚,论据充足有力,逻辑性强,文字精炼、流畅,书写工整。设计方案合理、实用,图表正确、清新、规范,运算准确,字数符合要求。对实际工作有参考价值。良好:调查研究较深入,掌握材料充分,独立完成作业,观点正确,立论新颖。论文论据比较充足有力,条理清楚,文字通顺,书写工整。设计方案合理,图表正确、规范,运算准确,字数符合要求。对实际工作有一定参考价值。中等:调查研究较深入,掌握材料较充分,独立完成作业,观点正确。论文论据较充分,条理较清楚,有逻辑性,文字通顺,书写整洁。设计基本合理,图表基本正确,运算基本准确,字数符合要求。及格:作者做了一定的调查研究,掌握一定的资料,独立完成作业,观点基本正确。论文论据尚可但论据单薄,表达基本清楚,书写基本整洁,文字基本通顺。设计方案有一定合理性,图表基本正确,字数基本符合要求。不及格:调查不认真,观点错误论证无力,表达不清,语句不通,书写潦草,或确属抄袭剽窃、弄虚作假之作。设计方案不合理,字数符合要求。第二部分毕业论文写作指南一、毕业论文写作的目的毕业论文是具有学术研究性质的理论分析文章,理论性强,重在研究,它可以培养学生综合运用专业知识分析问题、解决问题的能力,检验学生的学习效果,提高学生的理论研究水平。毕业论文成绩为及格或及格以上者,取得10学分。毕业论文成绩不及格者不得毕业或授予学士学位。二、毕业论文写作的基本要求1、论文撰写语言论文必须用英文撰写,要求语言表达正确、得体。2、论文选题范围根据我院英语专业的培养目标和计划,由教研室集体研讨论证毕业论文选题范围。毕业论文的选题一般以本专业所涉及学科领域和知识内容为选题范围,包括语言学、文学、文化、经贸、商务等方向。选题应结合我国和国际上目前在这些领域的最新研究方向和动态,利用最新的研究成果,以理论和实践相结合为原则,选择具有一定理论高度和深度并且具有一定学术和应用价值的问题作为毕业论文的主要方向和主要内容。3、论文命题方式学生应首先依据规定范围确定论文的方向,在确定指导教师后与指导教师协商确定论文标题。也可采取指导教师规定命题或学生自选命题的方式,但学生自选命题必须得到指导教师的认可。4、毕业论文的体裁毕业论文一般为学术性的议论文体。调查报告、工作总结或单纯的案例分析或其他体裁文章不能作为毕业论文。5、论文内容总体要求论文应该观点明确,资料翔实,结构完整,层次清楚,语言通畅,格式规范。应当具有与本科毕业论文相当的学术含量和内容容量,命题有新意、有创见,观点要正确,分析要深入、全面,论据要充分、有说服力。6、论文长度论文正文应在3000-5000个英文单词。7、毕业论文写作程序和时间安排论文写作应由学生在指导教师指导下独立进行,并在规定的时间内完成各阶段任务。毕业班学生在第七学期的期中确定论文方向,由英语专业教研室分配确定指导教师;十二周之前确定并提交论文题目;十六周前学生应向指导教师提交开题报告;学院成立评议组对学生所提交的开题报告进行评议,评议内容包括对学生所选课题的国内外文献、动态、水平是否了解,所选课题是否适当、正确,预期目标能否达到,理论和实际应用价值如何,措施是否具体可行等。论文写作为两阶段:2010-2011(第二学期)第1周,2010-2011(第二学期)第6周至第14周进行毕业论文写作,2011年 6 月 3 日至4日组织毕业答辩。第八学期第10周完成论文的初稿并提交给指导教师,由指导教师审阅后提出修改意见,再由学生对论文进行修改。第八学期第14周论文定稿交指导教师,由指导教师审阅并打出评语、评定成绩。论文答辩定于第八学期6月3-4日期间进行。有关规定参见河南工业大学关于毕业论文(毕业设计)工作的规定。8、提交论文形式学生所提交的论文必须是按照规定格式(详见下文要求)用电脑打印并装订成册的文稿一式二份(答辩一份,存档一份);同时,还必须提交word格式电子稿一份。 三、毕业论文的体例和格式1、论文的构成论文包括封面(学校统一印制)、扉页(英文,见附件一)、致谢(acknowledgements,英文,见附件二)、内容摘要(英文和中文,见附件三和附件四)、目录(contents,英文,见附件五)、正文(英文, 见附件六;文中加注,见附件七)、引用文献(works cited见附件八)。2、各部分具体格式要求(1)页面设置:论文全文用a4纸单面打印;页边距根据特定要求设置(上、下、左为2.5cm,右边为2.0cm);论文扉页无页码;致谢页、英文和中文内容提要以小写罗马数字标示页码;目录页(不用页码);正文和参考文献部分使用连续的阿拉伯数字页码;论文所有页码均置于页面底部居中;除扉页外,论文其余部分需加页眉,“河南工业大学毕业论文”(五号字,宋体)。(2)字体和行距:论文英文采用times new roman字体,汉语用宋体;论文行距为1.5倍。(3)封面:由学校统一印制发给学生,除论文题目外其他项目均用中文填写。(4)扉页:英文打印,1.5倍行距;标题采用二号times new roman字体,加粗,标题上方空两行;作者信息部分用小四号times new roman字体,作者姓名加粗。格式参见附件一。(5)致谢页(acknowledgements):英文撰写,长度约不少于200个字,对帮助完成论文的人(如指导教师、同学、父母等)表示感谢。全页使用1.5倍行距, times new roman。标题acknowledgements小三号字,加粗,标题上下空一行;正文使用小四号字。范例参见附件二。(6)内容摘要和关键词:内容摘要排列顺序为先英文后中文:“abstract”标题采用小三号、加粗,标题上下空一行,times new roman; “key words”标题采用小四号、times new roman字体,与内容提要部分间隔一行。英文内容摘要部分字数为300左右,小四号字,1.5倍行距。中文“内容摘要” 标题采用小三号、宋体、加粗,上下空一行。内容应与英文内容摘要基本一致,使用小四号字,宋体。“关键词”标题为小四号宋体,加粗。(7)目录页(contents):全页为1.5倍行距,采用times new roman字体; “contents”标题为小三号、加粗,上下空一行;其它为小四号、分散对齐。目录只需第一个单词首字母大写(专有名词除外)。具体格式及使用符号详见附件三。(8)正文部分:一级标题采用小三号字并加粗,段前0.5行, 段后0.5行;二级标题采用四号字并加粗;三级标题采用小四号不加粗,;其余正文部分采用小四号字不加粗,1.5倍行距。(详见附件六)正文各部分(章)结束后,下一部分(章)不需要另起一页。正文各段落全部采用首行缩进。论文中涉及的英文书名首字母大写并用斜体,文章名称要加双引号。如果论文涉及汉语字词,则应使用汉语拼音并使用斜体,然后加括号注出汉字,如the english term relation is far from being an exact equivalent of the chinese term “guanxi” (关系)。(9)文中加注(parenthetical citation):文章引用别人的观点或材料必须用注释注明出处;引文总量不得超过论文总长度的25%。详见附件七。(10)引用文献(works cited):论文正文中所有引用(文中加注)的材料应在引用文献条目出现;引用文献应另起一页,文献数量不少于10(本)种。其中标题works cited用小三号字加粗,其余部分用小四号字不加粗, 下空一行。所有文献均需按字母顺序排列, 先英文后中文。详见附件八。 四、毕业论文的开题报告开题报告主要包括文献综述、撰写策略和引用文献。1、 文献综述(literature review): 不写论文题目、居中、加粗、小三号字, 标题下空一行。文献综述是大学生在开题前阅读过某一主题的文献后,经过理解、整理、融会贯通,综合分析和评价而组成的一种不同于毕业论文的文体。综述的目的是对某一课题的进行评述,从历史状况、存在问题及发展趋势等方面展开,并在此基础上提出自己的见解。文献综述的格式不同于一般论文的写作模式,一般论文注重研究的方法和结果,而文献综述主要是对与论文写作有关的资料梳理,包括前言、主题、结论和参考文献四部分。 前言部分:主要是说明写作的目的,介绍有关的概念、综述的范围,扼要说明有关主题的现状或争论焦点,使读者对全文要叙述的问题有一个初步的轮廓。 主题部分:是综述的主体,其写法多样,没有固定的格式。可按年代顺序综述,也可按不同的问题进行综述,还可按不同的观点进行比较综述,不管用那一种格式综述,都要将所搜集到的文献资料归纳、整理及分析比较,阐明有关主题的历史背景、现状和发展方向,以及对这些问题的评述,主题部分应特别注意代表性强、具有科学性和创造性的文献引用和评述。 结论部分:与一般论文的小结有些类似,将全文主题进行扼要总结,提出自己的见解并对进一步的发展方向做出预测。参考文献部分:因为它不仅表示对被引用文献作者的尊重及引用文献的依据,而且也为评审者审查提供查找线索。文献的编排应条目清楚,格式规范(mla格式),查找方便,内容准确无误。文献综述的要求:(1).一篇本科毕业设计(论文)应完成一篇文献综述,英文500字左右;(2).为了使开题报告有较充分的依据,一般要求大学生在论文开题之前完成文献综述。(3).文献综述应包括综述题目、综述正文、文献资料等几方面内容。(4).在文献综述时,学生应系统地查阅与自己的研究方向有关的国内外文献。通常阅读文献不少于10篇,其中外文文献不少于6篇。(5).在文献综述中,学生应说明自己研究方向的发展历史,前人的主要研究成果,存在的问题及发展趋势等。(6).文献综述要条理清晰,文字通顺简练。(7).综述中要有自己的观点和见解。鼓励学生多发现问题、多提出问题,并指出分析、解决问题的可能途径。(8).综述撰写格式参照河南工业大学外语学院本科生毕业设计(论文)撰写格式与规范要求执行,使用学校统一规定的封面格式。撰写文献综述应注意的几个问题: (1)搜集文献应尽量全面。掌握全面、大量的文献资料是写好综述的前提,否则,随便搜集一点资料就动手撰写是不可能写出好的综述。 (2)注意引用文献的代表性、可靠性和科学性。在搜集到的文献中可能出现观点雷同,有的文献在可靠性及科学性方面存在着差异,因此在引用文献时应注意选用代表性、可靠性和科学性较好的文献。 (3)引用文献要忠实文献内容。由于文献综述有作者自己的评论分析,因此在撰写时应分清作者的观点和文献的内容,不能篡改文献的内容。 2. 开题报告(literature review):按学校表格要求填写。附件一:英文扉页格式全页使用1.5倍行距,标题上面空两行times new roman, 二号字,加粗,居中title of your thesiszhang minghua小四号times new roman,加粗,居中school of foreign languagesof小四号times new roman,加粗,居中henan university of technologysupervisor: ma yumei小四号times new roman,不加粗,居中此处空两行june 10, 2008附件二:致谢页格式小三号,加粗,居中;标题上下方空一行acknowledgementsin writing this paper, i have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates. they generously helped me collect materials i needed and made many invaluable suggestions. i hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which the paper would not have been what it is.particularly, i am deeply indebted to prof. ma yumei, my supervisor, who guided me throughout my writing of this thesis. she carefully read the whole draft and offered painstaking and precious criticism. her standards of academic excellence have made my revision an exciting and gratifying experience. i also wish to sincerely thank my classmates and friends miss zhang yue and mr. liu yi-long, whose brilliant ideas and perceptive observations have proved immensely constructive. my parents took good care of my life and gave me a lot of encouragement when i was working at this thesis. they always share my weal and woe. i feel much grateful and heartily owe my achievement to them.空一行;致谢部分为小四号、times new roman字体lastly, none of this would have been possible without the help of those individuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: our school library and its staff, the library of henan university of technology. 附件三:英文内容摘要格式 小三号、加粗、居中, 标题下方空一行abstract(空1行)小四、加粗,3-5个关键词,词与词之间以分号隔开各段首行空5个字符this paper intends to give a new interpretation of an american tragedy by theodore dreiser in the perspective of modern consumerism. based on the careful analysis of consumption, ethics and desire narrative, the paper holds that the author of the novel did not only change the american narratingmode at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, but also presented us a contemporary question: the over-expansion of the desire would certainly lead to the alienation of consumption, which would cause the fall and imbalance of the ethics. today, when consumerism has become an economic symptom prevailing all over the world, the exploration of the novels new implications for the contemporary times is of great importance.key words: an american tragedy;consumption;ethics;desire;narrative附件四:中文内容摘要格式宋体、小三号、加粗、居中,标题下方空一行内容摘要(空1行)小四、加粗,3-5个关键词,词与词之间以分号隔开本文立足当代社会文化语境,从消费主义的视角出发,通过消费、欲望、伦理三个关键词的提炼,对德莱塞的美国悲剧进行了重新解读,阐明德莱塞的创作不仅通过欲望叙事实现了上个世纪之交美国小说叙事伦理的转移,并且早在消费主义肇始的美国,就提出了一个至今仍具有普适性和重要性的现代命题,那就是欲望的膨胀和消费的异化必然导致伦理的失衡。在当今消费主义超越地区而正在成为全球性的经济文化症候之时,消费、欲望、伦理三者之间的关系问题已经具有了相当的普遍性。在这样的背景下,重新挖掘美国悲剧的当代意蕴具有很强的现实意义。关键词:美国悲剧;消费;伦理;欲望;叙事附件五:目录页格式contentsacknowledgements.iabstract(english)iiabstract(chinese)iii1.introduction.12.a survey of the study of contrastive transition.32.1the issue of cohesion and coherence.32.1.1the theory of cohesion.32.1.2cohesion and coherence42.1.3criticism and revisions.52.2transition and contrastive transition.82.2.1transition and its subcategories.82.2.2some approaches to contrastive transition.92.2.3existing problems.102.3a data-based study of contrastive transition.112.3.1inventory and classification of contrastive transition112.3.2occurrence frequencies of contrastive transition133.functions of contrastive transition174.contrastive coherence.316.conclusion.34works cited. 36附件六:正文格式1.introductionover the last several decades, linguists have put a great emphasis on the research of text linguistics. the theory of cohesion, first proposed by halliday and hasan in cohesion in english in 1976, accounts for the relationship between cohesion and coherence. contrastive transition, under the heading of transition, has been set into the coherence-based theory framework by such linguists as halliday, thompson and fraser. contrastive transition refers to lexical items that signal contrastive coherence relation between adjacent text spans. contrastive transition has been studied as functional words by grammarians, and viewed as cohesive device by systemic-functional linguists. nevertheless, the functions of contrastive transition require further discussion. in this paper, they are explored in the light of hallidays theory of three metafunctions of language. pragmatic and cognitive principlesaustin and searls speech act theory, sperber and wilsons theory of relevance are applied to the issue as well, particularly to the interpersonal and textual functions. “due to having a connective function in terms of meaning, conjunctions can function across sentence boundaries” (sugiura 56). the scope of contrastive transition is not limited to inter-clausal or inter-sentential connectivity, but reaches beyond a physical unit such as a clause, a sentence, and a paragraph. according to halliday, “the presence or absence of explicit conjunction is one of the principal variables in english discourse, both as between genres and as between texts in the same genre; this variation is obscured if we assume conjunction where it is not expressed”. (halliday 309) this paper mainly adopts three approaches of research, analytical, data-based and experimental. the analytical approach is applied to the theoretical analysis of contrastive transition covering chapters 3, 4 and 5. the research in chapter 3 and chapter 5 is mainly based on a database of 120,000 words, which were chosen from play script, lecture speech, course book, and academic journal. the empirical approach is used in chapter 5. we carry out an experiment in order to figure out whether contrastive transition serves to improve comprehension.the structure of the paper is as follows. it begins with a brief review of the past research in the theory of cohesion and contrastive transition. following that, the ranking lists of contrastive transition by occurrence frequencies are provided. the functions of contrastive transition are analyzed in part 3, which is considered as the main section of the paper. next in part 4, how contrastive transition works at discourse level is studied, and the focus is on the occasions when contrastive transition connects two sections at supra-sentential level. finally, the implicitness and overtness of contrastive transition are examined.2.a survey of the study of contrastive transition xxxxx2.1 the issue of cohesion and coherence xxxxx2.1.1 the theory of cohesionthe past several decades have seen a phenomenal growth in interest in text linguistics. linguists endeavor to make some contribution towards it, and among them systemic-functional linguistshalliday and hasan are distinguished for their publication of cohesion in english in 1976. the theory of cohesion, first proposed by halliday and hasan, accounts for the relationship between the different elements of a text so as to enable the reader or listener to derive meaning from the text. without cohesion a text may be fragmented and lose its meaning. cohesion makes a text consistent, so that ideas are easily followed.the root meaning of cohesion is sticking together. cohesion is the continuity and the connectedness that exist between the different linguistic items of which texts are meaningfully interconnected in sequences. cohesion relates to words, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs. cohesion, according to halliday (309), “may involve elements of any extent, either smaller or larger than clauses, from single words to lengthy passages of text”. (35)according to halliday, cohesion is a relation in the system, but also a process. cohesion is defined as the set of possibilities that exist in the language for making text hang together: the potential that the speaker or writer has at his disposal “cohesion as a process always involves one item pointing to another; whereas the significant property of the cohesive relation is the fact that one item provides the source for the interpretation of another”. (halliday 18-19)附件七:论文文内加注(citation)格式范例:1. 作者在引文中没有出现:(姓+页码)it is easy to find that “at least one other educator has recently quarreled with the tradition division of the curriculum into discrete subjects” (moffett 5).*论文正文中引用文献是中文:(作者名的汉语全拼+页码)it is easy to find that “at least one other educator has recently quarreled with the tradition division of the curriculum into discrete subjects” (wang xianhong 5).2. 作者出现在引文中:(页码)moffett once mentioned that “public narrative can be seen as one kind of discourse” (42).3. 相同姓氏的作者出现在引文中:(名的首字母+姓+页码:如j. tarrant 188) in many countries, especially the developed country, the poor is a taboo. so “the poor is called needy or culturally deprived” (j. tarrant 188), so it makes others feel there is no poor in this country.4. 两个作者的合著出现在引文中:(姓+姓+页码)one textbook defines rhetoric as “the art of using language effectively” (brooks and warren 5).5. 多个作者的合著出现在引文中:(第一作者的姓+ et al.+页码:如lauer et al. 2)the authors of four worlds of writing begin with the premise that “writing represents a way of making meaning of our experience.” (lauer et al. 2)6. 同一作者的多部著作出现在引文中:(作品名+页码)或(作者姓, 作品名+页码)sharghnessy points out that “the beginning writer does not know how writers behave”. (“errors” 79)teachers applaud sharghnessys assertion that “teaching them to write well is not only suitable but challenging work for those who would be teachers and scholars in a democracy”. (“diving in” 68)7. 转引的文献出现在引文中:(qtd. in+作者姓+页码)goethe wrote that “it takes more culture to perceive the virtues of the magic flute than to point out its defects” (qtd. in newman 104). so it is very important for critics to see the speakers aim or goal clearly.空5字符8. 论文正文中直接引用的原文如果不超过4行,可直接将引文并入正文,以引号标示。引用部分如果超过4行(含4行),引文部分应另起一段,字体小一号,首尾不以引号表示,且每行缩进10个字符:冒号in the 1950s, for example, while ellington was still alive, raymond horricks compared him with ravel, delius, and debussy:(空一行)不用引号,左边缩进10字符the continually enquiring mind of ellingtonhas sought to extend steadily the imaginative boundaries of the musical form on which it subsists. ellington since the mid-1930s has been engaged upon extending both the imagery and the formal construction of written jazz. (brooks 256)(空一行)ellingtons earliest attempt to move beyond the three-minute limit received . 附件八:论文引用文献格式(mla)1论文参考书目单独起页,书目的排列遵循先英文后中文的顺序。2论文参考书目中作者的编排方式采用姓前名后(last name first)的原则,中间用逗号隔开,各意义单元间用实心点标示,如kennedy, john.或li, xiaoming。英文文献格式: (更多格式参见mla handbook)1. 一个作者的著作格式alastair, fowler. random house college dictionary. oxford: basil blackwell, 1987.2. 两个或多个作者的著作格式simonds, wendy, and barbara katz rothman. centuries of solace: grief in popular literature. philadelphia: temple up, 1992.3. 四个或四个以上作者的著作格式lauer, janice m., et al. four worlds of writing. new york: harper, 1981.4选集或编选著作格式allen, robert c., ed. channels of discourse: television and contemporary criticism. chapel hill: university of north carolina press, 1987.5 同一作者两个或多部著作格式frye, northrop. anatomy of criticism: four essays. princeton: princeton university press, 1957.-. the myth of deliverance: reflection on shakespears problem comedies. tor
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