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八年级(上)第一次月考英语试卷 亲爱的同学们,在这收获的金秋里,我们迎来了本学期的第一次检测,我们相信在新的起点上,你们一定会为自己交出 一份完美的答卷。 听力部分 : (20 分) 第一节:听对话,选出与其对话内容相符的图片(读一遍)(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( )1、What does Morgan do sometimes? A B C ( )2、Whats the matter with John? A B C ( ) 3、Whats Marias plan for the coming vacation? A B C ( ) 4、 How did Vince go to school this morning? A B C ( )5、Where is Peter going for vacation? A B C 第二节:根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分,每题读一遍) ( )6、Whats the matter with Lucy? A. She has a sore back. B. She has a sore throat. C. She is thirsty. ( )7、How long are they staying in Wuhan? A. A week. B. Three days. C. Five days. ( )8、What does Jeff usually do on weekends? A. Go skateboarding only. B. Go skateboarding and play football C. Read books. ( )9、 Where is Michael going this weekend? A. He is going to the park. B. He is going fishing with his father. C. He is going to the beach with his family. ( )10、Why cant Jack eat ice cream ? A. He has a really bad toothache. B. He has a little bad toothache. C. He doesnt like ice cream. 第三节:听对话,回答问题(每小题 1 分,共 5 分,读两遍) 你将听到两段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两 遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。 11What does the man want to know about the trip? A. Where to go. B. When to leave. C. How much to pay. 12. What will the man do? A. He will visit the countryside. B. He will go to France. C. He will stay here for three weeks. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至 15 小题。 13. Which country is Miss. King from? A. India B. America C. Korea 14. Why has Miss. King come to China? A. She wants to help Project Hope in China. B. She wants to learn something from Project Hope. C. She wants to learn for Project Hope. 15. What can the man do for Miss. King? A. He can show her around the country. B. He can take her to the schools in the sky. C. He can help her find out more about Project Hope. 第四节,短文理解(共 5 小题 ; 每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分) (你将听到一篇短文, 短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 ) ( )16 . What does Albert Morgan do? A. A waiter B. An actor C. A clerk ( )17. What does he think of his work? A. Busy but interesting B. Busy and boring C. Difficult but exciting ( )18. What is his vacation dream? A. To go camping in the mountains B. To read in a library C. To go surfing in Hawaii ( )19. How long is the family out for vacation? A. Three days B. Five days C. A week ( )20. Who is babysitting his son? A His aunt B His uncle C His sister 笔试部分: (80 分) 一、选择题:(每题 1 分,共 15 分) ( )1、Whats the matter, Tony? I have _fever. A. an B. / C. a D. the ( ) 2、“_ give up (放弃), then you can be successful.” A. Always B. Sometimes C. Never D. Please ( ) 3、 Im a little bit _. I want to drink some water. A. hungry B. tired C. angry D. thirsty ( ) 4、_are you staying there? Just for two days. A. How long B. When C. How often D. How many ( )5、 You look tired, you should have a good rest for _ days. That sounds good. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little ( )6、 If you eat chocolate, maybe youll be fatter(更胖的) . A. too much B. much too C. too many D. so many ( )7、 do you go to the movies? Hardly ever. A. How long B. How often C. How many times D. How soon ( )8、Vegetables are good our health, so we should eat them every day. A. at B. for C. in D. with ( )9、_is very interesting to swim in the river in summer, but its dangerous. A. This B. That C. It D. He ( ) 10、Im tired and stressed out. You should _. A. study hard B. go to the dentist C. listen to light music D. stay out late ( )11、What are you doing for your vacation? _. A. Im going hiking. B. I went to the beach. C. I often go to the mountain. D. I like going bike riding. ( )12、My sister is only two years old, and I have to _ her on Sunday. A. look for B. look after C. look like D look at ( )13、 _ Dasan is from Canada, he can speak Chinese very well. I know he studies Chinese hard. A. Although B. And C. So D. But ( )14、Were going to Mountain Yandang this weekend. _. A. Have a good rest B. Have a good time C. Its dangerous D.OK ( )15、My mother has a backache in hospital _. A. Whats the matter? B. Im sorry to hear that C. Im not feeling well D. Shell be all right soon. 二, 完形填空(15 分) Mr Johnson was having trouble with his _16_ , _17_ he went to see a _18_. The doctor _19_ his stomach carefully but couldnt find any problem. Then he said, “Well, Mr Johnson, take it easy. There is _20_ serious(严重). Stop smoking and then you will be all right very _21_.” “But doctor,” answered Mr Johnson, “I_22_. I dont like smoking at all.” “ Oh, I see,” said the doctor,” then stop drinking wine(酒 ) _23_.” “ But I dont drink wine,” answered Mr Johnson. “ Dont drink _24_ tea or coffee then,” the doctor said to him. “ I _25_ drink water,” answered Mr Johnson, “I dont like tea or coffee.” The doctor _26_ for a while and then said,” Well, what _27_ you like to eat then?” “ Potatoes! I like potatoes very _28_” Mr Johnson answered at once. “All right, Then stop _29_ potatoes.” Said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye _30_ Mr Johnson. ( )16. A. stomach B. head C. tooth D. eyes ( )17. A. so B. but C. or D. For ( )18. A. dentist B. nurse C. doctor D. teacher ( )19. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked over D. looked after ( )20. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything ( )21. A. early B. soon C. late D. much ( )22. A. often smoked B. never smoked C. always smoked D. usually smoked ( )23. A. from now on B. From then on C. until now D. until today ( )24. A. any B. many C. some D. a few ( )25. A. never B. only C. dont D. hardly ( )26. A. thinks B. thought C. is thinking D. Think ( )27. A. does B. do C. did D. Doing ( )28. A. well B. good C. much D. many ( )29. A. cutting B. buying C. washing D. eating ( )30. A. at B. for C. to D. from 三,阅读理解(3135,每小题 1 分;3645 ,每小题 2 分,共 25 分) (A) WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN Peter visiting the Great Wall Beijing October 1st Susan hiking Mountain Long October 3rd Tom camping West lake October 2nd Jim Exercise home 6:00-7:00 am Jim Doing homework 8:00-11:00 am Jim Watch TV 9:00-11:00 pm ( )31. Whats Peter doing for vacation? A. camping B. hiking C. visiting the Great Wall D.Mountain Long ( )32. Where is Susan spending her vacation? A. Beijing B. Mountain Long C. West lake D. home ( )33. When is Tom leaving? A. Oct. 2nd B. Oct. 3rd C. Oct. 5th D. Oct.1st ( )34. Jim is _at ten oclock in the morning. A. Exercising B.Doing homework C. Watching TV D. camping ( )35. Jim is watching TV _. A. at 9:00 am B. at 9:30 pm C. at 11:00 am D. 6:00pm (B) Dogs like living with people. A dog can be a very good friend. He can do a lot of things for people. Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind (盲人) do things. Many years ago there was a very good dog. His name was Seeing Eye dog. Now we can see this kind of dogs all over the world. They are working for the blind. The Seeing Eye dog is strong, good and easy to train(训练). He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainers call. In his next lesson the dog learns to make his trainer across busy streets. The dog has many things to learn. And in every lesson he must learn to do one thing again and again for many times. At the end of the training school he must take tests. When he passes the tests, the Seeing Eye dog will do the things by himself. Now he can help blind people. The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together. ( )36. We can see the Seeing Eye dog _. A. only in the country B. only in small cities C. all over the world D. only on the busy street ( )37. What can the Seeing Eye dog do? A. Look after sheep B. Help blind people C. Find lost children D. Train blind people ( )38. If you want a dog to become a Seeing Eye dog, you must let him _. A. go to a training school B. go to a middle school C. go to an evening school D. go to a children school ( )39. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay _. A. when he hears the telephone call B. when he hears another dogs call C. when he hears the masters call D. when he hears the trainers call ( )40. How long will it take the dog and his blind master to learn to work and live together? A. one year B. five years C. about a month D. one week (C) A Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman and an American lawyer were on a train traveling across England. The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka, gave each of the men a drink and then threw the rest half bottle of vodka out of the window. “Why did you do that?” asked the American businessman. “Theres too much vodka in my country,” said the Russian, “And really we have more than we will ever use.” A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana Cigars. Then he threw his out of the window. “I thought Cuba is not a rich country,” the businessman said. “But you threw that very good cigars out of the window!” “Cigars,” the Cuban answered, “are the cheapest in my country. We have more of them than we know what to do with.” The American businessman sat quietly for a moment. Then he got up, caught the lawyer by the arm and threw him of the window. ( )41. The people in the story are from _ countries. A. one B. two C. three D. four ( )42. The four people are traveling by _. A. bus B. air C. train D. sea ( )43. Vodka is a kind of _. A. treasure(珍宝) B. wine C. food D. medicine ( )44. The Russian and the Cuban both wanted to _. A. tell the businessman that their countries are rich B. prove(证明) that they were rich C. ask the two Americans to visit their countries D. make the businessman happy ( )45. What did the businessman want to say by throwing the lawyer out of the window? A. I want to buy some vodka. B. We have too many lawyers in my country. C. Ill go to Cuba and do some business of cigars. D. If you need lawyers, come to America. 四,任务型阅读(5 分) .你知道下面这首英文歌曲的中文歌名吗?请在 A.B.C.D.E 五个选项中选出正确选项。 For auld lang syne, my dear. 47. Hand in hand we stand All across the land We can make this world a better place in which to live Hand in hand we can start to understand Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time 48. When I was young Id listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played Id sing along, It make me smile. 46. And heres a hand, my trusty friend, And gies a hand of thine; Well take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne. 49Every morning you greet me Small and white Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever 50. Lets start at the very beginning A very good place to star When you read you begin with A-B -C A.友谊地久天长B. 手拉手C.雪绒花D.哆唻咪E.昨日重现 46. 47. 48. 49. 50 五,词汇。 (每空一词) (10 分) 51 .She has a good eating _(习惯) . 52. I am not _(感觉) well. 53. Do you _ (相信) his words ? 54. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he _(锻炼) every day. 55. Im _ (计划) to buy a pair of shoes for my mother . 56.Dont eat too much ice-cream . Youll have a s_ . 57.The exam is coming. Tom is getting s_ out. 58.Take the m _ , and then youll feel better . 59.I play football o_ a week. How often do you play football? 60Ben is going to take a long v_ this summer. 六、书面表达.(10 分) 玛丽是一名优秀的学生,她拥有健康的生活方式。她喜欢吃蔬菜和水果。她每天都锻炼身体,一周上两次 网,一个月看一次电影。今天她头痛,她去了看医生,医生叫她回家卧床休息。我们希望她早日康复。 请根据以上内容,写一篇 60 词左右的短文。 八年级听力材料和答案 一、听对话,选出与其对话内容相符的图片,每个对话仅读一次。 1、A:Whats your favorite activity? B:I like going skateboarding. 2、A:Whats wrong, John? B:Oh, I have a sore throat. 3、A:New Years Day is coming. What are you doing for it? B:I like going fishing, but I want to go camping on that day. 4、A:Hi! Do you often ride your bike to school, Vince? B:Yes, but this morning I went to school in my fathers car. 5、A:Where is Peter going for National Day? B:Oh, I think he is going to Italy for his vacation. 二. 根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案(每段对话读两次) 。 6. M: Are you thirsty, Lucy? W: No, I have a sore throat. Q: Whats the matter with Lucy? 7. M: Mom, how long are we staying in Wuhan? W: From Monday to Friday. Q: How long are they staying in Wuhan? 8. W: Jeff, what do you usually do on weekends? M: I usually go skateboarding or play football on weekends. I never read books. Q: What does Jeff usually do on weekends? 9. W: Hi, Lily and Steven are going to the park this weekend. Im going fishing with my father. What about you, Michael? Are you playing computer games at home? M: No, Im going to the beach with my family. Q: Where is Michael going this weekend? 10. W: Here. Have some ice cream, Jack. M: Oh, I love ice cream, but I cant eat any cold food. I have a really bad toothache. Q: Why cant Jack eat ice cream? 三, 长对话理解(共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分) 你将听到两段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两 遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。 W: What can I do for you, sir? M.: I have a three-week vacation, and I want to take a trip. But Im not sure where to go. W: Do you want to stay here or go to another country? M: I dont want to stay here, and Im not interested in America. W: Well, are you interested in anything special like the museum, the countryside or people? M: That sounds boring. W: Then ma


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