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司芬克斯的 99 个经典谜题考验(英文m in a rock, not in a stone. Im in marrow, not in bone. Im in a bolster, not in a bed. Im not living , Im not dead. (r) 我在 rock 中,而不在 stone 中, 我在 marrow 中,而不在 bone 中, 我在 bolster 中,而不在 bed 中, 我不活,也不死。 (r) 10.What one word has the most letters in it? (alphabet) 什么单词中有最多的字母? (字母表) 11.The man who invented it, doesnt want it. The man who bought it, doesnt need it. The man who needs it, doesnt know it. (offin) 发明它的人不想要它, 买下它的人不需要它, 需要它的人不知道它。 (棺材) 12.Bright as diamonds, Loud as thunder, Never still, A thing of wonder, what am I? (waterfall) 闪亮如钻石, 响亮如雷电, 永不停息 世间奇迹。 我是什么? (瀑布) 13.I went into the woods and got it, I sat down to seek it, I brought it home with me because I couldnt find it. (splinter) 我走入树林去得到它,我坐下来找它,我把它带回家因为我找不到它。 (碎片) 14.How can you say rabbit without the letter R? (bunny) 怎样不用字母 R 拼兔子? (bunny) 15.What starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T? (teapot) 什么以 T 开头,以 T 结尾,而且满是 T? (teapot 茶壶) 16.They come at night without being called, and are lost in the day without being stolen. (stars) 天黑时它们不请自来,天亮时却又不盗而失。 (星星) 17.Each morning I appear, To lie at your feet, All day I will follow, No matter how fast you run, Yet I nearly perish, In the midday sun. (shadow) 每天早上我都会出现在你脚下。 不管你跑的多快我都会跟着你。 但在中午的阳光下我却会几近毁灭。 (影子) 18.I welcome the day with a show of light, I steathily came here in the night. I bathe the earthy stuff at dawn, But by the noon, alas! Im gone. (dew) 我闪着光迎接一天的到来, 我也会在夜里偷偷的出现, 破晓时我在泥土里沐浴, 但到了中午,啊,我消失了。 (露水) 19.The part of the bird thats not in the sky, Who can swim in the ocean , And yet remain dry. (shadow) 鸟的一部分,但不在空中, 它能在海洋里游泳, 但仍保持干燥。 (影子) 20.Spell mousetrap in 3 letters. (cat) 用三个字母拼捕鼠器。 (cat) 21.I have a 100 legs but cannot stand A long neck but no head And i eat the maids life. (broom) 我有 100 条腿,却站不起来, 有一个长脖子,但没有头。 我以女仆的一生为食。 (扫把) 22.What is the first thing you do every morning? (wake) 你每天早晨做的第一件事是什么? (醒来) 23.Squeeze it and it cries tears as red as its flesh, but its heart is made of stone. (cherry) 挤压它,它会哭出和它的肉一样红的眼泪,但它的心是石头做的。 (樱桃) 24.What can you catch but not throw? (cold) 什么你能抓住(catch)但不能扔掉? (感冒) 25.I am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I lick, Will soon turn red, What am I? (fire) 我永远饥饿, 我必须不停进食, 靠近我的手指, 将会瞬间变红。 我是什么? (火) 26.Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man cant hold it for much more than a minute. (breath) 轻如羽毛,空无一物, 但最强壮的人也不能抓住(hold)它甚至一分钟。 (呼吸) 27.What occurs one in a minute,twice in a moment,but never in an hour? (m) 什么在一分钟(minute)发生一次,在一段时间(moment)发生两次, 却永远不会发生在一个小时(hour)? (m) 28.At the sound of me,men may dream or stamp their feet, At the sound of me,women may laugh or sometimes weep. What am I? (music) 听到我的声音,男人可能做梦,或是跺脚。 听到我的声音,女人可能会笑,有时却会哭。 我是什么? (音乐) 29.What can be broken by speaking just one word? (silence) 什么东西只要一个字就能打破? (沉默) 30.The more there is the less you see. (darkness) 越多你能看见的越少。 (黑暗) 31.A word I know,six letters it contains, subtract just one, And twelve is what remains. (dozens) 一个词,包括六个字母, 减去一个, 还会剩下十二个。 (dozens 一打的复数) 32.What is neither inside the house, nor outside the house, but lets you see both? (window) 什么东西既不在屋里,也不在屋外,但却能让你看到全部。 (窗) 33.What five letter English word does not change its pronunciation when four letters are taken away? (queue) 一个单词有五个字母,去掉四个后发音不变。 (queue) 34.What can fill a room but takes up no space? (light) 什么东西能充满屋子却不占任何空间? (光) 35.What has four legs but only one foot? (bed) 什么东西四条腿一只脚? (床) 36.What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten? (cards) 什么东西放在桌上切,却从来不吃? (牌) 37.What is too much for one, enough for two,but nothing at all for three? (secret) 什么东西对一个人太多,两个人刚好,可是只要有三个人,就什么都不是? (秘密) 38.There was a green round house. Inside the green round house was a smaller white house. In the white house was a red house. And living in the red house were lots of little black babies. (watermelon) 绿屋子里面白屋子,白屋子里面红屋子,红屋子里面黑小子。 (西瓜) 39.What has hands, but is not flesh, blood or bone? (clock) 什么东西有手(hand),却非血肉之躯? (钟) 40.A could was my mother,the wind was my father,my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land.A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place,and im the lorment of man. What am I? (rain) 云是我母亲,风是我父亲, 冰凉的小溪是我的儿子, 地上的水果是我女儿, 彩虹是我的床, 大地是我最后休息的地方, 我是人的一部分。 我是谁? (雨) 41.If yesterday had been Wendnesdays tomorrow, and tomorrow is Sundaysyesterday, what day would today be? (Friday) 如果昨天是星期三的明天, 明天是星期天的昨天, 那么今天是星期几? (星期五) 42.I move quickly but have no legs.I like warm flesh and blood. Some of my bones can unhinge.I travel through lots of mud. If you see me,you may scream,I really dont know why. If you can guess what I am called,Then you are smart,oh,my! (snake) 我没有腿但我移动迅速。 我喜欢温暖的血和肉。 我的一部分骨骼可取下。 我穿过很多泥泞。 看见我,你可能会尖叫, 但我不知道为什么。 如果你能猜到我是什么, 那你一定很聪明, 哦,我的天。 (蛇) 43.The rich man want it,the wise man know it, the poor all need it,and the kind man show it. (love) 富有的人想要它, 聪明的人知道它, 贫穷的人需要它, 慷慨的人付出它。 (爱) 44.What increase the more you share it with others? (joy) 什么东西你与别人分享反而会增多? (欢乐) 45.What eats rocks,levels mountains,rust metal, pushes the clouds across the sky,and can make a young man old? (time) 什么东西能吞噬石头,移平山脉,腐蚀金属, 推开云层,并且让年轻人变老? (时间) 46.When things go wrong,what can you always count on? (fingers) 每当出问题了,你经常伸出什么? (手指) 47.There is a thing that nothing is And yet it has a name. Its sometimes talland sometimes short, jions our talks and jions our sports, and plays at every games. (shadow) 有样东西什么都不是, 但它仍然有名字。 它有时高,有时矮, 加入我们的谈话和运动, 在任何游戏中出现。 (影子) 48.What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? (river) 什么东西能跑不能走, 有嘴不说话, 有头不流泪, 有床不睡觉? (河流) 49.What gets wetter the more it dries? (towel) 什么东西越擦干,它却越湿。 (手巾) 50.Forward I am heavy, backward I am not. What am I? (ton) 从前面看我很重,从后面看我却不(not) (ton 吨) 51.As i was going to St.Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks. Every sack had seven cats. Every cat had seven kits. Kits,cats,sacks,and wives. How many were going to St.Ives (one) 在我去圣伊斯的路上, 我遇到一个带着七个妻子的人, 每个妻子带着七个麻布袋, 每个麻布袋里有七只猫, 每只猫带着七套用具, 用具,猫,麻布袋和妻子。 有多少去圣伊斯? (一个,我自己) 52.What grows in winter and die in summer. And has roots that grow up? (icicle) 有什么东西在冬天生长,在夏天死亡, 而且会长出根来? (冰棱) 53.Twelve white ponies, On a red hill, Always moving, but standing still. What are we? Answer: Teeth 十二匹小马, 站在一个红山丘上, 永远在动, 却仍然停在原地。 我们是什么? (牙齿) 54.It goes up and down the stairs without moving. Answer: Carpet 一样东西上下楼梯却不移动。 (地毯) 55.I run, yet I have no legs. What am I? Answer: A nose 我能跑,可是我没有腿。我是什么? (鼻子)(run at nose:流鼻涕) 56.Take one out and scratch my head I am now black but once was red. Answer: A match 擦擦我的头, 我会由红变黑。 (火柴) 57.What is black and white and is red all over? Answer: A newspaper 什么东西又黑又白,却全身(all over) 是红的? (报纸) 58.He has a look of awful scorn, And wears his clothes a funny way, Waving his hands over fields of corn, He keeps the birds away! Answer: Scarecrow 他有一张可怕的脸, 用可笑的方式穿着衣服, 在田里摇着手, 他把鸟赶走了? (稻草人) 59.What kind of room has no windows or doors? Answer:A mushroom 什么样的房子(room)没窗也没门? (蘑菇 mushroom ) 60.Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside. Answer:Corn 剥去外边的,煮了里边的,吃了外边的,扔掉里边的。 (玉米) 61.What goes around the world and stays in a corner? Answer: A stamp 什么东西呆在一个小脚落(corner)却能周游世界? (邮票) 62.Whats the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of the end, and the end of every place? Answer:“E“ 什么东西在永恒( eternity)的开始 却在时间(time)和空间(space)的尽头, 在结束(end) 的开头, 却在每个地方的结尾(space)? (E) 63.When is a door not a door? Answer: When it is a-jar 什么时候一扇门不是门? (当它是一个罐子时)(a jar:一个罐子,ajar:半开的) 64.they are Dark, and always on the run. without the sun, would be none. Answer:Shadow 它们是暗的, 永远都在跑, 但没有阳光 , 它什么也不是。 (阴影) 65.I look at you, you look at me I raise my right,you raise your left What is this object? Answer: A Mirror 我看着你,你看着我, 我举起右手,你举起左手。 这是什么东西? (镜子) 66.What common English verb becomes its own past tence by rearranging its letters? Answer: Eat or Ate 哪个英语动词变成过去式只要重排它的字母顺序? (Eat or Ate ) 67.I am never quite what I appear to be. Straight-forward I seem, but its only skin deep, for mystery most often lies beneath my simple speech. Sharpen your wits, open your eyes, look beyond my exteriors, read me backwards, forwards, upside down. Think critically and answer the question.what am I? Answer:A Riddle 我并不象我所表现的那样, 我看上去很浅显,但只不过是表面, 因为在我简单的表述后面藏着神秘, 动动脑筋,睁大眼睛,看透我的表面, 正着读我,反着读,甚至上下颠倒, 仔细考虑,然后回答我是什么? (谜语) 68.It has no top or bottom but it can hold flesh, bones and blood all at the same time. What is this object? Answer:A Ring 这个东西没有顶也没有底, 但是它能同时装住血肉和骨骼。 这是什么东西? (戒指) 69.The more you take the more you leave behind. Answer:Footsteps 拿走(take) 越多,留在后面的越多。 (脚印) 70.What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in? Answer:Keyboard 有钥匙(keys),却开不了锁, 有空间(space)却没房间, 你能进(enter)却不能进入? (键盘 Keyboard) 71.Use me well and I am everybody, sratch my back and I am nobody. Answer:Mirror 好好用我,我是任何人, 扔在一边,我什么都不是。 (镜子) 72.Yellow and white Hard outside Stolen from life What am I? Answer:Egg 黄的加白的, 有坚硬的外壳, 从生命中偷取, 我是什么? (蛋) 73.No sooner spoken than broken. What is it? Answer: Silence 只要一开口就会被打破。这是什么? (沉默) 74.It is weightless, you can see it and if you put it in a barrel it will make the barrel lighter? Answer:A Hole 它没有重量, 你能看到它, 如果你把它放进一个桶里, 它将会使桶变轻。 (洞) 75.If you throw it off the highest building it will not break. If you place it in the ocean it will. What is it? Answer:Tissue 如果你从高楼上把它扔下来,它不会破, 如果你把它放进海洋里,它就破了。 这是什么? (薄纸) 76.I have two heads but only one body, the more still I stand the faster I run. Answer: A Hourglass 我有两个头和一个身体, 我站得越稳跑得越快。 (沙漏) 77.I saw a strange creature, a bright ship of the air beautifully adorned, bearing away plunder between her horns, fetching it home from a foray. She was minded to build a bower in her stronghold, and construct it with cunning if she could do so. But then a mighty creature appeared over the mountain whose face is familiar to all dwellers on earth; he seized on his treasure and sent home the wanderer much against her will; she went westward harbouring hostility, hastening forth. Dust lifted to heaven; dew fell on the earth, night fled hence; and no man knew thereafter, where that strange creature went. What are these two creatures? Answer:The Sun and the Moon 我看到一个奇怪的生物, 空气被一个明亮的船点缀, 在她的角之间掠夺物品, 在一次攻击后带回家, 她想在她的城堡造一个阴凉, 如果她能这么做, 她会用很狡猾的方法建造。 但是又一个强力生物在山顶出现, 他的脸和地球上所有生物的一样。 他抓住他的财富, 强行送她回家。 她只能老实地向西去, 加速前进。 尘土飞向天空, 露珠落回大地, 夜晚升起篱笆。 因此,没有人知道她去了何方。 这两个是什么? (太阳和月亮) 78.Poor Man has it Rich Man wants it It is stronger than God It is more evil than Satan And if you eat it, you will surely die Answer:Nothing 穷人拥有它, 富人想要它, 它比神更强, 比恶魔更邪恶, 如果你吃了它, 你肯定会死亡。 (没有 nothing) 79.Only two backbones, a thousand ribs. Answer: Railroad 只有两根脊椎,却有很多肋骨。 (铁轨) 80.I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. Answer:Smoke 我是一个白色爸爸的黑色孩子, 一只没有翅膀,也能飞到云端的鸟。 我催生了许多遇到我的人的眼泪, 即使他们没有任何伤心事。 在我出生后,我立刻溶入空气。 (烟) 81.I am both Mother and Father. I am seldom still yet I never wander. I never birth nor nurse. Answer:A tree 我既是父亲也是母亲, 我很少站立不动, 但从不乱逛。 我从不生养,也从不护理。 (树) 82.Through wind and rain I always play, I roam the earth, yet here I stay; I crumble stones, and fire cannot burn me; Yet I am soft- you can gauge me with your hand. Answer:The ocean 我经常在风雨中玩耍, 我漫游全球,却还停在原地。 我能够裂碎岩石, 火焰也无法伤我, 但我也很轻柔, 你可以把我掬在手中。 (海洋) 83.A little pool with two layers of wall around it. One white and soft and the other dark and hard, amidst a light brown grassy lawn with an outline of a green grass. Answer:A whole Coconut 一个小池塘, 围着两堵墙。 一堵黑又硬, 一堵白又软。 中间棕草坪, 青草坪上长。 (椰子) 84.Pernounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. Im double, Im single, Im black blue and grey, Im read from both ends, And the same either way. Answer: Eye 发音像一个字母, 写却要三个字母。 那里(there) 有两个字母, 我只有两个。 我有双,我有单。 我有黑,蓝,棕色, 我不管从哪一头读, 意思都一样。 (眼睛 Eye ) 85.We are little creatures; all of us have different features. One of us in glass isset; one of us youll find in jet. Another you may see in tin, and the fourth is boxed within . If the fifth you should pursue, it can never fly from you. What are we? Answer: The Vowels - A, E, O, I and U. 我们是一些小东西, 我们有不同的特征, 一个在 glass isset, 一个你能在 jet 中找到, 一个你可以在 tin 中看见, 第四个在 boxed within , 第五个你想找的话, 它从不会从你( you)那飞走。 (元音-A,E ,O ,I 和 U) 86.I know a thousand faces, and count the tailed heads, feasting bright upon the eyes, of many who have died. wielding well a mighty power, who hath but humble stature. Masses fall upon their knees, to scare behold my only side! Answer: A coin. 我看过一千张脸, 数着我后面的脸, 那是一些死了很久的脸, 闪亮了所有的眼睛。 对于有些人来说, 用的好是很强大的力量。 但是大多数人为了抓住我的一面, 不惜跪下。 (硬币) 87.Although I exist alone, I am often intertwined with others as the threads of a spider web. When worn theres an expression that signifies you shall not leave me. A man with a name meaning knowledgeable one once said that I am part of a set of four and that I have less than ten folds. Answer: A Path. 虽然我孤单一个人, 但我经常像蜘蛛网一样缠住别人。 即使破了,你也离不开我。 一位智者说过: 我是四个一套中的一个,但却少于十折层。 (路) 88.What does everyone have that he or she can always count on? (fingers) 当人们指的时候,什么东西是每个人都有的? (手指) 89.What is that of which the common sort is best? (sense) 通常什么是最好的? (感觉) 90.Two people walk to the top of the hill, a little person and a big person. The little person is the big persons son but the big person is not the little persons father. Who is the big person? (mother) 两个人来到山顶, 一个年纪小,一个年纪大, 年纪小的是年纪大的儿子, 但年纪大的不是年纪小的父亲, 年纪大的人是谁? (母亲) 91.What we caught we threw away, what we didnt catch we kept. (lice) 什么东西我们抓住就扔掉,拥有它时却抓不住? (虱子) 92.I do not breathe, but I run and ju


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