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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 求职信细节问题 使用专用的纸张,上端写有你的姓 名、地址、和电话号码。你的简历要使 用配套纸张它能显示你的档次和职 业风范。 2.定做附信。附信专门致某个特 定的个人。确何你有这个人的姓名、他 或她的职称以及公司名称的正确拼写。 3.如果你不愿意定做每一封信, 而宁愿使用格式信件,使用敬称“尊敬 的招聘主管” 。 4.附信要比简历更加非正式,它 必须能够在双方之间建立融洽谈的氛围。 你要热情洋溢、精力充沛和令人振奋。 5.附信必须向未来的雇主介绍你 和你的价值。 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 6.确保在附信上签署日期。 7.有效的附信应当易于阅读,字 体要比简历中的字体更大,而且要简短 四五个简短的段落就足够了。 写英文求职信的细节问题 写求职信的目的在于获得职位, 不过,现在公司的 hr 是很少只看求职 信就决定雇用的。一封求职信无论如何 文辞并茂,令人心动,公司 hr 主管不 见到这个人的外表是不会给予工作机会 的。因此,求职信的实际目的在于获得 面谈的机会。 一般求职信常用语句求职信的第 一段说明写信的目的,有些专家认为不 宜用分词子句。如用下面的句子做开头, 因为这样的句子被人用得大多,显得陈 腐,失去特点。replying to your advertisement answering your advertisement believing that there is an opportunity thinking that there is a vacancy in your company having read your ad -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 再比较下列三句。句较差,经过 修改后句显得较恰当。 a:replying to your recent advertisement in the boston evening globe, i wish to apply for the position of sales manager in applying for the position of sales manager i offer my qualifications, which i believe will meet your exacting requirements. b:i believe after reading your advertisement in this mornings journal that you have just the opportunity i am looking for. your advertisement in this mornings journal for an adjustment manager prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position c: having read your advertisement in the new york times for an accountant, i thought you might be interested in my application.in your -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 advertisement for an accountant, you indicated that you require the services of a competent person, with thorough training in the field of cost accounting. please consider me an applicant for the position. here are my reasons for believing i am qualified for this work. 求职的在提到希望得到的待遇时, 可用类似的句子: a:i hesitate to state a definite salary, but, as long as you have requested me to , i should consider 6,500 a month satisfactory. 我对待遇总是无法定下确 切数目,但既然您要我说明,我认为月 薪六千五百元就满意了。 b: although it is difficult for me to say what compensation i should deserve, i should consider*a month a fair initial salary. 虽然我很难说待遇应该是 多少,我认为每月*起薪合适。 c:i feel it is presumptuous of me to state what my salary should be. my first -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 consideration is to satisfy you completely. however, while i am serving my apprenticeship, i should consider*a month satisfactory compensation. 我不敢 冒昧提出起薪是多少。最初我仅想如何 做好工作,使您满意。在学徒期间,月 薪*即可。 提起或要求待遇时不要过分谦虚 或表示歉意,下列句子不宜使用。a: as for salary, i do not know what to say. would$4,500 a month be too much? 至于 起薪,我不知怎么说,月薪四千五百元 会不会太多? b:do you think i should be asking too much if i said 5000 dollars a month? 若要求月薪五千元,会不会太高? c:you know what my services are worth better than i do . all i want is a living wage. 对我工作的价值您比我更清楚。 我能够糊口即可。 求职信的结尾用语,可以参考下 列句子:a:软弱、羞怯的: if you -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 think i can fill the position after you have read my letter, i shall be glad to talk with you. 读完此信后若您认为我还可以,我 愿意和你谈一谈。 改写后: if my application has convinced you of my ability to satisfy you, i should welcome the opportunity to talk with you, so that you may judge my personal qualifications further. b:怀疑,不妥、不安全的: if youre interested, let me know immediately, as im sure and interview will convince you im the man for the job. 如果贵公司有兴趣,请与我联系,我认 为与您面谈后可以使您相信,我可以胜 任这份工作。 改写后: may i have an interview? you can reach me by telephone at beijing 123456 between the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 5:30-9:30p.m. any evening. 我们可以面 谈吗?可在每天上午七至九点,下午五 点半至九点与我电话联系,号码: -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 7 123456。 c:陈腐的句子: hoping you will give me an interview, i am anticipating a favorable decision, i wait your trusting your reply will be satisfactory, i remain d:哀求式的句子,不够完整: wont you please give me the chance to interview your? i can be reached by calling beijing 12345678.请给我一个面试机会, 联系电话 12345678.may i have the opportunity to discuss this matter further with you? my telephone is beijing 12345678. you can reach me between nine and five oclock during the day. 能不能与 您面谈以便进一步商讨?我的电话是 12345678。我从上午九点到下午五点都 比较方便。 e:太过自信的句子: i am quite certain that an interview will substantiate my statements between two and four every afternoon except tuesday you can reach me -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 8 by telephoning 12345678. 我深信面谈可 以证实我的话。您可在每天下午二至四 点打电话 12345678 通知我。 f:较具体有效的句子。 may i have an interview? my residence telephone is 12345678. you reach me by calling that number until june 30. after july 2, my address will be xxxx, xxxx street, xxxx district. 能否给我一个面试机会?我的 住宅电话为 12345678。六月三十日以前 我都在此处,七月二日以后,我的新址 为*。 求职信的语气 求职信要发挥最大的效果,语气 必须肯定、自信、有创意而不过分夸张, 如能事先了解雇主的喜好,或其他人格 特点,根据物以类聚的原理,求职信如 果能迎合雇主的特点,求职的人一定可 以比其他人占上风,获得面谈的机会。 注意下面句子中语气的不同: a:i think that i should probably make a good * for you. 我想我可能成为贵 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 9 公司的优秀的员工。b:i am confident that my experience and references will show you that i can fulfill the particular requirements of your * position. 我 想信我的经验和别人对我的推荐可以使 您充分了解我符合贵公司*一职的 需要。c:i recently completed a course in filing at the * school of business. i am competent not only to install a filing system that will fulfill the needs of your organization, but i am also well qualified to operate it efficiently. 最近我在 *读完*课程,我相信 不仅可以设计一套符合您的要求档案分 类系统,而且可以进行有效的操作。 d:i feel quite certain that as a result of the course in filing which i completed at the * school of business, i can install and operate efficiently a filing system for your organization. 我相信经过我在 *学校的*课程学习之后, 我能够替贵公司设置并且操作一套档案 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 10 分类系统。第一句显得语气太弱,写信 的人有点羞怯的样子。第二句有特殊风 格,第三句太过自信,第四句,作者表 示谦虚。 写求职信的要点 公司的老板大多认为,注重小节 的人对重大的事务也会谨慎行事。一个 人做人做事是否谨慎可以从一封求职信 中看出来。别看轻了短短一封信,一封 求职信可以显露出一个人的嗜好、鉴别 力、教育程度以及人格特性。下列几个 要点便是泄露一个人秘密的地方。因此, 写信的人一定要留意。 a.纸张的选用:最好使用品质优 良,白色的信纸。信封要配合信纸的颜 色。 b.书写:求职者一般是把求职信 打印出来,并加亲笔签名。签名时字体 要写得庄重得体,龙飞凤舞的字迹无疑 是自寻绝路。 c.格式:正文要适当地排列在信 纸中,格式要全文一致,不要中途改变。 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 11 d.语法、标点和拼写:正确无误 的语法、标点和拼写使读信人感到舒畅, 错误的语法或拼写则十分明显,一望即 知,给人留下不好的印象。尤其要注意 的是,绝不可把收信人的姓名或公司名 称拼错了。 e.信封:信封上面的地址要完整, 称谓要合时宜,信纸的折叠要适当,大 小适合信封。 f.附件:求职信通常不须附加推 荐信,除非招聘时有要求。遇到这种情 形,只须附上复印件即可。另外,求职 信内附加邮票或贴好邮票写好地址的回 邮信封,强迫对方答覆的作法不宜使用, 除非对方有此要求。 需要思考的地方 写求职信需要留意几个方面: a.陈述事实,避免表示意见:与 工作经验有关的事实可以陈述出来,但 不应强调将给未来工作带来怎样的好处。 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 12 b.不要批评他人:如果你要离开 现职,可以说出原因但不要用批评的方 式,雇主想要了解你,而非你的工作体 会。 c.不要过分渲染自我:你当然认 为有能力,够资格才要申请某一职位, 但不要过分夸大自己的能力或表现过分 的信心,尤其不要说出与事实不符的能 力来。 d.留意底薪:有的雇主要你提到 希望的待遇。你要作准确的判断,写出 你觉得可行的最低薪金。很多人应该知 道,与其寻得一份高薪的工作倒不如找 待遇尚可而有升迁机会的工作。 通过上面的说明,希望能对你有 所帮助,祝你求职成功! 写求职信的目的在于获得职位, 一封求职信无论如何文辞并茂,令人心 动,公司 hr 主管不见到应聘者本人是 不会给予工作机会的。因此,求职信的 实际目的在于获得面谈的机会。许多人 都会 copy 网上的求职信范本,导致千 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 13 篇一律,这是非常不可取的。我们已经 讲过怎样写求职信,这次我们来谈谈求 职信写作中容易被忽略的细节问题。 一、求职信的第一段说明写信的 目的,有些专家认为不宜用分词句子, 比如用下面的句子做开头,因为这样的 句子被人用得大多,显得陈腐,失去特 点。 replying to your advertisement. answering your advertisement. believing that there is an opportunity. thinking that there is a vacancy in your company. having read your ad. 再比较下面三组例句。每一组里 面句较差,经过修改后句显得比较恰当。 a: replying to your recent advertisement in the boston evening globe, i wish to apply for the position of sales -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 14 manager. i am applying for the position of sales manager. i believe my qualifications will meet your exacting requirements. b: i believe after reading your advertisement in this mornings journal that you are offering just the opportunity i am looking for. your advertisement in this mornings journal for an adjustment manager prompted me to apply for this position. c: having read your advertisement in the new york times for an accountant, i thought you might be interested in my application. in your advertisement for an accountant, you indicated that you require the services of a competent person, with thorough training in the field of cost -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 15 accounting. please consider me an applicant for the position. here are my reasons for believing i am qualified for this work. 二、在提到希望得到的待遇时, 可用类似的句子: id prefer not to set a salary, but since you ask, i consider 6,500 a month to be satisfactory. its hard for me to say what my salary should be set at, but if pressed i would have to ask for a month as an initial salary. i dont feel that i should set my own salary, as i am happy enough to have the privilege of working for you.however, i would consider a month satisfactory compensation for my apprenticeship. 三、提起或要求待遇时不要过分 谦虚或表示歉意,下列句子不宜使用: as for salary, i do not know what to say. would $4,500 a month be too much? -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 16 do you think i would be asking too much if i said 5,000 dollars a month? you know what my services are worth better than i do. all i want is a living wage. 四、关于求职信的结尾用语,下 面也有三组例句。每一组里面句较差, 经过修改后句显得比较恰当。 a: 软弱、羞怯的: if you think i can fill the position after you have read my letter, i shall be glad to talk with you. 改写后: if my qualifications meet your standards, i would be happy to speak with you in person. b: 怀疑,不妥、不安全的: if you are interested, please let me know immediately, as im sure an interview will convince you im the man for the job. 改写后:i would like to request an interview. you can reach me by telephone -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 17 at beijing 123456 between the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 5:30-9:30p.m. any evening. c: 哀求式的句子,不够完整:i would appreciate the opportunity for an interview. i can be reached by calling beijing 12345678. 改写后: may i have the opportunity to discuss this matter further with you? my telephone number is beijing 12345678. you can reach me between nine and five oclock during the day. 1.你中意的求职信并非就是“万能 钥匙”,适用所有单位和职位,最好能 针对不同企业、不同应聘岗位设计不同 简历。 2.利用手头便利,一个“邮资已付” 就不费一文寄去求职信,省是省矣,可 这样损公肥私、贪小便宜的人你会要吗? 3.在电脑打印出的求职信上别忘 了最后用手写体签上自己大名,以示尊 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 18 重。 4.为增加保险系数,一些求职者 爱在同一家单位应聘多个岗位,这样反 而会暴露出自己能力不突出、自信心不 强的“特点”。 5. 为投寄求职信的所有单位建个 档,这样要是某天接到某家单位的应聘 电话,就不会手忙脚乱,不知东家为谁。 6.一个没有页码或没有装订的求 职材料,会让某个粗心的人事专员弄得 杂乱无章。 7.手写体最好亲历亲为,为追求 美观效果请人代写,会弄巧成拙,不真 实。 8.简语过多会让用人单位不知所 云,如“湖大 ”,是湖北大学、湖南大学, 还是东湖大学? 9. 你中意的求职信并非就是“ 万 能钥匙”,适用所有单位和职位,最好 能针对不同企业、不同应聘岗位设计不 同简历。 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 19 如何写好英语求职信细节 如何写正规英语求职信?特别是 要写好英语求职信的细节,以下是一些 如何写好英语求职信细节的一些方法, 希望大家能从中掌握打造一流英语求职 信技巧。 一、求职信的第一段说明写 信的目的,有些专家认为不宜用分词句 子,比如用下面的句子做开头,因为这 样的句子被人用得大多,显得陈腐,失 去特点。replying to your advertisement.answering your advertisement.believing that there is an opportunity.thinking that there is a vacancy in your company.having read your ad.再比较下面三组例句。每一组 里面句较差,经过修改后句显得比较恰 当。a: replying to your recent advertisement in the boston evening globe, i wish to apply for the position of sales manager. i am applying for the position of sales manager. i believe my qualifications will meet your -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 20 exacting requirements.b: i believe after reading your advertisement in this mornings journal that you are offering just the opportunity i am looking for. your advertisement in this mornings journal for an adjustment manager prompted me to apply for this position.c: having read your advertisement in the new york times for an accountant, i thought you might be interested in my application. in your advertisement for an accountant, you indicated that you require the services of a competent person, with thorough training in the field of cost accounting. please consider me an applicant for the position. here are my reasons for believing i am qualified for this work.二、在提到希望得到的待遇时, 可用类似的句子:id prefer not to set a salary, but since you ask, i consider 6,500 a month to be satisfactory.its hard for me -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 21 to say what my salary should be set at, but if pressed i would have to ask for a month as an initial salary.i dont feel that i should set my own salary, as i am happy enough t


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