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高中毕业英语会考五级词汇测试(1) able _ about _ accept _ account _ across _ act _ action _ actually_ add _ after _ again _ age _ ago _ agree _ aid _ air _ all _ allow _ along _ already _ also _ although_ always _ among _ and _ announce _ another _ answer _ any _ anything_ appear _ April _ area _ arm _ army _ around _ art _ as _ ask _ at _ attack _ attempt _ August _ available _ away _ back _ bad(worse, worst) base _ be(am, is, are, was, were, being, been) _ beat(beat, beaten) _ because _ become(became, become) _ before _ begin(began, begun) behind _ believe _ best _ better _ between _ big _ billion _ bit _ bite(bit, bitten) _ black _ blue _ body_ book _ both _ boy _ break(broke, broken) _ bring(brought, brought) brother _ brown _ build(built, built) _ building _ business_ but _ buy(bought, bought) _ by _ call _ campaign_ can _ capital _ car _ care_ carry_(共 84 个) 2 高中毕业英语会考五级词汇测试(2) case_ cause_ central_ centre=center_ century _ chance _ change_ charge_ chief_ child(pl. children) _ city _ class _ clear _ clearly_ close _ club _ colo(u)r _ come(came, come) _ committee _ common_ company _ complete _ concern_ condition_ conference _ consider _ continue_ control _ cost(cost, cost) _ could_ country _ course _ court _ cover _ create _ cup _ cut(cut, cut) _ daughter_ day _ December _ decide _ decision _ department_ describe_ design_ develop_ development_ die_ different_ difficult_ direct_ director_ do(does, did, done) _ dollar_ dont_ door_ down_ download_ draw(drew, drawn) _ drive(drove, driven) _ drug_ during_ each_ early_ east_ easy_ effect_ effort_ eight_ eighteen_ eighty_ either_ eleven_ else_ e-mail_ end_ enough_ even_ event_ ever_ every_ everything_(共 82 个) 3 高中毕业英语会考五级词汇测试(3) example_ expect_ experience_ eye_ face_ fact_ fail_ fall(fell, fallen) _ family_ far (farther, further, farthest, furthest) _ father_ fear_ February_ feel(felt, felt) _ few_ fifteen_ fifty_ fight(fought, fought) figure_ film_ final_ find(found, found)_ firm_ first_ five_ fly(flew, flown) fly_ over_ follow _ food _ foot(pl. feet) _ for _ force_ foreign _ form _ former _ forty _ four _ fourteen _ Friday _ friend _ from _ front_ full_ further _ future _ game_ general_ get(got, got) _ girl_ give(gave, given) _ go(went, gone) _ good(better, best) _ government _ great _ great-grandfather_ great-grandmother _ green _ greengrocery_ ground_ group_ grow(grew, grown) half_ hand_ happen_ happiness_ hard_ have(had, had) he_ head_ health_ hear(heard, heard) help _ her_ here_ herself_ high _ him_ himself_ his_ history_ hit(hit, hit) _ hold(held, held) _ 4 高中毕业英语会考五级词汇测试(4) home _ hope _ hospital_ host_ hour_ house _ how _ however _ human _ hundred_ husband _ I idea _ if _ important _ in_ include _ increase _ independent_ India _ industry _ information_ interest_ international_ Internet_ into_ it_ its_ itself_ January_ Japan_ job_ join _ July_ June _ just _ keep(kept, kept) _ kill _ know (knew, known) labo(u)r _ land _ large_ last_ late_ later_ laugh _ law _ lead(led, led) _ leader_ learn(learnt, learnt/learned, learned) least_ leave(left, left) _ left_ lesslet(let, let) _ letter_ level_ life(pl. lives) _ like_ likely_ line _ list _ little(less, least) live_ local_ long _ look _ lose(lost, lost) _ lot _ love _ low_ main _ major_ make(made, made) _ man(pl. men) _ many(more, most) _ March _ market _ match _ matter_ may_ May_ me_ mean(meant, meant) meet(met, met) _ meeting _ member _ 5 高中毕业英语会考五级词汇测试(5) middle _ might _ million _ mind _ mine_ minister_ minute_ Miss _ moment_ Monday _ money _ month_ more_ morning _ most _ mother_ move _ Mr.=mister_ Mrs.=mistress _ Ms. _ much(more, most) _ music_ must _ my _ name _ nation_ national _ near_ need_ never_ new _ news _ next_ night_ nine _ nineteen _ ninety _ no _ No.=number_ north _ northeastern_ not _ nothing _ November _ now _ number_ October _ of_ off _ offer_ office_ officer_ official_ often_ oil_ old _ on _ once _ one_ only_ open _ operate_ operation_ or _ other _ our_ out_ outside _ over_ own_ page_ paper _ parent(s) _ Paris _ part _ party _ pass _ past _ pay(paid, paid) _ peace_ people_ percent_ perhaps_ person_ photo=photograph_ place _ plan _ 6 高中毕业英语会考五级词汇测试(6) plant_ play _ player_ point_ police_ policy_ political_ position_ possible_ pound_ power_ president_ press_ price_ probably_ problem_ process_ produce_ product_ programme=program provide_ public_ put(put, put) _ question_ quick_ quite_ race_ radio_ radium_ raise_ rate_ rather_ reach _ read(read, read) _ real _ really_ reason _ receive_ recent_ record _ red _ remain _ remember _ report_ research_ result _ return_ right_ rise(rose, risen) _ road _ role_ room _ rule_ run(ran, run) _ sale _ same _ Saturday _ say(said, said) _ school _ season _ second _ secretary_ see(saw, seen) _ seem_ sell(sold, sold) _ send(sent, sent) _ sense _ September _ serious _ service _ set(set, set) _ seven_ several_ share_ she_ short_ should_ show(showed, shown) _ side_ sign _ since _ single_ sister_ sit(sat, sat) _ situation_ six_ small _ 7 高中毕业英语会考五级词汇测试(7) so _ social_ society_ some_ something_ son_ soon_ sort _ sound_ south_ speak(spoke, spoken)_ special_ spend(spent, spent) staff_ stage _ stand(stood, stood) _ star_ start_ state_ stay _ step _ still _ stop_ story_ street_ strong _ student_ study _ such_ suggest_ Sunday_ support_ sure _ system_ take(took, taken) _ talk _ tax_ team_ teamwork_ tell(told, told) _ ten_ term _ test _ than _ thank_ thanks_ that_ the _ their_ them_ themselves_ then_ there_ these_ they_ thing_ think(thought, thought)_ thirteen _ thirty _ this _ those _ though_ thought _ thousand_ three _ through_ Thursday _ time _ to _ toda
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