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名词性从句中的虚拟 主语从句(it is +adj./p.p that) 同位语从句(The +n. That) 表语从句(n. +be that) 省略if 的虚拟法 (倒装)(1) 虚拟语气中如果从句引导词if / whether 省略,从句中需要倒装,提前助动词(系动 词)或情态动词。 E.g. If it should rain tomorrow, we would not be able to have the sports meeting. =Should it rain tomorrow, we should not be able to have the sports meeting. 省略if 的虚拟法 (倒装)(2) E.g. whether it (may) be fine or rainy, we would have the sports meeting. =Be it fine or rainy, we would have the sports meeting. If she had been given more information, she could have answered the questions. =Had she been given more information, she could have answered the questions. 总结虚拟语气的动词标志 “insist, suggest, require, request, demand, propose, prefer, maintain, move, urge, recommend, command, order“等动词表“ 建议、愿望“时,其后宾语从句中谓语动 词要用虚拟语气。Should +V wish其后宾语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。 虚拟语气的名词标志 1 “necessity”或“suggestion”等名词后面的表语从句或同位语从句中的谓语动词要用 虚拟语气。 2 名词word 表“命令”时,其后主语从句、表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词需 用虚拟语气 (should)+V。 3 wish 作名词时其后主语从句,表语从句或同位语从句中,谓语动词需用虚拟语 气(should)+V。 虚拟语气的形容词标志 It is + adj. that 句型中出现形容词如 necessary, important, vital, decisive, critical, crucial, urgent, strange, desirable, advisable, disappointing, 或过去分词充当的形容 词如suggested, proposed, advised, demanded, requested, required等时,that 句中 用 should + V 表示虚拟。 虚拟的介词标志 But for相当于if it had not been for。 But for her help, I would have lost my way. Without, in the absence of 等组成的短语可相当于一个虚拟的条件从句。 Without the light and heat of the sun, what would become of all the animals on earth? In the absence of water, plants would not grow well. Undercondition, 也可相当于一个虚拟条件从句。 Under more favorable conditions, we would have made more achievements. 错综时间的虚拟 条件状语从句中谓语动词的形式可与主句中谓语动词的形式不“配套” ,即错综时间 的虚拟。 If he had done as I had suggested then, he wouldnt be regretful now. If they hadnt found us then, we would still be missing on the sea. If I hadnt made sufficient preparation for the exam then, I wouldnt be in college now. 虚拟和事实 (前虚拟后事实)标志: but E.g. I would have gone to the party with you, but I was too busy. = If I hadnt been too busy, I would have gone to the party with you. (前事实后虚拟)标志: otherwise E.g. I was too busy then, otherwise I would have gone to the party with you. More Information was (were) +to have done (不定式完成式)表示“ 原来想做而未做”后面通常 but(陈述语气)。 E.g. I was to have arrived home on time, but my car was held up by a bad traffic jam. had hoped表示过去未实现的愿望,其从句中谓语动词要用虚拟would+V。 E.g. I had hoped that he would agree to lend me the money. (倒装) 带否定意义的副词置于句首时(1) 带否定意义的词置于句首时,主谓语需要倒装。 Rarely does he go to the movies. Not for a moment did he doubt the truth of her honesty. Little do I know about the meaning of this proverb? Never before the night had I felt the extent of my power. 含有否定词的介词短语在句首 含有否定词的介词短语在句首时,句子主谓倒装。含有否定词的介词短语在句首时,句子主谓倒装。 这类介词短语包括: in no case, at no time, in no way, by no means, on no account, in no sense, under no circumstances, 等等。意思为 “决不,在任何情况下都不。 ” “Only+状语” 置于句首时的倒装(1) “Only+状语” 置于句首时,主谓语需要倒装。 1) Only by practicing a lot outside class can we speak English fluently. 2) Only when I saw him did I remember that I promised to bring him a gift. 3) Only then did I know that I was wrong. not only位于句首时的倒装 句首是not only且连接分句结构时,引起局部(部分)倒装。 Not only did we lose our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives. Not only can he sing very well, but he can also play some musical instrument very skillfully. neither,nor表示“也不”时的倒装 (1) 句首是neither,nor 表示“也不”时,主谓语需要倒装。 I couldnt solve the problem, neither /nor could my brother. = I couldnt solve the problem. My brother couldnt, either. I didnt go to school, nor did Mary. = I didnt go to school. Mary didnt, either. so表示 “也是,同样”时的倒装 句首是so 表示“ 也是,同样” 时,主谓语需要倒装。 Copper is a good conductor; so is silver. John failed in the exam; so did Mark. He takes part in sports activities, so do his classmates. I have been to the Temple of Heaven, so has she? 平衡倒装 There+be或其它不及物动词come,go,happen,occur,stand,exist等结构中,为 避免句子头重脚轻,平衡倒装。 There stands an old house that is being pulled down. There existed a hostile relationship between the two families. There are many hobbies involving the creativity of a person. Such/sothat句型中的倒装 Such/sothat句型中such+名词或so+形容词,副词等位于句首时,主句中主谓倒装。 So badly was he injured in the accident that he had to stay in the hospital for treatment? So excited was I that I didnt know what to say. 比较状语从句中的倒装 than引导的比较状语从句中,主从句谓语趋向中间以达到平衡,此时从句要求主谓 倒装。 Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, man is less limited by nature than were his forefathers/ancestors. 表频率的状语至于句首倒装 表频率的状语至于句首,倒装。 Many a time has he given us sound advice? Twice a week does he go to visit his grandparents? More than once have we heard him make such promises? As, though让步状语从句中倒装 在以as,though 引导的让步状语从句中,从句常用倒装语序,把表语或状语提前。 (名,形,付, 动词) Child that he is, he can distinguish between right and wrong. Intelligent as/though you are, you should be modest. Much as I admire him, I dont think he is perfect. Try as she did, she failed again. 虚拟语气中的倒装 虚拟语气中省略虚拟语气中省略 “if”或或 “whether”时的倒装。时的倒装。 Was it left to me to choose, I prefer the latter to the former. Had it not rained so heavily, we would have visited the Summer Palace yesterday? Be we rich or poor, we should have our own dignity. 副词至于句首 Here、there 、in 、out、up 、down 等表示方位的副词至于句首时,主谓需要倒装。 Here comes the bus. Down jumped the little boy from the bridge. Here it ( 指 the bus) comes. There they went. 就近/毗邻一致原则(1) There 或here引起的句子中主语不止一个时 ,谓语就近一致。 就近/毗邻一致原则(2) 由or、 eitheror 或neithernor、not only、but also、not,But等连接的两个 主语谓语就近一致。 谓语动词多用单数的情况(1) Many a /More than one所修饰的名词作主语时谓语动词多用单数。 Many a brave soldier has died in that battle. More than one question has been raised in the lecture. 谓语动词多用单数的情况(2) Either/neither做主语通常作单数看待,谓语动词多用单数。 Either of the methods is effective. Neither of the roads leads to the town. 谓语动词多用单数的情况(4) 主语中包括“and”时,若表示一个单一概念,谓语动词应做单数。加:(and 连接两 个单数名词前面如有each、every, many a, no等) The poet and writer has come. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Every man and woman is eager to find a life-long companion. 谓语动词多用单数的情况(5) 主语是单数,后面尽管有with、together、with 、 along with 、besides 、as well as 等引导的短语,谓语动词仍用单数。 The teacher, together with some of her students, was cleaning the classroom. We as well as he agree with you. 谓语动词多用复数的情况(1) 由bothand连接的两个部分总是作复数看待。 Both my mother and father are satisfied with my job. Both John and Jack have ever got a summer job. 谓语动词多用复数的情况(2) the +adj(或过去分词)表一类人需作复数看待。 The old need our care. The wounded are being taken good care of. The young are our countrys hope. The injured were sent to the hospital immediately. 谓语动词多用复数的情况(3) ch、sh 、-ese等结尾的表示国籍的词,也作复数看待。 The British are very fond of their sense of humor. The French are well-known for their romance. The Chinese are famous for their hospitality. one of+名词/代词做主语 “one of+宾语“后的定语从句中谓语动词的形式有两种情况: (only) one of +宾语 that+复数 the(only)one of +宾语 that+单数 He is only one of the students in our class who have passed the CET-4. He is the one of the students in our class who has passed the CET-6. The rest of +名词/代词做主语 The rest of +名词/代词做主语时, 谓语动词有三种情况: 1) The rest of +可数名词复数做主语,谓语动词用复数。 2) The rest of +可数名词单数做主语,谓语动词用单数。 3) The rest of +不可数名词做主语,谓语动词用单数。 what引导的主语从句 由what引导的主语从句,一般用单数谓语。若从句谓语或从句后表语为复数,则 用复数谓语形式。 What he has told me is not true. What ideas he has are his wifes. 强调 句型强调(1) 句型whatis/was结构可用来强调句子的表物的主语或宾语。 What I need is your support. What matters is quality. What was really important was that it brought about many benefits. (2)强调句型 *It is /was+that/who可强调主语可强调主语 , 宾语宾语 , 状语等。状语等。 Last year she visited Singapore with her parents. It was she that/who visited Singapore with It was Singapore that she visited with It was with her parents that she visited S It was last year that she visited S with. 另另 : *It is not until+a time +that . It was not until then that he had realized the importance of hard work. It was not until she told me that I had known my mistake. 强调句型的疑问形式 It was purely by accident that I came across the book. Was it purely by accident that you came across the book? It is his teacher that he usually turns to for help. Who is it that he usually turns to for help? (3)其它句型 *It is /has been+表一段时间的词表一段时间的词 +since( 从句中用一般过去时从句中用一般过去时 ) It has been a year since we last saw each other. It is a decade since we carried out the policy of market economy. *It/This/That is/was +序数词序数词 +time that sb. has/had done sth. This is the third time within one month that he has gone to the cinema. That was the fourth time that he had made changes to the original design. 动名词 非谓语动词 英语中,不作句子的谓语,而是用于担任其它语法功能的 v ,叫非谓语动词,它 不受主语人称、数等因素的限定,又被称作非限定动词。 三大非谓语动词: 动名词, 分词和不定式。 动名词的语法功能 作主语 Seeing is believing. Listening to music is one of my hobbies. Studying abroad has many advantages. Getting to know the world is what the future society requires of us. 习惯用法 A. It is no use / good/harm+Ving. It is no use quarreling with her. Its no use crying over the spilt milk. B. There is no+Ving. There is no denying (the fact) that women are playing an important role in the world today. There is no joking about this matter. 这事开不得玩笑。 作表语 My favorite pastime is collecting stamps. Her hobby is swimming and cycling. One of the good virtues of a young person is being punctual. My job is teaching. One of the most difficult tasks you may encounter is learning a foreign language. 作动词宾语 作动词宾语 She enjoys listening to rock music. We appreciate your offering to help. We must avoid making such mistakes again. People who like travelling have their reasons. 跟动名词作宾语的v.及v. phrase 常见的能跟动名词作宾语的v.及v. phrase: admit, appreciate, avoid, confess to, consider, delay, deny, endure(忍耐), enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy(想象), finish, forbid, imagine, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practice, risk, cant help, feel like, give up, keep out, object to (反对), oppose, put off(推迟). 注意:动名词作宾语后面带有补语,一般不用形式宾语it。但当宾补是一些带有“有 用、明智、值得”等含义的 adj时,通常要用it作形宾,而将作宾语的 g.放到补语后 面。 作介词宾语 Never put off doing what should be done today till tomorrow. Have you got used to working on the night shift? (上夜班 ) Children are fond of reading fairy tales. Phrases: get/be used/accustomed to, be fond of, look forward to, long for, dream of, approve/disapprove of, insist on, persist in, accuse sb. of, charge sb. with, be keen on, be absorbed in, concentrate on, put off, preventfrom. 习惯用法 1) There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有意义。 There isnt much point (in) repairing that old car again. 2) There is no gain in doing sth. 做某事没有好处。 There is no gain in being cruel/rude to people. 省掉介词 注:某些习惯用法中常省掉介词 He is busy (in) preparing a report. They spent a lot of time (in) making preparations. We had great difficulty (in) finding his house. More Phrases have a good time doing, have a hard time doing, have trouble doing, have difficulty doing, have fun doing, be busy doing, spend time doing I am having great trouble catching up with my fellow students in English. 动名词的逻辑主语 如动名词动作的发出者不是谓语动作的主语,则需有自己的逻辑主语。 两种形式: 1)人称代词所有格+动名词 He insisted on my going with him to the party. 2)名词所有格+动名词 She dislikes her husbands coming back home late. More Information(1) a. 人称代词所有格+动名词 Compare: Tom insisted on going with them. Tom insisted on my going with them. b. 名词所有格+动名词 Compare: He hates working late. He hates his wifes working late. More Information(2) 若动名词的逻辑主语与句子主语相同,则不应再有主语。 She regrets_idle when young. a. to have been b. her being c. her having d. having been Key: d 动名词和不定式作宾语的差异 1) 有些动词可带动名词, 也可带to do作宾语,差异不大。一般说来,作宾语的动 名词更重一般情况,不定式则强调具体情况。 I like reading novels but I dont like to read this novel. I like swimming - I like to (go to) swim. 动名词和不定式作宾语的差异 2)而有些动词带g.和带to do时意义差别较大。 More Comparison try to do need to do(需要做某事) I need you to help me. want to do(想做) used to do (过去常做) try doing need doing (被动) 需要 My coat needs mending. want doing = need doing be used to doing (习惯于) 动名词的时态 完成式: 表明动名词动作在谓语动作前发生, 使用having done He was praised for having made a great contribution to his country. His having been elected chairman of the club surprised us greatly. The picture reminded us of having been taken to the zoo. 动名词的语态 被动式:表明动名词的逻辑主语是该动作的承受者 He did it without being asked. They insisted on being given the task. The boy was criticized for being late. Being taken advantage of is not a good thing. Key to the Exercises 练习答案 1) 选择正确的职业对一个人来说非常关键。 Choosing a right career is vital to a person. 2) 戒烟十分必要因为吸烟有害健康。 Giving up smoking / getting rid of smoking is very necessary because smoking is harmful to health. 3) 培养良好的生活习惯对于一个孩子的成长至关重要。 Developing / cultivating good living habits is critical for a childs development / growth. 4) 守时是一个好的品德。 Being punctual is a good quality / virtue. 5) 热爱祖国是每个公民的义务/责任。 Loving the motherland is every citizens duty / responsibility. 6) 住在乡村比住在城市更好。 Living in the country / countryside is better than / preferable to living in the city. 7) 住在城市比住在农村更方便。 Living in the city is more convenient than living in the country. 8) 拥有私车也会带来/导致一些问题。 Owning a private car will also bring about / lead to some problems. 9) 婚后和父母同住会有许多不便。 Living with parents after getting married may give rise to / result in / lead to / bring about many inconveniences. 10)学好英语不是一件容易的事。 Learning English well is no easy job. 11) 我们可以从参加社会活动中受益。 We can benefit greatly from taking part in social activities. 12)代沟通常是因不能彼此理解而造成的。 Generally speaking, generation gaps are resulted from not being able to understand each other. Participles 分词 分词(过分和现分 )兼有v.和adj.的特征,可带宾( 现分)或状语构成分词短语 When visiting Beijing, he went to the Great Wall. It is an interesting story. 现分与过分的区别 A. 语态不同。现分表示主动的意思,过分多由及物v.变来,常表被动的意义。 surprising (令人惊讶的 -主动) surprised (感到吃惊的 -被动) More Examples an exciting story the exploiting classes (剥削阶级) a moving film(感人的) a tiring journey excited spectators the exploited classes(被剥削阶级) a moved audience(被感动的) a tired football player 有些过分由不及物动词变来,只表示一个动作已完成;无被动意义. fallen leaves, the exploded bomb, a retired miner, escaped prisoners, the risen sun. B. 时间关系不同。现分表示的动作正在进行,而过分表示的往往已完成。 the changing world-the changed world boiling water-boiled water developing countries-developed countries 分词的语法功能:作表语 1) 作表语 The situation is discouraging. She felt discouraged at the words. 现分作表语有主动的含义,它表示主语的性质或特征; 过分作表语有被动的含义,它表示主语所处状态或具有的情感 作定语 2) 作定语 Im reading a very attracting book. He likes to drink cold boiled water. 一般,分词作前置定语泛指一般情况 E.g. An excited child is not easy to control. 分词作后置定语时,是特指某一特定情况下的特点,具有特殊含义。 E.g. The child excited by the gift was brought under control. Theres a broken window in their classroom. The window broken yesterday will have to be paid for. She said she would never get married, because she didnt want to spend her life surrounded by screaming children. The child screaming there is his son. 作宾语的补足语 3)分词作宾语的补足语只用于下列结构: (1) 当v.为表示感觉或心理状态时,这些v.包括 see, hear, feel, watch, notice, smell, find, think, observe, listen to, catch, leave, start, set Examples a. I saw a girl standing by the goldfish pond. b. He felt his eyes dazzled by the bright light. c. I found him drinking my mineral water. d. Everyone thought the battle lost. e. Have you ever heard a nightingale singing? (2) 当v.为make, get, have, keep等表示“致使、使得”含义时: a. I have my hair cut every ten days. b. He got his bad tooth pulled out. c. Shes going to have her clothes altered. (3) 在have+宾+p.p.结构中,have 有三种不同含义。 a. We had the problem solved. (意为“致使”有意的行为) b. He had his arms broken in an accident. (意为“遭受”,表示无意行为) c. I have no money left. (have有) (4) 当v.为like, want, wish, order等表示希望要求命令等意义时 a. He wanted his eggs fried. b. He wont like such questions discussed at the meeting. c. The boss ordered all the errors corrected. 与不定式作宾补的区别 注:有些动词如see, feel, notice, watch即可跟现分也可跟不定式作宾补,区别在于: 现在分词着重说明动作正在发生,不定式说明动作的全过程。 I saw the boys climbing the wall. (在爬) I saw the boys climb the wall. (爬了) 作状语 4) 作状语: (1) 作时间或原因状语,常位于句前 a. Arriving at the station, he found a crowd of people waiting there. b. Inspired by the excellent situation, the workers worked even harder. (2) 表示让步或条件 a. Heating water, you can change it into steam. b. Though beaten by another football team, the players of GuoAn did not lose confidence. 省略 在上述两种情况下,分词所做的状语可以相当于一个状语从句。此时可在分词前加 一个引导词如when, if, though, unless, before, after等 ,这就构成了省略。 Arriving at the station, he found a crowd of people waiting there. = When he arrived at the station, he = When arriving at the station, he More Examples Inspired by the excellent situation, the workers worked even harder. = After/Because they were inspired by = After/Because inspired by Heating water, you can change it into steam. = If you heat water, you can = If heating water, you can Though beaten by another football team, the players of GuoAn did not lose confidence. = Though they were beaten by (3) 表方式、结果及伴随状况。 (不能用相当的状从替代 ) a. Laughing and talking, the students went out from the cinema. b. He came running back to tell us the news. c. She stood there waiting for the bus. d. The bandits fled into the mountains, pursued by the policemen. 匪徒向山里逃窜, 警察在后面追捕着。 分词独立结构 分词独立结构:一般分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语应是句子的主语,但有时分词的 逻辑主语是其它的名 / 代词,n. / pron. +分词的结构就是独立(主格)结构。 A new technique _, the yields as a whole increased by 20%. (90.1 CET-4) Answer: having been worked out. 分词独立结构的功能 1)它在句中作状语,表示谓语动作的时间,原因伴随情况,方式方法条件等 a. The question being settled, we signed the contract. b. It being sunny, we went out for a walk. c. The rain having stopped, the soldiers continued their march. d. Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all. (分词)独立结构的构成 (1 )名 / 代 + 分词: a. They walked in the garden, little birds singing happily in the tree. b. The old man was sitting at the table, the newspaper spread be


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