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指导书中考高频短语专练 1. 据说这个事故发生在很久以前。 It _ _ that this accident took place _ _ _ _. 2. 努力学习是取得成就感的关键。 Hard work is the key _ _ a _ of achievement. 3. 过了一会,他手里拿了一些花回来了。 _ _ _ he returned _ some flowers in his hand. 4. 最后我们就价格达成了一致意见。 We _ _ the price _ _. 5. 他向别人道歉是礼貌的。 _ polite _ him to _ _ others. 6. 她和别人争吵是不可能的。 Its impossible _her _ _ _ others. 7. 事实上,他没说再见就走了。 _ _ _ _ _, he left _ _ goodbye. 8. 只要你全身心地投入到学习中去,没有什么是困难的。 Nothing is difficult _ _ _ you put your heart _ it. 9. 明天她一到家,我就打电话给你。 _ _ _ she _ home tomorrow, I will call you. 10. 应尽快地把这个生病的男孩送去医院。 The sick boy _ _ _ to hospital _ _ _ _. 11. 今天早上,我像往常一样早早来到了学校。 I came to school early _ _ this morning. 12. 我五岁就开始弹钢琴了。 I began to play the piano _ _ _ _ 5. 13. 我们七月初要去美国度假了。 We are going to America _ our holiday _ _ _ _ July. 14. 山脚下有一个小山村,我在那里长大的。 _ _ _ _ the mountain, there is a village _ I grew up. 15. 这个月末,要召开校运会了。 A sports meeting _ _ _ _ the end of this month. 16. 你必须爱学生,但同时应该严格要求他们。 You must love students, but _ _ _ _ you should be strict with them. 17. 均衡的饮食是保持健康的关键。 A _ _ is the key _ _ healthy. 18. 昨天她一点都没有生我的气。 She _ angry _ me _ _ yesterday. 19. 上周一,他没有时间去开会。 Last Monday, he _ _ _ _ the meeting. 2 20. 我们必须意识到保护环境的重要性。 We must _ _ _ the importance of _ our environment. 21. 这部电影是根据一个真实的故事改编的。 The film _ _ _ a true story. 22. 真奇怪,他对一切事情都好奇。 Its strange _ he _ _ _ everything. 23. 我们已经准备好了参加中考。 We have _ _ _ take part in the entrance exam to senior schools. 24. 我妈妈一定会为我感到骄傲的。 My mother _ _ _ _ me. 25. Mary 当真要去美国留学了。 Mary _ _ _ _ to America for further study. 26. 老师们对我们要求非常严。 Teachers _ _ _ _ us. 27. Tom 讨厌天天做作业。 Tom _ _ _ _ homework every day. 28. 老师们经常告诉我们要相信自己。 Teachers often tell us _ _ _ _. 29. 学生们在教师节把最美好的祝愿送给老师们。 Students send their _ _ _ their teachers _ Teachers Day. 30. 晚上你可以用肉眼看到天空中数以亿计的星星。 You can see _ _ _ in the sky at night _ your own eyes. 31. 昨天我骑单车时,撞到了一棵树上。 When I _ _ a bike yesterday, I _ _ a tree. 32. 上个星期天,James 在回家的路上偶然遇到了他的一个同学。 Last Sunday, James met a friend of _ _ _ on his way home. 33. 我无意地拿了他的伞。 I took his umbrella _ _. 34. 我哥哥努力工作,买得起新车了。 My borther worked _ hard _ he _ _ a new car. 35. 在日本学习时,他们到处观光游览。 They _ _ _ when he was studying in Japan. 36. 得到一个教育交流的机会多难啊! _ _ it is to get the chance of _ _ _! 37. 他们昨天在农场玩得很高兴。 They _ _ _ the farm yesterday. 38. 我们很同情这个受了重伤的男人。 We _ _ _ the man _ was seriously hurt. 39. 集中注意力在学习上对学生来说是非常重要的。 _ important for students _ _ _ attention _ study. 3 40. 这种书可以免费在网上得到。 This kind of books _ _ _ on the Internet _ _. 41. 从现在起,我有信心学好英语了。 ,I have confidence English well. 42.父母应该阻止孩子们染上恶习。 Parents should children . 43.他足够幸运,获得了一次出国学习的机会。 He was lucky enough abroad. 44. 他长大后想成为一名飞行员。 He wants to be a pilot when he . 45. 我爷爷是一个很有幽默感的人。 My grandfather is a person who _ _ _ _ _ 46. 她对汤姆很生气,并和他吵了一架。 She was angry with Tom and him. 47. 昨天我请人把我的电脑修好了。 Yesterday I my computer . 48. 我与你有很多共同之处。 You and I a lot . 49. 我们认为她有能力赢得这场比赛。 We thought he the match. 50. 这个男孩很少有时间和他的家人一起娱乐以及其他活动。 The boy seldom and activities with family. 51.我叔叔是一名经理,掌管着这家公司。 My uncle works as a manager and he the company. 或 My uncle works as a manager and he the company. 52. 我写信给你是告知你三个环境问题。 I am writing to you three environmental problems. 53. 这个消息把我吓了一大跳。 The news made me . 54. 从那以后, 我就一直通过写邮件和上网聊天与新朋友保持联系。 Since then, I my new friends by e-mails and on the computer at home. 55/56. 他说的话很清晰,我们必须把它牢记于心。 What he said is_ clear we must _ it _ _. 或 What he said is_ clear we must _ it _ _. 4 57. Mike 病重,没有胃口吃任何食物。 Mike was seriously ill, so he _ _ _ _ meat. 58. 她因为去年的一场车祸失忆了。 She because of the car accident last year. 59. 他做经理的第一次演说给我留下了深刻的印象。 His first speech as the manager me. 60. 他做作业很不认真, 犯了很多错误。 He did his homework carelessly he a few . 61. 她脾气很好,所以交到了很多朋友。 She had a good temper so she . 62. 我会尽可能快地给医院打电话为你预约。 I will ring the hospital as soon as possible to for you. 63.医生们全力以赴地挽救了很多病人。 The doctors some people. 64. 一方面,上网对我们有益。另一方面,它又对我们有害。 , its good for us to surf the Internet. , its bad for us. 65. 爱因斯坦在科学难题上花费了很长时间,以至于无法关注他周围的世界。 Einstein so much time scientific puzzles that he often the world around him. 66. 团队精神在我们的工作中发挥着重要的作用。 Teamwork our work. 67. 一些电视广告强迫孩子们买东西。 Some TV commercials children things. 或 Some TV commercials children things. 68. 你介意提醒我出发的时间吗? Would you mind _ _ _the departure time? 69. 与朋友分享快乐是很快乐的一件事情。 Its happy happiness friends. 70.老师要求我们上课坐直。 Teachers ask us in class. 71. 逃课是违反规定的。 goes against the rule. 72.在短时间内学好外语对我们来说不容易,但是我们可以从小事做起,比如每天记五个单 词。 Its not easy for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time. But we can 5 , such as remembering five words every day. 73. 学习要一步一步地学。 When we learn something, we should learn it . 74.一个星期后,我成功地算出了这个难题。 A week later, I the difficult question. 76. 去年他们俩都参加了校运会。 They both the sports meeting last year. 77. 跟你说实话,我不同意你的观点。 , I dont agree with you. 78. 小男孩正倒拿着一本书。 The little boy is holding a book . 79. 他们将投票选汤姆当班长 Theyll _ _ Tom to be their monitor. 80. 瞧,好多人在排队等候! Look, quite a few people _ _ _ _ . 81. 如果遇到什么困难,你可以找英语老师帮忙。 If you meet some difficulties, you can _ _ the English teacher _ _. 82. 你应该找出问题的关键。 You should find out _ _ _ the question. 83. 农作物的收成也取决于天气。 The harvest of the crops_ _ the weather. 84. 我们要知道如何充分利用时间。 We should know how to _ _ _ _ _ _. 85. 药家鑫应该为这起交通事故负责。 Yao Jiaxin _ _ _ _ _ this accident. 86. 老人幸运地从火灾中逃离。 Luckily, the old man _ _ the fire. 87. 我的搭档友好地指出了我的错误。 My partener_ _ _ _ in a friendly way. 88. 小丑的表演吸引了游客的注意。 The clowns performance _ the tourists _. 89. 她专心致志地阅读,没有注意到我。 She _ _ _ _ and paid no attention to me. 90. 人们常常用电脑搜索信息。 6 Computers are used to _ _ _. 91.这个老人因为他的好心非常感谢他。 The old man is _ _him _ his kindness. 92. 走的时候记得关灯。 Remember to _ _ _ _ when you leave. 93. 来自世界各地的商人参加了交易会。 _ _ _ _ _ _ took part in the trade fair. 94. 广州有许多名胜古迹。 There are many _ _ _ in Guangzhou. 95. 我盼望着明天能见到我最好的朋友 Tim. Im _ _ _ _ my best friend Tim. 96. 地震之后我们都为他的安全担忧。 After the earthquake, we were all _ _ his _. 97. 在这次活动中他做得非常好。 He _ _ _ _ in this activity. 98.毕业之后他出国了。 After he _ _, he went abroad. 99. 老师们每周开一次会议。 Our teachers hold a meeting _ _ _. 100.这几个孩子一直彼此相处得很好。 These children have_ _ _ _ _ _. 101.更重要的是,计算机还能驾驶宇宙飞船。 _ _, computers can fly spaceships. 102. 昨晚我太饿了,想吃东西但没有吃的。 Last night I was so hungry and _ _ _.But I found nothing. 103. 他爸爸中等身高。His father is (a man) _ _ _. 104. 这个男孩对长辈很无礼! The boy is _ _ _ _. 105. 学生得在课堂上活跃起来,这样他们就能学得更好。 Students must _ _ up in class _ _ they can learn better. 106. 在我看来,每个人都有责任保护环境。 _ _ _, everybody is responsible for protecting environment. 107. 我给 Tom 打了电话但是没有人接。 I called Tom but no one _ _ _. 108. 他违反了学校规定并受到了处罚。 7 He _ _ _ at school and was punished. 109. 暴风雨持续了一周, 房屋毁坏严重。 The storm _ _ _ _and the buildings were destroyed. 110. 现在,大多数中


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