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颈椎退行性疾病 Cervical degenerative disease 颈椎病 Cervical spondylosis 颈椎管狭窄症 Cervical canal stenosis 颈椎间盘突出症 Cervical disc herniation 颈椎后纵韧带钙化 Ossification of cervical posterior / ongitudina / ligament 颈椎病 Cervical spondylosis 颈椎间盘退变 压迫或刺激脊髓、神经、血管 、食管 症状和体征 Cervical disc degeneration compression of the spinal cord 、 nerve 、 vessels 、 esophagus Sympton and sign 病理 Pathophysiology 颈椎间盘退变: a.蛋白多糖、髓核水分减少 纤维 环 裂隙 髓核突出 b.生物力学发生改变 继发性病理变 化 后果:刺激、压迫神经、血管 产生相关症状 临床表现 Clinical finding 1.神经根型 Cervical radiculopathy 神经根性症状、体征 2.脊髓型 Cervical myelopathy 脊髓受压或缺血 脊髓功能障碍 临床表现 Clinical finding 3.椎动脉型 Vertebroarterial spondylosis 椎动脉受压或刺激 椎基底动脉供血不全 4.交感型 Sympathetic spondylosis 颈交感神经受刺激 影像学检查 imaging examination . ray 显示颈椎曲度,椎间隙变化 . 显示颈椎管径,椎间盘突出及钙化 . 显示椎间盘信号,硬膜束间隙变化 治疗 Treatment .保守治疗 conserative treatment traction physical therapy .手术治疗 surgical treatment decompression fusion 颈椎管狭窄 cervical canal stenosis 颈椎管容积变小 ,压迫颈髓 产生神经症状、体 征 病理 athology 颈椎管狭窄: .原法性( rimary tenosis):先天发育性 desplasia .继发性( secondary stenosis):退变性 degeneration 临床表现 Clinical finding 1.症状 sympton : 四肢麻木,乏力,活动不灵 2.检查 examination: 感觉、运动障碍,反射异常 临床表现 Clinical finding . ray a:颈椎矢状径:临界值 mm b: avlov 比值: 颈椎管矢状径 颈椎体矢状径 . 、 治疗 reatment Surgical treatment: 1. cervical canal decompression 2.cervical canaloplasty 颈椎间盘突出症 cervical disc herniation 颈椎间盘退变 椎间盘突出 脊髓、神经根受压 病理 athology Cervical disc degenertion fibrosas annulus rupture nucleus pulposus: a. extrusion b. prolapse pinch、 nerve c. sequestration 临床表现 clinical finding 1.sympton: necl pain should pain weakiness 2.examination: movement、 sensation、 reflex 3.imagin examination: CT、 MRI 治疗 treatment vconservative: traction, physical therapy vsurgical: discectomy, decompression intervertebral fusion 颈后纵韧带骨化 Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament Opll compression of the spinal Cord fysfunction of the nerve 临床表现 clinical finding 1.sympton and sign: 头颈痛,感觉,运动障碍,二便障 碍 .、:连续型,节段型,局灶型,混合型 治疗 treatment 1.conservative: traction physical therapy 2.surgical: anterior decompression and fusion posterior canaloplasty 腰椎退变性疾病 Lumbar degenerative disease 腰椎间盘突出症 Lumbar disc herniation 病因病理: Etiology pathology 1.外伤 injury 2.退变 degeneration 病理生理 pathophysiology 1.disc herniation compression of nerve low back pain leg pain 2.mechanism of pain: a mechanical compression b chemical irritation c autoimmunization 类型 classification 1.膨出 bulge 2.突出 extrusion 3.脱突 prolapse 4.游离 sequestration 临床表现 Clinical finding .症状 symptom: a.下腰痛 low back pain, low back pain radiating into leg b. 坐骨神经痛 sciatica The lumbar nerve root syndrome C. 麻木 numbness, 瘫痪 paralysis d. 马尾综合征 cauda equina syndrome: 会阴麻木,双 下肢不全瘫痪,二便功能障碍 临床表现 Clinical finding 2.体征 sign : a 脊柱畸形 spinal deformity b 压痛 palpatometry c 腰痛,活动受限: restriction of lumbar movement, flexion, extension, lateral flexion , rotation 临床表现 Clinical finding d. 感觉,运动,发射异常 sense test, musculotonic test, reflex e. 特殊体症 special sign 直腿抬高试验 lesegus test 健肢抬高实验 fajerstajn test 直腿抬高加强试验 bragard test 影像学检查 image examination 1. X-ray 2. CT、 MRI 治疗 treatment 1.保守治疗 conservation: Bed test, traction, physical therapy,3- 4w 2.手术治疗 surgical 腰椎管狭窄症 The lumbar canal stenosis 病因 etiology: 1.先天性腰椎管狭窄 congenital lumbar canal stenosis 2.继发 性腰椎管狭窄 secondary lumbar canal stenosis degenerative,traumatic 病理 Pathology 椎管容积缩小 椎管内压力增加 1.神经受压、损伤性炎症 compression tranmatic inflammation 2.神经血运障碍:缺血、静脉回流受阻 ischemia 分型 classification 1.中央型 central:绝对 狭窄 10mm 相对狭窄 10 13mm 2.神经根管型 nerve root canal: a.盘黄间隙 disc flavum space b.侧隐窝 laterral recess c.椎间孔 intervertebral faramer 临床表现 clinical finding 特点:症状重、体征 轻 、 间 隙性跛行 1.症状 symptom: 下肢痛 leg pain 下肢麻木 leg numbness 乏力 weakness 排尿困难 bladder dysfunction 下腰痛 low back pain 临床表现 clinical finding 2.体征 sign: 腰椎前凸减少 lordosis 前屈正常 flexion 后伸受限 extension 肌力减弱 myodynamia 影像学检查 imgain examination 1.X-ray: intervertebralspace,lordosis,osteophyte 2.CT、 MRI: a.间盘 突出 disc herniation b.侧隐窝 矢状径 3mm sagittal lateral recess c.椎管矢状径


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