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1教学进度表第 1 周 Module6 unit1第 2 周 Module6 unit1第 3 周 Module6 unit2第 4 周 Module7 unit2第 5 周 Module7 unit1第 6 周 Module7 unit1第 7 周 Mondle8 unit2第 8 周 Module8 unit2第 9 周 Modlue8 unit1第 10 周 Module9 unit1第 11 周 Module9 unit2第 12 周 Module9 unit2第 13 周 Module10 unit1第 14 周 Module10 unit1第 15 周 Module10 unit2第 16 周 复 习第 17 周 复 习第 18 周 期末考试2Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?教学目标:知识目标:1.soup,sweets,bread,biscuits,fruit,dark,turn on,light在课文中的运用。2. 能够使用 Can I have some 这类语句。3. 听懂会读并理解课文。能力目标:能够听、说、认读单词,能够用本课的功能用语和他人交流。情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,积极与他人合作。教学重、难点:1.掌握语言结构 Can I have some .?极其回答 Yes, you can./Sorry, you cant2.能听、说、读单词,并能熟练运用新知识与他人对话。教学用具:头饰,多媒体课件、字母卡片等。教学课时:2 课时教学过程:一、热身复习:1.Greeting 2.教师先把全班学生分成两大组,规定回答问题对者得贴画,贴画多的那个小组获胜。培养竞争意识。教师展示图片,一名同学扮演老师大声问:Can you do morning exercises/swim/jump/run/wash clothes?小组回答:Yes,I 3can./No, I cant.通过此活动复习 Can you ?3.请学生演唱上一模块所学的歌曲。二、任务呈现:1.熟读课文。2.学习课文,了解食物如何用英语说。3、课文学习1.播放活动 2的动画,请学生看图。2.学生边看图,边熟悉故事内容和情节。3.再次播放录音,请学生听录音,按照要求圈出。播放第三遍,请学生跟读语句。4.使用图片、单词卡片等教具进行教学,带领学生学习“sorry,bread,dark,turn,on,light.5、听录音两遍,边听边圈出生词,并试着读一读。6、播放录音,回答问题:Who is on birthday?How old is Amy?Can Amy have some food at first?Can Amy have some food at last?7、找出课文中含有单词 can的问句,并写下来。8.合作交流:(1)小组内讨论解决自学中遇到的问题,互相交流,教师评析。(2)播放录音,全班跟读课文,注意语音语调。(3)小组内齐读课文,模仿语音语调,适当加上动作。(4)分角色朗读课文。9.带领学生学习 Chant:Can I have some soup? Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can. Yes, you can. 4Can I have some bread? Sorry, you cant. Sorry, you cant. Can I have some biscuits? Sorry, you cant. Sorry,you cant. 4、训练巩固1.完成活动 3.播放录音,请学生看图,听录音并理解语句。再次播放录音,请学生跟读,直到学生能读出所有语句。2.完成活动 4.请学生看书上的图片。教师说食物名称,请学生指相应的图片。3.学生两人一组轮流指图进行问答练习。五任务完成1.教师告诉学生:假如下星期我们准备冷餐会,大家可以带些什么呢?并把食物清单发给各小组长,由各小组讨论并分配成员要带的食物。大家可以用“Can I take.”提问。教师可先带领学生复习食物词汇,构建食物词汇图,如bread,cake,noodles,rice,meat,juice,milk,soya,milk,apple,pear,orange,banana等。2.分组讨论,记录结果,并向全班汇报。六、布置作业1.向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。2.根据小组分工,带一种食物来参加下节课的冷餐会。3.听读课文三遍。板书设计:5课后反思: Unit 2 Happy Halloween!教学目标:1.听懂、会说、会读词汇:today, of course2. 能灵活运用重点句型 Can I have some? Yes, of course. Here you are./ sorry, you cant.3.让学生初步了解西方万圣节的习俗。教学重、难点 :1.全体学生能说、会读词汇 trick,treat,today,fruit,rice.2.全体学生能运用重点句型 Can I have some? Yes, of course. Here you are./ sorry, you cant.教学过程:一、Warming-up复习上节课的重点单词 oup, sweets, bread, light, biscuit, fruit及句型结构 an I have some soup? Yes, you can. / Can I have some sweets?Sorry, you cant.二、Leading-inT:在中国有许多节日,如劳动节、国庆节等等。在西方国家有一个孩子们非常喜欢的节日万圣节,教师讲解万圣节的传统。在西方国家,万圣节前夜10 月 31日晚上是孩子们尽情玩6乐的好时候。这是一个充满神秘色彩的节日。夜幕刚刚降临,孩子们迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的鬼怪衣服,戴上面具,提上一盏“杰克灯”去玩。孩子们会去按邻居的门铃,并按传统发出“不请客就捣乱!”的威胁。邻居们总是准备了糖果、点心招待孩子们,而孩子们则把这些一一收入自己的大口袋内。如果不拿出糖果招待孩子们,这些人就要倒霉了 在今天的课文中,我们将看看 Tom是怎样过万圣节的?三、Learn the text。1.播放活动 2的动画,请学生看图理解课文情景。2.再次播放录音,请学生完整地听一遍。播放第三遍,请学生逐图跟读语句。3.学习“Happy Halloween!”这类节日祝福语,可适当复习“Happy Bithday!”4.巩固练习句子5.听录音模仿语音语调。6.分组朗读课文7.学习歌谣Can I have some soup?Can I have some fruit?Yes, you can.Yes, you can.And you can have some rice.Theyre all very nice.6、Activitiesa play a game:SB4b practice the dialogue四、Homework:71.向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。2.向家人展示本模块自己最喜欢的内容。3.打着拍子向家人或同伴展示本模块新学的韵句。4.抄写本模块所学的重点句型。板书设计:课后反思:8Module 7 There is a horse in the photoTeaching aims: 1.Aims of Target language knowledge and skill(1) Function: Can use “ There is /are” to talk about Photos.(2) The students learn and can listen, read , say and use the sentences:There is a girl in this photo.Shes riding a horse.I cant see her face. There are twelve boys on the bike.(3)The pupils can listen, read and say the vocabulary:there is, horse, there are, have a look, sheep, vegetable, climb, face,fruit, chicken, bear,pig(4) Can use: there is, there are,horse.2. Aims of emotion and attitudePupils can actively participate in class learning activities.3.Aims of learning strategyPupils can Actively cooperate with others to complete the study tasks.Teaching important and difficult points.1. Important points:Ss can listen, read and say the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.Shes riding a horse. I cant see her face. There are twelve boys on the bike.2. Difficult points: can listen, read , say and use the 9sentences:There is a girl in this photo.Shes riding a horse. I cant see her face. There are twelve boys on the bike.3.act to describe the Pictures or sentences .Teaching tools: pictures,cards, Teaching Procedures:Step One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)1. Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”2. Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do asking and answering like this: What is he/she doing? He is(激活知识)3. Show the picture of the text .(Amy is riding a horse) get Ss look at the picture and ask :What can you see?(Help Ss answer) 4. Watch and listen to the CD-ROM.(整体感知如何描述图画)5. Watch ,listen and reapeat.(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容 There is 的语用,为新课学习做铺垫)6.Learn:horse 注意与 house的区别,用图片进行比较。Step Two:Task presentation(about1min)向班级推荐手抄报的图片,并用 There is in the photo. He/She is描述自己推荐的图片。Step Three:text learning(about15min)1. play the CD-ROM. Get Ss watch and listen and thinking :1)What are Sam and Amy talking about?2. Ss try to answer the question.(1,2整体感知课文)They talking about photos.103. Sam, Amy, Daming are talking about photos. How are they talking about them? Listen again(进一步感知课文)4. Show questions, listen and try to answer the questions(带问题听录音,试着回答,进一步了解课文内容,为学习目标语句打基础)(1)Whats in photo 1? (2) Whats in photo 2?(3) Whats in photo 3?引导学生回答每个问题后连起来描述:There are talking about photos. There is in photo 1(板书 There is a horse in this photo. There is a sheep in this photo.)相机教学单词。5. Try to say:There is a in/on/under/6. listen and repeat.7. Work in group: retell the text.(A group of four把打乱顺序的课文句子重新排列好,强化对课文内容的理解)Step Four: practise(about10min)1. Listen and say(P40 Activty 3) 跟读模仿语音语调2. Look at the picture.(P40 A4),明确要求后,四人小组用there is描述图片内容,共同完成任务。给学生三分钟练习,然后以小组为单位向全班展示。3. Finish Ex 1,3,4(课堂活动用书),巩固所学知识Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min)T show some pictures, Ss talk about them and choose one describe it: There is ain this photo.She/He is1. Ss talk about the Class Paper.(四人小组讨论手抄报的内容,合作画一幅画或推荐一幅图,作为班级手抄报的图片,并用11There isHe is来描述图片。意在发挥学生的学习主动性,运用所学知识)2. Ss report.Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min)1.向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。2.抄写本课所学的单词及句子。3.以小组为单位为班级手抄报准备图片板书设计:课后反思:Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.教学目标:121.全体学生能应用:there are,chicken,pig,There are twelve boys on the bike,Theyre eating fruit.2.全体学生能理解:there is,twele,fruit,chicken,bear,pig.3.全体学生能听懂:There are twelve boys on the bike.4.全体学生能说:There are twelve boys on the bike.5.全体学生能认读:there are,chicken,pig.6.全体学生能拼写自选词汇。教学重、难点:1.全体学生能运用 There are twelve boys on the bike描写图片及场景。2.全体学生能拼写自选词汇。教学工具:多媒体课件,卡片。教学课时:2 课时。教学过程:Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min)1. Great and say a chant.(1) Great each other.(2) Say a chant.(U1)2. Rivew:(1) Work in pair:Look at the picture and talk about it.There is a in this photo. /There is anin this photo.He is(doing sth)/She is(doing sth)2. Lead-in:Listen,point and say.(1)Look and the picture, watch and listen the 多媒体课件。(整体感知)(2)Watch, listen and point.13(3)Watch, listen and repeat.(pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)(4)Write the sentences on the blackboard.There is a boy on the bike.There are twelve boys on the bike.Step Two: Task prensentationWhere is Daming? What is he doing?大明正在给大家介绍手抄报的内容。学完课文后我们也要选出班级手抄报的图片,谁的图片将入选呢?Step Three: Text learning.(about 15min)1. listen and think. What are in Damings photos?2. Look at pictures and think how to intruduce them.3. Listen and point4. Group work: try to answer the question “What are in Damings photos?”5. T Guide the student to answer the question and write them on the blackboard.There is a panda in the photo. There are three chickens in the photosThere is bear in the photo. There are eleven pigs in the photo.6. To compare: There is, There are用色笔标出要点7. Show the pictures and learn the new words: fruit, chicken, bear, pig.8.Listen and repeat.( (pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)149.Work in pair: describe the picture of the text. Then report.Step Four: Practise(about10min)1. Point and say.(SB U2 A3)2. Learn a song.Three Green Parrots3. Finish SB U2 A5.(remember the pictures quilkly, then say it:There is There are) 4. Finish AB.U2.Ex.1Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min) 四人小组合作用 There is There are He/She is They are介绍图片。然后请一人向全班介绍。大家一起选出好的图片,被选中的图片所在的组每人得一颗星以示鼓励。Step Six Homework:1.向家人展示自己跟读模块课文录音的情况。2.给家人或同伴演唱本模块新学的歌曲。3.抄写本课重要的单词及句子。板书设计:课后反思:15Module 8Unit 1 were going to visit Hainan教学目标 :1.知识目标(1)能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:children,tomorrow,from,China,swim,sea 及短语: by plane(2)能听懂、会说并认读下列句子 Were going to go to Hainan tomorrow. Im going to swim in the sea.2.能力目标能听懂并能在图片的帮助下运用“be going to”句型讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。3.情感目标(1)培养学生将学到的知识运用于真实的生活场景中的能力,使学生具有一定的社会交流意识,引导学生关注生活,热爱生活。(2)激发学生热爱祖国大好山河的情感。教学重、难点:1 .学习运用 be going to 句型。 2 .掌握单词及词组:children/ tomorrow/ by plane/ get up/ from China/ swim in the sea/ visit . 3.能够正确理解运用 be going to 句型。 教具准备: 16挂图、录音机、磁带、图片、挂历、一张中国地图教学过程: I. Warming up 唱歌曲 I cant do it. II. Revision: 1复习以前学习过的动词及词组:run/ ride/ play/ swim (复习动词是为了更好的学习本节课 be going to句型做铺垫) 2. Do duty report “What day is today? What is the date today?” III. Presentation: 1教师出示当天的日历,指着的日期说 “Today is ”并出示新的一月份的挂历对学生说:”Our winter holiday is going to be in January. And I am going to go to Hainan in winter holiday.” (复习对比日期,使学生初步了解 be going to 的含义) 2. 学习句型 I am going to go Hainan. (为学生讲解 be going to 的含义,并且学说, 同时讲解 be going to 的用法。 3. 学生谈论 What are they going to do at this weekend ? 4. 出示中国地图,指着沈阳告诉学生 I am going to go to the zoo in Shenyang this weekend. So I am going to get up at 6 oclock in the morning. ( 学说 get up) 指着海南说And I am going to go to Hainan. I am going to swim in the sea. ( 出示图片,边做动作边学说 swim in the sea) 5教师出示一张老爷爷的照片,告诉学生 I am going to 17visit my grandpa, too. ( 学说 visit my grandpa) IV. Practice: 1.猜一猜:What is he she going to do tomorrow? 第一组:学生根据图片来猜:可以出示“天安门、石林、泰山、世博园、东方明珠”等风景名胜,学生 可以说出 “ He is going to go to Beijing.”等句子。 (这个活动不仅能够操练目标语言 be going to ,更能够激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱,加深对中国地理知识的了解。 ) 第二组:听声音猜。 播放“游泳的声音、打篮球的声音、跑步的声音、飞机的声音” 。学生可以说出 :” He is going to swim/ play basketball等 (听录音猜,可以增加活动的趣味性,使学生更加踊跃的参与到课堂教学活动中。另一方面,可以引出 句子going to go by plane.这个新句型) 2 .学说 by plane 3. 放课文录音,第一遍学生听,第二遍学生指书跟读。讲解课文中” from China/ children” 等语境语。 4. 运用任务:出示中国地图,小组讨论 :Where are you going to go? What are you going to do there? ( 这个任务活动是有意义的操练本节课的重点语句,学生在真实地语境中运用本节课所学知识,谈论的过程中达到了语言的输出,做到了学以致用,强化记忆。) 在讨论结束后,进行汇报。 5完成课堂活动用书 26、27 页。 V. Summary: 18Today we have learned the sentence pattern “be going to” . We can use it when we talk about the plan tomorrow or in the future. VI Homework : 1.向家人展示自己跟读模块课文录音的情况。2.打着拍子向家人及同伴展示本单元新学的韵句。3.抄写本课所学的重要的单词及句型。4.预习下节课的内容。板书设计:课后反思:19Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse一教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词 stone, camel ,visit(2)能听懂、会读、会说句型:were going to do sth.2.技能目标:能听懂会唱歌曲:“Were going to go to the zoo.”二、教学重点:visit 的不同用法三、教学难点:stone ,camel,visit四、情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生了解有关明陵的历史、地理位置及其概况的知识,激发学生热爱历史、热爱祖国的热情。培养学生认真学语言,乐于用语言的意识,并通过歌曲的学习,促进学科间的交流。五、教学准备:挂图,录音机,磁带,教学卡片(动物类)Teaching steps:Step1: Warmer1. Greetings2.Sing a song -听 Module7 unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作。3.Say a chant: Were going to Were going to go to +placeIm going to Im going to go to+placeShe is going to She is going to go to +placeHe is going to He is going to go to +placeThey are going to They are going to go to +place204. Lead in: Im going to check your homework.Who can tell me something about the Ming Tombs.请一两个同学把收集到的有关 the Ming Tombs的资料与其他同学分享。Step2:Presentation课文呈现:Ms Smart and her students have been to the Ming Tombs. What did theyn see in the Ming Tombs? Lions, camels and elephants.T: Were going to learn the Unit2 Were going to visit the Ming Tombs. (板书)小朋友,你知不知道十三陵景区有什么有意思的东西。那里有许多动物的石雕。那么,石雕包括哪些动物?在那里发生了什么样的故事?Please open your books and turn to page 28. And then answer my questions (1).Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs? Ms Smart and her students. (2).When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs? Tomorrow交代任务:We cant visit the Ming Tombs now, but Miss Wang have a good ideaWere going to go to the zoo and visit animals.Steps 3 Practice1.Lets see some animals.(图片)Teach words: stone ,camel。操练单词:Game:老师说一种动物,学生做动作模仿,当老师说stone+动物,学生暂停不许动,然后请一到两个同学说动物。2.体会单词 roar,scary,请学生模仿动物的吼叫声,老师说scary请学生作害怕状,可藏在桌子下。3.听,跟读课文。4.T:Do you like stone animals or alive animals?21Ss: Alive animals.T:Lets see .(出示动物卡片)Were going to visit animals.教单词 visit.5.操练 Were going to visit +animal的语言结构。在黑板上画动物园,请学生用 Were going to visit+动物的语言结构说句子,说对的学生可得到英语书写的动物卡片,并贴在动物园他们喜欢的位置。Step 4: Production1请学生四人为一组,制定游园路线图,并做汇报。引导学生通过连词 then来达到句子的连续性,和完整性。e.g. A: Were going to visit the lions.B: Then were going to visit the pandas.2.Game:邀请同学一起去旅行,几个学生一组,每人想出一个自己想要去的地方,相互询问:“Im going to go to Do you want to go with me?” 被问到的学生根据自己的喜好回答。每个学生都要努力找到旅伴。Step5 Sing a song学唱歌曲 We are going to go to the zooStep6: Cooler请同学们总结 visit的几种用法。Homework:1.朗读课文 20分钟,家长签字。2.预习 Module 8 Unit 1。3.有兴趣的同学在课后自由结成小组,开展活动“Were going to go to the zoo”,可以在活动时使用相应的动物头饰和卡片。板书设计:22课后反思:Module 9Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day?教学目标:技能与知识目标:1.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:for, metre , every day , good luck, come on.2.基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: “What are you going to do for Sports Day ? “Im going to.”教学重点、难点: 1.词汇- for, metre, every day, good luck, come on.2. 句型What are you going to do for Sports Day? Im going to 教学准备:录音机,磁带,教学卡片,挂图。教学课时:2 课时23教学过程:Teaching steps:Step 1:Warmer1.GreetingsT: Good morning , children. Ss: Good morning, Ms Sun.T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thanks . And you?T: Im great. Thank you so much.2. Sing a song “Im going to go to the zoo.”3.Listen and do.T: The Sports Day is coming soon. Lets do some training.Basketball , basketball , play basketball;Football , football , play football ;Run , run , run fast ;Jump , jump , jump high ;Ride , ride , ride fast .Step2: PresentationT: Our Sports Day is coming . I m going to take part in some of the sports games .What are you going to do for Sports Day?Ss: Im going to (引导学生回答)S1:Im going to play football/play table tennis/swimT:Today were going to learn the Module 8 Sports Day Unit1 What are you going to do? (板书)1. 教师拍手以歌曲形式操练。“What are you going to do?”24“Im going to run.” “Im going to run.”“What are you going to do?”“Im going to run.”T:Oh, Im going to run the 100 metres.2.教授:run the 100 metresT:Look!(展示挂图,指着挂图上 Daming跑步的图) Daming is going to run the 100 metres on Sports Day. Do you want to know who is the winner of the game? Now, lets learn the text first and try to find it out. Please open your books and turn to page 30. Listen to the tape and then answer my questions:Q1: What are the children going to have?Q2:What is Daming going to do on Sports Day?Q3:What is he going to do for it?Step3:Practice3.Game1:“传卡片”T: Boys and girls , lets play a game,ok? Ss: OK!A :What are you going to do?B: Im going to play football.进行词卡传递,速度由慢到快,拿到词卡的学生要用句子回答教师及全班的提问。Game2:“猜猜我要做什么”老师请单个学生到教师前面模仿做某事的动作,并提问:“What am I going to do?”把全班分为男女生两组,使用“You are going to”猜测。老师要鼓励学生模仿过去学习过的所有动作。Step 4: Production25T :“You are super! And now you can do the task. Please work in groups and try to finish the task.”(1)学生活动- 完成运动会报名表。(2)请部分学生展示对话。(3)讲解课文。(4)跟读课文。(5)学生自由读课文。(6)全班读课文。(7)分角色表演课文故事。Step5: CoolerT: Class is over. See you next time.Ss: See you.Homewok:1.听磁带跟读课文 20分钟,家长签字。2.抄写第 8模块的单词。3.预习 Module 8 Unit 2.板书设计:26课后反思:Unit 2 Im going to do the high jump.教学目标:1.能听懂,会用日常交际用语“Im going to do”对“what are you going to do? ”作出相应的回答。 2.能理解听懂,会说 run the 200 metres 、long jump 、 high jump 等词 教学重点、难点:重点:理解掌握 run the 200 metres 、long jump 、 high jump等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。 难点:理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do ? I am going to .等句型进行交际 教学准备:录音机,磁带,教学卡片,挂图。教学课时:2 课时教学过程:Step1: Warm-up (准备活动) 1 .Greet 272 .游戏:Guess,Guess You Guess。 老师表演一些关于运动的动作,学生根据表演猜词组。然后老师出示卡片,让学生读词组,高低声音变换读、扬声降调读,男生女生读,指名读 。 (play football,play basketball,swim ,run,the 100 metres,the 200 metres ) Step2: Presentation (呈现活动) 出示运动会场景图,指名提问学生:What are you going to do for sports day? 让学生根据刚才出示的卡片回答。几个之后,教师出示“ the long jump” 、 “the high jump”两张卡片,示范说“Im going to do the high jump”“ Im going to do the long jump”(边说边做动作重复几遍) Step3: Imitation Practice(模仿性操练) 1 .老师带学生读几次句子 2.老师拿出运动项目卡片,提问学生“what are you going to do for sports day ?”,引导学生回答“Im going to do the high jump”“ Im going to do the long jump” (多提问几个,答得好的给予奖励。) 3.让学生在同桌间互相练习,接着让他们开火车组组比赛。最后再请小老师上台提问几位 Step4: consolidation Practice(巩固性操练) 1. Play a game :找一个同学上台看老师的提示作动作,另一人提问“What are you going to do ?”并猜测答案,三次猜测机会,全班同学当裁判,最后表演者给出正确答案, (“Yes, Im going to do ”)如不对就换提问者上台表演 2 .play a chant : 边放音乐,边教学生读( Im training for sports day. Im training every day. Im going to run, 28and Im going to win. Im training every day. Come on ,come on ! Good luc


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