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Module8Changes优秀教案新规范英语四年级下册教学设计单元分析:本单元由 Unit 1 I was two. Unit 2 They were young.组成,带领我们谈论过去的事情和情况,通过比较“now ”和“then”协助同学理解“then”的含义;向同学继续讲解一般过去时:表示的是过去的状态。讲述过去的状态时通常把在一般现在时中使用的“am/isare”变成“was were”Module 8 ChangesUnit 1 I was two.优秀教案Teaching aims:They were young. I was two.Teaching importance:How to usewaswere?Teaching difficulities:Talk about the pastTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Bring magazine pictures of people to class.Hold upindividual pictures and have the students use adjectives todescribe their physical appearance.Put the students into small groups.Give one or two picturesto each group and have the students describe the people.Step twoisten and pointHave the student look at the pictures in the Students Book.Ask questions in Chinese,e.g. What are Amy and Linglinglooking at in Picture1?What is Amy pointing to in Picture3?What is Linglings mother showing the girls in the lastpicture?Step threeisten and sayWrite the nowand then informations on the board.Tell the students that you are going to say,Nowor thenand then individual students will have to makean appropriate statement about Lingling . They should usethe above table as a guide.Step fouroint and sayTell the students to bring a photo of themselves or theirrelatives to class.The photo should show them or theirrelatives when they were young.If they dont have anyphotos,they should draw a picture.Tell the students to write three or four sentences about thephoto.In class,invite some of the students to the front to showtheir pictures and to read out their sentences.Put the students into pairs and get them read their sentences to one another.Step five: HomeworkUnit 2 They were young.优秀教案Teaching aims:They werent old then.They were youngTeaching importance:Talk about now and then.Teaching difficulities:Talk about the pastTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.On the board write out the following incomplete adjectives:-aughty -oung -hort -at -ld -ute -allTell the students that you are going to call out the adjectivesand they have to say the missing letters.On completion,have the students sontinue the acivity inpairs.Note that the words on the board are: naughty, young, shortfat,old,cute,tall.Step two:Lets chantPlay the spoken version of the chant and get the students torepeat the words.Play the second version and let the students listen or theycan say the chant along with the music.Divide the class into two groups.One group says the first verse of the chant and the othergroup says the second verse of the chant.Get the students to do mimes as they say the chant. For thesmall chick,the students can use their hands to make a smallshape.The students can show how fat the hens are by usingtheir hands to make a big shape,and by putting out theirstomachs.For the wordscheep,cheep,cheep,the students should saythem in a small,baby voice.The students should use a deep,grown-up voice when they say bock,bock,bock.Get the students to say the chant and do the mimes at thesame time.Step three:point and sayHave the students look at the two pictures and find thethings that are the same.Step four: Homework单元分析:本单元由 Unit 1 I was two. Unit 2 They were young.组成,带领我们谈论过去的事情和情况,通过比较“now ”和“then”协助同学理解“then”的含义;向同学继续讲解一般过去时:表示的是过去的状态。讲述过去的状态时通常把在一般现在时中使用的“am/isare”变成“was were”Module 8 ChangesUnit 1 I was two.优秀教案Teaching aims:They were young. I was two.Teaching importance:How to usewaswere?Teaching difficulities:Talk about the pastTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Bring magazine pictures of people to class.Hold upindividual pictures and have the students use adjectives todescribe their physical appearance.Put the students into small groups.Give one or two picturesto each group and have the students describe the people.Step twoisten and pointHave the student look at the pictures in the Students Book.Ask questions in Chinese,e.g. What are Amy and Linglinglooking at in Picture1?What is Amy pointing to in Picture3?What is Linglings mother showing the girls in the lastpicture?Step threeisten and sayWrite the nowand then informations on the board.Tell the students that you are going to say,Nowor thenand then individual students will have to makean appropriate statement about Lingling . They should usethe above table as a guide.Step fouroint and sayTell the students to bring a photo of themselves or theirrelatives to class.The photo should show them or theirrelatives when they were young.If they dont have anyphotos,they should draw a picture.Tell the students to write three or four sentences about thephoto.In class,invite some of the students to the front to showtheir pictures and to read out their sentences.Put the students into pairs and get them read their sentences to one another.Step five: HomeworkUnit 2 They were young.优秀教案Teaching aims:They werent old then.They were youngTeaching importance:Talk about now and then.Teaching difficulities:Talk about the pastTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.On the board write out the following incomplete adjectives:-aughty -oung -hort -at -ld -ute -allTell the students that you are going to call out the adjectivesand they have to say the missing letters.On completion,have the students sontinue the acivity inpairs.Note that the words on the board are: naughty, young, shortfat,old,cute,tall.Step two:Lets chantPlay the spoken version of the chant and get the students torepeat the words.Play the second version and let the students listen or theycan say the chant along with the music.Divide the class into two groups.One group says the first verse of the chant and the othergroup says the second verse of the chant.Get the students to do mimes as they say the chant. For thesmall chick,the students can use their hands to make a smallshape.The students can show how fat the hens are by usingtheir hands to make a big shape,and by putting out theirstomachs.For the wordscheep,cheep,cheep,the students should saythem in a small,baby voice.The students should use a deep,grown-up voice when they say bock,bock,bock.Get the students to say the chant and do the mimes at thesame time.Step three:point and sayHave the students look at the two pictures and find thethings that are the same.Step four: Homework单元分析:本单元由 Unit 1 I was two. Unit 2 They were young.组成,带领我们谈论过去的事情和情况,通过比较“now ”和“then”协助同学理解“then”的含义;向同学继续讲解一般过去时:表示的是过去的状态。讲述过去的状态时通常把在一般现在时中使用的“am/isare”变成“was were”Module 8 ChangesUnit 1 I was two.优秀教案Teaching aims:They were young. I was two.Teaching importance:How to usewaswere?Teaching difficulities:Talk about the pastTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Bring magazine pictures of people to class.Hold upindividual pictures and have the students use adjectives todescribe their physical appearance.Put the students into small groups.Give one or two picturesto each group and have the students describe the people.Step twoisten and pointHave the student look at the pictures in the Students Book.Ask questions in Chinese,e.g. What are Amy and Linglinglooking at in Picture1?What is Amy pointing to in Picture3?What is Linglings mother showing the girls in the lastpicture?Step threeisten and sayWrite the nowand then informations on the board.Tell the students that you are going to say,Nowor thenand then individual students will have to makean appropriate statement about Lingling . They should usethe above table as a guide.Step fouroint and sayTell the students to bring a photo of themselves or theirrelatives to class.The photo should show them or theirrelatives when they were young.If they dont have anyphotos,they should draw a picture.Tell the students to write three or four sentences about thephoto.In class,invite some of the students to the front to showtheir pictures and to read out their sentences.Put the students into pairs and get them read their sentences to one another.Step five: HomeworkUnit 2 They were young.优秀教案Teaching aims:They werent old then.They were youngTeaching importance:Talk about now and then.Teaching difficulities:Talk about the pastTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.On the board write out the following incomplete adjectives:-aughty -oung -hort -at -ld -ute -allTell the students that you are going to call out the adjectivesand they have to say the missing letters.On completion,have the students sontinue the acivity inpairs.Note that the words on the board are: naughty,


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