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,翠 城 花 园 调 研 报 告,CUI CHENG HUA YUAN DIAO YAN BAO GAO,Contents 目 录,一、地理位置 二、现状概述及分析 三、规划理念 四、规划原则,五、规划布局 六、景观设计 七、小区优劣势分析 八、设计说明,overview and analysis,planning idea,planning principle,planning layout,landscape design,area advantage and disadvantage,design description,Geographic location,广州市中心位于北纬23度06分32秒,东经113度15分53秒,地处中国大陆南部,广东省中南部,珠江三角洲北缘。广州濒临南海,邻近香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区,是中国通往世界的南大门。广州属丘陵地带。地势东北高,西南低,北部和东北部是山区,中部是丘陵、台地,南部是珠江三角洲冲积平原。中国的第三大河珠江从广州市区穿流而过。,一、地理位置,Geographic location,而小区正处广州市中部的海珠区,由珠江水系广州河段前后航道所环绕,是四面环水的天然良壤。海珠区风景秀丽,气候宜人,是一个素有广州“南肺”之称的绿色岛区。,Guangzhou city is located in north latitude 23 degrees 06 minutes and 32 seconds, longitude 113 degrees 15 minutes and 53 seconds, is located in the southern mainland China, Guangdong Province in South Central, northern margin of the Pearl River delta. Guangzhou endangered South China Sea, adjacent to Hongkong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region, Chinas southern gateway to the world. Guangzhou is a hilly areas. High-lying north-east, south-west low, North and north-east are the mountains, the central hills, plateaus, is south of Pearl River Delta alluvial plain. The third longest river in China - Pearl River from Guangzhou downtown area flows and.,Overview and analysis of current situation,1、区域位置分析 翠城花园位于广州市中心区,是不可多得的城市中心区大型园林小区。,1, the regional location analysis Jade Garden is located in Guangzhou City, downtown area, is rare in the urban centers of large garden area.,一、现状概述及分析,2、场地现状分析 根据调查,翠城花园历经7年打造的成熟生活社区,占地约16万平方米,总建约60万平方米。地铁八号线宝岗大道站就在小区门口,已经开通,交通方便。小区内拥有50000平方米中心园林,1000平方米星光泳池,3000平方米泛园林会所。幼儿园、小学、中学一条龙教育配套。,2, Site Analysis According to the survey, Jade Garden City, seven years after the maturity of life to build community, covering about 16 square meters, total construction of about 60 million square meters. Baogang Road subway eight line in the cell door has been opened, and convenient transportation. District center has 50,000 square meters garden, 1000 m2 Star pool, 3000 m2 garden club pan. Nursery, primary, secondary education, one-stop package.,3、周边环境 翠城花园西临庄头公园,南临珠江医院,北部与宝岗大道地铁站和昌岗综合市场相邻,其他部分与城市道路相邻。此外,小区附近有医院、学校、商场、银行、饮食、娱乐等应有尽有。,3, the surrounding environment Chui Garden West Village Park, south of Zhujiang Hospital, and Northern Avenue subway station and adjacent Chang Gang integrated market, other parts of the city road and the adjacent. In addition, near the community has a hospital, school, bank, shopping, eating, entertainment, have everything that one expects to find.,4、现状分析 根据小区的区域位置、场地现状及周边环境,在规划设计之前对基地的用地适宜性、使用者人群、小区对外交通和外部视觉景观等做出了详细的分析,以便使小区规划功能合理健全、景观优美并与城市环境有机结合。 小区的一些节点并没有尽到合理的利用,我们将其改掉,因为如果不改掉的话。就没有合理的利用土地资源了。此外,小区居住的老年人还是算比较多的。但老年人活动的区域比较少,应该将其增多。,4, current situation analysis According to the area of the regional location, site situation and surrounding environment, in the planning and design of the base before the land suitability, user groups, community external transport and external visual landscape, made a detailed analysis, in order to make the district planning function sound reasonable, beautiful landscape and city environment organic union. Area of some nodes are not done the rational use, we will get rid of, because if you do not get rid of it. There is no reasonable use of land resources. In addition, the residential elderly people or more. But the elderly activities in the region is relatively small, it should be increased.,二、规划理念,Planning idea,城市高品质居住空间,人居环境的郊区化田园化是一种发展方向,发达国家已有许多成功的实践.(尤其对事业有成的文化名人,富足的华商,海外华侨和外籍人士,拥有郊外田园诗般的生活空间将是他们精神与智慧的追求)。因此,规划设计要合理地规划营造用地布局,追求空间、生态形态和情态有机统一。,City high-quality living space, residential environment, garden suburb is a development direction, the developed country already had many successful practice. ( especially on the successful celebrity culture, rich Chinese, overseas Chinese and foreign nationals, with suburban idyll space will be their spirit and the pursuit of wisdom ). Therefore, planning and design to make reasonable planning construction land layout, the pursuit of space, ecology, morphology and modal organic unity.,三、规划原则,Planning principles,1.场地性原则:充分合理的利用好小区的每块土地。 2.功能性原则:满足小区居民休闲、娱乐的需求。 3.生态原则:创造出建筑与自然环境和谐一致、相互依存,富有当地特色的居住环境。 4.经济原则:充分利用场地条件,减少工程量,考虑小区的经济效益。,1 venues : the principles of sufficient and reasonable use good area of each piece of land. 2 functional principles: meet district residents leisure, recreation demand. , 3: ecological principle to create building and natural environment in harmony, mutual dependence, full of local characteristics of the living environment. 4: economic principles of making full use of the site condition, reduce the engineering quantity, consider the communitys economic benefits.,四、规划布局,Planning layout,根据场地特色、使用者活动内容、小区周边环境及公园对外交通等情况,将小区分为四大区。,According to the site feature, user activity, and the park area surrounding environment external traffic conditions, the district is divided into four major areas,(1)儿童游乐区 a childrens play area位于小区入口相对应的部位,由广场群、大型疏林草地组成,是一个较容易找到的区域。儿童游乐区有适合112岁的孩子玩的设施。符合了此小区的居住人群的需要。,Located at the entrance area corresponding to the site, composed of square group, large sparse forest grassland, is a relatively easy to find the area. A childrens play area for 1 12 years old children play facilities. In line with the residential needs of people.,(2)亲水平台区a hydrophilic platform area改区域位于小区1号门的正前方。从1号门望进去,首先看到了就是一个小池塘,池塘边没有设置围栏,水塘水位比较浅。平台上设计了小树丛、石板凳,给人一个休闲的空间及符合人的亲水性。水塘上设置了一些假山来硬化软质景观。,The area is located in area 1 gate in front of. From gate 1 to look in, first saw is a small pond, the pond is not set fence, relatively shallow pond water level. Platform design of small trees, stone bench, give a person a leisure space and with the hydrophilic. The pond on some set of rockery to harden the soft landscape.,(3)小区内部学习区小区内设有幼儿园、小学、中学一条龙教育配套。方便小区家长接送孩子。三个校区分别戳开了建设。幼儿园设置在小区东北部、小学设置在校区南部、中学设置在小区西北部。各自设置在小区的不同方位。上下学不会相互干扰,实现了各年龄阶层的分流。,Within a small kindergarten, primary school, Middle School of one-stop supporting education. Convenient community parents children. The three campus were punctured the construction. Kindergarten setting in the area of northeast, primary school, middle school campus set in southern set in the area of northwest. Each set in the area of different orientations. On the school will not interfere with each other, the implementation of the age class of shunting.,area within the study area,(4)健身休闲区小区内建有园林游泳池和会所。都在小区北部。游泳池以园林为主来装饰游泳池,以配合小区内5万平方米主题园林绿化,给小区居民一种身临私家园林的感觉。,District built a garden pool and clubhouse. In the north of the community. Swimming pool in garden mainly to decorative pool, with area of 50000 square meters theme landscaping, give area residents a sense in private gardens.,the fitness and leisure area,五、景观设计,Landscape design,植物的选择与配置绿地的绿化效果主要靠植物来实现,为创造出舒适优美的小区环境,植物选择与配置就显得尤为重要,在本设计中主要遵循以下几点: 以绿为主,采用常绿树与阔叶树、速生树和慢生树、乔木与灌木相结合,不同花期的草花与木本花卉相结合,是绿地一年四季都有良好的景观效果。植物裁植要避免了过于杂乱,有重点、有特色,在统一中求变化,在丰富中求统一。,Selection and disposition of plant space greening effect mainly depends on the plant to achieve, to create the comfortable and beautiful environment, plant selection and configuration is particularly important, in this design follows the following points: Mainly to the green, the evergreen and broad-leaved trees, fast-growing tree and slow growing trees, trees and shrubs of combining different flowering plants, and woody flowers in combination, are green all the year round good landscape effect. Plant cutting explants to avoid too cluttered, key, unique, to seek changes in the uniform, in the rich and uniform.,植物的选择要适合当地条件,便于日后管理。选择了病虫害少,有地方特色的乡土树种,如大王椰子、假槟榔、蒲葵、棕榈、细叶榕、台湾相思、白兰花等。草花选择了米仔兰、苏铁、鸡蛋花等,这样在价格上也低。在立体绿化面紫藤、爬山虎等。使它们在形状、色泽、质感、季相变化、生成速度、生成习性、配置效果相匹配。,Plant selection should be adapted to the local conditions, to facilitate future management. Choice of plant diseases and insect pests is little, the local characteristics of native tree species, such as the king coconut, areca palm, palm, false, Ficus microcarpa, Taiwan Acacia, white orchids. The clubs chose Aglaia, cycads, egg flower, so prices are low. In the three-dimensional green surface wisteria, Boston ivy. Make them in the shape, color, texture, seasonal change, speed of generation, generation characteristics, configuration matching results.,六、小区优劣势分析,小区劣势: (1)有些土地没有合理利用.浪费了空间。例如图的这个节点。空间很大,但是遮阳设施 几乎没有,中午下午都没有居民去那里活动,浪费了空间,我觉得应该要设置一些遮阳设施等,等多些居民可以在里面活动。,Area inferior position: ( 1) some of the land was not reasonable utilization of wasted space. For example, the node graph. The space is very large, but almost no shading facilities, noon afternoon without residents go activity, a waste of space, I think I should set up some shading facilities, such as more residents can inside activities.,District advantage and disadvantage analysis,(2)小区附近的商铺比较少。而且比较冷清,小区居民买东西,也要走好一段路才可以买到需要的东西。,( 2) the cell near the shops less. But relatively poor, area residents to buy things, also want to take a road to get needed.,(3)小区里的水塘。本来是一个具有很强观赏性的跌水景观,但缺少管理,使原有的设计,变成了让人不堪入目的水塘,给人死沉沉的感觉。一方面也要考虑到成本的问题,所以将它改造为太阳能发电,以减轻成本。,( 3) in the village pond. It is a very strong ornamental waterfall landscape, but lack of management, so that the original design, become let a person not fit to be seen in the reservoirs, to dead feeling. One must consider the cost, so it will be transformed into solar power, in order to reduce the cost.,小区优势: 小区在市中心,交通便利,小区附近人流量和车流量比较少,出门比较安全。环境比较舒适安静。居住舒服,而且是不可多得的城市中心区大型园林小区 。,Area advantage: District in the city centre, convenient transportation, near the community of people flow and less traffic, go out to comparative safety. Environment is quiet and comfortable. Live comfortable, but is rare in the central area of city large community garden.,七、设计说明,Design description,翠城花园规划设计说明一、现状概述及分析 1、区域位置分析 翠城花园位于广州市中心区,是不可多得的城市中心区大型园林小区。2、场地现状分析 根据调查,翠城花园历经7年打造的成熟生活社区,占地约16万平方米,总建约60万平方米。地铁八号线宝岗大道站就在小区门口,已经开通,交通方便。小区内拥有50000平方米中心园林,1000平方米星光泳池,3000平方米泛园林会所。幼儿园、小学、中学一条龙教育配套。,3、周边环境 翠城花园西临庄头公园,南临珠江医院,北部与宝岗大道地铁站和昌岗综合市场相邻,其他部分与城市道路相邻。此外,小区附近有医院、学校、商场、银行、饮食、娱乐等应有尽有。4、现状分析 根据小区的区域位置、场地现状及周边环境,在规划设计之前对基地的用地适宜性、使用者人群、小区对外交通和外部视觉景观等做出了详细的分析,以便使小区规划功能合理健全、景观优美并与城市环境有机结合。 小区的一些节点并没有尽到合理的利用,我们将其改掉,因为如果不改掉的话。就没有合理的利用土地资源了。此外,小区居住的老年人还是算比较多的。但老年人活动的区域比较少,应该将其增多。,二、规划设计依据 1.城市居住区规划设计规范(CB5018093) 2 课程任务所涉及的规范要求 3中华人民共和国国家标准住宅设计规范(GB500961999),三、规划理念 城市高品质居住空间,人居环境的郊区化田园化是一种发展方向,发达国家已有许多成功的实践.(尤其对事业有成的文化名人,富足的华商,海外华侨和外籍人士,拥有郊外田园诗般的生活空间将是他们精神与智慧的追求)。因此,规划
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