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,Medical English,Book 1,Lectured by,Reading Skills: Skimming and Scanning,Introduction,Teaching Procedure,Rules and Evaluation,The Sources of Medical Terminologies,English Names of Medical Courses,review,homework,participation,Rules,Rules,Dos1) Finish the homework in time.2) Preview and review the book and relative materials as I told.3) Get involved in the class and the activitiesafter class .,Dont be late for class.,Donts 1,Dont make noise in our class.,Donts 2,Rules,Rules,Dons1) Dont be late for class.( Attendance; In Time)2) Dont make noise in our class.3) Dont use your cellphone.,Evaluation,Attendance, homework, class performance, activities 20%Final examination paper 80%,Introduction of Medical English,What do you know about medical English?,2. Can you recall the names of your medical courses in English?,3. What do you expect to learn or improve from this course ?,Introduction of Medical English,English,Medical English,具有一定英语水平的医务工作者以及医学院校在校学生,Introduction of Medical English,What do you know about medical English?,Course Description Course Goals Course Objectives Course Content Reading Skills- Skimming and Scanning,Course Description-Introduction of Medical English,What do you know about medical English?,Course Description This course will provide approach to contemporary English readings based on selections from the texts related to the field of medicine.,Course Goals -Introduction of Medical English,What do you know about medical English?,Course Goals To consolidate the students knowledge of the type of English that could be used for medicine.,Vocabulary: Medical Terms15%Popular Science Vocabulary15%Common Words70%,Style of Medical English: wordsgrammar,English Skill,Course Goals -Introduction of Medical English,2018/6/7,1,2,a,b,c,A New CourseofMedical English,Course Content-Introduction of Medical English,Reading Skills -Introduction of Medical English,Reading Skills- Skimming and Scanning Skimming refers to the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an overall impression of the content of a reading selection.,Reading Skills -Introduction of Medical English,How to Skim:* Read the title.* Read the introduction or the first paragraph. * Read the first sentence of every paragraph.* Read any headings and sub-headings.* Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.* Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases. * Read the summary or last paragraph.,Reading Skills -Introduction of Medical English,Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific information quickly. In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information.,Reading Skills- Introduction of Medical English,How to Scan:* State the specific information you are looking for.* Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer. For example, if you were looking for a certain date, you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers.,Reading Skills Introduction of Medical English,How to Scan:* Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the information you are looking for. * Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.,Introduction of Medical English,Fundamental Medical Courses,2. Can you recall the names of your medical courses in English?,Physiology Pathology( Pathophysiology/Pathoanatomy ) Pharmacology Anatomy(Systematic Anatomy and Regional Anatomy),Biology Biochemistry Physical Chemistry,Organic Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry,Introduction of Medical English,Fundamental Medical Courses,Microbiology微生物学,Parasitology寄生虫学,Histoembryology组织胚胎学,Genetics,Medical Psychology医学心理学,Medical Ethics医学伦理学,Introduction of Medical English,Clinical Medical Courses,Diagnostics,General Surgery,Internal Medicine,Obstetrics and Gynecology妇产科学,Pediatrics,Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),Nursing Science,Objectives: Medical Terminology -Introduction of Medical English,Word base/root,Suffix,Prefix,Combining vowel,Objectives: Medical Terminology-Word Root,usu. derived from Greek or Latin,one or more word roots,gastric: the root “gastr” meaning stomach,Objectives: Medical Terminology-Suffix,the end of a word,usu. tell what is happening to the root,indicate a procedure, condition, disease, or part of speech(词性).,Objectives: Medical Terminology-Prefix,the beginning of a word,usu. tell sth. more specific about the word root,indicate a number, time, position, direction, color etc.,Objectives: Medical Terminology-Combining Form,a vowel (usu. O) linking the root to the suffix or to another root,Objectives: Medical Terminology,Objectives: Medical Terminology,root,root,suffix,combining vowel,the root gastr means stomach.,the root enter means intestines.,the suffix -logy means process of study,Style of Medical English: Words,75% 来自拉丁、希腊语 词汇意义较稳定 词汇不具有感情色彩 用词具体 注重专业意义、书面语言 较少用短语动词,常用单个动词,医学英语用词特点,Style of Medical English: Words,医学英语中有众多的习惯用语和专用术语,其词义的稳定性,使它们在表达某一概念或现象时,总是被重复使用。,Style of Medical English: Words,医学英语词汇不具有感情色彩,Style of Medical English: Words,医学英语很少使用具有夸张、比喻含义的词汇,用词具体化。,Style of Medical English: Words,医学英语很少使用具有夸张、比喻含义的词汇,Style of Medical English: Words,医学英语较少使用短语动词,更多地使用所谓“规范”的书面语动词,常常用单个动词,Style of Medical English: Grammar,大量使用名词和名词词组 较多使用被动语态结构 频繁使用非谓语动词短语 包含两个动词以上从句的长句多 常用will+动词原形或一般现在时 表示自然规律或通常结果,医学英语在语法结构上的一些特点,Style of Medical English: Grammar,医学英语常用由动词转化来的名词。,Style of Medical English: Grammar,Style of Medical English: Grammar,医学英语的文献中较多地使用被动语态结构,The infant with eczema must not be vaccinated until his skin has been clear for a year or so,nor should he be exposed to other persons with fresh vaccinia lesions. The child with eczema should also be protected,as far as possible,from the virus of herpes simplex. He should be immunized in the usual way against diphtheria,pertussis,tetanus and poliomyelitis. Egg-grown vaccines should be avoided in egg-sensitive patients.,Style of Medical English: Grammar,医学英语文献中,非谓语动词短语用得较频繁。,All therapeutic programmes designed to decrease the cardiac load begin with rest. In the normal subject,the amount of blood that the heart is called upon to eject is matched,to the level of metabolic activity,automatically rising and falling with the oxygen consumption. By decreasing the metabolic requirements via restricting activity,the work required of the heart is decreased.,Style of Medical English: Grammar,医学英语中,包含两个以上从句的长句较多。,A closed operation is often preferable for patients with pure mitral stenosis who have not been operated upon before,who have no detectable valvular or perivalvular calcification on fluoroscopic examination,and in whom there is no suspicion of left atrial thrombosis.,Style of Medical English: Grammar,常用will+动词原形或一般现在时表示自然规律或通常结果,汉语原文4:选择口服降血糖药或胰岛素须取决于许多因素,包括高血糖的程度,社会及经济状况,低血糖的相对风险和危险以及病人和医生个人所好。,译文1: The choice of an oral hypoglycemic drug or insulin must depend on many factors,including the degree ,译文8: The choice of oral hypoglycemic drug or insulin will depend/depends on many factors,including,Introduction of Medical English,The Sources of Medical Terminologies,Words related to medicine in general English Words from other languages New words created according to need,Words related to medicine in general English hand, foot, arm, ear, eye, bone, heart windpipe / trachea ( 气管 ) whooping-cough / pertussis ( 百日咳 ) pink eye / epidemic conjunctivitis ( 结膜炎 ) athletes foot / tinea pedis ( 脚癣 ) lockjaw / tetanus ( 破伤风 ) piles / hemorrhoids ( 痔疮 ) fits / convulsion ( 惊厥 ) chilblain / erythema pernio ( 冻疮 ),obstruction,tolerance,rejection,incubation,rupture,梗阻,耐受性,排异,潜伏期,疝,Amphibious Words,angry,carrier,attack,administration,appendix,肿痛发炎的,带菌者,(疾病)发作,(药的)服法,阑尾,Amphibious Words,Amphibious Words resistance 抵抗力 tolerance 耐受性 rejection 排异 incubation 潜伏期 rupture 疝 abortion 流产 angry (患处)肿痛发炎的 carrier 带菌者 attack (疾病)侵袭,发作 administration (药的)服法,用法 appendix 阑尾,Words from other languagesMedical words from Latin:acutecell3) cortex: Entering English in 1653 from Latin, originally meaning bark of a tree. Specific reference of the outer layer of the brain was first recorded in 1741.,More examples: cutis (皮) aorta (主动脉) cervix (颈) sinus (窦) bronchus (支气管) os (骨) abdomen (腹) membrane(膜) vertebra (椎骨) cartilage (软骨),2. Medical words from Greek:colon: It entered English in 1398, based on Greek Kolon ( large intestine, food, meat) 2) coma: It was borrowed from Greek koma ( deep sleep ) in 1646.3) pneumonia: Greek pneumonia ( inflammation of the lungs) entered English in 1603.,4) psychology: Coined in 1653 from Greek psykhe- ( breath, spirit, soul ) and logia ( study of ), it originally meant study of the soul. Meaning study of the mind was first recorded in 1748.,More examples: stoma (口,小孔) soma (身体,躯干) glottis (声门) aden (腺) derma (真皮) larynx (喉) nephron (肾单位) rachis (脊柱) pharynx (咽) phalanx (指骨),3. Medical words from French: malaise (不适) faint (虚弱;昏厥) disease (疾病) bruit (杂音) massage (按摩) 4. Medical words from Italian: influenza (流感) malaria (疟疾) quarantine ( 检疫,隔离 ),5. Medical words from Spanish: mosquito(蚊) quinine(奎宁)6. Medical words from German chemotherapy(化疗) chromosome(染色体) neuron(神经元),New words created according to need antibiotic (抗生素) electrocardiogram (心电图) AIDS (爱滋病) SARS (非典型性肺炎) Alzheimers disease (早老性痴呆症) Parkinsons disease (帕金森病),As we know, medical terms come from different origins, including Latin, Greek, French and other languages. One result of such diversity in origin is that different elements or even words are used to refer to the same concept, thing, or idea. Overlapping in reference is very commonin medical terminology.,Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms,Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms,Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms,The Plural forms of some medical words,A medical term often has both the regular plural form and the foreign plural form. The latter is generally used in formal style, while the regular one is frequently used in daily medical English, especially in spoken English.,Some words may have only the foreign plural form, for example, bacillus bacilli, ovum ova, some may have only the regular form, for example, virus viruses, antibody antibodies, electron electrons. Many have both forms, for example, vertebra vertebras, vertebrae,matrix matrixes, matrices.,特殊单复数词尾变化规律1) a-ae e.g. aorta-aortae 主动脉 pleura-pleurae 胸膜2) us-i e.g. coccus-cocci 球菌 bacillus-bacilli 杆菌3) um-a e.g. serum-sera ( serums) 血清 bacterium-bacteria,4) on-a e.g. phenomenon-phenomena criterion-criteria5) is-es e.g. crisis-crises 危象 analysis-analyses 分析6) ma-mata e.g. trauma-traumata 创伤 haematoma-haematomata 血肿,7) men-mina e.g. lumen-lumina (管)腔 abdomen-abdomina 腹8) 元音+x-元音+ces e.g. cortex-cortices 皮质 appendix-appendices 阑尾 thorax-thoraces 胸廓 辅音+x-辅音+ ges e.g. pharynx-pharynges 咽 larynx-larynges 喉,Acronyms首字母缩略词Acronyms are very common in medical literature. An acronym is a word coined from the initial letters of a group of words. They have been very active and have been increasing in number especially in science and technology. A large number of acronyms have been created in medical literature, such as:,CT ( computerized tomography) RBC ( red blood cell) C.C ( chief complain ) BMR ( basal metabolic rate ) B.P ( blood pressure ) G.P ( general practitioner) 全科医师 N.P ( nurse practitioner ) 从业护士,Some acronyms are not made of the initial letters of individual words of a compound term. Rather, they are mostly composed of the initial letter of the word plus the first letter of other components of the same word, such as: TB ( tuberculosis )肺结核 OD ( overdose )用药过量 IV ( intravenous )静脉注射的 NP ( neuropsychiatry )神经精神医学,Attention should be given to those not from modern English but from Latin or Greek. The following are the most commonly used acronyms of this kind. a.c. ( ante cibum = before meal ) p.c. ( post cibum = after meal ) b.i.d ( bis in die = twice a day ) t.i.d ( ter in die = three times a day ) q.i.d ( quarter in die = four times a day ) b.i.n ( bis in nocte = twice a night ),O.D ( oculus dexter = right eye )O.S ( oculus sinister = left eye )p.r.n ( pro re nata = as needed )q.h ( quaque hora = every hour )q.m ( quaque mane = every morning )q.n ( quaque nocte = every night ),医学生誓言THE OATH OF A MEDICAL STUDENT,健


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