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最新 2018 中考英语二轮复习语法练习专题九:情态动词专题九 情态动词1. (2017 重庆 B 卷)Robert, could you wash the car for me?Yes, I _. Im coming, dad. A. could B. couldnt C. can D. cant2. (2017 安徽) Mum, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?Im not sure. It _ be a present from your uncle. A. need B. must C. may D. will3. (2017 兰州)Will Jim fly to Taiwan for a holiday?He_ try. In fact, it depends on how much the journey costs. A. may B. has to C. need D. must4. (2017 泰州)Now most young people like shopping online because they _ spend a lot of time going from shop to shop. A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. shouldnt5. (2017 温州)Weve ordered too much food. I _ eat any more. Never mind. Lets take it home. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt6. (2017 昆明五华区二模) Look! Why are there so many people?There are some policemen. I think there _ be a traffic accident. A. need B. would C. should D. must7. (2017 曲靖一模)Where are you going this month?We _ go to Xiamen, but were not sure. A. neednt B. must C. might D. mustnt8. (2017 曲靖二模)Tom, you mustnt play with fire. You _ hurt yourself. OK. I wont. A. must B. need C. should D. may9. (2017 曲靖一中模拟)Mr. Wang, must I come again on Sunday morning to clean the windows?No, you _. I have asked others to do it. A. dont have to B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt10. (2017 昭通昭阳区二模 )Amy invites us to have dinner at her home at 6:00 tonight. Must we arrive before 6:00?_. You can get there before 6:30.A. Yes, you must B. No, you cant C. No, you mustnt D. No, you neednt11. (2017 玉溪红塔区模拟) Marys English dictionary has lost. She cant find it anywhere. She _ be very sad. Lets go and give her some help. A. can B. has to C. must D. need12. (2017 大理统考)Have you decided where to spend your holiday?Yes. I _ go to Hainan. A. need B. can C. will D. should13. (2017 曲靖陆良模拟) Mom, must I stay there the whole day?No, you _. You _ come back after lunch if you like. A. mustnt; can B. neednt; mustC. neednt; may D. mustnt; may14. (2018 原创)Life gets easier with the Internet. Thats true! Almost everything _ be done online. A. can B. need C. must D. should15. (2018 原创)Lets go to the concert by taxi, shall we?No, its not far. We _ take a taxi. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. shouldnt16. (2018 原创)We _ give up our hope at any time because it can make us full of energy. A. wouldnt B. neednt C. neednt D. shouldnt17. (2018 原创)Is Tim in the classroom, Mary?No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. shouldnt18. (2018 原创)Its wrong to talk back to your mother. You _ apologize and have a good talk with her. A. would B. need C. should D. must19. (2018 原创)Jack, shall we go to Hainan to spend our summer vacation.Im afraid not. I _ go to Dali to visit my uncle and his family. A. can B. could C. would D. have to20. (2018 原创)John, _ I use your bicycle? Mine is broken. Of course you can. Go ahead. A. could B. should C. need D. must21. (2018 原创)Tom, before reading this book, you _ ask yourself if you have the time, because finishing it needs a long time. A. can B. may C. might D. had better22. (2018 预测)More and more students wear glasses in our school these days. I have noticed that, too. Students _ pay more attention to their eyesight. A. should B. may C. can D. must23. (2018 预测)I m afraid I _ accept your invitation. Im leaving for another city soon. A. couldnt B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D. neednt1. C 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意“罗伯特,你可以为我洗车吗?” “是的,我_。我来了,爸爸。 ”could 引导的表示请求的疑问句,肯定回答用 can;否定回答用 cant。根据答语第二句可知此处表肯定,故选 C。2. C 【解析】考查情态动词表推测的用法。句意“妈妈,我已经签收了这个盒子。里面是什么?”“我不确定。它_是你叔叔寄来的礼物。 ”need 需要; must 一定,表肯定的推测; may 或许,表不太肯定的推测;will 将要,表将来。从答语第一句知,应答者对盒子里的东西不确定,应使用 may。故选 C。3. A 【解析】考查情态动词表推测的用法。句意“吉姆将去台湾度假吗?” “他_会试一下。事实上,这取决于这趟旅行花费多少钱。 ”may 可能;has to 不得不; need 需要;must 必须。根据答语第二句可知,此处表示可能性推测。故选 A。4. A 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意:现在大多数年轻人喜欢网上购物,因为他们_花很多时间穿梭于商店之间。neednt 不需要;cant不能够;mustnt 禁止;shouldnt 不应该。分析语境可知网上购物使得年轻人不必一个商店接着一个商店地逛。故选 A。5. A 【解析】考查 情态动词的基本用法。句意“我们点了太多的食物。我再也_吃了。 ”“没关系。我们把它带回家。 ”cant 不能; mustnt 禁止;neednt 不需要; shouldnt 不应该。联系语境可知此处指“再也吃不下了” 。故选 A。 6. D 【解析】考查情态动词表推测的用法。句意“看!那儿为什么这么多人? ”“那里有一些警察。我认为_是一场交通事故。 ”need 需要;would 将会;should 应该;must 肯定。根据前句 “有一些警察”可知肯定有交通事故,故选 D。7. C 【解析】考查情态动词表推测的用法。句意“这个月你们打算去哪里?” “我们_去厦门,但是我们还不确定。 ”neednt 不必;must 必须,肯定,表推测时可能性最大;might 可以,也许,表推测时可能性不大;mustnt 禁止,绝不能。根据下文but were not sure 可知不确定去不去,所以此处应用might 表示可能性不大。故选 C。8. D 【解析】考查情态动词词义表推测的用法。句意“汤姆,你不能玩火。你_伤到你自己的。”“好的,我不会的。 ”must 必须;need 需要;should 应该;may 可能。根据句意可知玩火可能会伤到自己,故选 D。9. A 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意“王老师,我必须周日早晨再次来擦玻璃吗?” “不,你_。我已经让别人去做了。 ”dont have to不必;musnt 禁止; cant 不可能,不能; shouldnt不应该。根据答语后句“让别的人去做”可知是“你没有必要去做” ,故选 A。10. D 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意“艾米邀请我们今晚六点钟在她家吃晚饭。我们必须六点之前到吗?” “_。你可以在六点半之前到那儿。 ”根据答句后半句句意可知,可以迟到,但不要超过半小时。因此,第二个人的答语应采用否定形式。又因是“must”提出的问题,否定回答使用“dont have to”或“neednt ”。所以, “No, you neednt”符合语境。故选 D。11. C 【解析】考查情态动词表推测的用法。句意“玛丽的英语词典丢了。她到处都找不到它。 ”“她_很伤心。让我们去帮助她吧。 ”can 会,可能;has to 不得不; must 肯定,表肯定的推测;need 需要。根据上句她到处找不到她的英语词典可知此处表肯定推测,即“她肯定很伤心” 。故选 C。12. C 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意“妈妈,我必须在那里待一整天吗?” “不,你_。如果你愿意,你_午饭后回来。 ”根据答语后半句内容可知是不用在那里待一整天,故第一空用 neednt 不需要,所以可排除 A,D 两项。结合句意可知第二空是回答者允许提问者可以午饭后回家,应用 may。故选 C。13. C 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意“你决定去哪里度假了吗?” “是的,我_去海南。 ”need 需要; can 能,可以;will 将要;should应该。根据答语可知应是将要去海南,故选 C。14. A 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意“因特网使生活变得更容易。 ”“的确是这样!几乎所有事情_在网上做。 ”can 可以;need 需要;must 必须;should 应该。根据语境可知应是所有事情都可以在网上做,故选 A。15. C 【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意 “我们乘出租车去听音乐会,好吗?”


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