网上建材销售系统毕业设计 开题报告[23页]_第1页
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1、淮海工学院二一届本科毕业设计(论文) 第 页 共 页 毕业设计(论文)开题报告理工类题 目:基于ASP的网上建材销售系统的设计与实现 学 院: 计算机工程学院 专业班级: 计算机科学与技术 D计061班 学生姓名: 黄 刚 学 号: 5206111109 指导教师: 巫晓琳(讲师) 2010 年 1 月 9 日淮海工学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告1.课题研究的意义,国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势奔波于各大建材市场确实是件痛苦的事,因此,不少人把眼光投向了网购。对网购者来说,只需鼠标轻轻一点,即可完成购买。虽然同样是上网点点鼠标,但途径还是有所区别的。记者调查发现,目前大致有三条上网购买建材的通路



4、网这样的“c to c”网站上开设的网络小店,产品不可能十分齐全,一般专做某类产品,或者干脆做宜家等一些品牌店的专业代购。大家都知道信息胜似黄金!但是在这个信息爆炸的年代,网络上充斥各种各样的信息,其中有真有假,有好有次。这往往使从商者无所适从。本网站会提供专业准确的信息,还会帮助分析各方面的综合因素。本网站会为各位商人提供交流的平台,切实的反应建材市场的现状,让商人根据具体的信息作出自己准确的商业判断。淮海工学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告2.课题的基本内容,可能遇到的困难,提出解决问题的方法和措施本网站是借鉴其他网站设计的,IDE环境用的是Visual Studio 2008,数据库服务器SQ

5、L 2005,向建材商提供信息交流和买卖建筑材料的平台。2.1网站的结构框架图 2.2 网站功能分析2.2.1新闻管理系统新闻资讯信息管理系统管理新闻代码类别管理 (1)信息管理信息管理实现网站内容的更新与维护,提供在后台输入、查询、修改、删除各新闻类别和专题中的具体信息的功能,选择本信息是否出现在栏目的首页、网站的首页等一系列完善的信息管理功能。具体包括以下功能:增添、修改、删除各栏目信息(包括文字与图片)的功能。 (2) 系统管理 系统用户管理系统 管理系统相关属性。定制个性环境。 (3) 新闻代码 新闻代码可以嵌入用户首页在非新闻主机的页面上显示更新的新闻列表。 (4)类别管理 无限制的

6、类别管理为整个网站的灵活高效提供了可能性,它使网站管理员可随时调整各类别,都可以根据需要增加、修改或删除。这对于网站上内容的分类调整以及网站发展规划中第二步的实现具有很大的作用,可以极大地减少二次开发的工作量。 类别管理提供的具体功能如下: 增加、修改、删除新闻类别的功能; 2.2.2产品发布系统产品发布系统产品分类管理产品资料管理产品分类检索关键字查询产品最新产品浏览热门产品新产品发布产品浏览产品详细资料产品浏览次数记录与统计客户可以发表对产品的评论1、产品分类管理:可以多级分类,以树状组织。2、产品资料管理:完成产品和产品资料(价格、图片、简介描述、销售商、发布时间等)的增加、删除、修改。

7、可以选择产品是否发布。若不发布,该产品在数据库中,但前台界面浏览不到。3、产品分类检索:产品可在 WEB界面中进行按主类、二级分类进行检索,使客户快速定位,找到需要了解的产品。4、关键字查询产品:用户可以选择按照产品名称、热门产品名称进行关键字模糊查询。5、最新产品浏览热门产品:产品目录管理器的首页中,可以看到部分热门产品,也可以点击热门产品浏览所有热门产品。产品是否属于热门类,是由站点管理员在添加产品时自由指定的,也可以再转化为普通产品。6、新产品发布:客户站点管理员可以随时将某一产品列为新产品,在首页上进行发布,以提示浏览者注意。7、产品浏览:正常的产品浏览可以通过分类查询,关键字查询得到

8、产品列表。8、产品详细资料(价格、图例、简介描述等)显示:在分类查询,关键字查询得到产品列表的时候,点击详细信息可以浏览到该产品的所有资料,点击详细图片可看到未压缩的产品图片。9、产品浏览次数记录与统计:为每个产品设置人气指数,每点击详细资料,指数加 1,也可看作是浏览次数的统计。10、客户可以发表对产品的评论:对每一种产品,用户都可以以匿名身份发表评论,同时也可查阅其他用户的评论。2.2.3会员管理系统会员管理系统管理查询修改删除锁定普通会员管理系统功能特点: 操作简单,可方便的对会员进行管理、查询、修改、删除、锁定等操作。系统功能说明:1、前台会员可自行维护个人信息,可对个人注册信息进行修

9、改和删除,可在线查询遗失的密码。 2、可以根据需要对某些会员进行锁定和解锁操作,以便根据实际情况,暂停和启用个别会员资格,企业对会员具有完全的管理能力。 2.2.4网上订购系统网上订购系统产品展示管理购物车管理前台订单查询后台订单查询(1)产品展示管理产品展示:具有强大的产品展示功能,可以很好的帮助客户浏览企业产品的各种信息。同时实现企业产品的分类管理功能。(2)购物车管理 可以充当消费者网上购物的工具。购物车为客户所选择的商品提供临时的放置区域,如同超市中流动选购时所用的手推车,客户点击中的商品都将出现在购物车中,随着商品数量,品种的改变,购物车会不断显示变化后的购物总金额。客户也可以利用购

10、物车来询问自己的订单处理情况。(3)前台订单查询 复核过的订单按时间先后次序自动显示在 订单查询 页面(新的订单显示在最 前),具备订单搜索功能,客户可即时了解已下订单的处理情况,可详细查询已复核订单的商品数量和价格、下单日期、所填写的联系方式等详细信息。(4)后台订单查询按时间先后顺序在订单管理的首页显示所有订单的订单号、下单人、订单金额、下单时间、订单状态等。新订单能自动突出显示,便于订单管理员对新订单做即时的处理(查询订单详细情况、更改订单的处理状态等)。管理员可根据订单号或在某个下单的时间范围内进行搜索。可手动 显示新订单 ,避免遗漏未查阅的订单。管理员可根据某订单具体情况自行设置该订

11、单为 无效订单 , 显示无效订单 功能可批量列出所有标记为 无效 的订单,并且管理员可对所有无效订单进行批量删除。2.3 可能遇到的困难及解决方案综合考虑本网站的设计,我认为可能遇到的困难如下:1.服务器端对于符合要求的建材信息的筛选的实现解决:编写合适的SQL语句代码,进行SQL搜索。2.数据库的建模实现解决:采用powerdesigner创建数据库模型。3.课题拟采用的研究手段(途径)和可行性分析3.1 开发技术及工具的选择开发工具名称软件用途Visual Studio 2008IDE环境SQL Server 2005建立系统的后台数据库Microsoft Office Word 2003

12、各项文档制作Microsoft Office Visio 2003图形建模工具3.2 可行性分析3.2.1技术可行性本网站使用技术来实现网站的主要功能。开发环境使用Visual Studio 2008使用Visual Studio 2008可以高效开发Windows应用。设计器中可以实时反映变更,XAML中智能感知功能可以提高开发效率。同时Visual Studio 2008支持项目模板、调试器和部署程序,Visual Studio 2008可以高效开发Web应用。1. VS2008软件开发更智能。2. Visual Studio 2008中WCF的新增功能。3.Visual S

13、tudio 2008中的多定向支持。4. Visual Studio 2008中的SQL数据库发布。5. Visual Studio 2008加入拼写检查器。采用技术,SQL Server 2005作为数据库,其中JSP技术的优势在于以下几点:1. 的效率和安全性更高2. 的组件(Component)方式更方便3. 的适应平台更广4. 所有的应用都是基于服务器的,所以它们可以时刻保持最新版本。Visual Studio 2008 在三个方面为开发人员提供了:快速的应用程序、开发高效的团队协作、突破性的用户体验。Visual Studio

14、2008 提供了高级开发工具、调试功能、数据库功能和创新功能,帮助在各种平台上快速创建当前最先进的应用程序。Visual Studio 2008 包括各种增强功能,例如可视化设计器(使用 .NET Framework 3.5 加速开发)、对 Web 开发工具的大量改进,以及能够加速开发和处理所有类型数据的语言增强功能。Visual Studio 2008 为开发人员提供了所有相关的工具和框架支持,帮助创建引人注目的、令人印象深刻并支持 AJAX 的 Web 应用程序。开发人员能够利用这些丰富的客户端和服务器端框架轻松构建以客户为中心的 Web 应用程序,这些应用程序可以集成任何后端数据提供程序

15、、在任何当前浏览器内运行并完全访问 ASP.NET 应用程序服务和 Microsoft 平台。快速的应用程序开发为了帮助开发人员迅速创建先进的软件,Visual Studio 2008 提供了改进的语言和数据功能,例如语言集成的查询 (LINQ),各个编程人员可以利用这些功能更轻松地构建解决方案以分析和处理信息。Visual Studio 2008 还使开发人员能够从同一开发环境内创建面向多个 .NET Framework 版本的应用程序。开发人员能够构建面向 .NET Framework 2.0、3.0 或 3.5 的应用程序,意味他们可以在同一环境中支持各种各样的项目。突破性的用户体验Vi

16、sual Studio 2008 为开发人员提供了在最新平台上加速创建紧密联系的应用程序的新工具,这些平台包括 Web、Windows Vista、Office 2007、SQL Server 2008 和 Windows Server 2008。对于 Web,ASP.NET AJAX 及其他新技术使开发人员能够迅速创建更高效、交互式更强和更个性化的新一代 Web 体验。高效的团队协作Visual Studio 2008 提供了帮助开发团队改进协作的扩展的和改进的服务项目,包括帮助将数据库专业人员和图形设计人员加入到开发流程的工具。3.2.2 经济可行性根据本人调查,国内发展迅速,各方面发展都

17、离不开基础设施的建设,建材销售在很长一段时间内,还会是一个很热门的话题。3.2.3操作可行性本网站和其他网站的访问操作基本相同,所以在使用上不会遇到麻烦。综上所述,本课题具有较高的实用价值,在技术上是可行的,在经济上是合理的,并且拥有简单易学的可操作性。3.3参考文献(1)WEB应用开发完美演绎 夏玮编著 2009(2)Visual C# 2008从入门到精通 (英)夏普著,周靖译 2009(3)Visual C#2008核心编程 (美)马歇尔 著,施平安 等译 2009(4)Visual Studio技术大全 (美)鲍尔,(美)斯内尔 著,刘彦博 等译 2009(5)精通Visual C#

18、2008语言基础、数据库系统开发、Web开发 孙继磊,刘亮亮 编著 2009(6)SQL Server 2005高级程序设计 (美)维埃拉著,董明等译 2008(7)SQL Server 2005范例代码查询辞典 (美)萨克著,朱晔,金迎春译 2008(8)SQL Server 2005从入门到实践 岳付强等编著 2009(9)SQL Server 2005基础教程与实验指导 郝安林 等编著 2008(10)Microsoft Office Visio2003简体中文版精通与提高 曹岩,陈桦主编 2008淮海工学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告指导教师意见(对课题的深度、广度及工作量的意见和对设计结

19、果的预测)本课题能够较全面地分析毕业设计课题的基本情况,系统地考虑了设计的内容分配,能够从设计的角度正确地分析所面临的问题及提出了一定的解决方法。在开题过程中能够较全面地分析课题涉及内容的发展现状,对课题的研究内容进行了较全面地分析,对可能遇到的问题进行了分析并给出了相应的解决方法,同时对研究课题的手段与可行性也进行了论证,还能够从网站建设的角度分析一些问题,对网站建设也提出了一定的想法。 从设计的基本内容来看,设计工作量属于中等,所采用的设计思想及研究手段可行,设计思路较好,分析问题较深入,具有一定的专业水平,设计所涉及的内容也较全面。指导教师(签名) 2009年1月9日系审查意见:选题符合

20、本三专业培养要求,同意指导教师意见,允许开题。系主任(签名): 2009年1月9日毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院: 计算机工程学院 专业班级: 计算机科学与技术 D计061班 学生姓名: 黄 刚 学 号: 5206111109 指导教师: 巫晓琳(讲师) 外文出处:(外文) A personal web page tailoring toolkit for mobile devices 附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文 指导教师评语:所选择的外文资料与毕业设计课题密切相关,反映了ASP应用系统开发的先进理念,学习了一些ASP中数据库的开发技巧与方法。译文与原文相比较内容基本正确

21、,语句比较通顺,能够反映原文的语义。在一些关键单词、语句的翻译上也体现了一定的翻译技巧与水平,能够较完整地表达原文的意思。签名: 2010年3月10日A personal Web page tailoring toolkit for mobile devices AbstractIt is common to browse web pages via mobile devices. However, most of the web pages were designed for desktop computers equipped with big screens. When browsing

22、 on mobile devices, a user has to scroll up and down to find the information they want because of the limited screen size. Some commercial products reformat web pages. However, the result pages still contain irrelevant information. We propose a system to personalize users mobile web pages. A user ca

23、n determine which blocks in a web page should be retained. The sequence of these blocks can also be altered according to individual preferences.1. Introduction1.1. PrefaceNowadays, we can build a mobile Web application easily. Take the ASP. NET mobile controls 1 (formerly known as MMIT, short for th

24、e Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit) for example, it reduces the work required for developers to develop applications that target different types of mobile devices, like mobile phones and PDAs. At runtime, MMIT will automatically detect the target device and return the proper presentation format. Th

25、us, the developers can focus on the application logic without worrying about the presentation issues. Similar academic researches on this topic include 2 and 3. Both of them provide plug-ins for famous IDEs, such as JBuilder and Visual Studio.NET respectively, to assist developers to author a single

26、 generic application. Accompanied with the PUML transformation technology 4, this generic application can be further transformed into specific target formats for different mobile devices.1.2. MotivationWidespread of mobile devices makes it common to browse Web pages via them. However, most Web pages

27、 are mainly designed for desktop computers that are equipped with big screens. When browsing on mobile devices, a user might have to scroll up and down, left and right all the time to find the information they want. Because of the limited screen size, this kind of operation is really not user-friend

28、ly at all.Fortunately, some famous websites have another simplified version of Web content specially provided for mobile devices, such as Google Mobile 5 and Yahoo Mobile 6. On the other hand, it is a heavy burden on Web developers to craft and maintain multiple versions of the same website. Even wi

29、th the help of the fascinating toolkits.If we resize the original Web page to fit the width of mobile device, the vertical scroll bar will be too long to view, and the information is crowded. On the other hand, if we provide another version of the original Web page, there may be some important infor

30、mation lost in the mobile version, and the transformation of each page costs a lot for Web page developers. Hence, in this research, we propose a system that is designed to help users to personalize their mobile Web pages for handheld device browsing.1.3. Research objectivesIn this sub-section, the

31、four major research objectives are listed and introduced briefly.1.3.1. Easy-to-useIt does not make sense to launch another program other than the browser to personalize a Web page. When a user surfs on the Internet and finds a Web page that interests him/her, the configuration tool of this system s

32、hould be able to pop up in the browser window somehow right away. Moreover, all the codes needed to accomplish this job (i.e. personalize Web pages) should be downloaded on the fly when accessed, thus allowing a user to work on different computers at different places.1.3.2. Personalizing Web pages v

33、isuallyWeb pages are usually composed of header, footer, sidebar, and content areas 7. Parts of them are used to maintain a consistent style for the website, and other parts of them are used for navigation. Some renowned websites may even contain a lot of advertisements on it. In many Web pages, onl

34、y a few of information is really needed to be shown on the mobile phone screen. This research also aims at allowing a user to determine which parts of a Web page should be retained while browsing this page with their mobile device.A friendly user interface should thus be available for a user to perf

35、orm this task. For example, with appropriate visual aids (such as highlight), a user can choose blocks in a Web page one by one with different granularity. Through the operation of drag-and-drop, a user can determine the relative position of the chosen blocks according to his/her personal preference

36、s. In short, a user can reconstruct a mobile Web page simply with visual manipulations, and does not have to write any line of code.According to the browser market share survey 8, Microsoft Internet Explorer is still by far the most dominant browser on the Web, with 83.88% usage market share, and Fi

37、refox has increased its share to 10.68%, with the other alternatives, such as Safari, Netscape, Opera, and Mozilla, occupying the remaining share.The downloaded mobile code should work with at least the top two popular browsers, i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox Web browser.1.3.3. Reducin

38、g wireless bandwidth consumptionMore than screen size constraints, the limited memory and wireless network bandwidth also make it unsuitable for delivering the entire Web page untailored to mobile devices. Before returning a Web page to mobile devices, some adaptation must be taken to pre-process a

39、Web page according to a users preferences. So that the volume of data transmission to a mobile phone could be reduced, and thus reduce the consumption of wireless bandwidth as well.1.3.4. Automatic mobile Web page content extractionThe content adapting algorithm we proposed can automatically adapt W

40、eb pages to mobile devices. Users always only care about a part of the web content. Content adapting applications should provide a function to extract these parts from a Web page.1.4. Research contributionThis paper discusses the problems encountered and our corresponding solutions. The major contri

41、butions of this research are listed below. 1. A cross-browser configuration tool is designed. 2. The web -based nature of our configuration tool allows a user to configure the settings from different computers, and requires no pre-installation of any software.3. Blocks in a Web page can be chosen co

42、rrectly under the premise that the layout of a Web page does not change frequently.4. A web -based management interface is provided.5. An automatic algorithm for mobile Web page generation is proposed.1.5. Outline of this paperThis paper is divided into seven sections. The following is a brief descr

43、iption of the content of each section. In Section 2, an overview of the proposed system and its three major components are given. In Section 3, the System design details, problems encountered, and our corresponding solutions are illustrated. Furthermore, we discuss our mobile Web page generation alg

44、orithm in Section 4. In Section 5, some tests are conducted to evaluate our system. A practical example showing how to make use of the proposed tool to eliminate unnecessary scrolling is also presented. Several related works are discussed in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7, we make the conclusion a

45、nd discuss about the future work.2. System design2.1. OverviewBasically, the personalizing process in our Web page tailoring system comprises two steps (Fig. 1). First, user must specify his/her preferences of a Web page using a PC or laptop. Second, he/she has to configure the browser on his/her mo

46、bile device to go through a specially made proxy, which is responsible for adjusting the content of Web pages according to the preferences set in the first step. Two pictures are given below to illustrate separately the relationship between a user, our Web page tailoring system, and a remote Web ser

47、ver (such as CNN.com) in each step.Fig. 2 describes the interaction in the first step. When a user enters a URL in his/her Web browser, a HTTP request is sent to (Line 1) the corresponding Web server specified in the URL. After processing the request by the server, a HTTP response is sent back (Line

48、 1). If the user wants to personalize that page, a program hosted on a tiny Web server included in our system would be downloaded (Line 2) and executed in his/her browser. With the help of that program, the user can specify his/her preferences simply by visual manipulations. After finishing the job,

49、 preferences about this page will be sent back and stored in a database for later use (Line 2).Fig. 2. Personalize Web pages using PC or laptop.Fig. 3 pictures the interaction in the second step. Since the user would configure the browser on his/her mobile device to use a proxy included in our syste

50、m, we would snoop each HTTP request and modify its corresponding response (Lines 3 and 4) in between. For example, if the user visits a Web page that has been personalized before, some actions would be taken to tailor the Web page to meet the user preferences.Fig. 3. Browse Web pages via mobile devi

51、ces.In order to achieve the above tasks, three components are designed in our system: Page Tailor, Configuration Manager, and Mobile Proxy. The purpose and functions of each component will be introduced separately. System design details are presented in Section 3.2.2. Page TailorPage Tailor in the f

52、orm of mobile code can be downloaded and executed in a users browser when he/she is about to personalize a Web page. It provides some visual manipulations for users to help them specify their preferences about a Web page. The preferences here include: blocks of a Web page that should be retained and

53、 their final arrangement. All the preferences about this page would be saved in a remote database that is managed by Configuration Manager. Fig. 4 is a snapshot when executing Page Tailor in a Firefox Web browser.Fig. 4. Page Tailor in Firefox Web browser.2.2.1. Execution and initializationWhen brow

54、sing Web pages, a user can click on the installed bookmarklet to download and execute Page Tailor. From the other perspective of users, it seems that the Web page itself provides the personalizing functions.After the Page Tailor window is launched in the users browser, some actions are performed in

55、the background automatically. First, Page Tailor will connect with Configuration Manager to retrieve the user preferences about this current visited page. If the user has personalized this page before, Page Tailor would retrieve the old preferences, and then use the data retrieved to reconstruct the

56、 past, such as blocks that had been selected and their order.On the contrary, if there are no preferences about this page, nothing will happen, of course. The purpose of this action is to help users accelerate the setting time; particularly when he/she only wants to perform a slight modification.2.2.2. Visual manipulationsIn order to help a user specify his/her preferences about a Web page, P


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