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1、Topic 4 the Process of Translation,教学目的:旨在了翻译过程中理解与表达两个 主要环节 教学重点与难点:理解到位和表达准确 教学方法:讲述与练习相结合 参考书目:孙致礼,新编英汉翻译教程; 陈宏薇,新编汉英翻译教程; 彭长江,英汉汉英翻译教程; 郭著章,英汉互译实用教程,Contents,1. Peter Newmark:,the referential level,the cohesive level,the level of naturalness,the SL text level,2. Eugene Nida,the Process of Transl

2、ation,Generally speaking, the process of translation consists of three steps:,accurate comprehension,smooth expression,The task of a translator is first to get at the true message. What he appreciates should be closest to the original thought. And then he reproduces in the target language what he ha

3、s in his mind of the original message. The result is a reproduced text.,Conclusion,the end,所谓理解就是对原文进行认真的分析,弄懂原文的意 思。至少阅读三遍: 第一遍粗读原文,掌握全文大意,对一些疑难词句做上记号; 第二遍细读原文,逐词逐句逐段仔细研究、解决疑难问题; 第三遍通读原文,以便“见树见林”,将全文精神“融会于心”。 【重点】:Analysis grammatical relationships and meanings of words and combinations of words.,C

4、omprehension / Analysis,Examples:,It seems to me what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 译1:我(觉得煮雌)鹅用什么酱油,煮公鹅也要用什么酱油。 译2:我认为应该一视同仁。 展出的所有作品都出自这个村农民之手。他们粗糙的手描绘 出幅幅美好的画卷。 译1:All the works are from the farmers in this village, who depict the beautiful paintings with their rough hands. 译2:A

5、ll the works on display are done by the farmers with their own hands that are used to farm work.,你满家子算一算,谁的妈妈奶奶不仗着主子哥儿姐儿得些便 宜?偏咱们就这样“丁是丁,卯是卯”的? 译: in all the different young masters and mistresses households, which nurse or nanny doesnt get certain perks. Why expect us to be so scrupulous? 【注释】: 1.

6、丁是丁,卯是卯: keep ding (a Heavenly Stem) from mao (an Earthly Branch) Very definite, strict, accurate, precise, meticulous 2. perks: money (slang) (赏钱) 3. nanny: nursemaid (保姆) employed by rich people to look after their babies and young children below school age.,(Hardy: Tess ,Ch. 23),Clare stood still

7、, and inclined his face towards hers. “Oh, Tessy!” he exclaimed. The girls cheeks burned to the breeze, and she could not look into his eyes for the emotion. 译1: 克莱站住了脚,把脸歪到她那一面。 “哦,苔丝!”她喊道。 那个女孩的两颊,在微风中红得火热,她感情激 越,神飞魂失,她不敢再看克莱的眼睛了。,Clare stood still, and inclined his face towards hers. “Oh, Tessy!”

8、 he exclaimed. The girls cheeks burned to the breeze, and she could not look into his eyes for the emotion. 译2: 克莱站住了脚,把脸贴向苔丝的脸。 “哦,苔丝!”他失声嚷道。 苔丝感到了他嘴里冒出的气息,脸上给烧得火辣辣 的,她心摇神荡,不敢再盯着克莱的眼睛了。,在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”, 那就是巴拿马运河。 译:Across Panama runs a world-famous “water bridge”, and that is the Panama Canal.,th

9、e end,在正确理解的前提下,一篇译文质量的好 坏,就全看表达如何了。表达是指将原文 (即SL的信息),用TL重新说一遍,要求不 失原意,符合译语的表达习惯,而且还要保 持原作的风格特色(即原文流畅的译文也要 流畅,原文优美动人的译文也要优美动人, 原文是艺术品译文也应该是艺术品)。,Expression / Restructuring,表达是关键,1. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born on a Friday, at twelve oclock at night. It was

10、remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously. 译1:据说钟开始敲,我也开始哭,两者同时。 译2:据说那会儿,当当的钟声,和呱呱的啼声,恰好同时 并作/开始。 译3:钟声当当一响,不早不晚,我就呱呱坠地了。 【评论】: 译1. 译字面,意义不错,顺译,省去连词(意合) 译2. 顺译,保留英语句式,字面有变化,增词,形合。 译3. 译意+译味,意合,调整词序,有增有减,地道。,2.but not many movies are made in Hollywood today. 译1:但如今没

11、有好多影片是在好莱坞摄制的。 译2:但如今好莱坞摄制 的影片已经不多了。,要正确处理内容与形式的关系,Star If you are A love compassionate You will walk with us this year We face a glacial distance, who are here Huddld At your feet,星啊 你那爱中 如果含有怜悯 来年就和我们同行。 这里我们面对冰河距离 擁擠 在你脚底,the end,把译文与原文进行比较。至少两遍:第一遍,对照 原文校对,检查有无疏漏、误译的地方;第二遍, 脱离原文审校,检查有无生硬、拗口的地方。

12、1. The cold weather frosted up the track last night. 译1:昨晚寒冷的天气使跑道上结了霜。 译2:昨晚天气寒冷,跑道上结了霜。,Revision / Check,Its a lot easier to get in the hole than to get out again. 译1:进洞容易出洞难 译2:负债很容易,要把债还清却困难得多。 【注释】:in the hole是美国的一种习惯说法,指“负债”,而不是“在洞里”。,the end,1. Bilingual Reading: Abraham Lincoln p. 18 2. Tran

13、slate the following sentences: 农户们有的在做汤团,图个团圆之意;有的在准备鱼头,也是想图个年年有余的意思。 It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. This film is a dramatic treatment of a threatened stoppage in a Owing factory.,Assignments,Answers,1. Some farmers

14、 are making round dumplings. This is a kind of stuffed dumplings made of glutinous rice flour and served in soup. Its a traditional food for Chinese in some southern parts of China. The round shape of dumplings signifies family reunion, for the spring festival is the biggest occasion for family reun

15、ion in a year. Others are preparing fish for New Years Eve Dinner. As the Chinese character “fish” is pronounced “yu”, which is homophonic with another character “yu”, meaning “having surplus or more than necessary”, eating fish at the New Years Eve means you will have more than necessary in the coming year.,2. 译1. 凡有产业的单身汉,总要娶位


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