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1、【词汇】人教精通版四年级下册各单元要点汇总Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!home 家bedroom 卧室bed 床desk 课桌chair椅子living room 起 居室TV 电视sofa沙 发armchair 单人沙发; 扶手椅ball 球kite风 筝kitchen 厨 房fridge 冰 箱table 桌 子study 书 房computer电脑 picture图片;照片bathroom浴室DVD player DVD 播 放 机 clock 时 钟【句型】1. Welcome to my new home. 欢迎来到我的新家。2. Look at my

2、 bedroom. 看看我的卧室。3. There is a new bed. 有一张新床。4. And theres a new desk and a new chair还.有一套新桌椅。5. There are two sofas and four armchairs.有两个沙发和四个手扶椅。6. Look! Heres a new table.看!有一个新桌子。7. Look! Whats in my study? There is a new computer.看!我书房有什么?哇!有一台新电脑。8. This is the livingroom. 这是客厅。9. Thats the

3、bathroom.那是浴室。Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.【词汇】twenty-one二 十一twenty-two 二 十二twenty-three二十三twenty-four 二 十四twenty-five 二 十五twenty-six二十六twenty-seven二 十七twenty-eight二 十八twenty-nine二十九eleven十一twelve十二thirty 三十boy男孩girl 女孩fifty 五十sixty 六十school学校 seventy七十eighty八十book书ninety九十 one hundr

4、ed一百pencil铅 笔forty 四 十teacher教 师bag书 包pen钢 笔【句型】1. Good afternoon, boys and girls! 下午好,男孩女孩们!2. How many students are there in your class?Twenty-nine.你们班有多少学生?二十九个。3. Lets count from1to29! 让我们从 1数到 29。4. Welcome to our class! 欢迎来我们班。5. How many teachers are there in your school?There are fifty.你们学校有

5、多少老师?五十名。6. How about your school? 你们学校呢?There are sixty teachers in our school我.们学校有六十名老师。7. How many bags do you have?We have seventy bags.你有多少书包?我们有七十个书包。Unit 3 What subject do you like best?【词汇】maths 数 学PE 体 育Chinese 中 文 English 英 语music 音 乐art 美 术subject 科 目 science 科 学lesson 课 drama 戏 剧listen

6、听do 做 speak 说listen and do 听听做做speak and sing说说唱唱play and act 玩 玩 演 演 sing 唱 歌 play 玩 act 表 演【句型】1. How many lessons do you have in the morning?We have four.你们上午有几节课?四节。What are they?They are maths, Chinese, English and PE.它们是什么? 数学、语文、英语和体育。2. Do you like music? Yes, I do. I like it very much.你喜欢音乐

7、吗?是的,我非常喜欢。3. What subject do you like best? I like art best.你最喜欢什么科目?我最喜欢美术。4. Do you like music? No, I dont.你喜欢音乐吗?不,我不喜欢。5. Do you study science?Yes, we do.你们学科学吗?是的,我们学。6. Do you like English? Yes, I do. I like it best.你喜欢英语吗?是的,我最喜欢它。7. What do you do in an English class?We listen and do.你在英语课上

8、做什么?我们听和做。8. We do all kinds of things in English! 我们用英语做所有事情!Unit 4 There are seven days in a week.【词汇】day天 week 周 Sunday星 期日 Monday 星期 一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六today今天 weekend周末 park公园 theme park 主题公园【句型】1. Give me a quick answer, please请.快点把答案告诉我。2. How many

9、 days are there in a week?一个星期有几天?There are seven days in a week一.个星期有七天。3. Whatsthe first day of the week?一个星期的第一天是星期几?It s Sunday是.星期日。 Excellent. 非常好。4. Do you like sports? 你喜欢体育吗?Yes, I do. I like PE very much. 是,我喜欢。我非常喜欢体育。5. When do you have PE lessons?你们什么时候有体育课?We have PE lessons on Monday

10、and Tuesday.我们星期一和星期二有体育课。6. What day is today? 今天星期几? It sWednesday.今天星期三。7. How many English lessons do you have in a week?你们一星期有几节英语课?We have three.我们有三节。When do you have English?你们什么时候有英语课?We have English on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.我们星期一,星期三,星期四有英语课。8. What subject do we have?我们有什么课?We ha

11、ve Chinese, maths, science, art and PE.我们有语文,数学,科学,美术和体育。9. What do you usually do on weekends?你周末通常做什么?I usually go to the theme park on Saturdays我.通常在周六去主题公园。【词汇】Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?picnic 野 餐 sausage香 肠 bread 面 包 cake 蛋 糕 lunch 午 餐 pork 猪肉 beef 牛肉 rice 米饭 chicken鸡肉 sing唱歌 dance跳舞

12、 paint 绘画 draw 画 read 读 watch 看 play 玩 read a book 看 书 watch TV 看电视 playcomputergames玩电脑游戏 game游戏 do做 go 去 shop购物 goshopping去购物 swim 游泳 goswimming去游泳 fish鱼 gofishing去钓鱼【句型】1. Shall we have a picnic?我们去野餐好吗?2. Let sgo and ask your dad.我们去问问你爸爸。3. We have so many things for our picnic.我们的野餐有这么多东西。4. W

13、hat would you like, Lisa? 你想要什么,丽萨?I d like some bread and sausages我想.要一些面包和香肠。5. Let sgo to see your grandma.我们去看你奶奶吧。6. Come and have lunch.来吃午饭。 I m coming.我来了。7. Would you like some pork? 你想要一些牛肉吗?Thank you. / No, thanks. 谢谢你。 / 不,谢谢。8. I ll have a party with my friends thisSunday.星期天我和朋友要举行一个派对

14、。9. I goll to my music lesson this Sunday这.周日我去上音乐课。10. I singll and dance.我去唱歌跳舞。11. What will you do on Sunday? 你周日要做什么?I ll read a new storybook我.要读一本新故事书。12. I ll watch TV at home. Howabout you? 我要在家看电视。 你呢?I ll play computer games at home我.要在家玩电脑游戏。13. Tomorrow is Sunday.明天是星期日。14. Would you li

15、ke to go swimming with me? 你想要和我去游泳吗?That s great. /Sorry, I can t go with you.太好了。 / 抱歉,我不能和你去。15. I goll shopping with my mum. 我要和妈妈去购物。16. She llbuy me a newjacket.她要给我买一件新夹克。17. I comell and swim again.我会再来游泳。18. I likes hopping. 我喜欢购物。【词汇】Unit 6 Would you like to take a trip?zoo动物园 farm农场 giraf

16、fe长颈鹿 camel骆驼 monkey猴子 panda熊猫 bear熊 seal 海豹 dolphin 海豚 hippo 河马 tiger老虎 cat 猫 dog 狗horse 马 cow 奶 牛 sheep 绵 羊 goat 山 羊 duck 鸭子 pig猪【句型】1. School is out in two days. 再过两天学校就放假了。Hooray! 万岁!2. Would you like to take a trip? 你们要去旅行吗?Certainly! Where shall we go? 当然!我们去哪里呢?Any ideas? 有什么主意吗?I want to go to the theme park.我想去主题公园。We want to go to a farm. 我们想去一个农场。Good idea! How about the zoo and the farm?好主意!去动物园和农场怎么样?Cool! 太酷了!3. Come along, boys and girls!跟过来,孩子们!人教精通版四年级 (下 ) 期末知识汇总4. Whatsthis in English? 这个用英语怎么


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