1、里约大冒险RIO拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊All the birds of the feather尽情舒展婀娜之姿Do what they love most of all充满韵律 欢声笑语We are the best at rhythm and laughter我们最爱嘉年华Thats why we love Carnival拥有美妙歌声的鸟儿啊All so clear we can sing to与生俱来爱冒险Some adventures reborn随音乐舞动 激情四溢 才华横溢Dance to the music, passion and knowledge展现最棒的你Show us t
2、he best you can do每人在这劲歌热舞Everyone here is on fire动起来 加入欢乐的海洋Get up and join in the fun与陌生人共舞 但别卷入麻烦Dancing with strangers, dont mess with danger奇迹之地里约Magic could happen for Rio自由自在的里约In Rio, all by itself你在此欢跳 生活自如Your dancing and knowing这个天堂无可比拟You cant find it anywhere else就在里约Yes Rio, in Rio你能感受
3、更多You know something else你能感受欢乐You can feel it happy无拘无束生活You can feel it all by yourself里约外珍稀鸟类明尼苏达州 大麋鹿湖别怕 别怕Its okay, its okay.我会照顾你的Ill take care of you.拼字比赛冠军高中舞会最好的朋友破闹钟Stupid clock!早上好 布鲁Good morning Blu.你You.泰勒布鲁甘德森Tyler Blu Gandersen.吃维生素对你有好处You know these vitamins are good for you.看这是什么Uu
4、h, whats this?果味饼干中招了吧Gotcha.布鲁的保留车位蓝金刚鹦鹉书店我们正在营业希望你喜欢这本书Enjoy the new book.谢谢琳达Thanks Linda.再见啦Bye now.是的 妈妈 我也想去看您Yes, Mum. Id love to visit.但谁来照顾布鲁呢But wholl take care of Blu?没有特别照顾鹦鹉的保姆Mum, they dont have candles for parrots.这是你的热巧克力 布鲁Heres your hot chocolate, Blu.你最爱的口味Just how you like it.把布鲁
5、留给别人照看我也不放心啊Because I dont trust leaving Blu with just anyone.没有 我没雇鹦鹉保姆No, I dont have a bird sitter.什么叫鹦鹉保姆啊What is a bird sitter.这才叫生活This is the life.棉花糖数量刚刚好The perfect marshmallow to cocoa ratio.一 二 三 四 五One, two, three, four, five.六个Six!看看 那可不是我最爱的大笨鸟Well, if it isnt my favorite nerd bird.好笑极
6、了 你俩真是一点都不幼稚Very funny, real mature.宠物鸟 你今年要迁徙去什么地方啊Hey Pet, where are you migrating to this year?广阔的角落吗The broad-first nook?随便你们怎么扔Throw all the snow balls you want.反正我有这神奇的防护罩保护 这学名叫玻璃Im protected by this magical force field, called Glass.我在这里面温暖又舒服Its what keep us so toasty and warm in here,你们就只能
7、待在外面冻得你们.while you guys are out there freezing your.真无聊Classy.你还好吗Are you all right?我真有点不适应这天气Im not really built for this weather.你是来找什么书的吗Oh, are you looking for some books?书Books?不 不是No, no.我长途跋涉六千英里来找他Ive come six thousand miles looking for him.鸟类学博士Doctor of Ornithology?巴西里约热内卢保护中心他太漂亮了Ooh, hes
8、 magnificent.琳达 我需要帮助 琳达Linda, a little help here. Linda!哇 你们俩还真能聊起来呢Wow, youre actually communicating.对 我摇摆尾巴上的羽毛 代表向他自我介绍Yes, I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers,逆时针转 表示他占据掌控地位counter-clockwise, those referring to his dominance.我可没明白还有这种意思I did not get that at all.那 蒙特罗博士So, Dr Monteiro
9、.拜托别叫我博士 直接喊图里欧就行了No Dr. Please, just call me Tulio.金刚鹦鹉是种非常稀有的鸟You know your Macaw is a very special bird.事实上 据我们所知In fact, as far as we know,布鲁是他们种类的一根独苗Blu is the last male of his kind.-是吗 -是的- Really? - Yes.最近我们找到一只雌鸟Recently we found a female.我们希望让他们俩结合And our hope is to bring the two of them t
10、ogether一起拯救整个种群to save their species.当然 那她什么时候过来呢Well, yeah, sure, when can she come over?哦不不 她在巴西Oh, no, she is in Brazil.得让布鲁去里约热内卢Blu must come to Rio De Janeiro.里约 巴西Rio, Brazil?不行不行Oh, no, no, no, no.我从没和布鲁分开过I never let Blu out of my sight.他需要我He needs me.不是的 你误会了Oh, no. You misunderstand.已经安排
11、好了 你会一路陪着他Its all arranged. Youll be with him every step of the way.我也会陪着你And Ill be with you.我知道这是你的工作Look, I know youre doing your job.但我不能 布鲁很特别But, I cant. well, Blus very particular.我们有固定的生活习惯And we have our little routine here我们也不太喜欢旅行and were not big on travel.而且 他都不会飞呢Heck, he doesnt even fl
12、y.他当然会飞Of course he can fly.他是最适合的研究样本Hes a perfect specimen.你要干什么What are you doing?别担心 鸟的天性会帮助他飞起来的Dont worry, their natural instincts always take over.等等 别Wait, no!也许会Well, almost always.布鲁Blu!你是哪门子博士啊What kind of doctor are you?你还好吗Are you okay?也许他寄居惯了Perhaps hes too domesticated.非常感谢你来我店里It was
13、 very nice of you to step in,胡言乱语一通 还丢我的鸟squawk around and throw my bird,现在你该走了but now it is time for you to go.对不起Im very sorry.真对不起 等等 琳达Im very sorry, but wait, Linda.这是我们最后的机会This could be our last chance.一路顺风Have a safe flight.琳达 请听我说Linda, please listen to me!如果我们不这么做 他的种群就会灭绝If we dont do thi
14、s, his whole species will be gone.好好考虑考虑Just think about it.天性Natural instincts.把我扔过半个房间There is nothing natural才不叫什么天性about being thrown half way across the room.我自己能飞Hah, Ill show him.我可以的 只要搞清原理I can do this. I just have to work out the physics.基本飞行原理 贝多芬著保持翅膀与身体为矢量直角I have quadrated my vector an
15、gles.调整飞行气流 逐渐加强飞行力道I have adjusted for wind shear, house every reinforcement.相信自己很好Good.好了 来吧Okay, lets see.机翼张开 很好Flaps open, perfect.起落架 已准备Landing gear, checked.尾翼 正常Tail flaps, operational.这样子 真不赖And actually, not bad.就是这次了 看我飞一个This is it. Lets fly.莫要复杂化Just keep it simple.推力 升力 阻力 等候Thrust, l
16、ift, drag, and wait.推力 升力 阻力 等候Thrust, lift, drag, wait!推力 升力 阻力 等候Thrust, lift, drag, wait!推力 升力 阻力 等等等Thrust, lift, drag, w-w-wait!布鲁Blu?我保证过我会一直照顾你I promised Ill always look out for you.是吧Didnt I?我说话不算数过吗Have I ever broken a promise?我也很害怕Im scared too.不正确的事But I wouldnt make you do this我是绝不会让你做的i
17、f it wasnt the right thing to do.你觉得呢 布鲁What do you say Blu?这才是我勇敢的宝贝Thats my big brave boy.我们会很快回来的We will be back home before we even know it.你也来点 布鲁 别晒坏小嘴巴了Your turn Blu. You dont want to get beak-burn.这是怎么回事Wow, whats going on here?-你正好赶上嘉年华了 -嘉年华- You arrive in time for carnival. - Carnival?对 这
18、是世界上最大的派对Yes, its the biggest party in the world.大家一起狂欢 跳舞You know a time to have fun and dance.我的妈啊Oh mine!她是参加表演的吗Is she a performer?不是 她其实是我的牙医No, in fact shes my dentist.巴波萨医生Dr. Barbosa!别忘了用牙线剔牙 图里欧Do not forget to floss, Tulio.当然You got it.明晚每个人都会穿成这样Come tomorrow night, everyone will be dress
19、ed like that.我肯定不会Oh, not me.等等Oh, wait.我不是本地鸟I am not from here.尼可 他是游客Hey Nico, hes a tourist.真有意思 可你长得不像Funny, you dont look like one.是吗 我不像吗Really? I dont?你鼻子上那个鸽子屎倒像本地的Except, youve got pigeon dodo on your nose.这是防晒指数3000的防晒霜Oh, no, this is just SPF3000.你是来参加嘉年华的吗So, are you here for carnival?其
20、实 我是来见个姑娘的Actually Im just here to meet a girl.-哎哟 见姑娘 -对- Huh, a girl? - Yes.小小建议 你得主动点Little word of advice. You make the first move.-巴西女孩最爱自信满满的男生 -好的- Brazilian ladies respond to confidence. - Oh, right.是的 一定要大摇大摆的Yes, its all about swagger.你要把胸挺得高高的Youve got to pop out that chest,把尾巴摆起来swing th
21、at tail,眯着眼睛 像某些疯狂发情的鹰eyes narrowed look like some kind of crazy love hawk.-但首先我们得把你弄出来 -什么- But first weve got to bust you out. - What?我开你这笼子就像开汽水瓶一样易如反掌Im gonna pop that cage open like a soda cap.不用不用No, no.谢谢 不用了No, thats okay.你这叫易如反掌啊You call that popping?这东西还挺结实的嘛This things robust.老兄 我没事 笼子挺好的
22、No, guys really, Im fine. The cage is great.我爱笼子Love the cage.达博 该走了Dabbo, suit yourself.别忘了 学发情的鹰 啊哦Dont forget, love hawk.好的 我们一起学Yes. and to you as well.这是我们鸟舍最重要的地方This is the heart and soul of our aviary.治疗室Our treatment room.他们真喜欢你They really like you.-这么多鸟 -当然- A lot. - Yes!我是他们的大鸟妈妈Im their
23、great big mama bird.-来点吗 -谢谢 不用了- You want some? - No, Im good.这里很多鸟都是从走私犯那救出来的Many of the birds here were rescued from smugglers.-走私犯 -是的- Smugglers? - Yes.不幸的是 营救这些小可怜时Unfortunately, the poor birds are often hurt.经常会弄伤他们 有些甚至夭折or even killed in the process.但只要护理得当 他们就能恢复But with proper care, they
24、can be saved.看看Look here.这可怜的小东西昨天被救回来的This poor guy was found last night.伙计 你今天看上去好多了Hey buddy, youre looking great today.比昨天好多了Much better, much better.早日康复哦Get well soon.珠儿在哪呢So, where is Jewel?我们把珠儿安置在一个特别的地方Oh, we have a special place for Jewel.她是只非常有性格的鸟Shes a very spirited bird.可不是Ill say.这是她
25、弄的吗She did that?真迷人Charming.好了 我现在想回家了Okay, I want to go home now.不用担心No, dont worry.我会把你打扮得帅不可挡Im going to make you look irresistible.救命 救命 放我出去Help! Help! Let me out of here!琳达Linda!-也许我该 -别 先试试- Maybe I should. - No, give it a chance.有鸟吗Hello?鸟啊你在哪Hello?我是和平的使者I come in peace.她太美了Shes beautiful.他
26、们真是胡说八道 她 她就是个天使What were they talking about? Shes. like an angel.这个天使越来越 靠近我了An angel whose getting really close up!-你踩到我喉咙了 -你是个美国的- Youre standing on my throat. - Youre an American.多谢高抬贵脚Thanks.我用喉咙说话 所以 谢谢你了I need my throat for talking, so thank you.你和我长得一样You look like me.你好Hi.你好 我叫布鲁Hi. My nam
27、e is Blu.蓝纹奶酪的蓝色的谐音You know like the cheese with the mould on it.虽然蓝纹奶酪很臭吧No, it smells really bad.我这是说了些什么 太丢人了Thats stupid, stupid, stupid.好了 来吧 我们的时间不多Alright come on, we dont have much time.等等 Wait, wait! Ouch!-你准备好了吗 -准备好什么- Are you ready? - For what?哦哦 那个啊 呃 那就来吧Oh, oh, wow. Aah. okay.自信Confid
28、ence!疯狂发情的鹰Crazy love hawk.喂 你干什么呢Wow, hey! What are you doing?什么 你想让我干什么What? What you want me to.弱弱地问一句 那你想要干什么But just for argument sake, what are you doing?我想逃走I am trying to escape.这样啊 对 逃走Oh., ya. escape,我刚也是想着逃走 才那样的thats where I was going with that thing I just did.等等Wait, wait.你以为我想让你亲我吗Did
29、 you actually think we were going to kiss?-当然不是 -我们才见面- No, no, no! - We just met!-我的老天 -我觉得他们需要点帮助- Oh mine! - I think they need a little help.我知道我羽毛很漂亮 I know how my feathers look,但我绝不是那种不负责任的鸟but Im not that kind of bird.说你 说我Say you, say me.这可不是我策划的Okay, I had nothing to do with that.但 这歌还挺好听的Bu
30、t, its actually a pretty good song.自然地 对 莱昂纳尔唱的Naturally. yes, sing it Lionel.进展飞速啊Wow, That was fast.莱昂纳尔里奇的歌 百发百中Lionel Richie. Works every time.我们回避下吧We should probably give them some privacy.我不放心把布鲁单独留在那Im not so sure I should leave Blu here alone.不用担心Oh no, dont worry.赛尔微欧整晚在这值班的Sylvio will kee
31、p an eye on them all night.而且 他有珠儿作伴Besides, hes got Jewel.救命啊Help me!这是嘉年华开始前最后一次倒数 This is the final countdown to Carnival!让我们一起跳起桑巴Lets Samba.过来吧 小鸟鸟Come here little birdie.没事的 我保护你Its okay. I got you.不好意思Excuse me!不好意思 我想睡觉Please, Im trying to sleep.不好意思哦 嗑睡虫 可我想逃走Im sorry sleepy head, Im trying
32、 to escape.逃走 为什么 这个笼子超级棒Escape, why? This cage is awesome.这个笼子 我在想什么呢This cage.? Oh, what was I thinking?我还指望一只宠物鸟能理解I wouldnt expect a pet to understand.宠物鸟 你叫我宠物鸟Pet? Did you just call me a pet?严正声明 我不是宠物鸟For the record, I am not a pet.我是同伴I am a companion.而且 你爱干啥干啥And you know what? Do whatever
33、you want.明天一早 琳达就来接我了Cause tomorrow morning, Linda will come for me,这个噩梦就可以结束了and this whole nightmare will be over.太神奇了 你宁愿和人类在一起Incredibly, you rather be with a human也不愿和同类在一起than with your own kind.那个人类Well, that human爱护我照顾我整整十五年has given me love and affection for the past 15 years,我的同类 见了我才十五秒 就
34、想掐死我whereas my own kind tries to strangle me after 15 seconds.就是因为他们 我失去了一切Yah, its because of them, Ive lost everything.你不能信任他们You cant trust them!你当然能信任人类Of course, you can trust humans.珠儿Jewel?珠儿Jewel?你好啊Hi there!很高兴你陪我吃饭Its nice of you to join me for dinner.我一般都一个人吃I often eat alone.当然是因为 我的工作原因
35、Because of course, my work.遇到你之前 我以为我才是鸟控I thought I was the bird-mad until I met you.当然了 你有最喜欢的鸟吗Yes, right. Do you have a favorite bird?显然 蓝金刚鹦鹉是我的菜Well, obviously Im a Blue Macaw kind of gal.有道理 这种鸟非常漂亮That makes sense. They are very handsome birds.其实 我更被他们的智慧所吸引Actually, its the brains Im attrac
36、ted to.我对鲜艳羽毛的亮丽外表不太感冒Im not so impressed by fancy feathers.我完全明白你的意思I know exactly, what you mean.我的最爱是斑点猫头鹰My favorite bird is the spotted owl.他们水汪汪 炯炯有神的大眼Ive always been mesmerized by those big,把我萌翻了round intelligent eyes.要鸡卷吗Chicken rolls?伦巴达巴西现代快步舞Lambada.眼镜脏了Chicken eyes.我的天啊Oh gosh!喂Hello.布鲁
37、Oh, Blu.我们不该离开的We should have never left.-都是我的错 -别这样 琳达- This is is all my fault. - No Linda, please.这不是你的错This is not your fault.你说得对 这不是我的错Youre right, Its not my fault.-这是你的错 -什么- Its your fault! - What?就因为你一通长篇鸟论With your little bird talk,还有一堆and that whole.听着Well, you know what?叽叽喳喳 喳喳叽叽真正意义上的鸟
38、语Squawk squawking is squawk-squawk!不好意思 我不想诅咒你的I am sorry. I didnt mean to curse.我不懂I dont understand!赛尔微欧是业内最厉害的保安Sylvio is the best guard in the business.这么说吧So let me get this straight.你被一只小白鸟袭击了You were attacked by a little white bird.是的 用这个抹布 他像这样捂住我嘴巴Yes, with this rag he held it to my mouth,
39、like this.这下完了Were doomed.哪里都比不上家里好 哪里都比不上家里好Okay, theres no place like home, theres no place like home.我真想回到我的笼子里How I wish I was back in my cage有我的小镜子 秋千 还有小铃铛with my mirror and my swing and my little bell.-我想我的小铃铛 -嘘 装死- How I miss my little bell. - Ssshh, play dead.什么 我用不着装What? I dont need to p
40、lay dead.我已经快心脏病发作了Im about to have a heart attack.-赶紧的 -好吧- Just do it! - Fine.-别抽抽了 -拜托 做戏要做足- Stop twitching. - Come on, its the twitching that sells it.进来吧 孩子Come on in, kid.咱们来看看 干的不错 费尔南多Well, what do you know? Good work, Fernando.你们看 我跟你们说啥来着You see boys. What did I tell you about this one?是当
41、时你说只给他一半的报酬吗That you are going to pay him half as much as what you said?不是 你个蠢蛋No, you idiot.是他让我想起了我当年的样子That he reminds me of myself when I was that age.足智多谋 给你 孩子Smart, resourceful. Here you go, kid.喂 这才只有当时说好的一半啊Hey, this is only half of what you promised me.少废话 小屁孩儿Shut up, kid.我勒个.What the.?我记
42、得我跟你说过 要活的I thought I told you I needed these birds alive.你说 费尔南多 你看这像是活的吗Tell me, Fernando. Does this look alive to you?像吗Huh?-抓住它 -在那儿- Get it! - Over here!珠儿Jewel!你好啊 美人儿Hello, pretty bird.你怎么了Whats the matter?我抓住你的喉咙了吗Cockatoo got your throat?奈吉尔 要活的Nigel, alive.这事儿没完To be continued.这就是你的计划吗 自己逃
43、出去把我留这儿That was your plan! To take off and leave me!真是谢谢你了啊Gee, thanks.你怎么不跟着我Why didnt you follow me?-干得好 奈吉尔 -干得好 奈吉尔- Nice work, Nigel. - Yah, nice work, Nigel.最后两只蓝色金刚鹦鹉The last two Macawsan birds.它们价值连城These are worth a fortune.费尔南多 把笼子挂到屋里Hey, Fernando! Hang these up in the other room.-你们好啊小鸟
44、-让我出去 让我出去- Hey, birdie. - Let me out! Let me out!让我出去啊Let me out of here!我很漂亮 我很漂亮Pretty bird. Im a pretty bird.我很漂亮 我很漂亮 哈哈Pretty bird. Im a pretty bird, hahaha!他们搞错了啊 我根本就不是鸟I was framed. They got the wrong guy.对不住了 我不是有意的Sorry guys. Nothing personal.它们会怎么样呢So, what is going to happen to them?别担心
45、 我们会给它们找到一个温暖的家Dont worry. Were going to find good homes for them.现在回家找妈妈去吧Now go home to Mama.-但是我没有妈妈 -爸爸呢- But I dont have a Mama. -Father?-兄弟呢 -金鱼呢- Brother? - Gold fish?我们收养他吧 老大Can we keep him, boss?不行No!马修 它们到底会怎样呢So Marcel, whats really going to happen to those birds?吃了也好 弄死当标本也罢 关我屁事Dulled,
46、 plucked, stuffed, eaten, who cares.我只知道 咱们这下可赚大发了All I know is, we are going to be rich.我们要有钱了Were gonna to be rich.快来 球赛开始了Come on, the games starting.对 你听清楚 明天交易或者免谈Yes, you be very clear. Tomorrow or the deal is off.当然了 我有两只蓝色金刚鹦鹉Of course, I have both the Macaws.是的 我会亲自送货的Yes, Ill deliver them
47、myself.再见Au revoir.你俩听好了 我们今晚装车Alright you two, we load the truck tonight.明天一早 就把这些鸟运到机场First thing in the morning, we bring those birds to the airport.-听明白了吗 -知道了- You got it? - Yeah, sure, heard you.你们选一个人 去喂奈吉尔And one of you, feed Nigel.石头 剪子 布 靠 Rock paper scissors, shoot.哈Yes!不对 剪刀剪石头骗傻子不要钱啊No-
48、no, scissors cut rock.唉 你怎么每次都能赢因为你是弱智Oh man, how come you always win?好鸟鸟Nice birdie.吃饭饭嘛Here you go.食肉鸟Ughh, cannibal.好的 不要惊慌 关键在于不要惊慌Okay, hold it together. The key is not to panic.我没惊慌啊Im not panicking.我没跟你说话 我自言自语呢I wasnt talking to you. I was talking to me.没关系 琳达随时会找到我们的But its okay. Because an
49、y minute now, Linda will find us.是啊 然后她会Oh great, and then shell把咱们换到另一个笼子里 对吧just stick us behind another set of bars, right?是啊 不 不是那样Yes, I mean no!听着 宠物笼子也许适合你Look, pet cages might work但是我不想成为任何人的玩物for you but I dont want to belong to anyone.我嘴上好像卡了个东西Something seems to be lodged in my beak.你介意吗W
50、ould you mind?我知道我现在算不上帅Oh, I know Im not a pretty birdie.但我曾经却风光无限But I used to be quite a looker.明星是也The star.灯光 摄影 开始Lights, camera, action.我曾有的完美的身材I was striking svelte.从头到脚 光彩夺目Ambitious feet-to-beak.鸟中独领风骚So birdie-licious.现在我是卑鄙的 可怕的坏蛋Now Im vile. Im villain and vicious.并且还很恶毒Oh, and malicio
51、us.我曾拥有一切 电视和女人I had it all, TV shows, women too.我很高挑 36厘米高I was tall. Over 1foot 2.然后他们找了一只漂亮鹦鹉顶替我Then they got a pretty parrot to fill my shoes.这就是我堕落至此的原因 Thats why I am so evil, why I do what I do.他曾是超级明星 年轻而有活力He was a superstar. So young and vital.他声名远扬 是南美洲的偶像Hes nasty. A Southern American idol.他现在是恶毒的鸟 谁这么说我Hes a vicious bird. Who said that ab
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