



1、 L10:被 动 语 态 一、语态概述英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。例如:Many people speak Chinese.谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。例如:Chinese is spoken by many people.主语Chinese是动词speak的承受者。二、被动语态的构成被动语态由助动词be及物动词的过去分词构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。现以speak为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成。一般

2、现在时:amisarespoken 一般过去时:waswerespoken一般将来时:willshall bespoken 现在进行时:amisare beingspoken过去进行时:werewas beingspoken 现在完成时:havehas beenspoken过去完成时:had been + spoken三、被动语态的用法 (1)不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。例如:Some new computers were stolen last night.一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。(不知道电脑是谁偷的)This bridge was founded in 1981.这座桥竣工于19

3、81年。 (2)强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。 例如:The glass was broken by Mike.玻璃杯是迈克打破的。 This book was written by him.这本书是他写的。 Your homework must be finished on time.你们的家庭作业必须及时完成。四、被动语态的用法详解:1. 一般现在时的被动语态构成:is / am / are + 及物动词的过去分词Our classroom is cleaned everyday. I am asked to study hard.Knives are used for cutt

4、ing things.2. 一般过去时的被动语态构成:was / were + 及物动词的过去分词 A new shop was built last year. Dinosaur eggs were laid long time ago.3. 现在完成时的被动语态构成:has / have + been + 及物动词的过去分词 This book has been translated into many languages. Many man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.4. 一般将来时的被动

5、语态构成:will+ be + 及物动词的过去分词A new hospital will be built in our city.Many more trees will be planted next year.5. 含有情态动词的被动语态构成:情态动词+ be + 及物动词的过去分词Young trees must be watered often. Your mistakes should be corrected right now.The door may be locked inside. Your homework can be handed in tomorrow.6. 现在

6、进行时的被动语态构成:am / is / are + being + 及物动词的过去分词Uncle Wang is repairing my bike now.My bike is being repaired by Uncle Wang now.They are planting trees over there. Trees are being planted over there by them.7. 不定式的被动语态:to + be + 及物动词的过去分词There are two books to be read. There are twenty more trees to be

7、planted.五、主动语态变被动语态的方法 (1)把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。 (2)把谓语变成被动结构(be过去分词) (根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数,以及原来主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be的形式)。 (3)把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。例如:All the people laughed at him.-He was laughed at by all people.They make the bikes in the factory.-The bikes are made by them in the factory.He cut down

8、a tree.-A tree was cut down by him.六、含有情态动词的被动语态含有情态动词的主动句变成被动句时,由情态动词be过去分词构成,原来带to的情态动词变成被动语态后to仍要保留。We can repair this watch in two days.-This watch can be repaired in two days.They should do it at once.-It should be done at once.七、特殊情况:Make/let sb. do sth. - sb. be made/let to do sth. 1.He made

9、the boy work for two hours yesterday.- The boy was made to work by him for two hours yesterday.2. Mother never lets me watch TV .-I am never let to watch TV by mother.See/hear sb. do sth.- sb. be seen/heard to do sth. 3. Jim saw the boy run yesterday.-The boy was seen to run by Jim yesterday.Give/le

10、nd sb. sth.-(1)sb. be given sth. by. (2)sth. be given to sb. by4.Jack gave Peter a Christmas present just now.(1)A Christmas present was given to Peter by Jack just now.(2)Peter was given a Christmas present by Jack just now. 初中英语被动语态练习题:一、选择题(215=30分)( )1._ a new library _ in our school last year?

11、A. Is; built B. Was; built C. Does; build D. Did ; build ( )2. An accident _ on this road last week. A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happened ( )3.Cotton(棉花) _ in the southeast of China. A. is grown B. are grown C. grows D. grow ( )4.So far, the moon _ by man already. A. is vi

12、sited B. will be visited C. has been visited D. was visited ( )5.A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. gives ( )6.How many trees _ this year? A. are planted B. will plant C. have been planted D. planted ( )7.A lot of things _ by p

13、eople to save the little girl now. A. are doing B. are being done C. has been done D. will be done ( )8.-When _ this kind of computers_? -Last year. A. did; use B. was; used C. is; used D. are; used ( )9.The Great Wall _ all over the world. A. knows B. knew C. is known D. was known ( )10.Who _ this

14、book _? A. did; written B. was; written by C. did; written D. was; written ( )11.A story _ by Granny yesterday. A. was told us B. was told to us C. is told us D. told us ( )12.The monkey was seen _ off the tree. A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump ( )13.The school bag _ behind the chair. A. puts B

15、. can be put C. can be putted D. can put ( )14.Older people _ well. A. looks after B. must be looked after C. must look after D. looked after ( )15.Our teacher _ carefully. A. should be listened to B. should be listen C. be listened D. is listened 二、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。(120=20分)1.Its said(据说) that the l

16、ong bridge_(build)in two months 2.Which language _the most widely_(speak)in the world? 3.The lost boy_(not find)so far 5.Last year a large number of trees_(cut)down 6. The students _ often _(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs. 7. The old man is ill. He _ _ (must send) to the hospital. 8. V

17、egetables, eggs and fruits_ (sell) in this shop. 9. What _ knives _ (make) of ? They_(make) of metal(金属) and wood. 10. Can the magazine _ (take) out of the library? 11. The room _ (clean) by me every day. 12. The stars cant _ (see) in the daytime. 13. Some flowers _ (water) by Li Ming already. 14. T

18、his kind of shoes _ (sell) well. 15. How long _ your uncle _(be) in the city? 16. The food _ (smell) delicious.17. Look! Someone _(dance). 三、真题体验。 (2016黄石)-Whydoestheearthlookblueinspace?-Becausemostoftheearthssurface_bywater()AcoversBiscovered Ccover Darecovered(2016菏泽)When you go abroad,youll find

19、 that so many products in local shops_in China ()AmakeBhave madeCare made-AsChinagrowsstrongerandstronger,Chinese_inmoreandmoreschoolsoutofourcountry-ThatstrueAsaChinese,Ifeelveryproud()Ateaches BhastaughtCistaught Dwastaught(2016漳州)If a driver_to park in the wrong place,hell get a fine()AfindsBis f

20、oundChas found(2016厦门)-These days,teenagers often have to do what they_to-Its not good for their independenceThey need to think on their own Atell Bare telling Care told(2016十堰)A year has four seaons and it_twelve months()Adivided into Bis dividing into Cwsa divided into Dis divided into(2016盐城)In S

21、witzerland,things like glass and plasticinto different groups and then recycled()Aseparate Bseparated Care separated Dis separated(2016南充)Chinese_by more and more people around the world()Ais spokenBspokeCare spoken Dspeaks(2016泸州)Every year many trees_along the streets to make our city more beautifulAplant Bhave planted Care planted Dwere planted(2016兰州)These rules are madethe disabled()Aprotect BprotectedCtoprotect Dp


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