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1、,专四真题语法词汇题解析 Presented by H W Z,71. We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and _. A. conducive B. wholesome C. helpful D. appreciative,71. We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and _.A. conducive B. wholesome C. helpful D. appreciative,题解:wholesome意思为“有益健康的”,例如Milk is a

2、wholesome food. 牛奶是一种有益于健康的食品,所以答案为B。 conducive意思为“有帮助的”,常与to连用,例如Regulating your habits is conducive to good health. 使生活习惯规律化有益于健康。appreciative (of)意为“有欣赏能力的,表示感谢的”,例如:The appreciative audience applauded. 有欣赏力的观众鼓掌了。 She was deeply appreciative of your help. 她对你的帮助深表感激。,72. It was strange that she

3、would _ such an absurd idea. A. allow B. stick C. take D. entertain,72. It was strange that she would _ such an absurd idea.A. allow B. stick C. take D. entertain,题解:entertain such an absurd idea 意为“拥有奇怪的想法”,其他例子如:I have never entertained any illusions about him. 我从来没有对他抱过任何幻想。,73. The scientists ha

4、ve made an _ study of the viruses that cause the disease. A. exhausted B. exhausting C. exhaustive D. exhaustion,73. The scientists have made an _ study of the viruses that cause the disease.A. exhausted B. exhausting C. exhaustive D. exhaustion,题解:exhaustive study 详尽,彻底的调查研究。 其他例子如:After an exhaust

5、ive search, the missing document was found. 经过彻底搜寻丢失的文件被找到了。,74. Do you own your apartment or are you a _ ? A. tenant B. customer C. client D. proprietor,74. Do you own your apartment or are you a _ ?A. tenant B. customer C. client D. proprietor,题解:该题是词义辨析题。tenant意思为“房客”,customer“顾客”,client“客户”,prop

6、rietor “业主,经营者”,例如The proprietor of the store was formerly a farmer. 这家商店的老板原是一个农民。根据上下文逻辑关系答案为A。,75. Representatives from the companies indicated that they should go on working together in _. A. unity B. entity C. partners D. partnership,75. Representatives from the companies indicated that they sh

7、ould go on working together in _.A. unity B. entity C. partners D. partnership,题解:in partnership “合作式地”。该句意思为“公司代表指出他们应该一起合股,继续工作”。又如My business was most successful when I formed a good partnership with someone else. 当我与别人建立了良好的合股关系时, 我的生意最兴旺发达。 utility 功效,实用,例如: a utility knife 多用途小刀; utility compa

8、nies 公用事业公司; entity 实体,本质,例如:existing as an independent entity 作为独立的实体存在。,76. We all know that Mary has had a strict _. A. growth B. upbringing C. development D. cultivation,76. We all know that Mary has had a strict _. A. growth B. upbringing C. development D. cultivation 题解:该题考查词意辨析。upbringing,意为“

9、抚养”,该句意思为“我们都知道玛丽家教很严”。又如He owed his success to the good upbringing he had. 他的成功归功于他受到的良好教养。cultivation意思为“培养,栽培”,例如the cultivation of cotton 棉花栽培;the cultivation of good habits 良好习惯的养成。,77. The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _ as the real stuff. A. passed out B. passed by C.

10、passed over D. passed off,77. The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _ as the real stuff. A. passed out B. passed by C. passed over D. passed off 题解:pass off假冒,冒充。该句意思为“饮料装到了香槟瓶中滥竽充数。”又如Pass off glass as a gemstone. 用玻璃冒充宝石。pass out分发,例如Would you pass out the books for me? 你替我分发一下

11、书好吗? pass by 时间流逝;pass over忽略,例如How could you pass over such an important matter? 你怎么能忽略如此重要的事情? The boss decided to pass over his slight mistakes. 老板决定原谅他的小错。,78. Last Sunday she came to visit us out of the blue. The italicized phrase means_ A. unexpectedly B. unhappily C. untidily D. unofficially,

12、78. Last Sunday she came to visit us out of the blue. The italicized phrase means_ A. unexpectedly B. unhappily C. untidily D. unofficially 题解:out of the blue意为“突然地,出人意料地”,所以答案为A。,79. The person he interviewed was _ his former schoolmate. A. no other than B. no more than C. none other than D. none t

13、he less,79. The person he interviewed was _ his former schoolmate. A. no other than B. no more than C. none other than D. none the less 题解:该题考查词组意思。none other than “(用以加强语气)不是别的,正是”,该句的意思为“他面试的那个人正是他以前的校友”。no other than“除以外,没有”, 例如: There is no other way than this. 舍此别无他法。 He resigned for no other r

14、eason than this. 他辞职不外乎是为了这个理由。 no more than “只有”,例如: He has no more than $100。 他只有100美元。 room for no more than three cars 只能容下三辆车的空间。 none the less“仍然”,例如: He has faults, none the less he is the best student of the class. 他有缺点,但仍不失为班上最好的学生。,80. The young employee has a(n)_ quality he is totally honest. A. respectable B. admirable C. decent D. approacha


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