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1、What should I do?,Rose来信向Lucy询问如何学好英语。请你以Lucy的名义给他写封回信。内容包括: 1学习英语的基本方法(listen carefully; speak much; learn . by heart; practise writing;.); 2你的体会和其他建议。(English films and English songs , penfriends ) 词数:80词左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数 Dear Rose, Im glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me

2、about how to learn English well.,Dear Rose, Im glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well. Here is some advice for you to learn English well. You should listen carefully in class. Speaking English as much as possible can help you keep it in mind. Learnin

3、g English words by heart is important for your English. You can improve your writing by practising writing and reading English newspaper. In my opinion, you can also watch English films and sing English songs to learn English. Making penfriends is also a good way to help you learn English well. If y

4、ou have some problems, you can go to your English teacher for help . English is important for us in our daily life. I hope you can learn it well. Best wishes! Yours , Lucy,First of all, be sure to learn words by heart. It is important for you to learn English well. Also you should get into good habi

5、ts to listen to English carefully, speak in English as much as possible and practise writing. You will find it better to understand English. Second, reducing the pressure is important, too. You should make you relaxed and make an efforteft n. 成就;努力 to find fun from English. Your attempt tempt n. 企图,

6、试图;攻击 to love English can help you keep something English things that you have learnt in mind. English films and,English songs are helpful for you. Making foreign penfriends is good for you. More importantly, dont think English is difficult. Best wishes!,As a matter of fact, learn English is not dif

7、ficult. You will fall in love with English. First of all, you should learn English by heart. And practice writing. You can listen carefully, speak much English in the morning. English is just so so ,before. Because I dont know How learn English. But now My English is well. I tell you why. Because I

8、usually see English films and listen. English songs. You should try my some ideas. Its good for you. Learn English. I think. You should write English with your penfriends .i hop you can learn English well.,First, you must listen carefully and often ask the question in the lessons. Second, you should

9、 read some English story book and try to speak it. Third, you should learn many English word by heart and try to use it to write a passage. at last, you should listen to English music and watch English film better. Sure, It is best for you can find a penfriend like me! Your English will better and b

10、etter if you can do that.,作文,健康生活 很多学生偏食,这样导致很多健康问题,例如 均衡饮食的重要性 均衡饮食的具体做法(举两个例子说明),Healthy Life (4.5+2.5+2=9) Now, many students are like only one kinds of food. It not right. It will lead to many kind of problems, such as putting on weight, heart attack. So balanced diet its very important for our

11、health. I have some suggest about balanced diet. First, we should eat four foods: grains、vegetables、meat、milk products and fruit. Its good for our health. Second, dont stop eating just to lose weight. It is harmful for us. Keep a good balanced diet is good for your future.,Now, many students prefer

12、to eat only one certain kind of food. It is not reasonable. It will lead to many kinds of problems, such as putting on weight, heart attack. So a balanced diet its very important to our health. Without a balanced diet , we cannot live a healthy life. I have some suggestions about balanced diet. Firs

13、t, we should eat five food: grains、vegetables、meat、milk products and fruit. Its good for our health. Second, dont stop eating just to lose weight. It is harmful for us. Keeping a good balanced diet is good for your future.,Many students prefer to eat a certain kind of food and they will eat nothing

14、else except it. This is a bad habit. An unbalanced diet can cause many problems, such as being overweight and causing heart attack. So its important for you to have a balanced diet, or it will be harmful to your health. On one hand, you should eat various foods from the five food group: grains, vege

15、tables, fruit, milk products and meat. On the other hand, you had better eat less fast food. Though fast food is easy to get and tasty, it contains too many calories. In short, if you follow the advice above, you can enjoy food that is not only delicious but also healthier too.,Dear counselor, I am

16、writing to you for advice about my English study._,假如你是琳达,在上次的英语考试中不及格。你感到很不开心。你不擅长英语,想放弃学习英语。你发现要把单词和短语记住很困难。你一个字母、一个字母地去记单词,却发现用这种方式去记单词很快就会忘记。应该怎样去记忆单词、短语呢?你觉得朗读英语很沉闷,对考试没有什么用。开口朗读真的有用么? 你想从学校顾问那里得到一些学好英语的建议和帮助。请写一封信给学校顾问,说明你学习英语的困难,要求得到一些建议和帮助。,Dear counselor, I am writing to you for advice abou

17、t my English study. I am unhappy because I failed my last English exam. I find it hard to learn English well. I feel so sad that I even think of giving up learning English. Its hard for me to remember English words and phrases. I usually remember an English word letter by letter. In this way, I forg

18、et the word easily. What is the correct way to remember words? I am tired of reading English aloud. Is it useful to read English aloud? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, Linda,假设Jay是你们班上一个很有天赋的学生,他学习很好。根据下面表格所提供的信息,写一写对他的介绍。,Jays information card,Jay is a gifted student in

19、 our class. He is fifteen years old. He likes playing chess and doing word puzzles. He does well in study. His favorite subjects are math, chemistry, physics and English. He is very curious about the things around him and always has many new ideas. He is good at collecting information, so he has a l

20、ot of knowledge. When I have some difficulties in study, I usually turn to him for help. Besides, Jay has a good memory. He learns new information quickly and finishes class work quickly. He hopes to become a scientist in the future. He is a role model for us.,你最好的朋友在QQ说,跟父母吵了架,她很生气,你该怎样劝说她,并告诉她应该怎样

21、跟父母相处。 多帮忙做家务,如打扫房间、洗碗等等; 周末多留在家学习,不要经常玩电脑游戏; 再多提一个到两个建议。 注意:1、短文要有你自己的观点; 2、词数:80词左右。题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。,书面表达 Dear Kelly, I know you are very angry now, but arguing with your parents isnt right. (its impolite for you to have an argument with your parents.) You should say sorry to your parents or do so

22、mething to make them happy. You can help them do more housework, such as cleaning the rooms, washing the dishes and so on. Also you should stay at home to study hard on weekends. Dont play too many,computer games . It can make a good impression on your parents. Most importantly, you should communica

23、te with your parents as often as possible. It will make them learn more about you. If you are free, you can go out for a walk with your parents. If you follow my advice, you will get on well with your parents. Best wishes! Yours, Jane,Dear Juliana, Im sorry to hear that youre worried about your exam

24、sHeres some advice In my opinion, one of the most important things to do is to make a plan for(为了什么而制定计划,用for更好一点) revision. Then you can have enough time to revise/review everythingYou should go to bed early and have a good sleep so that you will feel good the next morningEvery morning,youd better

25、have a good breakfast and you can eat some bread,milk, fruit and so on,because food gives you energyWhats more, I think you mustnt be too nervous about the exams,and it can help you think clearly I hope my advice is of some help(=helpful) to you Good luck! Best wishes! Yours, Li Jie,五、书面表达:Act now t

26、o save water(节约用水,从现在做起),2010年中考作文题继续保持了以往指导性写作(guided writing)的原则,今年采用的形式是图片和表格文字提示相结合的形式,既有控制性的写作又有一定的开放性,有利于不同水平的学生的发挥;所写的题材是学生非常熟悉的话题“Water”,内容的取材来自教材(7B,Unit 6),又跳出教材,结合时下时事的热点水资源,体现了时代性和教育性;所列举的不良现象是发生在学生身边的事例,让学生能够做到有话可说,有内容可写。 从现场评卷的情况来看,学生的答题情况一般,平均分为7.5分左右,难度适中。但两极分化的现象比较严重。,(一) Humans can

27、t live without water. How important it is! But a lot of people still waste water. They dont turn off the tap when they are brushing their teeth. And some of them spend too much time in having a bath. The others even throw the bottle which is full of water. In my opinion, we must do something to save

28、 the water. First, we should use water again and again. Then, turn off the tap when we dont need water. Last but not least, taking a shower instead of having a bath. Lets try our best to save water!,(二) As we know, it is always compared to liquid gold as nobody can survive without water. However, pe

29、ople have a bad habit of keeping water running from the tap, while having a shower for a long time is another. Whats more, throwing the bottles away are not completely empty can be seen everywhere. With the serious waste of water, it goes without saying that. For example, its better for us to have a

30、 shower instead of a bath. Besides, reusing the water which is used to wash face to water the plants is also a good way. In addition, remember to turn off the tap when you dont need it. I believe that the more we do, the better our world will be! Lets put in some effort to save water in our daily life!,Nearly all (95%) of the students think a good friend should be kind, helpful and honest. He or she should trust you and be willing to share joys with you. Sixty-seven percent of the students would like their friends to be fond of singing and d


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