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1、大学英语大学英语 III考试辅导材料考试辅导材料 2012 年年 6 月月 试题类型说明试题类型说明 Part I. Vocabulary and Structure (35 points) Part II: Reading Comprehension (40 points) Part III: Short Answer Questions (10 Points) Part IV: Writing (15 Points) 复习材料复习材料 Part I. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Father followed the doctors _ as when to g

2、ive his son medicines. D A. conclusion 结论B. regulation 规章 C. consideration考虑 D. instruction 用法说明 2. It was _ that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.C A. addicted B. alleged C. assaulted D. ascribed 3. The blind little boy was always interested in whats _ around him.D A. coming out

3、B. passing byC. turning outD. going on 4. It seemed to me that the only thing that was to get her husband back to her.B A. matter B. mattered C. would matter D. could matter 5. _ enough, he should discuss with me as to when he should get married.A A. StrangelyB. ObviouslyC. StrangeD. Obvious 6. It i

4、s virtually impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired an _ working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages.C A. effective B. adequate C. efficient D. accurate 7. Upon his shameless act, I could hardly _ my indignation.C A. hold onB. hold toC. hold bac

5、kD. hold up 8. Instead of giving a faithful description of the event, he presented a rather _ picture of what had happened.A A. distorted B. twisted C. false D. perverted 9. He was so _ from things around him that I wondered whether he did listen to what I said just now.A A. separatedB. dispatchedC.

6、 detachedD. touched 10. If you have a car, you can move around freely, so you will no longer be forced to rely on public _ and will not be compelled to work locally.B A. transform B. transport C. transplant D. transfer 11. He happened to fall on the ground and _ all the books he had held in his arms

7、.B A. loosedB. droppedC. disappearedD. lost 12. If I had looked less respectable, _ that I would have been found guilty.D A. there is every chanceB. a chance exists to say C. I have a chanceD. chances will stand 13. Have this, and your fever will soon be _.B A. brought upB. brought backC. brought ab

8、outD. brought down 14. Everyone has to be well _ for tonights party.A A. dressedB. decoratedC tailoredD. turned 15. I wish I longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.D A. have slept B. might have slept C. slept D. could have slept 16. The boy kept gazing at the sky long after the p

9、lane had went _.D A. out of fashionB. out of controlC. out of dangerD. out of sight 17.I want myself and my students the ivory tower and the real world.B A. from.away B. out o C. to.against D. for.out of 18. Upon the gunfire of the aggressive human hunter, the birds immediately flushed and som

10、e _ in nearby bushes.B A. lightenedB. alightC. lightD. lit 19. I started back _ a covey close to the house.A A. to have pleased found B. to have found pleased C. to pleased have found D. pleased to have found 20. She felt _ and did nothing but sleep the whole day.A A. slackB. the slackC. slackingD.

11、slackly 21. She was _ with cold and fear, being alone in the dark forest.D A. sharingB. shudderingC. shatteringD. shivering 22. Many people caught at the rapidly spreading _ and died afterwards.D A. sicknessB. epidemicC. illnessD. disease 23. I like watching TV _ to the cinema.B A. more than to go B

12、. more than going C. than going D. rather than to go 24. The government is taking measures to wipe out those _ CDs and VCDs.C A. piratingB. pirateC. piratedD. pirates 25. I like to ask questions .C A. answer which students struggled B. what struggles to answer C. that students must struggle to answe

13、r D. which answer struggles 26. He could still recall that _ river that ran through the village.D A. glass-likeB. glassierC. glassfulD. glassy 27. Every large city has its _ population of vagrants.A A. shifting B. shift C. shifted D. shifts 28. The children found a _ of birds in the bushes.D A. cove

14、yB. litterC. setD. herd 29. Einstein was a great scientific _. D A. talent B. intelligence C. gift D. genius 30. At clear night, one can see the stars _ in the sky.B A. threwB. scatteredC. spreadD. sowed 30. Dont _ the news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A A. release B. discard C. reli

15、eve D. retain 31. Tourists see in this area quite a lot of _ built for defensive purpose in old times.C A. mouldsB. mountsC. moundsD. mountains 32. Despite reality, hes still picturing himself in his mind _.C A. as winningB. being won C. to win D. being winning 33. The _ door closed quietly behind h

16、im.D A. springingB. springedC. springlikeD. springy 34. Chinas continuous economic growth shows the country is _ of facing certain challenges that may emerge in the future.A A. capable B. possible C. credible D. responsible 35. Such _ happen almost everyday. No one pay any attention to them.B A. acc

17、identsB. incidentsC. happeningsD. occasions 36. Born in rude and _ poverty, he never had any education, except what he gave himself, till he was approaching manhood.C A. measurable B. memorable C. miserable D. memorial 37. The plane will take off soon. _, please remain seated. D A. In due timeB. At

18、this momentC. SubsequentlyD. Meanwhile 38. Being around people, I occasionally find_.B A. breathing out by myself B. I take a breath out C. that I myself catches breath away D. myself catching breath with them 39. Not by any chance _ turn against my friend.A A. will IB. I willC. would rather ID. wil

19、ling i 40. Baltimores economy had expanded tremendously, to be sure, but the same forces that sparked expansion around 1750 continued to _ it fifty years later.B A. obtain B. sustain C. restrain D. attain 41. _ that the woman in black was the Presidents former wife Elizabeth herself.C A. It was turn

20、ed out as a result B. As a result it was turned out C. As a result it turned out D. It turned out subsequent 42. Do you believe that _ for a very little boy to be drowned when he is in bath by himself?B A. is there every chance B. there are a thousand chances C. chances prove that D. it has a chance

21、 43. As with any large country, the U.S.A has several _ regions. Each region boasts its own special style of food.C A. instinct B. extinct C. distinct D. tint 44. It _ my look _ frightened the small child.D A. must have been that has B. must be which C. can by that has D. could be which 45. Obviousl

22、y he had come to my place _.B A. having the intention with talking to me B. with the intention of talking to me C. and intended of talking with me D. intending of talking to me 46. An Oscar represents the _ accolade for a movie actors performance.D A. excessive B. ultimate C. negative D. affirmative

23、 47. The teacher has told me everything and now_.A A. leaving me in no doubt left B. I am having in no doubt left C. I have not in doubt left D. I was left in no doubt 48. An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to _ further research and further thinking about a particular topic.

24、C A. violate B. terminate C. stimulate D. tolerate 49. I _ them to be a stranger in this town so they tried to deceive me by going the wrong way.D A. appears toB. was appeared to C. has appeared toD. appeared to 50. Accuracy is _ to the programming of computers.C A. primary B. elementary C. fundamen

25、tal D. characteristic 51. _, I can persuade anybody that he is guilty.C A. Arming with such facts B. Armed with facts like these C. Being armed with facts enough D. Having armed with facts enough 52. A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _.C A. precaution B. cr

26、isis C. emergency D. urgency 53. At the party were a lot of my friends, _ I hadnt seen for years.C A. included an old friend that B. an old friend of mine including C. including a very old friend D. an old friend whom 54. A copyright makes it _ for anyone to copy or reproduce the work of another per

27、son or company.A A. illegal B. irregular C. immortal D. illogical 55. _, you are not so stupid as you imagined.C A. Given that you havent been here before B. Giving your not being here before C. Giving that you havent been here before D. Given the fact of your not here before 56. _energy under the e

28、arth must be release on one form or another, for example, an earthquake.B A. Gathered B. Accumulated C. Collected D. Assembled 57. When the person cannot see any light, he _ blind.B A. presumesB. is presumedC. presumes to be D. presuming to be 58. _ you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner togeth

29、er tonight.C A. For B. before C. Since D. While 59. _, I wouldnt have given him up.A A. Had there been any chance B. If I stood any chance there C. If I had not stood a chance D. would I stand a chance 60. _ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.C A. For now B. Ever si

30、nce C. Now thatD. By now 61. _ to support his case?B A. Are there any evidence B. Is there any evidence C. Evidence there is D. Evidences there are 62. _ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.A A. Until B. From C. Before D. Since 63. _ its success as a novel

31、, it was made into a film.B A. SubsequentlyB. Subsequent toC. Being followed byD. Following to 64. _ in the office had a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.D A. Some B. Anyone C. One D. Someone 65. He would have given more help, but he so busy.D A. is B. would be C. h

32、as been D. had been Part II: Reading Comprehension (1) My Wonderful Lousy Poem When I was eight or nine years old, I wrote my first poem. My mother read the little poem and began to cry. Buddy, you didnt really write this beautiful, beautiful poem! Shyly, proud bursting, I stammered(结结巴巴地说)that I di

33、d. My mother poured out her praise. Why, this poem was nothing short of genius! I glowed. What time will Father be home? I asked, I could hardly wait to show him what I had accomplished. My mother said she hoped he would become around seven. I spent the best part of that afternoon preparing for his

34、arrival. First, I wrote the poem out in my finest flourish(花体 字). Then I used colored crayons(蜡笔)to draw an elaborate border around it. Then I waited. As 7 oclock drew near, I confidently placed it right on my fathers plate on the dining-room table. But my father did not return at seven. Seven-fifte

35、en. Seven-thirty. I could hardly stand the suspense(悬念). I admired my father. He was head of Paramount Studios(派拉蒙电影公司)in Hollywood but he had begun his motion picture career as a writer. He would be able to appreciate this wonderful poem of mine even more than my mother. This evening it was almost

36、8 oclock when my father burst in. He was an hour late for dinner. His mood seemed thunderous. He could not sit down but circled the long dining-room table with a drink in his hand, calling down terrible oaths(诅咒)on his employees. Imagine, we would have finished the picture tonight, my father was sho

37、uting. Instead that moron suddenly gets it into her beautiful empty, little head that she cant play the last scene. So the whole company has to stand there at $ 1,000 a minute while this silly little blank walks off the set! And now I have to beg her to come back! He wheeled(旋转)in his pacing(踱步), pa

38、used and glared at his plate. There was a suspenseful silence. What is this? He was reaching for my poem. Ben, a wonderful thing has happened, my mother began. Buddy has written his first poem! And its beautiful, absolutely amaz If you dont mind, Id like to decide for myself. Father said. I kept my

39、face lowered to my plate as he read that poem. It was only ten lines. But it seemed to take hours. I could hear him dropping the poem back on the table. Now came the moment of decision. I think its lousy, he said. I couldnt look up. My eyes were getting wet. Ben, sometimes I dont understand you, my

40、mother was saying. This is just a little boy. Youre not in your studio now. These are the first lines of poetry hes ever written. He needs encouragement. I dont know why, my father held his ground. Isnt there enough lousy poetry in the world already? No law says Buddy has to become a poet. I couldnt

41、 stand it another second. I ran from the dining-room up to my room, threw myself on the bed and sobbed. When I had cried the worst of the disappointment out of me, I could hear my parents still quarreling over my first poem at the dinner table. That may have been the end of the anecdote but not of i

42、ts significance for me. A few years later I took a second look at the first poem, and reluctantly I had to agree with my fathers harsh judgment. It was a pretty lousy poem. After a while, I worked up the courage to show him something new, a short story. My father thought it was overwritten but not h

43、opeless. I was learning to rewrite. And my mother was learning that she could criticize me without crushing me. You might say we were all learning. I was going on 12. As I worked my way into other books and plays and films, it became clearer and clearer to me how fortunate I had been. I had a mother

44、 who said, Buddy, did you really write this? I think its wonderful! and a father who shook his head no and drove me to tears with, l think its lousy. A writer in fact every one of us in life needs that mother force, the loving force from which all creation flows; and yet the mother force alone is in

45、complete, even misleading, finally destructive. It needs the balance of the force that cautions,Watch. Listen. Review. Improve. Those conflicting but complementary(互相补充的)voices of my childhood echo down through the years wonderful . lousy . wonderful . lousy like two opposing winds battering(连续猛击)me

46、. I try to steer my small boat so as not to turn over before either. Between the two poles of affirmation(肯定)and doubt, both in the name of love, I try to follow my true course. D1. When the mother cried, Buddy, you didnt really write this beautiful, beautiful poem ! A. she didnt believe that her so

47、n had really written this beautiful poem. B. she was not sure whether her son had written this poem. C. she meant that an eight-or-nine-year-old boy could not have written such a wonderful poem. D. she wanted to let her son know she was amazed that he had written such a beautiful poem. C2. That afte

48、rnoon the author spent a great deal of time A. rewriting his poem. B. drawing pictures around the poem. C. carefully copying and decorating the poem. D. Both A and B. B3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the next? A. The author was confident that his father would like the p

49、oem better than his mother did. B. The authors father had once worked as film script(剧本)writer and was then working as a film director. C. The father returned home late and was very angry that evening. D. They did not finish the film because the movie star refused to play the last scent. A4. We may

50、infer from the context that the word “lousy” means A. very bad B. childish. C. meaningless D. overwritten. C5. “My father held ground ” could best be replaced by A. My father was shouting loudly. B. My father was very angry. C. My father refused to give in. D. All of the above. D6. On hearing his fa

51、thers judgment the author felt A. pained. B. hurt. C. disappointed. D. all of the above. C7. Which of the following conclusions do you think the author might agree with? A. This childhood event changed the authors course of life B. This event made the author all the more determined to become a write

52、r. C. Looking back on the event in his childhood, the author sees it in a new light and comes to realize its great significance. D. From his “first poem” experience the author knew that he could never become a poet ,so he started to work his way into stories, plays and films. D8. The author owes his

53、 success as a professional writer A. to his own courage and confidence. B. more to his mothers praise than to his fathers criticism. C. more to his fathers caution than to his mothers encouragement. D. to both his mothers warm encouragement and is fathers harsh judgment. A9. Quite a few figurative e

54、xpressions are used in the story. Two of them that appear in the last paragraph:“I try to steer my small boat”and “I try to follow my true course” are both A. metaphors. B. similes C. personifications D. symbols. B10. Another good title for this passage might be A. An Anecdote in my Childhood. B. Tw

55、o Conflicting but Complementary Voices. C. A Scene to Remember. D. An Important Lesson (2)BCDAC Biomechanics the application of engineering principles to the motions of the human body stands at the heart of much of the current work in training athletes. At the U.S. Olympic Committee Biomechanics Lab

56、oratory in Colorado Springs, experts use a computerized “force platform” to measure both the magnitude (大小) and direction of body forces as an athlete runs, lifts and throws. This information can tell an athlete such as a discus(铁饼) thrower whether he performs better when more weight is placed on th

57、e front or back foot. The U.S. Cycling Federation relies on biomechanical analysis to measure the force applied to pedals by cyclists. “We can tell if one leg is using more force than the other and how effective a riders pedaling motion is,” says Edmund Burke of the federation. Marathoner Tony Sandoval benefited from biomechanics in a different way troubled by tendonitis (腱炎) and unable to figure out the cause, he went to specialists who analyzed his running movements and found he was rotating his ankle excessi


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