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1、八年级英语教学设计Module 7 A famous story( Grammar)课型:语法新授 【学习目标】1、 能够正确使用过去进行时;2、 能在学习语法的过程中,学会一些区分与归纳的学习方法。【课前准备】课前朗读本模块的词汇(学生自己朗读)【学习过程】I、新知导入。(1)介绍:a. Im having an English class now. Look! They are playing football on the playground.b.My parents were working at this time yesterday. When I saw her, she wa

2、s talking to somebody.(2)归纳:请仔细观察以上例句,回答下列问题: a 部分2个例句中用的是什么时态,构成是什么? b部分2个例句时态构成与a的不同之处是什么? (3)交流:分组讨论你所发现的规律。b部分中用的时态我们可以称为 ,它的构成是 。(4) I was reading a book at that time. What were you doing at 8 oclock yesterday evening? We were learning Module 5 at this time last week. Alice was sitting by the r

3、iver when a white rabbit ran past her.归纳:观察上面的含有过去完成时态的句子,你能试着总结一下过去完成时的概念吗? .交流:分组讨论你总结的概念,并试着找出过去完成时态的时间状语有那些? (5)回顾我们所学的现在进行时态 Look! He isnt helping his mother do housework.Are your parents watching TV at home now? Yes, they are.你能试着说说过去完成时态的否定句和一般疑问句应该怎么构成吗?否定句: ;一般疑问句: .II、专项练习。(1)请在小组内或结对,用过去进

4、行时was/were+doing来交流一下at 7 oclock yesterday evening你或是你的家人做的事情,进行说的训练,并结对互评或小组互评,纠正出现的错误。(2)请在小组内就下面两幅图片进行问答练习,要出现:What were you doing ?; I werent doing。;Were you doing?等句型,并组成一个合理的小对话。 8:00 last night at this time last SundayIII、综合运用。1、将下列句子译成英语。1)昨天下午三点,他们正在筹钱. They _ at 3pm yesterday.2)上周六这个时候,我正在

5、照顾小孩. I _ the child at this time last Saturday.3)当我找到他时,他正在灌制唱片. He _ when I found him.4)爸爸正在种菜当我们打电话给他时. Father _vegetables when we called him2、时态填空:1).He _ (see) a film last night.2).They _ (cook) at 8 oclock yesterday.3).When I _ (see) her two hours ago, she _ (talk) to somebody.4).A: What _ you

6、_ (do) at this time last week? B: I _(prepare) for the Maths test.5).When the policemen came, the boys _ (cry) loudly.6).Last summer, we _ (work) on a farm.7).When the electricity went off yesterday, the girls _ (have) dinner.8).He often _ (swim) when he was young.板书设计Module 7 A famous story过去进行时: 结

7、构: 主语 + was/were doing sth. 反思:八年级英语教学设计 Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 【学习目标】1、 能运用本课的新词汇和过去进行时进行口语交流;2、 能听懂本单元所提供的听力素材,并完成听力任务。【课前准备】1、 根据音标,先试读生词,直到熟读生词,最后能够英汉互译;2、 提前阅读童话故事爱丽丝漫游奇遇记或了解一些关于这个童话故事的人物、故事情节等等。【学习过程】1、 预习情况检查。1)小组内进行词汇的英汉互译;2)组内围绕”What we

8、re you doing at this time yesterday/at that time?”对话练习.2、听力训练。(1)、多层听 听Activity 1,完成排序。(2)、听后说 自读Activity 1单词,小组内互相纠正发音。 5、对话学习。a.读前听 (1)请听对话,回答下列问题。 1) What is Lingling reading?2 ) Why was the rabbit running?b. 语言知识归纳。(1)请精读文章,找出并写下疑难问题_(2)结对或小组内交流,记下仍然解决不了的问题 _.(3)语言点导学:1) “How is it going ,Lingli

9、ng?”来询问对方生活、工作中有什么新进展,又如:So hows it going at work these days? 2)Sally sent it to me.萨莉送给我的。(Sally sent me the book.) send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. I want to send the postcard to Jim.(同义句转换) I want to _ _ _ _.3) a girl called Alice 此处的“called”的用法是过去分词做后置定语。一个叫小明的男孩 _一只叫咪咪的猫 _4) in a tree /on a tre

10、e 的区别:in a tree 表示外来的东西在树上;on a tree 表示树本身长出来的东西。Dont sit _ the tree .Its dangerous.Look! There are so many apples _ the tree.c.两两对话,熟读课文。6、学以致用。I.根据所给汉语提示,写出空缺处单词正确形式。 1. _ (突然) he heard someone crying for help.2. Yesterday the grandfather bought a _ (兔子) for his grandson.3. Mary is going to have a

11、 birthday _ (聚会) next week4. There is a _ (洞) on the wall.5. When he went to the America at first, he felt _ (陌生的).II.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The s tory is about a girl _(call) Alice.2. She _(fall) down a big hole, and she couldnt see anything.3. The white rabbit was looking at _(it) watch. 4. - How is i

12、t _(go)? - Great.5. Sally _(send) it to me when i visited her home.6. What _ he _(do) at nine oclock last night?7. We _(watch) TV when suddenly the telephone rang.8. I _(read) a newspaper while I was waiting for the bus.9. When the headmaster came in, the students _ (read) the text.板书设计Unit 1 Alice

13、was sitting with her sister by the river.send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.a girl called Alicein a tree /on a tree本节课反思:八年级英语教学设计Module 7 A famous storyUnit 2 She was thinking about her cat.【学习目标】1、 阅读文章,能了解文章大意;2、 了解Alices Adventures in the Wonderland的简要故事情节;【课前准备】课前朗读本模块的词汇(学生自己朗读、领读或齐读)【学习过程】1、复习:在

14、小组内就下列句型进行问答练习。What was I doing at _ yesterday? at 6:00 a.m. get up at 10:10 a.m. work in my office at 11:20 a.m. have lunch in the dining-room 2、多层阅读。快速默读文章,判断下面描述的正误(T or F):(1)Alice was reading a book.( )(2)The book had a lot of pictures in it.( )(3)The white ran past Alice and her sister.( )(4)T

15、he rabbit didnt wear clothes but wear a watch.( )(5)The rabbit went into a hole under a big tree.( )3、语言知识归纳。1) Alice had nothing to do.nothing=not anything此处不定式做定语修饰nothing,nothing还可换成其他名词或代词,表示“有可做”例: I have some words to say.我有几句话要说。注意:不定代词的修饰词要放其后。例:I have something important to do now.我现在有重要的事要

16、干。 There was nothing strange about that. 这没什么好奇怪的。2) Once or twice she looked into her sisters book, but it had no pictures or conversations in it. 她看了几眼姐姐得书,发现书上既没有插图又没有对话。Once or twice 意思是:几次,一两次。例:She goes swimming once or twice a month.no+名词=not any/a/an:“had no pictures”=didnt have any pictures

17、练习:There is no water in the bottle.=There _ _ water in the bottle. I have no friends in the new school.=I _ _ _ friends in the new school.no pictures or conversations:否定句里“和,并且”用or表示3) And what is about for,” thought Alice. “(没有插图又没有对话的书)有什么用呢?”爱丽丝想。What for? 表示“为什么 ?”用于询问目的或用途,一般用不定式或for介词短语等回答,不能用

18、because来回答。例如:-What are you here for? 你为什么在这儿?-To meet my uncle.来接我的叔叔。翻译:你回来干什么? 4) She saw it go down a large rabbit hole in the ground.see do sth.看见做过某事,强调看到了整个行为,事件的全过程。seedoing sth.看见正在做某事,强调看到行为,事件正在进行。练习:One day, I saw him _(sit) on the eggs.The policeman saw the thief _(cross) the road and _

19、(go) into a shop.(4)朗读课文, 写出下列重点词组。1)在河边_ 2)无事可做_3)考虑_ 4)从她身边跑过_5)没什么奇怪的_ 6)从它的口袋里拿出一块手表_ 7)站起来,起立_8)看见某人做了某事_ ( )1. Granny. Let me help you to _ the box.Thank you. A. putB. call C. helpD. carry( )2. Look at the dog. Its _ today. Maybe it is ill. A. sureB. strange C. loudD. tiring( )3. I heard someo

20、ne screaming just now. Me too. _ A. What happened?B. Hes serious. C. It sounds nice.D. What bout you?( )4. _ you reading at this time yesterday? No, I was _.A. Were; singing B. Are; watching TV C. Were; put off D. Are; having a rest( )5. Li Ming, you should come to school earlier next time. _I will

21、never be later again. A. Go on! B. Ssh! C. I see! D. I dont believe it!板书设计Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.nothing=not anythingOnce or twice no+名词=not any/a/an反思Module7 AfamousstoryUnit3Languageinuse 【学习目标】 复习本模块重点词汇;【课前准备】 课前朗读本模块的词汇【学习过程】复习:一、本模块重点词汇。1. write a story 编故事 tell a story 讲故事 2.

22、how is it going? 最近怎么样? 3. send/show/present sb sth = send/show/present sth to sb 向展示/发送 buy/make/do sb sth = buy/make/do sth for sb 4. go on/continue to do 继续做(不同的)某事 go on/continue doing 继续做(相同的)某事 5. by the river/window 在河边/在窗边 next to the river/window beside the river/window 6. run/go/walk past=

23、pass 超过 run by= run past 经过7. a tea party 茶会 hold/have a party 举办聚会 8. suddenly 突然, 9. smile at 对微笑 laugh at 嘲笑某人 10. fall down a hole 掉下洞里 fall behind 落后 fall asleep 睡着11. get/be/feel tired (感到)累的 get/be tired of sth 厌倦某物12. have nothing to do 无事可做 have nothing to do with 与没关系 13. once or twice 一两次

24、 14. look into a book 望向一本书 15. think of 想出 16. What happened (to sb)? 发生了什么 Whats wrong (with sb)? =Whats the matter/problem (with sb)? 二、本模块语法过去进行时: 结构: 主语 + was/were doing sth. a) 常用时间状语: at that time; at that moment; at this time yesterday; at this time last year; at+过去的时间点(yesterday/last night); during ;when或while 引领的时间状语从句. Eg: What were you doing at that moment? I was watching a TV show.一、单项选择。1.Look!Theboyissitting_atree. A.onB.inC.ofD.above2.Suddenly,allthelightsinherhousewent_. A.ofB.offC.upD.down3.Theboywas_inbedandre


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