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1、Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?Section ATeachers words: Actions speak louder than words.学习目标:1.学会谈论国籍,国家,语言。 2询问并告知居住的地方。.知识目标:1. 词汇: Canada, France, Japan, the United States, Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Sydney, New York, Pairs, Toronto, Tokyo, French, Japanese, pal, country, live, la

2、nguage, world, like, dislike.2. 短语: talk about, be from/ come from, pen pal, speak English, a little与 little 的区别,my favorite subject, tell sb. about sth, like doing sth.3. 句子1) - Wheres your pen pal from?2) - Where does he live?3) - What language does he speak? 4) - Whats your favorite subject?【课前预习

3、案】1.预习检测:1.来自_ 2.笔友_ 3.做运动_ 4.讲英语_ 5.给某人写信_ 6.住在_ 7.一点法语_ 8. 太难_ 9.去看电影_ 10.喜欢做某事_ 句型展示台1. 你的笔友来自哪里?Where your pen pal ?他来自澳大利亚。Hes from Australia.2. 他住在哪里?Where does he live?他住在悉尼。He Sydney.【课内探究案】任务一:1. To show a photo of Sydney and talk about it.2. To ask the students some questions.任务二:1. The st

4、udents open the books, turn to Page 81 and read the first letter. After that, the students answer three simple questions. 2. The students read after the tape and go on answering some more questions. 任务三;合作交流:1.The students read the letters that the teacher gives them and then choose one pen pal they

5、 like.2.Do a report. My partners name is _. His new pen pals name is _. He is _ years old. He is from _. He lives in _. At school, he likes _. His favorite _ is _. I think he can be my partners pen pal. Do you think so?任务四:Groupwork1.Discussion: In your group, do you like your pen pals? Who likes? W

6、hy? ( Tell some reasons ) 2.Report.In our group, _of us like his pen pal. Because his pen pal 语法探究用所给动词的适当形式填空1. -Where (be) Tony from? America.2. -Where your pen pal (come) from? -Canada.3. Where they (live) ? - In Toronto.4. What language she (speak) ? -English.5. I (have)a pen pal. He (come)from

7、the UK. He (speak) English.总结感悟 (一)一般现在时的含义及用法 1表示 的状态。 2表示 的动作。 (二)一般现在时的谓语形式 一般现在时的谓语形式有两种:1系动词 ; 2实义动词。1、系动词be在一般现在时态中,be的形式为am,is ,are。主语是第一人称单数“I”时,用;主语是第三人称单数时,用;主语是第二人称或其他人称算数时,用;变否定句时,直接在am,is ,are后加;变为一般疑问句时,将am,is ,are提到句首。2、实义动词含有实义动词的一般现在时的肯定句中,谓语动词用原形,但当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式,具体变化形式如下:

8、 (1)一般在动词后加一s。例如:WorkWorks (2)以字母s,x,sh和ch结尾的动词,加-es。例如:watch+watches (3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es。例如:studystudies变否定句时,在主语后加 或doesnt(主语是第三人称单数时,加doesnt),谓语动词用原形;变一般疑问句时,在句首加 或Does(主语是第三人称单数时,加Does),谓语动词用原形。【课后训练案】一、首字母填空1. Shel_inBeiHai.2. Whatl_doesMariaspeak?3. Whereareyourfriendf_?4. Kingsf_ movi

9、eistheLongWeekend.5. Chinaisagreatc_.6. Mr.BrownisfromA_.7. CanhespeakJ_?8. RushHourisanactionm_.9. Itisani_story.10. J_istheseventhmonthintheyear.二、单选()1. _doyoucomefrom? A.When B.How C.Where D. Why()2.Samlikes_hisfriends. A.toplay B.plays C.playwith D.playingwith()3.Shelives_Sydney. A.at B.on C.in

10、 D.behind()4.Where_she? -InAustralia. A.do;liveB.does;livesC.do;livesD.does;live()5.Doyouwant_French?A. to learn B learns. C. learning D. learn三、完形填空:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入括号内。 Li Mei has a new classmate from New York. His 1_ is Peter. Everything here 2_ new to him. He doesnt speak

11、 Chinese, but he speaks good English. He can 3_ many games, too. Miss Yang asked Li Mei to 4 _ him to speak Chinese. Li Mei was very 5_ . She thought she could 6_ English from Peter. Now she can speak 7_ English and Peter can 8_ some Chinese words. Now they are 9_ at table and having 10 _ at school.

12、 Li Mei teaches him how to use chopsticks. ( ) 1.A.friend B.classmate C.name D.teacher ( ) 2.A.am B.is C.are D.be ( ) 3.A.play B.have C.like D.send ( ) 4.A.see B.watch C.help D.tell ( ) 5.A.sorry B.careful C.sad D.happy ( ) 6.A.get B.borrow C.learn D.teach ( ) 7.A.any B.some C.many D.no ( ) 8.A.tell

13、 B.write C.say D.read ( ) 9.A.sitting B.standing C.working D.talking ( ) 10.A.ameeting B.aparty C.lunch D.tea四、把城市所在国家的序号写在括号中。1. ( ) Sydney A China2. ( ) New York B France3. ( ) Paris C Canada4. ( ) Toronto D the United States5. ( ) Tokyo E Australia6. ( ) Hongkong F JapanSection B学习目标:学会给自己的笔友写信,或

14、征集笔友. 知识目标: 1. 词汇: Japanese, French, country, Toronto, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, world, pen pal, any, dislike, from, country, people, language2. 短语: be.from=com from, live in ., live here/there3. 句子:- Is that from your new pen pal? -Yes, it is.I live in Toronto ,Canada, and I want a pen

15、 pal in China.I think China is a very interesting country.Where does he live?He lives in Mexico City. 【课前预习案】1. 预习检测听录音记忆单词。小组互相检查读写情况。写出下列单词并展示。笔友 国家名/国家人/语言/ 首都,省会/城市(纽约、东京、多伦多、悉尼、巴黎、伦敦) 来自.;.国人; 居住/住在./住在这儿(那儿) 说话;演讲(说话能力,+语言名词) (中国、加拿大、日本、澳大利亚、英国、美国、新加坡、法国、韩国、墨西哥、西班牙) 在小组内核对答案。完成1将单词与图画匹配句型展示台1.

16、他有兄弟姐妹吗? he brothers sisters?2. 她讲英语吗? she English?3.我会说英语和一点儿法语。I English and French.4.我喜欢和朋友一起去看电影和做运动。I like with my friends and .5.你能尽快给我写信吗? you soon 6.请写信告诉我你自己的情况。Please me .【课内探究案】任务一:听力训练,完成2a,2bGreet the class as usual and check the homework. The students read the new words of Unit 1 toget

17、her.Check some words of this unit 1 . 任务二:阅读训练Students activitiesRead articles and dialogues about unit 1.Teacher provides guided oral practice using the targret language。Student reads the dialogues in the class. Two students read the dialogues to the class, Master some grammer points.任务三;GroupworkT

18、alk about countries, nationalities and languages. Ask and tell where people live by themselves. Make statements about your country of origin and languages you speak. For example:I come from Japan. I speak Janpanese。 B:Teachers help1) Revise some language points. Ask students to work in pairs. After

19、they have practice for a few minutes, Ask various pairs to present importances to the class.2) Sentences Where is your pen pal from ? She is from Mexico. Where does she live ? She lives in Mexico City .What language does she speak? She speaks English and Spanish . 任务四:读写训练 Please write a word in eac

20、h blank and you can find information to complete the letter on the ID cards. Ask a student to read the letter aloud with all the answers in place. Ask students to use 3b as an example .Write an e-mail about themselves. Ask several students to read their letters to the class.【课后训练案】一、英汉词组互译(10分):1.来自

21、_ 6. the United Kingdom_2.说法语_ 7. the United States_3.他最喜欢的科目 _ 8. tell me about yourself_4.一点儿日语_ 9. in Australia_5.在周末 _10. New York _二、选择填空(20分):( )1.-_ is this pencil case _? -Its from the USA.A.What, from B. What color, / C. Where, from D. Where, /( )2. -Where are Emmas parents from? -_ from Ja

22、pan.A. Its B. Thesere C. Shes D. Theyre( )3.-What language does your new pen pal speak? -_.A .France B. Mexico C. Spanish D. Korea( )4.-Where does she _? -She lives in Beijing.A. from B. live , in C. lives D. live( )5. My new pen pal _Canada and speaks English.A.come from B is from C. live D. live i

23、n( )6.-Is that your new friend? -_.A.Yes, she is. B. No, he isnt C. Yes, it is D. No, that isnt( )7. Does she have _brothers _sisters?A.some, and B. any, and C. some ,or D.any, or( )8. She likes _ to the movies and _ basketball.A.go to play B. going, playing C. to go, playing D. going ,to play( )9.

24、Do you _Australia? A. speak B. from C. live D. come from( ) 10.London is the capital of _.A. the United States B. the United Kingdom C. Australia D. Japan( )11.The people in America speak_. A. English B. French. C .Chinese D. America( )12.He _ French very well, so he _ it in French. A. speaks, says

25、B. speaks, speaks C. says, speaks D. say, say( )13. “This is my new pen pal,” She _. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. talks( )14.There is _ coffee in the bottle, is there? A. a little B. few C. little D. a few( )15.Can you _ it in French? A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell三、句型转换(10分):1.Where is your pen p

26、al from? = Where _ your pen pal _ from?2.Where does he live ? = _ _ does he live _?3.Whats her favorite subject? = What subject _ _ like _?4.They speak English. (就划线部分提问)_ _ do they speak四、根据课文3a填空。Dear Student, My name is Bob, I live 1 Toronto, Canada. And I want a pen pal in China, I think China i

27、s a very interesting 2 .Im 14 3 old and my birthday is 4 November. I can _5_ English and a 6 French. I have a brother and a sister. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia. I like 7 to the moves 8 my friends and _9_sports.My 10 -subject is P.E .itsfun, But I dont like math. Its too 11

28、 .Can you write 12 me soon? Bob Unit2 Wheres the post office ?Section A一学习目标1. 知识与技能词:(1) 重点单词post,office,library,restaurant,bank,supermarket,street,pay,park, center, bridge,mail,there,near,across,next,between,front,behind,neighborhood,just,straight,turn,left,down,right,.(2) 重点短语:post office, pay ph

29、one, across from, next to, in front of ,on the right(3) 重点句型:-Is there a supermarket? -Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. Go straight and turn left.Its down Bridge Street on the right.Its next to a supermarket.2. 情感态度与学习策略 在一系列的听书读写活动中,通过自主学习,合作学习等学习策略,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力,是学生熟练运用:Where is the post of

30、fice?句型及其回答。【课前预习案】1.预习检测将下列句子和短语英汉互译。1. in the neighborhood_2. turn left_3. go straight _ _ 4. on the right _5. Excuse me. _ 6. Youre welcome _ 7中心街道_ 8.邮局_9.投币式公用电话_ 10.在.对面_11.在.前面_ 12在.之后_13在.附近_ 14.紧靠._句型展示台a supermarket?Yes,there isthe supermarket?Its next to the library【课内探究案】任务一:1学生读1a部分内容,把

31、地点名词与图画一一对应,完成1a中的学习任务,生生互相改正.2听录音完成1b.3小组合作练习1c中的对话任务二:1.熟练掌握并运用下列方位介词,然后完成2a,2b.方位介词:across from ,between.and.,in front of, on, behind, next to2交际,创造问路情景并练习2c中的对话任务三:1.阅读3a并找出方位介词。2.大声朗读然后小组间练习对话。3.再次朗读对话并找出Paul和Nancy在图画中的位置,看谁找的又快又准。4.根据3a完成3b选词完成对话much,next,excuse,there,neighborhood,welcome,turn

32、,onA: 1 meIs there a hotel in the 2 ?B:Yes, 3 isJust go straight and 4 leftIts down Bridge Street 5 the fightIts 6 to a supermarketA:Thank you very 7 B:Youre 8 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7. 8. 任务四:小组活动完成4中的游戏。语法探究there be句型用be动词的适当形式填空1There a post office near here2There some water in the glass3There some pictu

33、res on the wall4There a pen and three pencils in the pencil case5There some books and a dictionary on the desk总结感悟there be句型表示“某处有某物”,其中be动词和后面的主语保持数的一致。在一般现在时中,若主语是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,be动词用 ;若主语为可数名词复数,be动词则用 。若有两个或两个以上并列主语时,be动词的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在数上保持一致,即“就近原则”。句型转换1There is a library across from the school

34、(改为否定句) a library across from the sch0012There are some birds in the tree(改为一般疑问句) birds in the tree?3Is there a baseball under the chair?(作肯定回答)Yes, 4Are there any trees around your house?(作否定回答) No, 总结感悟there be句型的句式:(1)肯定句:There be+名词+地点。(2)否定句:There be+ +名词+地点。(3)一般疑问句: +there+名词+地点?There are so

35、me children playing on the playground.有一些孩子在操场上玩。There be sb. doing sth. , 意为“_ _”【课后训练案】1 根据所给字母完成下列单词。1. p _ _t 2. n _ _r 3. _ff _ c _ 4. p _ _ k5. str _ _ght6. bri _ _ e 7. ph _ n _ 8. b _ h _ nd 9. b _ _ k 10. str _ _ t11. s _ p _ _m _ _ ket12. _ v _ n _ _13. m _ _ l14. p _ _2.中英文词汇配对。( ) 1. pos

36、t officeA. 图书馆( ) 2. pay phoneB. 中心街( ) 3. restaurantC. 超市( ) 4. Bridge StreetD. 邮局( ) 5. supermarketE. 银行( ) 6. libraryF. 第五大道( ) 7. Center StreetG. 餐馆( ) 8. bankH. 公园( ) 9. Fifth AvenueI. 公用电话( ) 10. parkJ. 大桥街3. 翻译下列短语。1. between the bank and the park_2. on Green Street_3. next to the supermarket

37、_4. across from Mingshan Hotel_5. near the restaurant_4.用方框中的介词或介词短语填空。across from, behind, between, in front of, next to, near, on 1. A: Is there a pay phone _ here?B: Yes, there is a pay phone _ Center Street.2. A: Wheres Xinghua Park? B: Its _ Hongqi Supermarket and The Bank of China.3. The resta

38、urant is _ _ the post office.4. The library is _ _ the pay phone.5.Forest Hotel is _ _ of the park.6.The pay phone is _ the small supermarket.5. 看地图,完成对话。The Peoples Park Hotel First AvenueBankSuper-marketLibraryRestaurantPost officeA: Where is the Peoples Park?B: _.A: Where is the library?B: _.A: W

39、here is the bank?B: _.A: _?B: Its between the library and the post office.A: _?B: Its across from the post office.Section B一学习目标1.知识与技能词: 1)重点词汇: hotel, video arcade, bank, park, street, pay phone, new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy, take, a taxi, take a walk. 2)重点句子: Is there a big sup

40、ermarket near where you live ? Turn left off the busy First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks. there is a small house with an interesting garden. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.2.学习策略与情感目标1)策略目标 联系上下文,利用情景思维。 转换具体信息。2)情感目标 培养方位感。 在社会这个大家庭中,注重人际关系与交往,养成助人为乐的好习惯。【预习导学案】1.预习检测(1)根据图片提示,选择相应的描述词填空aa street ba street can hotel da hotelea park fa park ga supermarket ha supermarket(2)写出反义词old_ clean_ quiet_ big_(3)英汉互译 1)一个有趣的公


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