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1、高等教育出版社山东省中等职业教育规划教材,英语 第一册,说 教 材,编者意图,体例安排,知识结构,知识整合,5,基本要求,检测要求,说 教 材,中 等 职 业 学 校 英 语 第 一 册,7,教学建议,语法,学习500左右单词 (含九年义务教育阶段), 同时学习100左右习惯用语 和固定搭配。,能了解本册教材中语法项目的形式和意义。,句型,能够掌握谈论各个话题的基本句型。 .,语音,能朗读句子和短文,节奏、重音基本正确; 能在交流中做到语音、语调基本达意。,词汇,中等职业学校英语第一册 课程标准对本册教材的基本要求,知 识 目 标,读,写,听,说,1.能根据简单课堂教学用语 做出反应; 2.能

2、听懂日常生活中的简单会 话和职业场景中的简单指令。,1.能写简单的应用文; (如:书信、通知、请柬等) 2.能写简单的个人介绍;,1.能读懂简单的应用文,如请柬、通知及表格等; 2.能抓住阅读材料的中心意 思,找出细节信息;,1.能给出简单的要求和指令; 2.能借助肢体语言进行日常会话; 3.能简单描述个人和日常生活情况; .,能 力 目 标,中等职业学校英语第一册 课程标准对本册教材的基本要求,语言和文化基础知识、基本技能,基本的语言运用能力,基本的人文素养,较为有效的英语学习策略,学习英语的兴趣和自信心,中 等 职 业 学 校 英 语 课程培养目标,培 养 目 标,编者意图,体例安排,知识

3、结构,知识整合,5,基本要求,检测要求,说 教 材,中 等 职 业 学 校 英 语 第 一 册,7,教学建议,编写 理念,教学指导思想,编 者的意图,学生,教师,学生,九年义务教育,实践能力,创新精神,职业素质,学习动机水平,创设情境,教材,语言水平,英语,话题/功能/结构,互动、交流,中等职业学校英语第一册 编者意图,“以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向 ”,任 务,“主题为线,任务驱动, 活动导向,能力为本”,以人为本,以能力为本,编者意图,体例安排,知识结构,知识整合,5,基本要求,检测要求,说 教 材,中 等 职 业 学 校 英 语 第 一 册,7,教学建议,课 (lesson),单元 (un

4、it),体 例 安 排,中等职业学校英语第一册 体例安排,任务(Task),编者意图,体例安排,知识结构,知识整合,5,基本要求,检测要求,说 教 材,中 等 职 业 学 校 英 语 第 一 册,7,教学建议,知 识 树,写作,句型,语法,词汇,知 识 结 构,中等职业学校英语第一册 知识结构,写作,句型,语法,词汇,打招呼 介绍,Unit1,重点短语: introduce oneself be good at vocational school each other work in a bank be interested in be gald to meet you,1.正式问候 How

5、do you do? Nice to meet you. May I introduce myself? 2.非正式问候 Morning,Jack.hou are things? Hi,Im Zhang Li. Hello,Im Jane,1.介绍自己 May I introduce myself I would introduce myself to 2.将A介绍给B Could I introduceto you?,学写 个人名片,代词,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作,语法,词汇,学校和,日常生活,Unit2,重点单词: take surf chat favorite borin

6、g spare subject PE soccer,重点短语: surf the Net do oneshomework part-time job take class chat with sb. in ones sparetime listen to pop musicand so on teach oneself help sb do sth.,句型,1.谈论日常生活 What do you usually do at school? What does she usually do in class? What does he usually do on weekend? What s

7、ubject do you take? What time do you usually get up? How many classes do you have ? Does he help you do some homework?,2.谈论个人爱好 Whats your favorite sport? Why do you like ? Why dont you like?,学写与日常生活、个人喜好有关的文章,一般现在时,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作,句型,时 间,Unit3,词汇,语法,重点单词: date 、quarter、 club、start、leave、 end、ar

8、rive、join,重点短语: join sb in sth have a week off show the sprit of team be interested in watch a football match show sb around make more money want sb to do sth have a match with look forward to doing,数词,动词不定式,通知,书信,1.钟点表示法 6:00six oclock 6:15a quarter past six 2.询问时间 What time is it? What is the time

9、?,3.询问星期几 What day is today? What day is it today? 4.询问日期 What date is it today? Whats the date today?,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作,语法,天 气,Unit4,词汇,句型,重点单词: Weather、 temperature degree、 sunny、foggy、 windy 、cloudy、 rain、snow,重点短语: hot in summer cold in winter neithernor cook thecake enjoy the day make noises

10、go up a heavy snow,1.描述天气 Whats the weather like ? Its sunny. Whats the temperature? How cold it is!,2.根据天气情况提出建议 Lets stay at home. How about going skating? Why not take an umbrella? Shall we go for a picnic?,学写简单 的说明文,现在进行时,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作,语法,问 路,Unit5,词汇,句型,重点单词: car park supermarket traffic

11、next to acorss from ahead straight turn drive take get off,重点短语: car park Carrefour supermarket next to across from post office take the first turn get off on the left/right go straight ahead look for,1.问路的表达方式: Can you tell me whereis? Could you tell me the way to? How can I get to? Is there anearb

12、y? Excuse me,Im looking for,学写问路与 指路的对话,方位介词,2.指路的表达方式: Go straight ahead .Its across form/next to Sorry,Im new here. Walk that way is on Main Street . Drive to,and turnIts on the,3.感谢及其应答的表达方式:Thank you very much . You are welcome . Many thanks . Its my pleasure . Thanks a lot .,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作

13、,句型,语法,词汇,食品与 餐饮服务,Unit6,重点单词: tomato pizze steak dumpling restaurant sandwich specialty diet order delicious,重点短语: every kind of food have no idea lose weight be ready to do sth healthy diet fast food restaurant green food such as have no time for doing sth get more and more popular,学写关于饮食 的简单说明文,疑

14、问句,名词,1.谈论饮食 What do you think of dumplings? Whats the specialty here?,2.就餐时征询别人意见 What is your favorite food? Do you like steak or sandwiches? Do you want something to drink /eat? What would you like to have? Would you like some more? How (What) about the dish? Anything else?,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,词汇,看

15、医 生,Unit7,写作,语法,句型,重点单词: Medicine、headache matter、examine、feel hurt、worry、tired Wrong、dizzy,重点短语: keepaway from be not oneself have a headache on time have a good rest keep healthy worry about talk about feel dizzy look well be good for,祈使句,学会写病假条,1、向别人描述身体状况 Imfeeling I ache all over. I have got(ha

16、ve)a I am quite well. Im not quite myself.,2.询问别人身体状况 How are you feeling?/How do you feel? Whats wrong? Whats the matter with you? What the trouble with you?,3.提出建议或忠告 Have a good rest. Take the medicine on time as you are told. Drink plenty of water. Be careful to keep warm. Dont do much exercise.

17、,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作,句型,邀 请,Unit8,词汇,语法,重点单词: Picnic、problem honor、presence、pity party、invite、accept refuse、wonder,重点短语: go on a picnic no problem invite to accept or refuse an invitation join the part feel a little tired climb Mount Tai look forward to,1.邀请 I wonder if youd like to? Would you like

18、/love to? Would you like to come to ? Shall we go and see it ? Why not play football?,2.应答 Yes,Id love /like to . That sounds great. Im afraid I haveno time. Sorry, I cant 。But thanks anyway.,写请柬,回复请柬,一般将来时,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作,语法,Unit9,过 去 的 事 情,词汇,重点单词: Weekend、beach、visitor interview、cook、graduate

19、 forgive、apologize、event,重点短语: do some shopping computer game cook for sb have a chat with sb. Qingdao Pier paly football have a meeting,句型,1.谈论过去的事 Was Xiaoming at school just now? Where was he born? He was born in We did some shopping yesterday. We spent my weekend by the sea last week.,2.学会道歉 I a

20、pologize for being late again. Im sorry,but Ifogot to bring your book. Please forgive me.I came so late.,学会描述 过去的事情,一般过去时,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,写作,句型,节 日 与 假 期,Unit10,词汇,语法,重点单词: festival、eve、express decorate、receive、spend、celebrate、send traditional、merry,重点短语: traditional festival setting off fireworks

21、expressto sb receive an e-mail decorate Christmas trees a family get-together,1.表达节日祝福 Happy NewYear /Teachers Day! Merry Christmas ! Please send my greetings to Mary.,2、应答节日祝福 Happy New Year/Teachers Day! Merry Christmas! Thank.The same to you./Thangk you and I wish you the same.,3、描述节日的意义 When is

22、about? Ita day/time forto,书信,节日计划,并列句,中等职业学校英语第一册 教材内容,词汇,句型,语法,写作,运 用,渗 透,练 习,铺垫,中等职业学校英语第一册 内在逻辑,词法归纳,归 纳,运 用,打招呼 介绍,归 纳,重点单词: introduce、greet、 spell 、call、 vocational、 secretary boss、 computer,1.介绍自己 May I introduce myself I study in a vocational school. 2.将A介绍给B Could I introduceto you? This is

23、my secretary,Mr.Li.,代词的用法:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词,学写: 个人名片、给笔友回信,编者意图,体例安排,知识结构,知识整合,5,基本要求,检测要求,说 教 材,中 等 职 业 学 校 英 语 第 一 册,7,教学建议,按照语言学习和交际的规律,由浅入深层层递进,中等职业学校英语第一册 编排顺序,Lesson1,单元,话 题,Lesson2,Lesson3,Lesson4,中等职业学校英语第一册 编排顺序,副词,词 汇,名词,动词,secretary,boss,computer, subject,soccer,pop music, date,quarter,club,

24、weather, temperature,degree,car park,supermarket,traffic,tomato,pizza,dumping,restaurant,sandwich.,vocational,favorite,boring,spare,sunny,foggy,windy,cloudy,cool,delicious,healthy,tired,wrong,dizzy,wonderful,traditional,merry.,introduce,greet,spell,call,take,surf theNet,chat,start,leave,end,arrive,j

25、oin,rain,snow,order,examine,feel,hurt,worry,invite,accept,refuse,wonder,express,decorate,receive,spend,send,celebrate.,next to,across from,between.and, down,under,around, in front of,behind.,中等职业学校英语第一册 知识整合,介词,形容词,ahead,straight,finally, really,enough,otherwiseexactly.,句 型,打招呼、介绍,日常生活,看医生,邀请,中等职业学校

26、英语第一册,时间,食品和餐饮服务,问路,天气,过去的事情,节日与假期,1.问候 How do you do? Nice to meet you. May I introduce myself? Morning,Jack.hou are things? Hi,Im Zhang Li. 2.介绍 May I introduce myself I would introduce myself to Could I introduceto you?,1.谈论日常生活 What do you usually do at school? What does she usually do in class?

27、 What does he usually do on weekend? What subject do you take? What time do you usually get up? How many classes do you have ? Does he help you do some homework?,1.钟点表示法 6:00six oclock 6:15a quarter past six 2.询问时间 What time is it? What is the time? 3.询问星期几 What day is today? What day is it today? 4

28、.询问日期 What date is it today? Whats the date today?,1.描述天气 Whats the weather like ? Its sunny. Whats the temperature? How cold it is! 2.根据天气情况提出建议 Lets stay at home. How about going skating? Why not take an umbrella? Shall we go for a picnic?,1.问路的表达方式: Can you tell me whereis? Could you tell me the

29、way to? How can I get to? Is there anearby? Excuse me,Im looking for 2.指路的表达方式: Go straight ahead .Its across form. Sorry,Im new here. Walk that way is on Main Street . Drive to,and turnIts on the,1.谈论饮食 What do you think of dumplings? Whats the specialty here? 2.就餐时征询别人意见 What is your favorite food

30、? Do you like steak or sandwiches? Do you want something to drink /eat? What would you like to have?,1、向别人描述身体状况 Imfeeling I ache all over. I have got(have)a I am quite well. Im not quite myself. 2.询问别人身体状况 How are you feeling?/How do you feel? Whats wrong? Whats the matter with you? What the troubl

31、e with you?,1.邀请 I wonder if youd like to? Would you like /love to? Would you like to come to ? Shall we go and see it ? Why not play football? 2.应答 Yes,Id love /like to . That sounds great. Im afraid I haveno time. Sorry, I cant 。But thanks anyway.,谈论过去的事 Was Xiaoming at school just now? Where was

32、he born? He was born in We did some shopping yesterday. We spent my weekend by the sea last week.,1.表达节日祝福 Happy NewYear /Teachers Day! Merry Christmas ! Please send my greetings to Mary. 2、应答节日祝福 Happy New Year/Teachers Day! Merry Christmas! Thank.The same to you./Thangk you and I wish you the same. 3、描述节日的意义 When is about? Ita day/time forto,语 法,


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