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1、2020/10/12,法律英语,1,Lesson SixAdministrative Law,2020/10/12,法律英语,2,Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in . William Shensto, British poet 人们通常会发现,法律就是这样的一种网,触犯法律的人,小的可以穿网而过,大的可以破网而出,只有中等的才

2、会坠入网中。 英国诗人 申斯通 W,2020/10/12,法律英语,3,Background,Administrative law is broken into several interrelated parts. They are: administrative rules, regulations and procedures for government agencies and bodies; the scope of agency authority, in particular individual privacy; and enforcement powers of agenc

3、ies.,2020/10/12,法律英语,4,Three concerns: The procedures employed by “agencies” in effecting “agency action” Judicial review of those actions Special procedures relating to the handling and release of information in the governments possession,2020/10/12,法律英语,5,Neither a court nor a legislature nor an e

4、lected chief executive can be an “agency”. 法院、立法机构和行政长官都不构成“行政机关”。 “Agency” includes every administrative unit exercising public authority 行使公共权力的行政单位构成行政机关。,2020/10/12,法律英语,6,Agency action,Administrative procedure legislation relatively formal procedures of adjudication, rulemaking 正式判决、规章制定 Federa

5、l agency action grant, denial, or failure to act upon,2020/10/12,法律英语,7,Model State Administrative Procedure Act,行政行为包括自由地履行或不履行职责、职能和行为,2020/10/12,法律英语,8,例外,传统的刑事诉讼、传统的民事诉讼、严格意义上的政治行为,Criminal law proceedings,Civil litigation,Political acts,Administrative law,Grab-bag for all government actions aff

6、ecting private persons _those of the criminal law or the ordinary civil law as administered by courts Can be connected with public administration,2020/10/12,法律英语,10,The central tasks of administrative law,Assuring the control as well as the effectiveness of government 行政法的主要任务是确保对政府的控制,并保证政府的工作效率。,2

7、020/10/12,法律英语,11,Paradigmatic procedures,Paradigmatic relationship with overseers 标准程序、标准关系 Can and do vary to meet the needs of particular situations 标准程序以及与监督机构之间的标准关系并非一成不变。,2020/10/12,法律英语,12,Sketchy models,Formal adjudication 正式裁决 Informal adjudication 非正式裁决 Formal rulemaking 正式规章制定 Informal r

8、ulemaking 非正式规章制定 Interpretation 解释 Inspection 监督,2020/10/12,法律英语,13,Formal adjudication,Resemble a civil trial Conduct before an administrative law judge or agency A strict separation of functions within an agency The results of formal adjudication are generally reviewed by courts Hearing 听证会,2020/

9、10/12,法律英语,14,Informal adjudication,The taking decisions by bureaucratic routine 通过政治程序作出非正式裁决 judicial review is relatively permissive,2020/10/12,法律英语,15,Formal rulemaking,To determine a statute-like norm for future application 确定准法律规范的程序 No strict separation (differs from formal adjudication) Hear

10、ing Judicial review,2020/10/12,法律英语,16,Informal rulemaking,The ordinary procedure for generating statute -like norms . initiated by a notice of the proposed action Written comments Oral hearings,2020/10/12,法律英语,17,Informal rulemaking,The agency explain its basis and purpose Decision is taken bureauc

11、ratically Judicial review Full force of statutory law,2020/10/12,法律英语,18,Interpretation,Generating and announcing agency interpretations of applicable norms Generated internally or in response to a request No procedure is required Do not formally bind persons outside the agency Be regarded as persuasive by the courts,2020/10/12,法律英语,19,Inspection,Direct


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