



1、unit 5 our earth looks like this in spaceperiod 1一、教学目标1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词the earth , landmuseum , the sun , stars , the moon .2、句型:能用“our earth looks like this in space.the earth is like a ball ,描述某物看起来像什么。and river ” 和, space二、教学重、难点1、重点:能用 our earth looks like this in space .and the is like aball .

2、描述某物看起来像什么。2、难点:(1)动词过去式变化的规则, 尤其是部分单词的不规则变化。 ( 2)用已有的科学知识讨论和描述太空和地球的特征。三、教学准备用于复习单词的卡片,用于新授单词的图片,教学录音等。四、教学过程step 1 warm-up1、师生问候2、唱已学英语歌曲step 2 presentation1、情境创设:参观科技馆教师出示郊游的图片,一起回忆以前郊游去过的地方,激发学生的好奇心,去猜测这次郊游的地方。t: what season is it ? ss: it s spring .t: what s the weather like ? ss: it s warm and

3、 nice .t: yes , a nice day !our school outing is coming , do you rememberthese places ? lett have a look !2、new words(1)教师出示太阳、月亮和星星的图片,复习单词,并引导学生猜测这次郊游要去哪儿。t: what is this ?ss: the sun .the moon.t: what are those ?ss: they re stars .: look at the stars! they are beautiful! what do they look like?th

4、e stars look like a lion板书: look like(2)展示图片,板书space museum , 带读。period 2一、 教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会写新单词 the earth , land and river , space museum, the sun , stars the moon .2、复习有关季节的单词spring , summer , autumn , winter .3、复习国家名称 china , australia , england , usa .4、学习新的国家名称new sealand , germany .5、能用“ our ear

5、th looks like this is space. ”和“ the earth is like a ball. ”描述某物质看起来像什么。二、教学重、难点1、重点:能熟练运用句型,阅读和理解短文。2、难点:能借助图片阅读和理解部分的短文。通过短文了解昼夜和四季形成的原因,以及哪些国家与中国是同一季节等知识。三、教学准备地球仪一个、手电筒一个、图片、单词卡片、白纸若干、录音等。四、教学过程step 1 warmup1 、 greetings2 、 revisongame :小小解说员利用课后所搜集的有关太空的知识或图片,进行介绍,教师做出评价并进行适当的补充。step 2 lets act

6、1、教师拿出一个地球仪。t:whats this ?ss: its the earth .t: what does it look like ? ss: it looks like a ball .t: yes , it is like a ball .教师板书 s like , 并介绍“某物看上去像什么”有两种表达方式;like b或 a looks like。a is教师继续带领大家观察地球仪。t: what does it look a blue ball in space , it has water and land .教师让学生在地球仪上分别指出水和陆地。t: the earth

7、looks beautiful from space . 2、听音跟读2listen and repeatstep 3 lets read1、问题导读,整体感知。这是一篇科普性质的阅读短文,学生在理解上稍有难度。教师可采取问题导读的方式,首先提出三个问题, 让学生带着问题进行快速阅读。question 1 why can animals and plants live on the earth ?question 2 why does the earth have day and night ? question 3 what are the four seasons ? how do we

8、have the four seasons ?2、合作阅读,一起扫除生词。教师采取小组合作阅读的方式,在语篇中寻找生词与难句。t: open your books and read part d with your parters . four stedentsare in one group , please . then find out the words or sentences you don t understand. discuss about them in your group .小组讨论之后,各组派代表将生词或短语写在黑板上。3、教师讲解黑板上的生词,帮助学生短文中的词汇,

9、扫除阅读障碍。4、再次阅读,共同解决问题。鼓励学生讨论, 回答前面三个问题。 每个问题渗透了科普内容, 需要在理解并结合科学知识的基础上讨论完成。5、校对答案。教师评价学生的讨论结果后,可以做适当的知识补充。第一个问题,教师拿出一个手电筒,打开光源对准地球仪。t: its thesun .the sun keeps them warm .it s warm , so animals and plantscan liveon it .第二问题:地球上为什么会有昼夜交替?第三个问题:一年中的四季是怎样形成的呢?位于北半球的国家有英国、美国、德国、加拿大、中国等。位于南半球的国家有澳大利亚、新西兰等

10、。中国位于北半球,因此,跟中国同一季节的国家是england , usa , germany , canada .并板书新词, new zealand ,germany6 、 read the text aloud together .step 4 homework1 记单词2 做练习册板书设计:unit 5 our earth looks like this in space is like a is like blooks like bnew zealand 新西兰 germany德国和a教学反思:period 3film. he (want) to go to the libraryto

11、 look for somebooks . he (read)many books on space .2、 look and say教师展示多张图片,请学生尝试用学过的单词和句型来描述从太空中看到地球。the earth is beautiful . there is land , rivers and mountains on the earth . there are many plants on the earth . there are many animals on the earth ,too . they need light and water .step 3 lets have fungame :let s have fun教师出示一张白纸,然后随手撕成一个形状。t : what does it look like ?鼓励学生展开想象的翅膀,说出不同的答案。t : its very funny , isnt it ?do you want to have a try ?然后请学生四人一组,按照示范进行创意手撕纸比赛,并用“look like?”或者“ is like?”描述形状。教师可以挑选出一些好的撒纸作品,


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