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1、千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,殷勤待客的技巧 有效的沟通,Hospitality Skills,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Opening Activity开场活动,Form groups 分成小组 Put your personal objects or drawings in front of you. 将你的3件私人物品放在面前,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospital

2、ity executive search Co.,LTD,Objectives目的,Examine the difference between good and bad service encounters and explore the crucial role of the emotional dimension of service. 评估高质量服务于低质量服务的区别,探寻情感因素在决定服务质量时的作用 Describe and demonstrate the three ways to display hospitality body languages, actions and s

3、tatements 阐述及演示三种展现殷勤待客的途径 Identify the effects of positive words and intonation when communicating with others. 明了积极的语言和语调与人沟通时的影响力,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Excellent Encounters 绝妙的交往,Think about someone who you really enjoy talking to and being with 大家想起某一人,这个

4、人是你特别喜欢与他/她交往和与他/她相处的人 Describe how you feel when you are in conversation with the person you have identified 描述当你与那一人交谈时,你有什么感觉 “Lets know” 和大家分享,Exercise 练习,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,eye contact 目光注视 nodding 点头 smiling 微笑 speaking softly 说话温和 leaning forward 身体

5、向前倾 asking questions 提问,These behavior bring positive feelings 这些行为带来正面的感觉,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,How We Communicate 我们如何沟通,WORD词,THE WAY WE VOICE 语调,BODY LANGUAGE 肢体语言,eye contact 目光注视 nodding 点头 smiling 微笑 speaking softly 说话温和 leaning forward 身体向前倾 asking qu

6、estions 提问,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Words 语言, Keep it simple 简明扼要 Explain or provide an example 解释或举例说明 Use clear, direct words 用词简单、直接 Respect your listeners 尊重听者 Repeat your main idea 重复要点 Check for understanding 核实是否理解,Factors of Communication 沟通的要素,千文酒店管理顾问有

7、限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Tell me what is your thought if your colleague say “How are you?” 告诉我, 倘若你的同事问你“你好吗?” 你有何想法?,We do have a choice of response 我们回应的方式有很多选择,Not Bad 不错,Okay 可以,Great 太好,Wonderful 好极了,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Voc

8、al 声音, Variety 多样化的语调 Quality 语音 Rate 语速 Volume 音量 Vocalized Pauses 口头语,Factors of Communication 沟通的要素,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,May I have your name please? 可以告诉我您的名字吗? May I help you? 有什么可以帮助您的吗? Right this way please. 这边请。 Would you care to have some dessert?

9、您还需要一些甜点吗? Did you have a pleasant stay with us? 您在这儿住得愉快吗?,HOW TONE OF VOICE CAN CONVEY A SERVICE ATTITUDE 通过语音、语调可以体现服务态度,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,It is not just what you say; It is also how you say it!,Remember 记住,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executi

10、ve search Co.,LTD,Body Language 肢体语言,Eye Contact 目光接触 Posture 身体的姿态 Gestures 手势动作 Facial Expression 面部表情,Factors of Communication 沟通的要素,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Understanding Body Language 了解肢体语言,Mood 情绪,Impatience, nervousness 不耐烦,Body language signals 身体语言信号,L

11、oosened tie 松开的领带 Tapping fingers or credit card 轻敲手指或信用卡 Moving in & out of the line 徘徊 Glancing at watch 不停地看表 Hands touching face frequently 手不停地摸脸,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Mood 情绪,Body language signals 身体语言信号,Anger 生气,Arms crossed over the chest 手臂抱在胸前 Tense

12、d facial muscles, clenched teeth 脸部肌肉紧张,紧咬牙关 Abrupt gestures 粗鲁的姿势 Clenched fist 紧握的拳头,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Mood 情绪,Body language signals 身体语言信号,Fatigue 疲劳,Eyes focused on the ceiling 眼睛盯着天花板 Hands in pockets 手放在口袋里 Leaning against desk 倚在桌子上 Chin propped on

13、 hand, elbow-supporting weight 手撑下巴,用肘支持头部重量 Yawning and rubbing face with hand 打呵欠,用手抚擦脸部 Loosened tie 松开的领带 Hands trembling 发抖的手,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Mood 情绪,Happiness 高兴,Relaxed facial expression 放松的脸部表情 Smiling 微笑 Direct eye contact 直接的眼神交流 Movements and

14、 posture full of energy 姿势和行动充满活力,Body language signals 身体语言信号,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,Head lowered低头 No eye contact 无眼神交流 Hands deep in pockets 手深插在口袋里,Body language signals 身体语言信号,Mood 情绪,Timidity, indecisiveness 胆小,犹豫不决,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality

15、executive search Co.,LTD,Stand up straight 身体站直 Nodding and Smiling 点头与微笑 Shoulders squared 肩膀保持水平 Head erect, chin up 抬头挺胸 Eye contact 保持目光交流 Arms / hands relaxed 手臂/手自然下垂 Lean / move toward speakers 人微微向对方倾 Facial expression friendly and caring 露出友好和关切,Confident Signals 自信的肢体语言,千文酒店管理顾问有限公司 ET Hoteliers-hospitality executive search Co.,LTD,How We Communicate.我们如何沟通,On the telephone - its 30% Verbal and 70% Vocal! 电话沟通 30%的语言和70%的声音,Tool: The 3 Vs 方法: 3V模式,声音,语言,视觉,VISUA


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