



1、chapter four【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:chapter four: reading二. 重点词汇:1. a decimal number 小数 2. a pair of odd numbers 一对奇数 a pair of 是一对,一双的意思:a pair of shoes, a pair of glasses odd 是形容词,意思是奇数的数字.3. even numbers 偶数4. a is better than b 这是一个比较级,意思是a比b好 e.g.: this apple is better than that one.your brain can calcu

2、late better than a computer.注意:比较级是形容词的比较级than 5. at least 至少 e.g.: everyone knows at least two languages.6. ancient numbers 古代数字,ancient 古代的,ancient woman 古代女子7. in many different ways 用许多不同的方法。way 方式,方法 in the same way 用同一种方法 注意: same前要加定冠词 the8. in tens 十进制9. system of numbers 数字系统 system 系统10. c

3、onsist of 由组成的 e.g.: our class consists of 47 students. from to : 从到eg: it takes me 20 minutes from school to the park.11. on the abacus 在算盘上 这里用的是介词on 而不是in 12. on the accurate 在金属丝上13. from the bottom 从底部,bottom 底部,at the bottom 在底部 e.g.: there is some water at the bottom of the bottle.14. on the

4、right 在右边15. square root 平方根16. calculating machine 计算器 calculate(v.)计算 17. in a flash 一瞬间18. whole lifetime 一辈子 in the lifetime 在一生中19. give an answer 给出答案 the answer to the question 这个问题的答案20. it takes sb. sometime to do sth. 花费时间做某事e.g.: it takes me fifty seconds to find the answer.21. use to 用来做

5、 e.g.: use your own living computer to solve the problem.三. 重点句子:1. every one knows at least two-his or her own language and the international language of numbers. 每个人至少懂两种语言他或她的母语以及国际通用的数字语言。(1)at least 起码,至少e.g.: hes going away for at least a week. 他起码一星期出去一次。 (2)ownbelonging to oneself 自己的,属于自己的。

6、前面要有人称物主代词。e.g.: i saw it with my own eyes. 我亲眼所见。do it in your own ways .用你自己的方式做这件事。2. in ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways.在古代,人们以不同的方法书写数字。(1)times 的用法:times 时代,日子,时势,情况e.g.: some old people fall behind the times. 一些年纪大的人跟不上时代了。in modern times, computers have been used m

7、ore and more widely in the world. 在现代,计算机被越来越广泛地应用。(2)times 还可以表示倍数,次数。一次用once,两次用twice,三次以上用 :基数词timeseg: how many times have you been to the great wall?你去过长城几次?(3)times还可以表示乘。three times seven equals twenty-one. 三乘七等于二十一。in many different ways 用不同的反复法。 in .way e.g.: however, they nearly all counte

8、d in the same way-in tens. 然而,他们几乎都用相同的方式数数,都是十进制。in this way, he has begun his own private “telephone” service.就这样,他开始了自己的私人电话业务。please answer my questions in different ways. 请用不同的方式回答我的问题。3. the system of numbers that nearly everyone uses today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0.现在几乎每个人所使用的

9、数字系统包括数字1-9和0。consist of 由构成,相当于 be made up of.e.g.: the football team consists of 11 members 。足球队由11个队员组成。the medical team is made up of three doctors and five nurses.医疗队由三个医生和五个护士组成。4. the indians first invented and developed the 1 to 9 system of numbers.印度人首先发明并发展了1-9的数字系统。(1)invent 做动词,意为发明。inve

10、ntion 是(发明),inventor(发明家)(2)invent 与discover的区别:invent 指发明原来不存在的东西。discover指发现原来就存在但是一直不被认识的东西。e.g.: bell invented the telephone in 1876. 贝尔在1876年发明了电话。who discovered american in 1492? 是谁在1492年发现了美洲大陆?5. abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today.算盘运算又快又准确,以至于现在人们仍然在使用它。so th

11、at:如此以至于 so 是副词,后面接形容词或副词。如果后面跟的是名词,要用suchthat.。e.g.: she is so weak that she cant carry the box.she is too weak to carry the box.她如此虚弱以至于搬不动那个箱子。he is such a clever boy that everyone here loves him.他是如此聪明的孩子,以至于这里的每个人都很喜欢他。6. computers are very powerful calculating machines.computers are very power

12、ful machines that can calculate.电脑的运算功能非常强大。7. some people call the brain a living computer.一些人把大脑称为活电脑。call: 称呼,叫,接复合宾语形式: call宾语名词(补语),是称某人为e.g.: we call him tom .我们叫他汤姆。8. shakuntala devi is a lady from india with an amazing brain.沙昆塔拉戴维是一名有着令人惊异的头脑的印度女士。amaze(v.)使吃惊。 amazement(n.)不可数,惊异,诧异amazing 与amazed 都是形容词,区别是:amazing 令人惊异的,amazed感到惊异的e.g.: i was amazed to find that he had got 100 marks.由于他拿到100分,所以我感到吃惊。the news was amazing.9. shakuntalas brain took fifty seconds to find the answer.it took shakuntalas brain fifty seconds to find the answer.sh


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