江苏译林牛津英语7B Unit2单元测试卷及答案_第1页
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江苏译林牛津英语7B Unit2单元测试卷及答案_第5页




1、译林7B Unit2 单元测试满分(120分)第卷 (选择题)、单项选择(共20小题,每题1分,共计20分) ( )1. Daniel wants to be _teacher, and I want to work as _engineer. A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. /; / ( )2. I am afraid they dont like friends _you. A. as B. like C. of D. with ( )3. There _ some social workers and a computer engineer in their c

2、ommunity centre. A. is B. are C. be D. have ( )4. In my free time, I often _my brother _maths. A.help in B. will help, with C. help with D. will help in ( )5. There is _wrong with you. You are just too fat. A.something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )6. At weekends, some college students _he

3、lp people with all kinds of problems. A. is ready to B. get ready for C. are ready for D. are ready to ( )7. Next week, the students in Class 1, Grade 7_some shopping for old people. A. are going to do B. will do C. do D. are doing ( )8. -_will you finish reading these books? -In about two weeks. A.

4、How long B. How often C. How soon D. When ( )9. -_you ready _help people in need? -Sure. A. Do; to B. Are; to C. Are for D. Do; for ( )10. -_you find _to help me with my computer.? -No problem. A.Can; someone B. May; someone C.Can; anyone D. May; anyone ( )11. -Simon, you really do well in computers

5、. -_. A.No, I am not good at it B. Thank you C. Yes, I do D. Are you joking? ( )12.In the library, the librarian always asks us _. A. to shout B. not to shout C. shouting D. not shouting ( )13.There _ a sports meeting this month in our school. A.will be going to B.will going to be C. is going to be

6、D.will go to be ( )14.Jackson _ here next month. A.isnt working B. doesnt working C.isnt going to working D. wont work ( )15.He _ very busy this week; he _ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D.is; will be ( )16. I dont like this house _. A.all B.for C.at all D. all at ( )17

7、 _ you _ free tomorrow? Sorry, I _ free the day after tomorrow. A.Are; going to; will B.Are going to be; will C.Are; going to; will be D.Are going to be; will be ( )18.My grandma _ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B.will give C. gives D. give ( )19. Shall I buy a cup of coffee fo

8、r you? _.Im not thirsty A. No, you wont B. No, you arent C. No. thanks D. No, please ( )20. Its hard for Daniel and _to work without a car. A. I to go B. me to go C. I going D. me going II、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面一封信,掌握其大意,然后从3645各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 A fox is 21 food. He is very hungry. Now he 2

9、2 near a wall. The wall is very 23 .The fox is looking up. He sees 24 fine grapes 25 the wall. He smiles and says, “ 26 nice they are! I want to eat them. nice they are! I want to at them.” The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, 27 the wall is too high. He 28 get the grapes. The fox says “I must go

10、 now. I dont like those grapes. 29 are green. They are not 30 to eat. ” ( ) 21.A. seeing B. finding out C. looking for D. finding ( ) 22.A. gets B. comes C. goes D. stands( ) 23.A. much B. small C. strong D. high( ) 24.A. a little B. few C. much D. a lot of ( ) 25.A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) 26.A.

11、What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 27.A. and B. or C. but D. where ( ) 28.A. cant B. can C. hasnt D. isnt( ) 29.A. We B. It C. You D. They ( ) 30.A. bad B. good C. hard D. better III、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面内容,然后从51-60各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 AJohn doesnt like to go to school. His mother is worried

12、 about him. One morning she goes into Johns room, turns on the light and says to him, “Its time to get up. You cant stay in bed all day.” But John doesnt want to get up. He turns the light off. “Dont go to sleep again. Youll be late for school again,” his mother says. Fifteen minutes later, John com

13、es into the kitchen and sits down at the table. “Hurry, its eight oclock,” his mother says to him. “There is no hurry,” John tells his mother. “Im not going to school.” “Why not? Is it a holiday?” “No, its not a holiday.” His mother sits next to him and takes his hand. “John, tell me whats wrong. Wh

14、y do you hate school so much?” The son doesnt say anything. A few minutes later he says, “The teachers dont like me, and neither do the students.” “John,” his mother says, “Im sorry about it, but you cannot stay at home.” “Why not?” “Because dear, there are two very good reasons. First, you are thir

15、ty-five years old. Second, you are the school headmaster,” says his mother. ( ) 31. Why is Johns mother worried about him? A. He cries a lot. B. He cannot do his homework. C. He sleeps all day. D. He does not like to go to school. ( ) 32. Why doesnt John want to go to school? A. He is ill. B. He lik

16、es to stay in bed. C. He is not happy there. D. It is a holiday. ( ) 33. What does John do at the school? A. He is a student. B. He is an English teacher. C. He is the school headmaster. D. He doesnt do anything. BIn the day we work and play, at night we sleep. Our body rests while we sleep. In the

17、morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most while we are asleep. Children who are tired and cross(暴躁的)usually need more sleep. We can study our lessons better after we have lots of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body

18、 needs lots of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh air,we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our head. Our lung(肺)needs to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night,we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls

19、 who want to be strong must get plenty of sleep. ( ) 34. Our body grows most while we are _ A. eating B. playing C. exercising D. sleeping ( ) 35. What may cause(促使)us to feel tired in the morning? A. Too much air. B. Not enough fresh air. C. Too much cold air. D. Too much sleep. ( ) 36. How many ho

20、urs of sleep should a nine-year-old child have A. 8 hours. B. 9 hours. C. 10 hours. D. 11 hours. CIn New York City,on a cold day in December,a little boy about 10 years old is standing before a shoe shop on the roadway,barefoot,looking through the window,and shaking with cold. A lady comes up and sa

21、ys,“My little fellow,why are you looking in that window?” “I am asking God(上帝) to give me a pair of shoes,” the boy answers. The lady takes him by hand and goes into the store and asks the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asks if he can give her a basin of water and a t

22、owel(毛巾). He quickly brings them to her. She takes the little fellow to the back part of the shop and,taking her gloves off, washes his little feet,and dries them with a towel. By this time the clerk has come back with the socks. She places a pair upon the boys feet,and then brings him a pair of sho

23、es. She ties up the other pairs of socks and gives them to him,“No doubt(毫无疑问),my little follow,you feel more comfortable now?” As she turns to go,the little boy catches her by the hand,and looking up in her face,with tears(眼泪)in his eyes,he asked,“Are you Gods wife(妻子)? ( ) 37. Where is the boy whe

24、n the lady meets him? A. In the shoe store. B. With his mother. C. In the park. D. Before the shoe window. ( ) 38. What does “barefoot” mean? A.瘸腿的 B.赤脚的 C.没依靠的 D.破脚的 ( ) 39. Whats the relationship(关系)between the boy and the lady? A. Son and mother B. Student and teacher. C. Friends. D. They didnt k

25、now each other. ( ) 40. Whats the best title for this passage? A. A Poor Boy B. A Shoe Store CA Lucky Boy D. Shoes 第二卷(70分) I. 选词填空(每题1分,共5分) are going to; in the future; kind and helpful; is always ready to; Interested; interesting1. Most boys and girls are _in playing computer games now. 2. What d

26、oes your brother want to be _? 3. The students from Class 1, Grade 7 _have a barbecue(篝火) next Sunday. 4. My new neighbours are all _. I like them very much. 5. Our monitor _answer our teachers questions in class. II. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空(每题1分,共10分) 1. At Hallow, children may knock on their _(neighbour) d

27、oors and play a game. 2. Tony, my friend, is _(luck) to win the first prize. 3. Some social workers will come to our community centre and help _(work) out our problems. 4. Its interesting for _(they) to play the game called Hide and seek”. 5. In two weeks, my parents _(come) back form England. 6. Ho

28、w about _(help) them with the homework? 7. Everyone should listen _(careful) in class. 8. In her free time, Mr. Wang would like to do some _(shop). 9. There are more and more tall _(build) in our city. 10. Please _(not tell) her about the game, or she will be sad. III. 完成句子 (每题3分,共15分) 1、 因为她喜欢孩子,因此

29、将来她想做一名教师。 She _a teacher_because she loves children. 2、 计算机工程师们能帮助我们解决各种各样的计算机问题。 _can help us with _about computers. 3、 义工们总是乐于帮助需要帮助的人。 _people in need. 4、 恐怕他们不欢迎像你这样的游客。 I _they dont welcome _. 5、 我的电脑没有毛病,它运行良好。 _with my computers., and it _. III. 任务型阅读(阅读下面短文了解大意,根据要求完成各题,每题2分共计20分) (A)Welcom

30、e to Moonlight Middle School! We are very happy to welcome you to our new school! Let me tell you about it. Moonlight Middle School is a beautiful and modern school. Walk through our school gate you can see a big playground. Students have great fun here playing football and basketball. In front of y

31、ou are our classrooms. We have twenty of them and they are all big and bright. Beside the classrooms is the library. You can borrow books there. The art and music building is behind the library. We have four art rooms on the ground floor, and four music rooms on the first floor. You can draw picture

32、s and play music there. Next to it is our school hall. It is very big and we have a school meeting every day. We hope you enjoy being a student at Moonlight Middle School. Questions: 1. Whats Moonlight Middle School like? _ 2. What do the students do on the playground? _ 3. Do they have four art roo

33、ms on the first floor? _ 4. Where is the school hall? _ 5. How often do they have a meeting? _ (B)One of the best examples is chameleon(变色龙). They are good at hiding themselves. They can change colours easily. If a chameleon is on green grass, it becomes green. If it is on a grey rock, it turns grey

34、. This helps chameleons hide. A tiger looks beautiful with its orange and black stripes. These stripes help it protect itself. The stripes make it difficult for hunters and other animals to see it in jungles(丛林). So it becomes much easier to catch other animals and it wont be hunted easily. The clow

35、n fish(小丑鱼) also has stripes. But it doesnt need the stripes to help it hide. The clown fish live in an anemone(海葵). Anemones look beautiful like flowers. But they eat many fish. Sea anemones are a great danger to many fish, but not to clown fish. Clown fish lives inside anemones safely. They help the anemones by cleaning them. Many snakes pretend to be dead(装死) when danger comes. Then when animals or a person tries to hurt it, the snake comes alive to bite. But an opossum(负鼠) plays a tr


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