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1、译林版九年级下册英语课文翻译译林版九年级下册英语Unit4Integratedskills部分课文翻译 1A LMng on Mars部分翻译 Al Daniel wants to live on Mars in the futureHowever,Sandy is still not sure if she would like to. This week,there is a TV programme on this topic, Listen to the preview. Help Sandy make notes of it 丹尼尔想将来住在火星上。然而,桑迪仍然不确定她是否想去。本

2、周,有一个有关这个话题的电视节目。听听预告片,帮助桑迪做笔记。 Survey carried out in:(l)Schools in Sunshine Town 调查开展地点:(1)阳光城镇学校 Day:(2)_ 日期:(2)_ Channel:(3)_ 频道:(3)_ Name of programme: (4) _ 电视节目名称:(4)_ Time: (5) _ 时间:(5)_ prrcCnLagC.,;pasemId3: of students who would like to move away from the Earth: (6) _ 想搬离地球的学生的百分数(6) _ A2

3、Sandy is watching the TV programme. She wants to write down the important points. Listen to the discussion and help her plete her lists. 桑迪正在看电视节目。她想写下要点。听讨论并帮她完成列表。 Advantages 优点 1. It would be very interesting. 它将非常有趣。 2.We could study at_ 我们可以在_学习。 3. It is not so crowded,with much more_ 它不拥挤,有更多

4、的_。 4. Travelling in space would be 在太空旅行将是_。 Disadvantages 缺点 1. We do not know if it is really safe. 我们不知道它是否真的安全。 2. We might_from living there. 住在那儿,我们可能_。 3. It is _ from the Earth 它距离地球 _ 。 4. There is not enough food,_ or oxygen 没有足够的食物、_ 或氧气。 5. There might be _aliens. 可能有_ 外星人。 A3 Daniel an

5、d Sandy are talking about the TV programme. Complete their conversation with the information in Parts Al and A2 丹尼尔和桑迪正在谈论这个电视节目,用Al和A2中的信息完成他们的对话。 Sandy: Did you watch the programme called (1) _ on (2) _ TV last (3) _ evening? 桑迪:上个(3) _ 晚上,在 (2) _ 电视你观看这个被称为(1)_ 的节目了吗? Daniel:Yes,l did. But I miss

6、ed the first part of itWhen did the programme begin? 丹尼尔:是的,我看了。但我错过了开头部分。节目什么时候开始的? Sandy:lt began at (4) _ .It started with a discussion about a(5) _It showed that (6)_ of the students would like to (7) _ the Earth and live on (8) _ 桑迪:它在(4)_ 开始。它以一个关于(5)_ 的讨论开始。它表明(6)_ 的学生想(7) _地球和居 住在(8)_。 Danie

7、l: Oh yes. Some students said living on another pla such as Mars would be very (9) _They could study at (10)_. and travelling in(11)would _be fun . 丹尼尔:哦,是的。一些学生说,住在另一个行星,比如火星将很(9)_。他们能够在(10)_学习,并且在(11)_旅行将很有趣。 Sandy:There might also be much more (12) _ for everyone on Mars.lts too crowded here. 桑迪:

8、在火星上每个人可能也有更多的(12)_。这儿太拥挤。 Daniel:However,some other students were worried about living there.They said they didnt know if it would be (13)_They thought they might (14)_ because theres not enough food,(15)_or oxygen on Mars. 丹尼尔:然而,其他的一些学生担心住在那儿。他们说他们不知道它是否将(13)_ 。他们认为他们可能(14)_,因为火星上没有足够的食物、(15) _或氧

9、气。 Sandy:They were even afraid of aliens there. 桑迪:他们甚至害怕那儿的外星人。 They thought aliens were (16)_ and would harm people. 他们认为外星人是 (16) _ 并且会伤害人类。 2Speak up:Earth or Mars?部分翻译 Daniel and Sandy are talking about living on Mars, Work in pairs and discuss whether you would like to live on MarsUse the conv

10、ersation below as a model. 丹尼尔和桑迪正在谈论火星上的生活。结对练习,讨论你是否想住在火星上。用下面的对话作为示范。 Daniel:Would you like to live on Mars,Sandy? 丹尼尔:桑迪,你想住在火星上吗? Sandy:Im not sure if its worth the riskjrisk.It worries me 桑迪:我不确定是否值得冒这个风险。这让我担心。 Daniel:Why? It would be quite safe. After all,humans have alreadLbeen to the Moon.

11、 丹尼尔:为什么?那会相当安全。毕竟,人类已经去过月球。 Sandy:Maybe youre right,but we might get ill from living there. 桑迪:或许你是对的,但住在那儿我们可能会生病。 Daniel:I dont think so,Sandy. Its just a different kind of life. It would be great to live on another pla. 丹尼尔:桑迪,我不这样认为。它只是一种不同的生活方式。生活在另一个行星上会很棒。 Sandy:What about all your friends here on the Earth if you


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