1、Lesson 09 Flyingcats 飞猫,Fascinate v.迷住,吸引住,Fascination(n.魔力, 入迷, 魅力) Fascinating(adj.令人着迷的) - Sweetmusicisfascinating. Fascinated(adj.感到着迷的) Befascinatedwith 迷上了 - Heisfascinatedwithmusic. - Heisfascinatedwithchess. / AreyoufascinatedwithEnglish? Becrazyabout 着迷于 - Heiscrazyaboutmusic. Bemadabout 着迷
2、于 - Heismadaboutmusic. Like, Love, Befondof 喜欢 - Theboyisfondoffootball. Attract /captivatecharmdelightenchant,Hold/have a fascination for sbStamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me,The children were fascinated by the toys in the big department store. 孩子们被大商场里的玩具迷住了。 The actresss beauty f
3、ascinated everyone. 女演员的美貌迷住了每一个人。 Angels fascinate, as Christmas-card-makers rediscover every year. 天使令人着迷,正如圣诞卡制造商们每年一再发现的那样。,Affectionate adj.充满深情,柔情的tender/amiable/passionate/companionable,- Catsareaffectionateanimals. Affectionately(adv.充满深情的, 有感情的, 慈爱的) - Theladyislookingat thatmanaffectionate
4、ly affection(n.友爱, 爱情, 影响, 疾病, 倾向) affect(vt.影响, 感动) Affectionate kisses/words Be affectionate towards,He was certainly an affectionate fellow. 他无疑是一个富有情义的人 The affectionate mother cares about all her children. 这位慈母关心着她的每个子女。,Mysterious adj.神秘的,难以理解的,- amysteriousplan / amysteriousexplanation myster
5、y(n.谜面,神秘感) - Hisdeathisamystery.,Submissive adj.服从的,顺从的,besubmissivetosb - Dogsandhorsesaresubmissive, butcatsareneversubmissivetous. Obedient(adj.服从的, 孝顺的) - Areyouobedient? Submit(v.服从, 顺从) yield/bow/be subject to - submitoneselftosb/sth Submission(n.屈服, 降服, 服从),She was headstrong, angry and not
6、at all submissive. 她倔强,愤恨,毫不顺从。 This new member has become submissive. 新成员已经变得顺从。 Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive. 他们早先受过的教育已把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从。,Feline adj.猫的,猫科的,My favorite animals are the lions and tigers, anything feline. 我最喜欢的动物是狮子和老虎,所有的猫科动物。 A kitten needs feli
7、ne companionship in those early weeks to learn, well, how to be a cat. 在出生后的几周,猫需要猫类陪伴才能学习:如何做为一只猫。,Independence n.独立,独立性,dependence(n.依靠, 依赖, 信任, 信赖) Independent(adj.独立自主的, 不受约束的) dependent(adj.依靠的, 依赖的) - Youhavealreadygrownup, youmustbeindependent. Depend(vi.依靠, 依赖) independ 没有此词 - Youmustdependo
8、nyourself.,How do you celebrate Independence Day? 你们怎么庆祝独立日呢 If 2009 was its calmest year since the invasion, 2010 may mark the moment when it can claim to have fully recovered its independence.伊拉克 2010年则标志着完全可以宣称重新获得了独立 In practice, however, oil and gas resources offer local people the most possibl
9、e route to economic independence.,high-rise adj.高层的 high-tech products,These high-rise blocks meet the continuing, long-term need for such accommodation. Their teachers live in a high-rise flat. A high-rise will be put up on this empty space . With the invention of the elevator, came high-rise build
10、ings and skyscrapers. 随着电梯的发明,出现了高层建筑和摩天大楼。,windowsill n.窗槛 He laid the shoes carefully on the windowsill to display them. paratrooper n.伞兵 The new paratrooper was almost kicked out of the cabin. 新来的伞兵几乎是被踢出机舱的。 squirrel n.松鼠,air-resistance n.空气阻力,Have you taken the air-resistance into consideration
11、? The present case needs to reduce the air-resistance to the minimum. 现在需要的是把空气阻力减小到最低限度 Maximum raise,impact n.冲击力,Some people these days suggest we all drive less to reduce the impact of climate change. Swiss study showed drinking coffee before exercise may have a negative impact on the heart. 瑞士一
12、个研究指出,运动前饮用咖啡,可能会对心脏造成不良影响。 Positive/,Text 课文,Catsneverfailtofascinatehumanbeings. neverfailto 双重否定意味肯定(运用双重否定结构加深句子肯定的语气) - Ifyouaskforhelpinthepoliteway, youneverfailtosucceed. - Ifyoureceiverequestslikethis, youllneverfailtoaccept. 双重否定结构:(起加深句子肯定的语气的作用),1否定词+failto - neverfailto / cantfailto / d
13、ontfailto 2否定的形容词之前加以否定 - Whathesaidisnotunreasonable.(adj.不讲道理的, 不合理的) - Itisquitecommon forustomakemistakes. = Itisnotuncommonforustomakemistakes. 3 not + without - YoucantobtainEnglishwithoutworkinghard. Obtain(vt.获得, 得到) - Hedoesnthaveanymealwithoutmeats. 4 no + not - Thereisnocatthatdoesntlikef
14、ish. - Thereisnothingthathecantdo. 没有什么他不能做的。 - Thereisnorulethathasnoexception. 没有无例外的法规。,Theycanbefriendlyandaffectionate towardshumans,buttheyleadmysteriouslivesoftheirownaswell. aswell 也, 又, 同样 of ones own 属于自己的 On ones own 靠自己 alone Lead a luxurious life/miserable/wretched Lead a peaceful life
15、Lead a colorful life,of ones own属于自己的,Russia, Germany, Britain and Japan have also offered ideas of their own. 俄罗斯,德国,英国和日本也提出了他们自己的观点。 Children should have rooms of their own. Everyone has a chair of their own. Try for years and never have a child of their own?,Theyneverbecomesubmissivelikedogsand
16、horses. Asaresult,humanshavelearnedtorespect felineindependence. asaresult adv.结果 havelearnedto 学会了, 习惯了 - Peoplehavelearnedtoexpect(盼望)thattrainsarepunctual. - Childrenhavelearnedtoexpect(认为)thattheirparentsareveryable.,Mostcatsremainsuspiciousofhumansalltheirlives. besuspiciousof 对表示怀疑, 存有戒心 The l
17、ocal tend to be suspicious of strangers. Our attitude toward the world around us depends upon what we are ourselves. If we are selfish, we will be suspicious of others. The conservative attitude is only to accept things familiar to them and to be suspicious of anything that is strange or foreign. 他们
18、保守的态度表现在他们只接受他们熟悉的东西,而对任何外来的或陌生的东西持怀疑态度。,Oneofthethingsthatfascinatesusmostaboutcatsisthepopularbeliefthattheyhavenine lives. that引导同位语从句 - Oneofthethingsthatfascinatesusmostabout planesisthepopularfactthattheyaresafeand fast.,Apparently,thereisagooddealoftruthinthisidea. agooddealof +不可数名词 There is
19、 a good deal of truth in what you say. There is an element of truth in what you say. There is little truth in what you say. apparently(adv.显然地),语气不是非常确定(= Itseemsthat.) Obviously Clearly Evidently,Acatsabilitytosurvivefallsisbasedonfact. Survive(vt.幸免于, 幸存, 生还) Fall(n.堕落, 落下, 下降) - acatsabilitytosur
20、vivefallsisbasedonfact bebasedon 基于事实基础之上 basesthon 把某事建立在基础之上 - Webasethetheoryonthefact. 我们把这理论建立在事实的基础之上。 - Thetheoryisbasedonfact. 这理论是建立在事实基础上的。,Attempt to rescue the child Promise to marry you Need to help you,RecentlytheNewYorkAnimalMedical Centermadeastudyof132catsoveraperiodoffive months. m
21、akeastudyofsth 对什么作出研究 Make a discovery L3 Make a close study of Make a detailed analysis of=analyze overaperiodoffivemonths over a long period of time长期 Life develops over a period of nine months before birth. 生命在降生以前要经过九个月的发育。,Allthesecatshadoneexperienceincommon:theyhadfallenoffhighbuildings,yeto
22、nly eightofthemdiedfromshockorinjuries. incommon = thesame And what do all these pictures and events have in common? But, in fact, households and economies have much in common. /have little in common/have a great deal in common /have one hobby in common Its no coincidence, I think. We do have many t
23、hings in common, I mean culture. falloff 坠落,掉落 dieof+ illness, disease, hunger, thirst, starvation diefrom+ shock, injures, wound,Ofcourse,NewYorkistheidealplaceforsuch aninterestingstudy,becausethereisno shortageoftallbuildings. Shortage(n.不足, 缺乏)= lack(n.缺乏, 短缺),两个词都和of搭配 - Shortageofmoneyledtothe
24、failureoftheexperiments. 资金缺乏导致实验的失败。 One possible reason: a shortage of school nurses. 一个可能的原因是:校园护士的短缺。 Firms are also experiencing a serious shortage of skilled labour and wages are rocketing. 这些公司也正面临严重的技术工人短缺,工资急剧上涨。,缺乏,Have a shortage of sth Be short of Be lacking in Be in need of Be in want o
25、f,没有比较最高级ideal,极限主次Perfect excellent favorite superior inferior extreme 独一无二Unique sole sheer single 几何形状Round square straight angular,Thereareplentyofhigh-risewindowsillstofallfrom!Onecat,Sabrina,fell32storeys,yetonlysufferedfromabrokentooth. 32storeys sufferfrom 遭受什么痛苦 - Alotofpeopleintheworldares
26、ufferingfromterribledisease.,Catsbehavelikewell-trainedparatroopers.adoctorsaid. behavelike = actlike well-trained 训练很好的,well-decorated 装饰漂亮的 Well-educated Well-bred Well-behaved Well-dressed/well-read,Itseemsthatthefurthercatsfall,thelesstheyarelikelytoinjurethemselves. themore.themore.(用定冠词the +形容词或副词的比较级) - TheharderyoustudyEnglish, thebetteryoucanlearnit. - Themoreyoueat, thefatteryouwillbe. It seems that cats fall further and they are less likely to injure themselves.
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