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1、,Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract in International Sales of Goods,Chapter 10,The Necessary Works before Import and Export Transaction,1. Market Research and Promotion 1) Market Research The most difficult part of exporting is taking the first step. Any exporter who wants to sell his products i

2、n a foreign country or countries must first conduct a lot of market researches. Market research is a process of conducting research into a specific market for a particular product.,1. Market Research and Promotion,(2) Market Promotion After studying the information and data obtained through market r

3、esearches, the maker or the exporter may decide whether there are good prospects for his goods in the foreign market, and then take effective measures to promote the export of the goods to that market.,2. Investigation of Credit-worthiness of Customers,Credit-worthiness is the lifeblood of trade. In

4、 international trade, credit is of even greater importance than in the home trade, partly because of the time-lag between the placing of regular orders by business which will want credit terms, and also orders made by buyers who may want to place a single but very large order.,一、对国际市场进行调查研究 (一)调查国际市

5、场行情,重视信息情报 (二) 调查竞争对手,出口交易前的准备工作,二、制定出口营销方案 营销方案 企业在一定时期内的营销意图、营销方法、时间、数量、地点、价 格和业务措施的全面安排。,出口商品营销方案的内容:,第一、国外市场供求情况 第二、企业货源供给情况 第三、国际市场营销情况 第四、推销计划安排 第五、进入国际市场的方式 第六、销售渠道和促销手段 第七、出口经营交易条件 第八、有关政策的执行和策略的运用 第九、其它存在的问题及解决的办法,三、建立和发展客户关系,(一) 发展不同类型客户的方法,1、巩固老客户 2、发展新客户,(1) 直接寻找客户 出口企业可派代表广泛参加国内外各种交易活动。

6、 外销员直接到目标市场去推销, 通过举办展销会、博览会、技术交流会、交易会、广泛接触和发展客户。,(2) 间接寻找客户 通过有关国家的商会、银行、专业咨询公司、贸易促进组织等介绍客户。 利用遍布于世界各地的旅外华人、亲友,介绍客户、联系业务。, 通过国内外有关报刊杂志,特别是专业性的报刊杂志,寻找一些潜在的客户。 通过国内的有关机构介绍客户 通过原有的国外客户,介绍相关行业和其它国外客户。,(二)对新客户进行资信调查,(1)支付能力 (2)经营范围 (3)经营能力 (4)企业声誉 (5)企业的背景和政治情况,1、调查的内容,2、调查的渠道 (1)通过有涉外业务的银行 (2)通过在国内的外资银行

7、 (3)通过我驻外商务参赞外 (4)通过各省、市、自治区及地区、部门、公司、企业驻国外的办事机构 (5)通过国外的专业征信机构 (6)通过出国商务人员 (7)通过老客户,间接了解新客户,四、建立对外销售网 各种不同类型的客户 进口商 经纪人 批发商 零售商 制造商 跨国公司,(Negotiation of Contract),询盘(Inquiry) 发盘(Offer) 递盘(Bid) 还盘(Counter-offer) 接受(Acceptance) 订立合同(Sign a contract),buyer,seller,合同成立的时间 (Effective time of contract) 合

8、同生效的要件 ( Effective conditions of contract),合同的形式 (Forms of contract ) 合同的内容 (Contents of contract),General procedure of signing contract,Inquriy / Enquiry 询盘 Offer 发盘 Counter offer 还盘 Acceptance 接受 Signature of contract 签订合同,某出口公司与国外进口商进行交易磋商,双方电传五则: Oct.8 Incoming Telex Interested In Colour Tv Set

9、Shanghai Brand Model 345 Please Offer Oct.10 Outgoing Telex Yours Eighth Offer Subject Reply Reaching Us Fifteenth Colour Tv Set Shanghai Brand Model 345 1ooo Sets Packed In Cartons Of One Set Each Us Dollars 150 Per Set Cfr Karachi December Shipment Irrevocable Sight Credit Oct.12 Incoming Telex Yo

10、urs Tenth Price Too High Counter Offer Usd130 Reply Fourteenth Oct.14 Outgoing Telex Yours Twelfth Lowest Usd140 Subject Reply Eighteenth Here Oct.16 Incoming Telex Your Fourteenth We Accept,Inquiry,Definition An enquiry is a request for business information, such as price lists, catalogue, samples,

11、 and details about the goods or trade terms. 询盘,又称为“询价”或“邀请发盘”,是指买方为了购买或者卖方为了销售货物而向对方提出有关交易条件的询问。询盘在法律上称为“要约邀请”(Invitation to offer)。我国合同法规定:要约邀请是希望他人向自己发出要约的意思表示。询盘的主要目的是诱使对方发盘。,Inquiry,The seller and the buyer both can make an inquiry. Please offer northeast rice lowest price FOB Qingdao. Can supp

12、ly northeast rice,please bid. Inquiry will not bind upon both parties.,Common terms,Please quote your best CIF price for Model A . Please make us an offer for 20 M/T beans We are interest in, please advise. Please let us know your lowest quotation for We write to you to enquire for 500 cartons of .,

13、Offer,Definition According to CISG, an offer is defined as a sufficiently definite proposal addressed to one or more specific persons for concluding a contract, necessarily indicating the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. 联合国国际货物销售合同公约第14条(1)款规定:“向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果十分

14、确定并且表明发价人在得到接受时承受约束的意旨,即构成发价。一个建议如果写明货物并且明示或暗示地规定数量和价格或规定如何确定数量和价格,即为十分确定。”,In other words, it refers to trading terms put forward by offerors to offerees, on which the offerors are willing to conclude business with the offerees. 即:发盘是交易的一方向另一方提出各项交易条件,并愿意按这些条件达成交易、签订合同买卖某种商品的意思表示。,Conditions the fo

15、rmation of an offer shall possess 构成有效发盘的条件,1.The offer shall be made to one or more specific persons.发盘必须向一个或一个以上特定的人做出 2.The offer shall indicate the Contractual Intent or to be bound in case of acceptance.发盘必须表明订约意旨 3.Contents of the offer shall be Sufficiently Definite, i.e., trade terms of the

16、offer shall be complete, clear, and final.发盘的内容必须十分确定 4.An offer shall be received by the offeree.发盘必须送达受盘人,Offer,There are two kinds of offers: Examples For Model A, We quote USD800 per set CIF Sydney. We are glad to quote for your reference as follows: We offer subject to your reply reaching us wi

17、thin 5 days We quote for Item AA , subject to our final confirmation,Invitation for Offer,案例分析:H公司有一批羊毛待售,4月2日公司销售部以信件的形式向某市第一纺织厂发出要约,将羊毛的数量、质量、价格等主要条款做了规定,约定若发生争议将提交某仲裁委员会仲裁。并特别注明希望在15日内得到答复。但由于工作人员疏忽,信件没有说明要约的起算日期,信件的落款也没有写日期。 4月4日公司人员将信件投出,4月17日纺织厂收到信件。恰巧纺织厂急需一批羊毛,第二天即拍发电报请其准备尽快发货。邮局于4月19日送达H公司。不

18、料H公司却在4月18日由于未收到纺织厂的回信,已将羊毛卖给另一纺织厂。第一纺织厂几次催货未果,向仲裁委员会提请仲裁,要求H公司赔偿其损失。 试对此案例进行分析。,发盘生效的时间 以书面形式做出的发盘的生效时间的不同观点: 1、投邮主义(Despatch Theory)或发信主义 2、到达主义(Arrival Theory)或受信主义 公约和我国合同法采用到达主义。,明确发盘生效时间的意义:关系到受盘人能否表示接受;关系到发盘人何时可以撤回发盘或修改其内容。,Validity of Offer 发盘有效期,1.Stipulate the latest date for acceptance. T

19、he offer is valid until Friday. This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on May 12,2010 our time . 2.Stipulate a period of time for acceptance. This offer remains valid for 5 days. We offer subject to your reply here in 7 days.,Withdrawal and revocation of the offer,Withdrawal(撤回): the with

20、drawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time. Revocation (撤销) : revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance,原则上,发盘生效以后,就对发盘人有了法律约束力,因此发盘人不得随意撤销发盘。对于发盘的撤销问题,公约第16条规定:已为受盘人收到的发盘,如果撤销的通知在受盘人发出接受通知送达受盘人,可予撤销。但是,在下列情况下不得撤销:发盘是以规定有效期或以其他方式表明该发盘为不可撤销的;或如果受盘人有理由信赖该项发盘是不可撤销

21、的,并且已本着对该项发盘的信赖的态度采取了行动。,Termination of an offer发盘的终止,In the following cases, an offer is terminated: The time validity stipulated in the offer becomes due; The offeree rejects or makes a counter offer; The offeror revokes the offer before acceptance; Other special circumstances.,Common terms,Firm o

22、ffer with engagement/firm subject to your reply here within/before Non firm offer without engagement Subject to our final confirmation/the goods being unsold,Case,香港某中间商A,就某商品以电传方式邀请我方发盘,我于6月8日向A方发盘并限6月15日复到有效。12日我方收到美国B商人按我方发盘条件开来的信用证,同时收到中间商A的来电称:“你8日发盘已转美国B商”。经查该商品的国际市场价格猛涨,于是我将信用证退回开证银行,再按新价直接向美

23、商B发盘,而美商B以信用证于发盘有效期内到达为由,拒绝接受新价并要求我方按原价发货,否则将追究我方的责任。 问对方的要求是否合理?为什么?,Case,我某公司于5月20日以电传发盘,并规定“限5月25日复到”。国外客户于5月23日复电至我方,要求将即期信用证改为远期见票后30天。我公司正在研究中,次日又接到对方当天发来的电传,表示无条件接受我5月20日的发盘。问此笔交易是否达成?,Counter-offer,Definition Counter-offer means that the offeree doesnt accept the offer wholly and put forward

24、 some additions, modification, limitations, etc. as to the basic terms and conditions contained in the offer. Counter offer is also called a new offer. Namely, When an offeree has received an offer, he disagrees or does not agree totally the conditions put formed in the offer. In order to consult fa

25、rther, the offeree proposes the suggestions to amend or alter some terms of the offer.,Acceptance,Definition It refers to a statement made by oral or written or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer.,Valid Acceptance,Acceptance shall be made by a specific offeree. Acceptance sha

26、ll be declared in ways stipulated in the offer, either orally or in a written form. Acceptance shall reach the offeror within the time of validity. Acceptance shall be in accordance with the offer.,Means of acceptance,1. Declaration: Declaration includes a spoken and written declaration. Generally s

27、peaking, if the offer is made in spoken way, the conferee can accept it in spoken way, while. If the offer is made in written form, then the acceptance must be in written form. 2.Actions: Acceptance can be shown by actions besides by words or in written form as long as there is an agreement in the o

28、ffer on a habit doing between the two parties, This way is to race against time. But some Countries, including China, require a written form for the formation of a contract.,Modified Acceptance,Material alteration including price, payment, quality and quantity of the goods, place and time of deliver

29、y, extent of one partys liability to the other or the settlement of disputes Non-material alteration,Case,6月5日我国A公司向美国B公司寄去订货单一份,要求对方在6月20日前将接受送达A公司。该订货单于6月12日邮至B公司,B公司6月20日以航空特快专递发出接受通知。事后当B公司催促A公司尽早开立信用证,A公司否认与B公司有合同关系。问按公约的规定,A公司的主张是否成立?为什么?,Acceptance,The effective time of acceptance Despatch Th

30、eory Arrival Theory Withdrawal of acceptance,Case,我某公司于4月15日向外商A发盘,限20日复到我方,外商于17日上午发出电传,但该电传在传递中延误,21日才到达我方。我公司以对方答复逾期为由,不予置理。当时该货物的市价已上涨,我公司遂以较高价格于22日将货物售予外商B。25日外商A来电称:信用证已开出,要求我方尽早装运。我方立即复电外商A:接受逾期,合同不成立。分析合同是否成立?,Late acceptance,Without delay the offeror orally or in written from informs the of

31、feree to that effect. If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances, that if it transmission had been normal, it would have reached the offeror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offe

32、ror orally informs the offeree that he consider his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect.,ABC Company sent an offer to an American trading company on February 1, 2010, stipulating for the reply to reach them before February 10, 2010. The American trading company cabled its ac

33、ceptance of the offer on February 8, 2010. Because of the delay by the post office, the acceptance did not reach ABC Company until on the morning of February 11, 2010. But before receiving the acceptance, ABC Company was informed that the prices of the said products were raising rapidly, therefore t

34、he seller telephone the buyer to refuse the acceptance for its late immediately. Question: Was the acceptance effective? Why?,Exercises,请参看下列一组电文,A与B之间的合同关系有无建立?为什么? A于星期三向发B出电报:“中国松香W级100吨,香港仓库交货价,每吨500美元,现货现金交易,星期五电复有效。” B于星期四复电报:“中国松香W级,100吨,香港仓库交货价,每吨500美元,你能否同意两个月内交货。” B于星期五下午一时二十五分,在尚未接到A的复电的情

35、况下,立即发出接受电报:“中国松香W级,100吨,香港仓库交货价,每吨500 美元,现金现货交易,我接受。”,A contract is an agreement that creates an obligation, which is a binding, legally enforceable agreement between two or more competent parties. It generally consists of an exchange of promises an offer and an acceptance resulting in an obligatio

36、n assent of the parties to it, that is, it must involve both offer and acceptance.,Conclusion of a Contract,Conclusion of Contract,Basic Principles Equality 平等 Voluntariness 自愿 Fairness 公平 Bona Fides 真实 Legality 合法,The effective time of contract,1.When notice of acceptance reaches offeror. 2.When of

37、feree makes action of acceptance.,Significance of Written Contract 合同成立的证据 履行合同的依据 解决争议的依据,Forms and Contents of Contract,Forms Verbal Contract Written Contract,Forms and Contents of Contract,Contents Preamble 约首 Body 本文 Witness clause 约尾 Body of contract Contents Major Terms and Conditions General

38、Terms and Conditions,Contents of Contract 约首 合同名称、编号 签约日期、地点 合同当事人的名称、地址 正文 具体条款:品名、品质规格、数量、包装、价格、运输、保险、支付、检验 一般条款:不可抗力、仲裁、违约救济、准据法、合同的变更、终止、期限、合同的文本数量、使用的文字及效力 尾部 签章 合同附件,Name of commodity,Quality,Quantity,Package,Price,Payment,Transport,Insurance,The prevention and handling of dispute,Case,我某公司与外商洽商进口某商品一批,经往来电传洽谈,已谈妥合同的主要交易条件,但我方在电传中表明交易于签定确认书时生效。事后对方将草拟的合同条款交我方确认,但因有关条款的措辞尚需研究,故我方未及时给对方答复。不久该商品的市场价格下跌,对方电催我方开立信用证,而我方以合同未成立为由拒绝开证。


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