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1、$课文91 可怜的伊恩!722. Has Ian sold his house yet?723. Yes, he has.724. He sold it last week.725. Has he moved to his new house yet?726. No, not yet. 727. Hes still here.728. Hes going to move tomorrow.729. When? Tomorrow morning.730. No. Tomorrow afternoon.731. Ill miss him.732. He has always been a good

2、 neighbour.733. Hes a very nice person.734. Well all miss him.735. When will the new people move into this house?736. I think that theyll move in the day after tomorrow.737. Will you see Ian today,Jenny?738. Yes, I will.739. Please give him my regards.740. Poor Ian!741. He didnt want to leave this h

3、ouse.742. No, he didnt want to leave.743. but his wife did!$课文93 我们的新邻居744. Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.745. Hes a pilot.746. He was in the R.A.F(皇家空军).747. He will fly to New York next month.748. The month after next hell fly to Tokyo.749. At the moment, hes in Madrid(马德里).750. He flew to

4、Spain a week ago.751. Hell return to London the week after next.752. Hes only forty-one years old,753. and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.754. Nigel is a very lucky man.755. But his wife isnt very lucky. She usually stays at home!$课文95 请把车票拿出来。756. Two return tickets to Lon

5、don,please.757. What time will the next train leave?758. At nineteen minutes past eight.759. Which platform?760. Platform Two.Over the bridge.761. What time will the next train leave?762. At eight nineteen.763. Weve got plenty of time.764. Its only three minutes to eight.765. Lets go and have a drin

6、k.766. Theres a bar next door to the station.767. We had better go back to the station now, Ken.768. Tickets, please.769. We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.770. Youve just missed it!771. What! Its only eight fifteen.772. Im sorry, sir.773. That clocks ten minutes slow.774. Whens the next

7、 train?775. In five hours time!$课文97 一只蓝色的小箱子776. I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.777. Can you describe it, sir?778. Its a small blue case and its got a zip.779. Theres a label on the handle with my name and address on it.780. Is this case yours?781. No, thats not mine.782. Wh

8、at about this one?783. This ones got a label.784. Let me see it.785. Whats your name and address?786. David Hall,83 Bridge Street.787. Thats right. D.N. Hall, 83 Bridge Street.788. Three pounds fifty pence,please.789. Here you are. Thank you. 790. Key!791. Whats matter?792. This case doesnt belong t

9、o me!793. Youve given me the wrong case!$课文99 啊哟!794. Ow! 795. Whats the matter, Andy?796. I slipped and fell downstairs.797. Have you hurt yourself?798. Yes, I have. I think that Ive hurt my back.799. Try and stand up.800. Can you stand up?801. Here.Let me help you.802. Im sorry, Lucy.803. Im afrai

10、d that I cant get up.804. I think that the doctor had better see you.805. Ill phone Dr. Carter.806. The doctor says that he will come at once.807. Im sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.$课文101 吉米的明信片808. Read Jimmys card to me please, penny.809. I have just arrive in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth

11、 Hostel. 810. Eh?811. He says hes just arrived in Scotland.812. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel.813. You know hes a member of the Y.H.A(“青招协”).814. The what? 815. The Y.H.A., Mum.816. The Youth Hostels Association(青年招待所协会).817. What else does he say?818. Ill write a letter soon.819. I hope you

12、 all well.820. What? Speak up. Penny.821. Im afraid I cant hear you822. He say hell write a letter soon.823. He hopes we are all well.824. Love, Jimmy. 825. Is that all?826. He doesnt say very much,does he?827. He cant write very much on a card, Mum.$课文103 法语考试828. How was the exam, Richard?829. Not

13、 too bad.830. I think I passed in English and Mathematics.831. The questions were very easy.832. How about you, Gary?833. The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me.834. I hope I havent failed.835. I think I failed the French paper.836. I could answer sixteen of the question.837. They we

14、re very easy.838. But I couldnt answer the rest.839. They were too difficult for me.840. French test are awful, arent they?841. I hate them.842. Im sure Ive got a low mark.843. Oh, cheer up!844. perhaps we didnt to do badly.845. The guy next to me Wrote his name at the top of the paper. 846. Yes?847

15、. Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!848. He didnt write a word!$课文105 错误百出849. Wheres Sandra, Bob?850. I want her.851. Do you want to speak to her?852. Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office. 853. Tell her to come at once.854. Did you want to see me?855. Ah, yes, Sandra.856. How

16、 do you spell intelligent?857. Can you tell me?858. I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T.859. Thats right. Youve typed it with only one L. 860. This letters full of mistakes.861. I want you to type it again.862. Yes, Ill do that.863. Im sorry about that.864. And heres a little present for you.865. Whats it? 866. I

17、ts a dictionary.867. I hope itll help you.$课文107 太小了。868. Do you like this dress,madam?869. I like the colour very much.870. Its lovely dress,871. but its too small for me.872. What about this one? Its a lovely dress.873. Its very smart(时髦).874. Short skirts are in fashion now.875. Would you like to

18、 try it? 876. All right.877. Im afraid this green dress it too small for me as well.878. Its smaller than the blue one.879. I dont like the colour either.880. It doesnt suit me at all.881. I think the blue dress is prettier.882. Could you show me another blue dress?883. I want a dress like that one,

19、884. but it must be my size.885. Im afraid I havent got a larger dress.886. This is the largest dress in the shop.$课文109 好主意887. Shall I make some coffee,Jane?888. Thats a good idea, Charlotte.889. Its ready.890. Do you want any milk?891. Just a little, please.892. What about some sugar?893. Two tea

20、spoonfuls?894. No, less than that.895. One and a half teaspoonfuls, please.896. Thats enough for me.897. That was very nice.898. Would you like some more?899. Yes, please.900. Id like a cigarette, too.901. May I have one? 902. Of course.903. I think there are a few in that box.904. Im afraid its emp

21、ty.905. What a pity!906. It doesnt matter.907. Have a biscuit instead.908. Eat more and smoke less!909. Thats very good advice!$课文111 最昂贵的型号910. I like this television very much.911. How much does it cost?912. Its the most expensive model in the shop.913. It costs five hundred pounds.914. Thats too

22、expensive for us.915. We cant afford all that money.916. This models less expensive than that one.917. Its only three hundred pounds.918. But, of course, its not as good as the expensive one.919. I dont like the model.920. The other models more expensive,921. but its worth the money.922. Can we buy

23、it on instalments (分期付款)?923. Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds,924. and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.925. Do you like it, dear? 926. I certainly do,927. but I dont like the price.928. You always want the best,929. but we cant afford it.930. Sometimes you think youre

24、a millionaire!931. Millionaires dont buy things on instalments!$课文113 零钱932. Fares, please (请买票)!933. Trafalgar Square,please.934. Im sorry, sir. I cant change a ten-pound note.935. Havent you got any small change?936. Ive got no small change, I am afraid.937. Ill ask some of the passengers.938. Hav

25、e you any small change, sir?939. Im sorry. Ive got none.940. I havent got any either.941. Can you change this ten-pound note, madam? 942. Im afraid I cant.943. Neither can I. 944. Im very sorry, sir.945. You must get off the bus.946. None of our passengers can change this note.947. Theyre all millio

26、naires! 948. Except us.949. Ive got some small change.950. So have I.$课文115 敲敲门!951. Isnt there anyone at home?952. Ill knock again, Helen.953. Everythings very quiet.954. Im sure theres no one at home.955. But thats impossible.956. Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.957. Look through the window.958.

27、 Can you see anything?959. Nothing at all.960. Lets try the back door.961. Look! Everyones in the garden.962. Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim.963. Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.964. Its nice and warm out here.965. Come and have something to drink.966. Thanks, Carol.967. May I have a glass of

28、beer please?968. Beer?969. Theres none left.970. You can have some lemonade (柠檬水).971. Lemonade!972. Dont believe her, Jim.Shes only joking.973. Have some beer!$课文117 汤米的早餐974. When my husband was going into the dining room this morning,975. he dropped some coins on the floor.976. There were coins e

29、verywhere.977. We looked for them, but we could not find them all.978. While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.979. He put them both into his mouth.980. We both tried to get the coins, but it was too late.981. Tommy had already swallowed them!982. La

30、te that morning, when I was doing the housework, My husband phoned me from the office.983. Hows Tommy? he asked.984. I dont know, I answered,985. Tommys been to the toilet three times this morning,986. but I havent had any change yet!$课文119 一个真实的故事987. Do you like stories?988. I want to tell you a t

31、rue story.989. It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.990. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.991. After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.992. It was very dark, so they turned on a torch.993. Suddenly, they heard a voice be

32、hind them.994. The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.995. George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.996. He turned on the light, but he couldnt see anyone.997. The thieves had already gone.998. But Georges parrot, Henry, was still there.999. Nothing, Henry, Geo

33、rge said and smiled.1000. Go back to sleep.$课文121 戴帽子的男士1001. I bought two expensive dictionaries here half and hour ago,1002. but I forgot to take them with me.1003. Who served you, sir?1004. The lady who is standing behind the counter.1005. Which books did you buy?1006. The books which are on the

34、counter.1007. Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline?1008. He says hes the man who bought these books.1009. I cant remember.1010. The man who I served was wearing a hat.1011. Have you got a hat, sir? Yes, I have.1012. Would you put it on, please? All right.1013. Is this the man that

35、 you served, Caroline?1014. Yes.I recognize him now.$课文123 澳大利亚之行1015. Look, Scott.1016. This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.1017. Let me see it, Mike.1018. This is a good photograph.1019. Who are these people?1020. Theyre people I met during the trip.1021. Thats the ship we trav

36、elled on.1022. What a beautiful ship!1023. Whos this?1024. Thats the man I told you about.1025. Remember?1026. Ah yes.1027. The one who offered you a job in Australia. Thats right.1028. Whos this?1029. Guess!1030. Its not you, is it? Thats right.1031. I grew a beard during the trip.1032. but I shave

37、d it off when I came home.1033. Why did you shave it off?1034. My wife didnt like it!$课文125 两个人一起喝茶1035. Cant you come in and have tea now, Peter?1036. Not yet.1037. I must water the garden first.1038. Do you have to water it now?1039. Im afraid I must.1040. Look at it!1041. Its terribly dry.1042. W

38、hat a nuisance!1043. Last summer it was very dry, too.1044. Dont you remember?1045. I had to water it every day.1046. Well, Ill have tea by myself.1047. That was quick!1048. Have you finished already?1049. Yes. Look out of the window.1050. Its raining!1051. That means You dont need to water the gard

39、en.1052. That was a pleasant surprise.1053. It means I can have tea, instead.$课文127 著名的女演员1054. Can you recognize that woman,Liz?1055. I think I can, Kate.1056. It must be Karen Marsh,the actress.1057. I though so.1058. Whos that beside her?1059. That must be Conrad Reeves.1060. Conrad Reeves, the a

40、ctor?1061. Its cant be.1062. Let me have another look.1063. I think youre right!1064. Isnt he her third husband?1065. No. He must be her fourth or fifth.1066. Doesnt Karen Marsh look old!1067. She does, doesnt she!1068. I read shes twenty-nine,1069. but she must be at least forty.1070. Im sure she i

41、s.1071. She was a famous actress When I was still at school.1072. That was a long time ago, wasnt it?1073. Not that long ago!1074. Im not more than twenty-nine myself.$课文129 时速70英里1075. Look, Gary!1076. That policemans waving to you.1077. He wants you to stop.1078. Where do you think you are?1079. O

42、n a race track?1080. You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.1081. I cant have been.1082. I was doing eighty when I overtook you.1083. Didnt you see the speed limit?1084. Im afraid I didnt, officer.1085. I must have been dreaming (开小差).1086. He wasnt dreaming, officer.1087. I was telling

43、 him to drive slowly.1088. Thats why I didnt see the sign.1089. Let me see your driving licence.1090. I wont charge you this time.1091. But youd better not do it again!1092. Thank you. Ill certainly be more careful.1093. I told you to drive slowly, Gary.1094. You always tell me to drive slowly, darl

44、ing.1095. Well, next time youd better take my advice!$课文131 别那么肯定!1096. Where are you going to spend your holidays this year,Gary?1097. We may go abroad.1098. Im not sure.1099. My wife wants go to Egypt.1100. Id like to there, too.1101. We cant make up our minds.1102. Will you travel by sea or air?1

45、103. We may travel by sea.1104. Its cheaper, isnt it?1105. It may be cheaper.1106. but it takes a long time.1107. Im sure youll enjoy yourselves.1108. Dont be so sure.1109. We might not go anywhere.1110. My wife always worries too much.1111. Whos going to look after the dog?1112. Whos going to look

46、after the house?1113. Whos going to look after the garden?1114. We have this problem every year.1115. in the end, we stay at home and look after everything!$课文133 爆炸性新闻!1116. Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh? Yes, I have.1117. Are you going to make a another? No, Im not. 1118. Im going to r

47、etire.1119. I feel very tired.1120. I dont want to make another film for a long time.1121. Lets buy a newspaper, Liz.1122. Listen to this! Karen Marsh. Sensational News!By our reporter,Alan Jones.1123. Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today.1124. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat (貂皮

48、大衣).1125. She told me she had just made a new film.1126. she said she was not going to make another.1127. She said she was going to retire.1128. She told reporters she felt very tired and didnt want to make another film for a long time.1129. I wonder why!$课文135 最新消息1130. Are you really going to reti

49、re, miss Marsh? 1131. I may.1132. I cant make up my mind.1133. I will have to ask my future husband.1134. He wont let me make another film.1135. Your future husband, Miss Marsh?1136. Yes. Let me introduce him to you.1137. His name is Carlos.1138. Were going to get married next week.1139. Look, Liz!1

50、140. Heres another report about Karen Marsh.1141. Karen Marsh: The latest.1142. At her London Hotel today Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire.1143. She said she couldnt make up her mind.1144. She said she would have to ask her future husband.1145. She said her future husband would not let her

51、 make another film.1146. Then she introduced us to Carlos and told us they would get married next week.1147. Thats sensational news,isnt it, Kate?1148. It certainly is.1149. Hell be her sixth husband!$课文137 美好的梦1150. Are you doing the football pools, Brain?1151. Yes, Ive nearly finished, Julie.1152.

52、 Im sure well win something this week.1153. You always say that, but we never win anything!1154. What will you do if you win a lot of money?1155. If I win a lot of money Ill buy you a mink coat. 1156. I dont want a mink coat!1157. I want to see the world.1158. All right. If we win a lot of money,115

53、9. Well travel around the world and well stay at the best hotels.1160. Then well return home and buy a big house in the country.1161. Well have a beautiful garden and .1162. But if we spend all that money well be poor again.1163. Whatll we do then?1164. If we spend all the money well try and win the

54、 football pools again.1165. Its a pleasant dream but everything depends on if!$课文139 是你吗,约翰?1166. Is that you, John? 1167. Yes, speaking.1168. Tell Mary well be late for dinner this evening.1169. Im afraid I dont understand.1170. Hasnt Mary told you?1171. She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this

55、evening.1172. I said I would be at your house at six oclock,1173. but the boss want me to do some extra work.1174. Ill have to stay at the office.1175. I dont know when Ill finish.1176. Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.1177. I dont know what youre talking about.1178. That is John Smith, isnt it?1179. Yes, Im John Smith.1180. You are John Smith,the engineer,arent you? Thats right.1181. Yo


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