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1、,小学语法系列讲座之第五讲,形容词和副词,邵杰 网校,1形容词的功能 (1)形容词作定语 单个形容词作定语时,放在被修饰的名词前。 She is a good girl.她是一个好女孩儿。 形容词作不定代词的定语时,要放在不定代词的后面。 There is nothing important.没有什么重要的事情。 enough作形容词时,放在被修饰的名词的前后均可。 We have enough money/money enough to buy every book here. 我们有足够的钱可以买这里的每一本书。,形容词,邵杰 网校,“基数词单数可数名词形容词”为复合形容词,放在被修饰的名

2、词前面。 Tom is an eight-year-old boy. 汤姆是一个八岁的小男孩。 (2)形容词作表语时,与连系动词构成系表结构。 The meal is delicious.这顿饭很美味。 (3)形容词作宾语补足语时,用来说明宾语的性质、状态或特征。 I found the book interesting. 我发现这本书很有趣。,邵杰 网校,2多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 限定词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、数词)描绘词(大小、长短、形状、长幼、新旧、颜色、国籍、材料)名词。 a famous American medical college 一所著名的美国医学院,邵杰 网校

3、,1副词的一般用法 (1)用作状语。如: He speaks English _. 他英语说得非常好。 (2)用作表语。主要限于少数地点或方位副词、时间副词以及其他副词。如: Ill be back in five minutes. 我五分钟后就回来。 (3)用作定语。在通常情况下,副词用作定语时总是放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。如: The people there were very friendly. 那儿的人很友好。 2副词的位置 (1)副词通常放在被修饰的动词后面。 (2)句中有多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后。,very well,副词,邵杰 网校,形容词变副词,(一)在形容

4、词词尾直接加-ly。 如:careful-carefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietly,careful:_,excited :_,quick: _,patient: _,quickly,patiently,carefully,excitedly,(二)以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly。 如:busy-busily; angry-angrily; easy-easily,angry:_,busy:_,happy: _,easy: _,angrily,busily,happily,easily,邵杰 网校,邵杰 网校,

5、Practice,careful,carefully,beautiful,beautifully,sad,sadly,邵杰 网校,Practice,quick,quickly,slow,slowly,bad,badly,quick,quickly,badly,邵杰 网校,Correct,1原级的用法 (1)只能修饰原级的词有very, quite, so, too等。 The old man is _ walk on. 那位老人太累了不能再继续走了。 (2)原级常用的句型结构 “Av.as形容词/副词原级asB”表示“A和B程度相同”。 Lucy is as old as Kate. 露西和凯

6、特的年龄一样大。,too tired to,形容词和副词比较等级的用法,邵杰 网校,Tom runs _ Mike. 汤姆和迈克跑得一样快。 “ Av.notas/so形容词/副词原级asB” 表示“A不如B”。如: This classroom is _ that one. 这间教室不如那间大。 He doesnt walk as slowly as you. 他走路不像你那样慢。,as fast as,not as/so big as,邵杰 网校,Is the dress on the right as long as the one on the left?,邵杰 网校,Is the v

7、ase on the right as tall as the one on the left?,邵杰 网校,邵杰 网校,_ on the right as _ as the one on the left.,邵杰 网校,_ on the right as _ as the one on the left.,邵杰 网校,_ on the right as _ as the one on the left.,邵杰 网校,_ on the right as _ as the one on the left.,taller,tallest,smaller,smallest,一般情况下直接加”er”或

8、者”est”,nicer,nicest,finer,finest,以“e”结尾的形容词直接加”r”或者“st”,prettier,prettiest,easier,easiest,以辅音字母+“y”结尾的形容词把“y”改“i”加“er”或“est”,slimmer,slimmest,bigger,biggest,重读闭音节并且只有一个辅音字母结尾的形容词双写加“er”或者“est”,more beautiful,most beautiful,部分双音节词或者多音节词直接加“more”或者“most”,less farther,least farthest,better,best,worse,w

9、orst,more,most,funny helpful easy cheerful tidy important close big wide clever healthy tired hot far large,funnier funniest easier easiest tidier tidiest closer closest wider widest healthier healthiest hotter hottest larger largest,more most more most more most bigger biggest er est more most fart

10、her farthest further furthest,Hui Tailang is _ (bad) than Xi Yangyang. But Xi yangyang is much _(smart) than Hui Tailang.,worse,smarter,Xi yangyang,Hui Tailang,adj.比较级用法,1. 在比较级前可用 much, even,a little, a lot等来修饰,eg. Now the air in our hometown is _ than it was before. A. much better B. more worse C.

11、 more better D. much worst,eg. He ran even _ (happy ) at that time.,more happily,adj./adv.比较级用法,2. 表本身程度变化(越来越):,比较级+and +比较级,eg. 1) 他的鞋子越来越脏。 2) 衣服越来越贵。 3) 她们跳得越来越美。,His shoes are dirtier and dirtier.,more +and more+原级,只用于以“more”构成比较级的词,Clothes are more and more expensive.,They dance more and more

12、beautifully.,邵杰 网校,adj.比较级用法,3. 同义句: 比较级+than any other +单数名词 =比较级+than the other +复数名词 =最高级+范围,eg. Spring is the best season of the year. =Spring is better _ _ _ season of the year. =Spring is better _ _ _ seasons of the year.,than,any,other,than,the,other,邵杰 网校,He is the tallest in our class. =He

13、is taller than anyone else in our class. any other student in our class. the other students in our class. No one else is taller than him in our class.,4.我们 用“Which+比较级,or ? ”的句型来表示在两者中选择。 如: Which is bigger,the sun or the moon?,邵杰 网校,2020/9/24,邵杰 网校,adj.最高级用法,1.三者或以上相比, 表示最高程度用 “the + 最高级”,*最高级后常有介词

14、短语(of/among/in )来表示范围。,adj.最高级也可用ones替代the,邵杰 网校,adj./adv.最高级用法,2. one of +the +最高级+复数名词,表示“最之一”,eg. The hair clip is one of _ (pretty) among those ones. He was one of _(fast) _(swim) of all.,the prettiest,the fastest,swimmers,邵杰 网校,eg. Huanghe is shorter than Changjiang, but longer than the other r

15、ivers in China. =Huanghe is _ _ _ river in China.,adj./adv.最高级用法,3. the second/third/fourth+最高级,表示“第几”,eg. Millie is the third _(tall) in her class.,tallest,the,second,longest,邵杰 网校,改错,My cat is more lazier than yours. He is the taller boy in my class. The girl is the prettier in my school. I like t

16、his book best than that one. Jane is the funnyest boy in our class.,tallest,prettiest,better,funniest,1. 他的观点比我的新。 His idea is _. 2. 我的铅笔比你的短。 My pencil is _. 3. 哪一条河流更长,长江还是黄河? Which river is _ ,Changjiang or the Yellow River? 4天气越来越冷了 。 It is _,colder and colder.,shorter than yours,longer than,new

17、er than mine,Translation:,格林先生是这四个人当中最高最胖的。 Mr. Green is _ and _. 2. 小香蕉往往比大香蕉好。 Small bananas are often _. 3. 我的画是绘画比赛中最美的。 My drawing is _.,the tallest,fattest of the four,better than big ones,the most beautiful in the drawing competition,Translation,My drawing is more beautiful than any other dra

18、wing in the drawing competition. My drawing is more beautiful than all the other drawings in the drawing competition.,50kg,200kg,400kg,The first box is_.,The second box is _ than the first one.,The third box is _of all.,heavy,heavier,the heaviest,The first bag is very nice.,The second bag is _than t

19、he first one.,The third bag is _ of all.,nicer,the nicest,The first kite is good.,The second kite is _ the first one.,The third kite is _ of the three.,better than,the best,1. Simon is _ (tall) Sandy.,taller than,2. Peter is _ (tall) of the six students.,the tallest,3. Sandy is _ (heavy) Millie.,hea

20、vier than,4. Peter is _ (heavy) of the six students.,the heaviest,5. Among the six students, Millie is _(slow) swimmer.,the slowest,6. Amy is _(fast) swimmer of the six students.,the fastest,7. Millies drawing is_ (beautiful) Peters.,more beautiful than,8. Sandys drawing is_ (beautiful) in her class

21、.,the most beautiful,9. Millies English is_ (good) Simons. Millies English is_ (good)in her class.,better than,the best,Beijing is the best city in China.,Which city is the best in China, Nanjing, Shanghai or Beijing?,Beijing is the best city of the three cities.,Sentence structures:,superlatives:,1

22、.Sth. be the superlative +范围(in/of).,2.Which be the superlative, A, B or C?,Max is _than May. He is_ in our class. (tall) 2.Peters flat is _ than Amys. Peters is _ of all the students. (close). 3.Sandy is _ than Millie. She is _ of the three girls. (pretty),taller,the tallest,closer,prettier,the prettiest,the closest,Fill in the blanks with the proper forms,4.Jack is _ than his father. He is _ in his family. (thin) 5.Millies pictures are _ than Simons. Hers are _ of a


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