1、就业服务系统 可行性研究报告 拟 制 人_DF 项目组_ 审 核 人_陈菊仙_ 批 准 人_ 二零一零年九月二十三日 目 录 1引言引言(FOREWORD) .1 1.1编写目的(AIM FOR COMPLIE).1 1.2背景(BACKGROUND).2 1.3定义(DEFINE).2 2可行性研究前提可行性研究前提(PREMISE OF THE FEASIBILITY RESEARCH) .3 2.1要求(REQUIREMENTS).3 2.2目标(OBJECTIVE).4 2.3条件、假定和限制(CONDITION, ASSUME AND RESTRICT).5 2.4进行可行性的方法(
2、THE FEASIBILITY METHOD).6 2.5评价尺度(EVALUATE SCALE) .8 3对现有系统的分析对现有系统的分析(ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM).9 3.1处理流程和数据流程(PROCESSES AND DATA FLOW).9 3.2工作负荷(WORKLOAD).11 3.3费用开支(EXPENSES).11 3.4 人员(PERSONS).11 3.5 设备(EQUIPMENT) .11 3.6 局限性(LIMITATION).12 4所建议的系统(所建议的系统(THE PROPOSED SYSTEM) .12 4.1对所建议系
3、统的说明(A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM).12 4.2功能模块(FUNCTION MODULE).13 4.3改进之处(THE IMPROVEMENTS) .14 4.4影响(INFLUENCE).15 4.4.1 对地点和设施的影响(The Influence of Sites and Facilities).15 4.4.2 对用户单位机构的影响(The Influences of User Organizations) .16 4.4.3 对软件的影响(The Influence of Software).16 4.4.4 对设备的影响(The
4、 Influence of Equipment).16 4.5 技术条件方面的可能性(THE POSSIBILITY OF THE TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THE CONDITIONS).16 5可选择的其他系统方案(可选择的其他系统方案(CHOICE OF OTHER SYSTEM SOLUTIONS).17 5.1实现方法(IMPLEMENTATION).17 5.2数据库选择(DATABASE SELECTION).17 5.3联网开发环境(WEB DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT).18 6投资及效益分析投资及效益分析(INVESTMENT AND BE
5、NEFIT ANALYSIS).19 6.1 市场分析(MARKET ANALYSIS).19 6.2投资分析(INVESTMENT ANALYSIS).19 6.3效益分析(BENEFIT ANALYSIS) .20 7社会因素方面的可能性(社会因素方面的可能性(THE POSSIBILITY OF SOCIAL FACTORS).21 7.1 法律方面(THE LEGAL ASPECTS) .21 7.2 使用方面(THE USING ASPECTS).22 8 结论结论.23 附录附录 A 网络就业咨询系统市场调查问卷(企业版)网络就业咨询系统市场调查问卷(企业版).26 APPENDI
6、X A: NETWORK EMPLOYMENT CONSULTATION SYSTEM MARKET QUESTIONNAIRE (ENTERPRISE) .26 附录附录 B 网络就业咨询系统市场调查问卷(个人版)网络就业咨询系统市场调查问卷(个人版) .29 APPENDIX B: NETWORK EMPLOYMENT CONSULTATION SYSTEM MARKET QUESTIONNAIRE (PERSONAL).29 1引言引言(Foreword) 据江苏省教育厅初步统计,2010 年全国高校毕业生预计近 700 万人,我省 预计有 53.2 万人,同比增加 7.3 万人,增幅为
7、 15.90%。其中研究生 3.3 万人, 比上年增加 0.1 万人,增长 3.1%;本科毕业生 20.60 万人,比上年增加 1.2 万人, 增长 6.2%;专科毕业生 29.3 万人,比上年增加 5.9 万人,增长 25.2%。加上外 省江苏籍毕业生、外省生源到江苏就业及往年积存尚未就业的毕业生,预计实 际需要就业的高校毕业生还有大量外省高校毕业生来江苏就业,预计实际需要 就业的高校毕业生数将达到 65 万人1。加上现有的待业及下岗人员,国内就 业形势的继续加深,应届毕业生找不到合适、对口的工作,下岗员工仍无法再 就业,企业找不到合适的人才,就业问题已经形成了一种严重的落后趋势。结 合现在
8、求职者就业指导工作存在的信息不畅通、信息统计分析困难等问题,提 出了基于 B/S 架构的就业服务系统 2,帮助求职者更快、更全面地了解各招 聘企业的资料,帮助企业找到更加合适的人才,为他们搭建一个双向互利的服 务系统。 According to the stat of Education Office in JiangSu, the number of the graduates of university will catch seven billions in 2010, 53.2 millions in JiangSu, increase 7.3 million, amplitude i
9、s 15.9 percents. And the graduate students 33 thousand, increase one thousand and rese 3.1 percents; the graduate of undergraduate course 206 thousand, increase 12 thousand with last year, rised 6.2 percents; the college graduates 29.3 million, increase 5.9 million with last year, growth 25.2 percen
10、t. Add the JiangSu provincial cadastral graduates students to JiangSu employment and the graduate who have no job, the high school graduate who need of employment and college graduates come to JiangSu for work, the number of people who neesd of college graduate employment will achieve 65 million. Wi
11、th the existing unemployment and laid-off workers, the domestic employment situation continues to deepen, the graduates cannot find the elaborating professional, laid-off employees still cannot again obtain employment and the companies find no suitable talents, obtain employment problem has formed a
12、 kind of serious backward trend. Combining the information is not clear and statistics analysis in job seekers employments. The obtain employment service system was put forward base on B/S structure, to help the job-seekers faster and more comprehensive understanding of the recruitment of the recrui
13、tment of enterprise information, and to help enterprises to find a more suitable talents, build a bridge service system between individuals and enterprises. 1.1 编写目的编写目的(Aim for Complie) 可行性研究报告是为该拟“就业服务系统”开发的可行性、必要性提供论 据,在开发前期为开发人员进行系统总体规划设计及实施具体开发工程提供必 要的参考材料;在系统开发后期为系统的测试、验收提供帮助。其编写过程由 DF 项目小组共同完
14、成。 The feasibility report is to give talking points for The Obtain Employment Service System in probability, feasibility, necessary, afford the necessary consult datum for the empolder to do the system design, supply the help at the end of system design, project test and renovate. The process will b
15、e finished by DF group. 1.2 背景背景(Background) a. 系统的名称:就业服务系统。 a. The system name: Employment Service Platform. b. 该拟项目由 DF 项目小组共同提出,由 DF 项目团队集体开发,所使用 的设备为个人笔记本电脑。完善后的系统将主要面向求职者及企业,个人通过 拟系统找到合适的企业,企业找到理想中的人才。 b. The project is lodged with the project manager, empoldered with the DF team, the tools we
16、 choose for developing are five PC; the system for the customers who want to seek a good job and the companies can scan the information in the system. c该所拟系统与各招聘信息系统都有着密切的联系,能够提供各类企业发 布招聘信息的机会,连接个人及企业,更好地帮助求职者了解各企业的详细信 息。 c. The plotform have the close contact with the People Market net, most compan
17、ies, this plotform can erect the bridge between people who want to seek a good job and enterprises. Also can catch the betimes information from the People Market, help every job seeker find more detail information about every company. d该拟系统结构清晰,在登录时就区分成个人、企业及管理者登录,并提 供人性化的面试技巧等,帮助求职者面试、就业更自如。 d. It
18、can automate look for the information about the corporations requirement to let the company choose the people, and can help the job seeker skim over every information about every company. 1.3 定义(定义(Define) a. Dream Fly(DF):开发团队名称。 a. Dream Fly (DF): The name of our team. b. 服务:由该拟系统向个人及企业提供服务。 b. Se
19、rver: Proposed system provide servers from individuals to companies. c. 用户:由个人和企业组成。 c. User: Constists with individuals and enterprises. d. 个人:有工作需要的求职者。 d. Personal: Job-seeker who have the job requement. e. 企业:有招聘需求的公司。 e. Company: The companies has the requement of employment. f. 用户名:个人或企业的真实名字或
20、名称。 f. Username: The real name of personal or the enterprise. g. 密码:用户进入该拟系统的约定口令。 g. Password: For users to enter the proposed system agreed. h. 管理者:能够后台管理该拟系统的人员。 h. Manager: It is can management system to the background to the researchers in this proposed system. 1.4 参考文献参考文献(The Reference Litera
21、ture) 1. 扬子晚报网. 江苏省教育厅披露 2010 年高校应届毕业生就业形势. 2009 年 11 月 2. 大学生就业信息服务系统论文. 2010 3. 大学生就业信息管理系统. 2010 年 6 月 4. Visual C+的优点. 2010 5. 谢希仁.计算机网络(第三版). 电子工业出版社. 2010 年 4 月 2 可行性研究前提可行性研究前提(Premise of the Feasibility Research) 2.1 要求要求(Requirements) a. 具有用户注册、登录、信息修改、信息查询、信息保护等功能; a. Function includes the
22、 users register, login, information modification, information query, information protection and etc; b. 可以让企业发布人才招聘信息; b. Can let company releasing recruitment information; c. 企业能够对人才信息检索; c. The enterprise could retrieval talent informations; d. 管理员能够通过后台管理企业与个人信息; d. Administrator manage company a
23、nd personal information through background; e. 提供友情链接和相关政策法规的帮助; e. Provide friendly links, relevant policies and regulationss help; f. 能够在线投递简历; f. Resume online; g个人通过该拟系统能寻找适合自己的信息; g. Individual through login looking for their information; 2.2 目标目标(Objective) a. 为求职者和企业提供机会,让他们通过拟系统进行相互的了解,最终, 求
24、职者找到合适的工作,企业找到合适的人才; a. It can provide opportunities for job seekers and enterprise, and let them understanding each other through proposed system. finally, the applicant can find suitable work, the company can find good talents; b. 针对不同的使用对象,提供不同的登录方式。如:个人登录、企业登录 以及管理员登录; b. In allusion to differen
25、t users, it provide different ways to land, such as: personal lands, enterprise lands and the janitor lands; c. 个人登录之后可以修改个人信息、查询企业的信息、投递简历,获得就 业指导以及对系统进行评估; c. Personal can modify personal information, query company information, delivery resume, obtain employment guidance and evaluation of system a
26、fter landing; d. 企业注册后可以修改信息、展示企业的文化、发布求职信息,管理求职 者的简历,对系统进行评估; d. Enterprise can modify information, show their culture, publish job information, manage the resume of the job-seekers, evaluate the system after register; e. 管理员能够对数据库中的数据进行备份与恢复、管理个人与企业的信息、 对反馈的意见进行整理; e. Administrator can backup and
27、restore the data for database, manage the company and personal information, coordinate the feedback opinion; f. 保证拟系统的安全,用户不必担心信息的泄露、破坏。 f. To ensure the security of the system, let users do not have to worry about information disclosure, and destruction. 2.3 条件、假定和限制条件、假定和限制(Condition, Assume and R
28、estrict) a.项目必须在三个月内完成,项目进展如下表 2.1 所示; a. The project must finish in three months, the schedule of project plan as the table 2.1 Table 2.1 The Schedule of Project Plan 注:本进度表时间均以 2010 年2011 年第一学期的学校日历为基准 Notice:The schedule of project plan is base on the course of first term from 2010 to 2011. 描述 De
29、scription 起始 时间 Early time 最 终 时 间 Last time 1 周 1 W E E k 2 周 2 W E E k 3 周 3 W E E k 4 周 4 W E E k 5 周 5 W E E k 6 周 6 W E E k 7 周 7 W E E k 8 周 8 W E E k 9 周 9 W E E k 10 周 10 W E E k 11 周 11 W E E k 12 周 12 W E E k 13 周 13 W E E k 14 周 14 W E E k 15 周 15 W E E k 16 周 16 W E E k 可行性 报告 Report for
30、 Feasibility 35 需求分析报 告 Report for Equirements Analysis 57 系统设计报 告 Report for System Design 68 程序设计 Program Design 712 测试计划 The Plan for System Testing 812 测试代码 System Testing 1113 表 2.1 项目进程表 * F *FFF * *- - *- -* 用户手册 The Guide of Users 1214 “*” 表示所示所需的时间 “*”for the time that we need “F” 表示不确定的时间
31、“F”for the time that we dont sure now “”表示有可能要调整的时间 “”for the time that we may change 项目进度按照预期计划进行,在开发的过程中,拟系统的各个功能模块分 配给指定项目成员完成,如有突发事件发生,比如某成员由于某些原因耽误了 功能模块的进展,项目组其他成员应尽快完成负责模块,并通过协调共同完成 停滞的模块。 The project schedule according to the expected plan, in the process of development, each functional modu
32、les of the proposed system distribute to members of the project, if there is an emergency, such as a member for some reasons delayed the shchedule of function modules, other members of the project should be completed as soon as possible for module, then complete stagnant module through coordinatet .
33、 b. 拟系统必须联网登录; b. The proposed system must networking landing; c. 拟系统在开发过程中所考虑的各个功能必须按照市场需求来实现; c. In the development process, the various functions must be considered according to the market demand; d项目所要完成的预期功能模块由项目小组成员共同完成。 d. The project is expected to complete function modules of project team m
34、embers. 2.4 进行可行性的方法进行可行性的方法(The Feasibility Method) 开发小组通过市场调查问卷(企业版调查问卷和个人版调查问卷)来了解 拟系统的开发可行性,调查从可行性和功能性两个角度展开,总结市场对于该 类系统的需求度以及满意度,为团队以后的开发起引导作用。市场调查的具体 数据统计如下所示。表 2.2 为企业调查问卷结果统计,表 2.3 为个人调查问卷结 果统计,图 2.1 为企业与用户就业招聘信息渠道使用情况,详细问卷见附录 A,附录 B。 Development team through two kinds of market survey (ente
35、rprise edition questionnaire -* survey and personal version) to understand the feasibility of the proposed system. Research from two angles on the feasibility and function,sum up the market demand for these systems and satisfaction, as guiding development. Market survey of specific data statistics s
36、hown below.Table 2.2 is the statistics result of the enterprise questionnaire. Table 2.3 is the statistics result of the personal questionnaire. Figure 2.1 is the condition of the enterprise and customer use the information channels for employment, detailed questionnaire in appendix A and appendix B
37、. 表 2.2 是企业问卷的统计结果,序号对应附录 A 中的问题,选号对应所提 供的选项。统计表明企业招工通过人才市场和网络相对于其他方式较多,并且 他们顷向于招收有经验的员工。企业愿意使用拟系统来方便信息管理。 Table 2.2 is the enterprise questionnaire statistical results, serial number corresponding the questions in appendix A, and large corresponding provided option, Statistics indicate that the rec
38、ruitment by talent market and network more compare with other way, and they are in order to recruit experienced employees. Enterprise willing to use the proposed systed manage the intconvenient information conveniently. 表 2.3 是个人调查问卷的统计结果,与表 2.2 类似。统计表明大学生使用该 类系统偏多,对于系统的安全很重视,他们相信通过这个系统可以找到合适的 工作。 选
39、项 Option 序号 Serial Number ABCDEFG 134948 22912719212 3142113 423198 516294 6132973 7311320108131 81113242 91221181 101236112621 112117310 选项 Option 序号 Serial Number ABCDEFG 1343828 213413256562214 333322510 466303 557422849 63839168 75746564638261 82241267 91754365 10367636493 1137421912 表 2.2 企业调查问
40、卷结果统计 表 2.3 个人调查问卷结果统计 Table 2.2 The Statistics Result of The Enterprise Questionnaire Table 2.3 The Statistics Result of The Personal Questionnaire Table 2.3 is the personal questionnaire, similar table 2.2, statistics show that students using this system more, for the security of the system is ver
41、y seriously, they believe that through the proposed system can find suitable work. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 1234567 所占比重proportion 企业Enterprise 个人Personal 图 2.1 是企业发布信息与个人了解信息的不同方法所占的比重,从图中看 来,人才市场和网络相对于其他方式所占比例更大。 The figure 2.1 shows that the propottion of enterprise publish information and the
42、personal capture information in different ways. Seen from this figure, talent market and Internet use more compare with other ways. 市场调查数据表明有 96%的企业打算采用或者正在使用该类就业服务系统, 近 98%的企业认为通过该类系统可以找到合适的员工;92.7%的用户正考虑使 用这样的系统.。且企业和个人在选择此类服务系统时主要从信誉度和专业度两 个方面考虑。 The market survey data shows that there have 96 pe
43、rcent of enterprise plan to adopt or using the employment service system; have 98 percent of enterprise consider that they could find the suitable employees through this system; have 92.7 percent of consumers are thinking to use it; and the enterprises and individuals in the choice of such services
44、system mainly from the two aspects of credibility and professional degrees. 2.5 评价尺度评价尺度(Evaluate Scale) 通过市场调查了解市场对于拟系统的需求程度,总结出企业和个人对于就 业服务系统的看法。拟系统评价的主要尺度有:费用的多少,开发时间的长短, 拟系统使用的难易程度、安全性等。 Through a series of selective questions and answers, summarize enterprises and individuals for employment ser
45、vice system The main evaluate scales to the system have: the cost, the length 图 2.1 企业与用户就业招聘信息渠道使用情况 Figure 2.1 The condition of the enterprise and customer use the information channels for employment 广播 radio 报纸 newspaper 电视 TV 人才市场 Talent market 杂志 magazines 其他 others 网络 Internet of development t
46、ime, the difficulty of use the proposed system, safety and etc. 3 对现有系统的分析对现有系统的分析(Analysis of the Existing System) 现今,所有就业服务系统可谓是大同小异,只是单纯的提供了就业信息, 单方面给用户提供服务,对用户而言则显得死板,用户在使用此类系统时遇到 的各类问题不能得到很好的解决方案。除此之外还缺少了一种人性化的管理模 式。 Now, all the employment services system is much the same can be said, simply t
47、he provision of employment information, unilaterally to provide services to users, it Appears rigid, when users use such systems meet a various of problems can not be a good solution;in addition, these systems are lack of a humane management. 从最初的登录模式来看,用户要使用就业服务系统,首先要注册账号(该 账号资料必须真实有效) ;其次,在管理模式上,现
48、有的就业服务系统显然不灵 活,不能即及时地处理与用户需求最匹配的信息,最终导致求职者对于系统的 效率产生质疑;再者,好的就业服务系统是人性化的系统,在管理上可以通过 人性化的对话机制来满足用户的需求;最后,也是最重要的,拟系统可提供求 职者与招聘商恰谈的机会,就业服务系统的本质更是得以体现。 From the initial login mode point of view, users want to use the employment service system, first to up account(the account information must be real and
49、effective); Second, in the management model, existing employment service system is clearly not flexible, can not deal with the information that best match user needs timely, eventually lead to job-seekers to question the efficiency of the system; furthermore,good employment services system is user-f
50、riendly system, in the management users can through human dialogue mechanism to meet their needs; finally, and most importantly, the proposed system provides job seekers with jobs just discuss business opportunities, the nature of the employment service system is to be reflected. 3.1 处理流程和数据流程处理流程和数
51、据流程(Processes and Data Flow) a. 所建议系统的总功能模块: a. Proposed total system function modules: 登录统后,会出现如图 3-1 所 示界面,用户根据不同身份选择合适选 图 3-1 现有系统的总功能模块图 项进入系统。 Figure 3-1 The total function of the existing system 登录系统 Enter system 个人登录 Personal Login 企业登录 Enterprise Login 管理员登录 Management Login Log system, the interface will appear as shown in Figur
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- 餐厅饭店顾客意见反馈表格模板(可修改)
- 会员体系深度运营
- 王阳明:心学的力量
- GB/T 15622-2023液压缸试验方法
- 110kV升压站构支架组立施工方案
- CONSORT2010流程图(FlowDiagram)【模板】文档
- 2014年林产化工松香深加工行业分析报告
- 2023机场海关旅检岗位练兵练习试题及答案
- 沉淀滴定法-沉淀滴定法原理
- 游戏综合YY频道设计模板
- GB/T 43102-2023金属覆盖层孔隙率试验用亚硫酸/二氧化硫蒸气测定金或钯镀层孔隙率