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1、,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,Summary,I. Structure Analysis,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Part I (Paras. 1-2),A general introduction to Charlie Chaplin,Part II (Paras. 3-6),Charlie Chaplins artistic achievement,P

2、art III (Para. 7-8),Charlie Chaplins emotional life,Part IV (Para. 7-8),Incident after Charlie Chaplins death,Biography of Charlie Chaplin,II. Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part I. General Introduction,Place of birth: _,Parents: _,Fame: a Hollywood comic star 1. _ _ _ 2. _ _,Winning reputati

3、on in other countries.,A poor area of south London,Mother temporarily declared mad,Receiving permanent fame for the comic character of The Tramp.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part II. Artistic Achievement,In the time of silent movies The huge success: _,The Tramp,In the time of sound movies The success:

4、e.g. _,Modern Times,Secrets of great success Why? _ _ _,immensely talented man; the urge to explore and extend his talent,Text StudyUnderstanding,Special features of The Tramp:,Critics towards The Tramp:,famous comic beggar: sport tiny a character revolted against authority ,To many English people t

5、oo crude; didnt all that English; not how the English behaved,1. The Tramp,Text StudyUnderstanding,The Tramp,Specialties about his singing:,Language: _,Nonsense,Effect of his singing:,To Chaplin:_ _,Help to bring about his huge success,2. Modern Times,Text StudyUnderstanding,Secrets of great success

6、:,Immensely talented man; The urge to explore and extend his talent,Evidences: His script In his great comedy ,Not written in advance,Text StudyUnderstanding,3. Gold Rush,Boots were boiled and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like fish bones).,T

7、ext StudyUnderstanding,Gold Rush,Part III. Emotional Life,Chaplins emotional collision:,need to be loved The collision found its way into his comic creations.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,City Lights,Chaplins need to be loved.,City Lights,Chaplins fear of being betrayed can be fou

8、nd in this film in which Chaplin acted as a wife killer.,Monsieur Verdoux,Text StudyUnderstanding,Monsieur Verdoux,Stable happiness in his later years; Oona ONeil gave him the love he needed.,Chaplins In love with Oona ONeil,Part III. Emotional Life,Text StudyUnderstanding,Why this marriage is calle

9、d the “stable happiness”?,Because:,There is a 37 years age difference between them. Oonas stability and affection spanned this age difference. She was well-prepared for the battle.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part IV. Incident after Chaplins Death,Time: _,On Christmas Day 1977.,The strange incident afte

10、r his death: _,His body was stolen and held for money.,Text StudyUnderstanding,III. Summary,Text StudySummary,Chaplin is a great comic not only for his own mother country but more for the world. Chaplins Tramp was considered a little _ and thought that he had too much of an eye for the ladies and th

11、at his clothes gave him an _ more like an Italian waiter than anything else. He resisted making a _ movie until 1936 when he made up a _ language which sounded like no known nationality. Chaplin achieved great success because he was an immensely _ man and the kind of comic who used his _ senses to i

12、nvent his art as he went along.,crude,appearance,talking,nonsense,talented,physical,(To be continued),Text StudySummary,However, the _ between the need to be loved and the fear of being _ resulted in disaster in his _ life which was shown in his movies. Eventually, life gave Chaplin the stable _, th

13、at is, his marriage with Oona ONeil. Chaplin died on _ Day 1977.,collision,betrayed,happiness,emotional,Christmas,IV. Reproduction,An Exhibition of Charlie Chaplins Artistry and Life,Class Set-up,Text StudyReproduction,Class Activity,Text StudyReproduction,Class Set-up,The students will be divided i

14、nto several groups to participate in the exhibition of Charlie Chaplins Artistry and Life including the 4 parts mentioned in the text. Every group will get its own part by drawing lots (抽签) and set up its booth (展位) in the classroom. Necessary pictures or film clips or music are allowed to make the

15、exhibition better.,Text StudyReproduction,Class Activity,Every group has 2 exhibitors to introduce the exhibited part and answer the questions from visitors, while the rest members of each group will act as visitors to view and raise questions about other groups display. After the exhibition, one re

16、presentative from each group will report their own job, then the whole class will choose the best exhibitor.,Active Expressions,Focus Study,In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful.,Whats on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? Whats he up

17、to? 他忙什么呢?,I. Active Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. Chaplin quit Britain for good in 1913 2. he made up a nonsense language 3. Chaplin didnt have his jokes written into a script in advance. 4. The Tramp never loses his faith in the flower girl.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions

18、,1. quit: go away or leave; give up or resign from a position 2. for good: for ever 3. make up: to invent an excuse, fact, or story 4. in advance: beforehand; earlier 5. lose faith in: lose ones trust or confidence in someone or something,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. 他愤然离开房间。 2. 我没有意识到她将永远

19、离开我了。 3. 整件事都是她编造出来吓她父母的。 4. 你应该提早预订那场音乐会的票。 5. 我们再也不相信他了。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,He quit the room angrily. 2. I hardly realized she was leaving me for good. 3. She made the whole story up to shock her parents. 4. You should book tickets for the concert well in advance. 5. Weve lost fai

20、th in him.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. 别对我大喊大叫,我不干了! 2. 我希望他们永远不要回来。 3. 不要为此编理由了。 4. 请把贵公司行程电邮给我,以便我预先安排。 5. 自从考试不及格,他对自己的能力失去了信心。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Dont shout at me. I quit! 2. I hope theyve gone for good this time! Dont make an excuse for that. Please e-mail me your pl

21、an so that I can arrange in advance. He have lost faith in his ability since he failed in the exam.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,II. Focus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,1. Dickens might have created Charlie Chaplins childhood.,Practice,might have v-ed: used to say that something was poss

22、ible in the past, but it did not in fact happen,If Id have known the film was about the World War II, I might have gone to see it.,这个计划可能很容易失败,但事实上却大 大成功了。,如果我早知道那部电影是有关二战的,就可能 会去看了。,The plan might easily have gone wrong, but in fact it was a great success.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Notes to the

23、TextFocus Study,2. Sad to say, many English people in the 1920s and 1930s thought Chaplins Tramp a bit, well, “crude”.,Practice,sad to say: 遗憾的是;很遗憾,遗憾的是,她没有允许我们做这件事。,Sad to say, the engagement was declared off.,Sad to say, she hasnt given us permission to do it.,遗憾的是婚约已被宣布解除。,Notes to the TextFocus

24、 Study,3. In Oona ONeill Chaplin, he found a partner whose stability and affection spanned the 37 years age difference between them that had seemed so threatening, that when the official who was marrying them in 1942, turned to the beautiful girl of 17 whod given notice of their wedding date and sai

25、d, ,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Structure Analysis of the Sentence,he found a partner, whose stability age difference between them, that had seemed so that , when the official turned to the beautiful girl of 17 and said , who was marrying them in 1942, whod given notice of their wedding date,Notes

26、to the TextFocus Study,Glossary,Word Using,I. Word Using,1. cut down,to reduce,cut down,for sth.,to size,on sth.,She cut the old stockings down for ankle sock. I have to cut my essay down to 2000 words. You should cut down on fatty foods.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,2. applause, n. clapping of h

27、ands; praise, commendation,The audience broke into applause. The decision to save the company has been warmly applauded., v. to clap hands; praise sb. / sth.,观众爆发出一阵掌声。 这项拯救公司的决议得到嘉许。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3. crude a., rude;,Hes always telling crude jokes.,crude rubber 天然橡胶 native iron 生铁

28、raw cotton 原棉, in its natural state,crude oil 原油,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4. trip it up,to cause sb. to fall or nearly fall over; force someone to make a mistake by tricking them,李伸出脚把约翰绊倒了。,Lee stuck out his foot and tripped John up.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Usually she was careful, b

29、ut once she tripped up by a plot.,她一向谨慎,但有一次还是中了圈套。,5. all that,very; particularly,事情并不那么顺利。 He wasnt all that older than we were.,Things arent all that good. 他并不比我们年纪大多少。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6. sport v.,to wear or show publicly and sometimes proudly,Back in the 1960s he sported bell-bot

30、tom trousers, platform heels and hair down past his shoulders.,回顾20世纪60年代,他那时穿着喇叭裤、木屐式坡形 高跟鞋、蓄着过肩的长发。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7. behave v.,to act; to conduct (oneself) properly,放规矩点! Dont you think that he has been behaving very strangely recently?,Behave yourself! 你不觉得他近来举动十分古怪吗?,Words and

31、ExpressionsWord Using,8. come down in the world,to have less money and a worse social position than one had before,她感到她的确已经穷困潦倒了。,She felt she had really come down in the world.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9. rouse v.,to make sb. very angry, excited, interested; to make sb. wake up;,arouse 唤醒ari

32、se 出现,She was sleeping so soundly that I couldnt rouse her.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10. find ones way,to arrive or get somewhere after some time,Rivers find their way into the sea. 据说多媒体将很快进入家用市场。,条条江河通大海。 Its said that multimedia will soon find its way into the home market.,Words and Expres

33、sionsWord Using,11. relief n.,the easing of a burden or distress,What a relief! I pass the exam finally!,release 释放,放开,v. relieve,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,12. find in sb.,to discover that sb. has certain qualities,Who is your idol? What did you find in him/her?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using

34、,13. unfounded a.,not based on fact,What would you like to react to the unfounded rumors(谣言) to you?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,II. Glossary,喜剧,comedy,表演,演出,星探,观众,act,talent scout,audience,character/role,角色,talking movie,有声电影,script,剧本,Words and ExpressionsGlossary,Imitation Show,Imitation Show

35、,Instructions:,Idea sharing,Type:Group Activity,Choose any one clip of Charlie Chaplins films (silent or talking ones), imitate the performance and show it to your classmates.,Tips:Students may choose the clips shown on class or go to More Choices.,Structured Writing,Practical Writing,I. Structured

36、Writing,A General Statement Supported by Details,Structured Writing,Sample,Structured Writing,1. A Sample,Lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make “contact” with himself as an artist. He turned them into other kinds of objects. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a “

37、sick” patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being 45 removed like fish bones).,G.S.,D1,D2,2. Your task,Write a short composition with a general statement and its corresponding supporting d

38、etails.,Topic: The Hazards of Movie-going,Structured Writing,Sample,Although I love movies, Ive found that there are drawbacks to movie-going. One problem is just the inconvenience of it all. It can take me long time to drive to the theater and find a parking spot. Another problem is my lack of self

39、-control at the theater. I often stuff myself with unhealthy calorie-laden snacks for the limited choices. The worst problem is some of the other movie-goers. Kids run up and down the aisle. Its noisy and messy in the theater. All in all, I would rather stay home and watch TV comfortably.,Sample,Str

40、uctured Writing,II. Practical Writing,Graduation Certificate (毕业证书),Features: With the signature of the president of the university; Begins with “I hereby certify that”,Practical Writing,2. With the words: “成绩合格”, “修业期满”, “准予毕业”,“成绩合格”,pass all the examinations,fulfill all the requirements prescribed by the Department,“修业期满”,Complete the four years courses,“准予毕业”,was allowed to graduate,graduated from th


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