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1、2007年度全国职称外语等级考试试卷 英语 (综合类A级) 第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1.The news will horrify everyone. A.attract B.terrify C.tempt D.excite 2.The article sketched the major events of the decade. A.described B.offered C.outlined D.presented 3.I wont tolerate that kind

2、of behavior. A.bear B.accept C.admit D.take 4.Their style of playing football is utterly different. A.barely B.scarcely C.hardly D.totally 5.Her sister urged her to apply for the job. A.advised B.caused C.forced D.promised 6.Even sensible men do absurd things. A.unusual B.ridiculous C.special D.typi

3、cal 7.She bumped inot her boyfriend in town this morning. A.walked B.came C.fled D.ran 8.This sort of thing is bound to happen. A.sure B.quick C.fast D.swift 9.At the age of 30,Hersey suddenly became a celebrity. A.boss B.manager C.star D.dictator 10.He cannot discriminate between a good idea and a

4、bad one. A.judge B.assess C.distinguish D.recognize 11.They are concerned for the fate of the forest and the lndians who dwell in it. A.live B.sleep C.hide D.gather 12.The index is the governments chief gauge of future economic activity. A.method B.measure C.way D.manner 13.The architecture is harmo

5、nious and no building is over six-storey high. A.old-fashioned B.traditional C.conventional D.balanced 14.The food is inadequate for ten people. A.demanded B.qualified C.insufficien tD.required 15.She persevered in her ideas despite obvious objections raised by friends. A.persisted B.insisted C.resi

6、sted D.suggested 第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,第题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 Creating a World without Smoking Smoking will be banned in all pubs,clubs and workplaces from next year affter historic votes in the Commons last night.After last-minut

7、e appeals from health campaigners,MPs opted for a blanket prohibition which will start in summer 2007,ending months of argumeng over whether smokers should be barred in pubs and restaurants only.They voted to ban smoking in all pubs and clubs by 384 to 184,a surprisingly large majority of 200. Smoki

8、ng will still be allowed in the home and in places considered to be homes,such as prisons,care homes and hotels. Smokers lighting up in banned areas will face a fixed penality notice of 50 and spot fines of 200 will be introduced for failing to display no-smoking signs,with the possible penalty,if t

9、he issue goes to court,increasing to 1,000. Carpline Flint,the Public Health Minister,also announced that the fine for failing to stop people smoking in banned areas would be increased to 2,500-more than ten times the 200 originally proposed. The Bill also allows the Government to increase the age f

10、or buying cigarettes.Ministers will consult on raising it from 16 to 18. The Bill now goes to the Lords but will be through by the summer recess. Even a plan to allow smoking to continue in private clubs was thrown out as MPs on all sides were given permission to vote with their conscience rather th

11、an on a party line. Patricia Hewitt,the Health Secretary,said the Health Bill would ban smoking in“virtually every enclosed public place and workplace”in England and save thousands of lives a year.Smoke-free workplaces and public places“will become the norm”. She said:“An additional 600,000 people w

12、ill give up smoking as a result of this law and millions more will be protected from second-hand smoke.” Peter Hollins,director-general of the British Heart Foundation,said:“The vote is a landmark victory for the public health of this country and will save the lives of many people.” 16.A ban on smok

13、ing in all pubs,clubs and workplaces will begin in summer 2007. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 17.The law doesnt seem to apply to officials. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 18.One can nevertheless smoke at home. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 19.There is a possibility for the Government to raise t

14、he age for buying cigarettes. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 20.The Government will shut down cigarette factories in large numbers. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 21.The Government will definitely impose a much heavier tax on tobacco. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 22.The Government will take nec

15、essary measures to help smokers give up smoking. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned 第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分) 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题要求从所给的6个选项中为第25段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 Things to Know about the UK 1From Buckingham Palace to Oxford,the UK is loaded with wonderful icons(标志

16、)of past eras.But it has also modernized with confidence.Its now better known for vibrant(充满活力的)cities with great nightlife and attraction.Fashions,fine dining,clubbing,shopping-the UK is among the worlds best. 2Most people have strong preconceptions about the British.But if youre one of these peopl

17、e,youd be wise to abandon those ideas.Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities,a football match,or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable.Its certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers,sports supporters,pet o

18、wners and gardeners than the UK. 3Getting around England is pretty easy.Budget(廉价的)airlines like Easyjet and Rynnair fly domestically.Trains can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another.Long distance express buses are called coaches.Where coaches and buses run on the same route,co

19、aches are more expensive (though quicker) than buses.Londons famous black cabs are excellent but expensive.Minicabs are cheaper competitors,with freelance(个体的)drivers.But usually you need to give a call first.Londons underground is called the Tube.Its very convenient and can get you to almost any pa

20、rt of the city. 4The UK is not famous for its food.But you still need to know some of the traditional English foods.The most famous must be fish and chips.The fish and chips are deep fried in flour.English breakfast is something you need to try.It is fried bacon,sausages,fried eggs,black pudding,fri

21、ed tomatoes,fried bread and baked beans,with toast and a pot of tea.Other things like shepherds pie and Yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture. 5Pubbing and clubbing are the main forms of English nightlife,especially for the young.Pubbing means going to a pub with fr

22、iends,having drinks,and chatting.Clubbing is different from pubbing and includes going to a pub,or a place of music,or a bar,or any other places to gather with friends.Clubbing can be found everywhere.Usually there is some kind of dress code for clubbing,such as no jeans,no sportswear,or smart clubw

23、ear,while pubbing is much more casual. 23.Paragraph 2 _.24.Paragraph 3 _.25.Paragraph 4 _.26.Paragraph 5 _.A.Education B.People C.Transport D.Drinks E.Food F.Nightlife 27.The UK is a country that is_.28.The British people are_.29.Coaches in the UK are_.30.Fish and chips are_.A.faster but more expens

24、ive than buses B.both ancient and modern C.humorous and hospitable D.cheap and efficient E.traditional and famous F.clever and hardworking 第4部分:阅读理解(第3145题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇Trying to Find a Parther One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is th

25、at of the people inbterviewed,one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with. Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships?Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love?Or are we making it harder fo

26、r ourselves? It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships.Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status.A man doesnt expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children. But perhaps the

27、 knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means that it takes much more to persuade people to abandon their independence. In theory,finding a partner should be much simpler these days.Only a few generations ago,your choice of soulmate (心上人) was constrained by geography,social

28、convention and family tradition.Although it was never explicit,many marriages were essentially arranged. Now those barriers have been broken down.You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon in any bar in any city on any given evening.When the world is your oyster (牡蛎),you surely have a better chan

29、ce of finding a pearl. But it seems that the old conventions have been replaced by an even tighter constraint:the tyranny of choice. The expectations of partners are inflated to an unmanageable degree:good looks,impressive salary,kind to grandmother,and right socks.There is no room for error in the

30、first impression. We think that a relationship can be perfect.If it isnt,it is disposable.We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and dont put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship.Of course,this is complicated by realities.The cost of housing and child-rear

31、ing creates pressure to have a stable income and career before a life partnership. 31.What does the recent poll show? A.It is getting more difficult for a woman to find her husband. B.It is getting increasingly difficult to start a familyl. C.It is getting more difficult for a man to find his wife.

32、D.It is getting increasingly difficult to develop an intimate relationship with your spouse. 32.Which of the following is NOT true about a contemporary married couple? A.The wife doesnt have to raise the children all by herself. B.The husband doesnt have to support the family all by himself. C.The w

33、ife is no longer the only person to manage the household. D.They will receive a large sum of money from the govemment. 33.Which of the following was NOT a constraint on ones choice of soulmate in the old days? A.The health condition of his or her grandmother. B.The geographical environment. C.The so

34、cial convention. D.The family tradition. 34.Which of the following is NOT expected of a partner according to this passage? A.Good looks. B.An impressive career. C.A high salary. D.A fine sense of humor. 35.The word“sustain”(paragraph 2)could be best replaced by A.“reduce”. B.“shake”. C.“maintain”. D

35、.“weaken”. 第二篇Milosevics Death Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic was found dead last Saturday in his cell at the Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.The 64-year-old had been on trial there since February 2002. Born in provincial Pozarevac in 1941,he was the

36、second son of a priest and a school teacher.Both of his parents died when he was still a young adult.The young Milosevic was“untypical”,says Slavoljub Djukic,his unofficial biographer.He was“not interested in sports,avoided excursions(短途旅行)and used to come to school dressed in the old-fashioned way-

37、white shirt and tie.”One of his old friends said,he could“imagine him as a station-master or punctilious(一丝不苟的)civil servant.” Indeed that is exactly what he might have become,had he not married Mira.She was widely believed to be his driving force. At university and beyond he did well.He worked for

38、various firms and was a communist party member.By 1986 he was head of Serbias Central Committee.But still he had not yet really been noticed. It was Kosovo that gave him his chance.An autonomous province of Serbia,Kosovo was home to an Albanian majority and a Serbian minority.In 1989,he was sent the

39、re to calm fears of Serbians who felt they were discriminated against.But instead he played the nationalist card and became their champion.In so doing,he changed into a ruthless (无情的) and determined man.At home with Mira he plotted the downfall of his political enemies.Conspiring(密谋)with the directo

40、r of Serbian TV,he mounted a modern media campaign which aimed to get him the most power in the country. He was elected Serbian president in 1990.In 1997,he became president of Yugoslavia.The rest of the story is well-known:his nationalist card caused Yugoslavias other ethnic groups to fight for the

41、ir own rights,power and lands.Yugoslavia broke up when four of the six republics declared independence in 1991.War started and lasted for years and millions died.Then Western countries intervened.NATO bombed Yugoslavia,and he eventually stepped down as state leader in 2000. Soon after this,Serbias n

42、ew government,led by Zoran Djindjic,arrested him and sent him to face justice at the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal in the Hague. 36.Where did Milosevic die? A.In a basement. B.In a prison. C.In Kosovo. D.In his own country. 37.Which of the following is NOT true of the young Milosevic? A.He dressed in

43、 a pretty old-fashioned way. B.He was not interested in sports. C.He often avoided excursions. D.He was extremely ambitious. 38.All of the following persons changed his fate in one way or another except A.Mira. B.his parents. C.Zoran Djindjic. D.the Director of Serbian TV. 39.Why was Milosevic sent

44、to Kosovo in 1989? A.To handle economic issues. B.To drive the Albanians back to their own country. C.To remove the Serbians fears of being discriminated against. D.To launch an attack against his political enemies. 40.What happened in 1991? A.Yugoslavia broke up. B.Western countries intervened. C.N

45、ATO bombed Yugoslavia. D.Milosevic was arrested. 第三篇The World Cup This summers World Cup competition will see teams competing to play the worlds best football.But the football they play will not all be of the same kind.The fans expect different styles of play from Brazil,Germany,or Italy. What makes

46、 Brazilian football Brazilian?Our style of playing football contrasts with the Europeans because of a combination of qualities of surprise,accuracy and good judgment.This style has won Brazil five world cups.Yet many Brazilian fans only count four of these victories.In 1994,the team abandoned this s

47、tyle for modern,scientific training and tactics.The team won the cup,but in a boring way. The ltalians think differently.“To many ltalians,the score 0-0 has a glorious quality,suggesting perfection,”says the British football writer Simon Kuper.In the ltalian culture,the idea of face is very importan

48、t.This is why ltalian teams are traditionally built around strong defences.The Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff once said that ltalian teams never exactly beat you.Its just that you often lose to them. In Holland,there is a tradition of decision making through argument and discussion.It is a society wh

49、ere everybody is expected to have a point of view.“Every Dutch player wants to control the game,”says Arnold Muhren.“You play football with your brains and not your feet.” “A Dutch player argues,”says Simon Kuper.“An English player obeys his superior.He is a soldier.”The qualities valued in English

50、football are military-strength,aggression and courage.This can make for exciting football.But it also means that the English find it difficult to use skillful players.David Beckham is usually criticized for his failure to defend-despite the fact that he is an attacker. If the English like to fight,t

51、he Germans like to win.In recent years,Germany has tried to change its image as a country of ruthless efficiency and a desire for victory at all costs.But Germans are quite happy for these qualities to remain in their national football team.“Football is a simple game,”Gary Lineker once said.“You kic

52、k a ball about for ninety minutes and in the end the Germans win.” Its difficult to predict who will win this years World Cup.There is no strong favorite.But a look at the track record of previous winners shows that it is the nations with the strongest national characteristics in the football that p

53、erform best.It seems that you need to know where you come from if you want to get to the top. 41.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Brazilian style of playing football? A.Accuracy. B.Surprise. C.Good judgment. D.Ruthless efficiency. 42.Why do many lialians think that the score 0-0

54、 has a glorious quality? A.Because it makes no one lose face. B.Because the ltalian team is not very strong. C.Because ltalians are nice people. D.Because that score is what their team could obtain. 43.What is one expected to do in Holland? A.To play football. B.To express his or her opinion freely.

55、 C.To make a fuss about nothing. D.To beat his or her opponents ruthlessly. 44.Which of the following is NOT true of the British football players? A.They are aggressive. B.They are courageous. C.They play football for friendship. D.They obey their superiors. 45.Who will win this years World Cup? A.T

56、he Brazilian team. B.The ltalian team. C.The German Team. D.It is unpredictable. 第5部分:补全短文(第4650题,每题2分,共10分) 下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 American Dreams There is a common response to America among foreign writers:the US is a land of extremes where the best of things qre j

57、ust as easily found as the worst.This is a cliche(陈词滥调). In the land of black and white,people should not be too surprised to find some of the biggest gaps between the rich and the poor in the world.But the American Dream offers a way out to everyone.(46) No class system or govemment stands in the way. Sadly,this old argumen


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