



1、2012小学五升六英语入学试题A(满分:100分 考试时间:50分钟)姓名_ 学校 _ 电话 _ 得分 一、找出与其他三个划线部分读音不同的单词,将序号填入括号内。5分( ) 1. A. want B. what C. wash D. Saturday( ) 2. A. mine B. middle C. bright D. night( ) 3. A. cook B. look C. kangaroo D. book( ) 4. A. mum B. use C. month D. front( ) 5. A. cow B. bowl C. window D. yellow二、根据句意及词首提

2、示,将句子所缺单词补充完整。不必重复写词的第一个字母。5分1. Russia is the l_ country in the world. Its to the north of China.2. The mouse run very fast. I cant c_ it.3. I like F_ fries. I think its delicious. I often buy them in KFC.4. Liu Xiang is one of the most famoes r in the world.5. Elephants are the biggest animals on l

3、_.三、选择最佳答案填空,将正确的序号填入括号内。20分( ) 1. May I _ your bike? - Sure. A. use B. using C. used D. to use( ) 2. Whose ruler is it? - Maybe its _. A. Peter B. Peters C. Peters D. Peters ( ) 3. -These arent our toys. Those arent our toys _. -Oh, I see. A. too B. two C. also D. either( ) 4. -Do you often _ kites

4、? -Usually in autumn. A. fly B. put C. take D. have( ) 5. Where is Mike from? - Hes from the UK. Hes an _. A. England B. English C. Englishman D. Englishmen( ) 6. There are many flowers the banana tree. A.in B. on C. at D.with( ) 7. This is bedroom.A. Lucys and Marys B. Lucys and Mary C. Lucy and Ma

5、rys( ) 8. Do those monkeys like _ fruit? - Yes, they do.A. eat B. eating C. ate D. going to eat( ) 9. My English is poor. Can you help me _ it? -Sure. A. of B. for C. to D. with( ) 10.-Must we hand in tour exercises? -No, we _.A. mustnt B. dont C. neednt D. cant四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)My cousin Liu Fang

6、_(look) tall and strong. He _(like) playing football and he is good at it. He often _(play) football on Sunday with his friends. Today its Sunday, Look, he _(play) football with his friends on the playground. Yesterday he _(hear) a piece of good news. There _(be) a football match between China and J

7、apan next Saturday. Liu Fang _(watch) with his father. His father _(like) watch football too. They _(hope) China _(can win) the match. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.I _(see) his name in the newspaper yesterday. 2.Where _ he _(live)? - He _(live) in Nanjing. 3.I would like _(be) your pen friend. 4.My father _(

8、like) _(play) basketball. 5.We _(visit) the farm next week. 6.Its two oclock in the afternoon. We _(have) an English class. 7.September is _(nine) month of a year. 五、按照要求改写句子, 每格只填一个词。(15分)1、That is her deer. (改为复数) _ are _ _.2、May I lookan your photos? (同义句转换)May I your photos?3. We ate lots of del

9、icious food last Spring Festival. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ food last Spring Festival?4. He usually plays basketball in the park on Sunday. (对划线部分提问) _ and _ _ he play basketball?六、在空格内填入单词,使短文完整。 (15%)My friend Jack is (1) American young man. He is eighteen (2) old. He is (3) a factory worker and a basketb

10、all player. He plays for the Carls. Hes 1.85 cm (4) and (5) 80 kilos. Every day he works at his factory for eight to twelve in the morning and one to five in the afternoon. After that he plays basketball with his friends. (6) Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning he often has matches. (7) in his fact

11、ory knows he is a good worker and a good basketball player. In the evening he often listen (8) the radio and learn English. Sometimes he works (9) computer. “I likes my job at the factory and I also wants to play for his city basketball team,” he often (10). 1. _ 2._ 3. _ 4._ 5._ 6. _7._ 8. _ 9. _ 1

12、0. _七、阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A, B, C和D四个答案中选出最佳选项,并把最佳答案写在空格内。(10分) About 320,000 babies are born in the world every day. A newborn baby is usually 50 cm tall and weighs about 3 kilos. All babies are different. Some grows fast, some grow slowly. But all their parents need to feed them, to keep them war

13、m and clean, and they need to talk with them and keep them from danger. A newborn always need to drink milk from his or her mother or from a bottle. At first babies cant see things far away clearly. They can only see things that are about 20 cm from its face. Babies cry when they feel hungry and unc

14、omfortable. Newborn babies sleep for 14 to 18 hours. A babys first smile(微笑) is usually at about 6 weeks. A babys first tooth appears at about 6 months too. A baby has all his or her 20 first (milk) teeth at about 3 years. At about 9 months babies can sit and at about one year old, they can stand up

15、. A few months later they start to walk. At about 18 months they can say about 20 words. They can feed themselves with spoons and drink from a cup. They like to closed to someone they know. ( ) 1. The word “newborn” means “_” in Chinese. A. 新涌现 B. 先见的 C. 成长起来的 D. 新生 ( ) 2. The babies arent _ when they are born. A. different B. difference C. same D. the same ( ) 3. If there is a toy a metre away form the baby, he _ it clearly. A. see B. can see C. cant see D. saw ( ) 4. We can se


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