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1、练习: ( ) 1.下列哪个是单数第三人称: A) you B) I C) it ( ) 2.下列哪个是单数第一人称: A) you B) I C) she D) it ( ) 3.下列哪个是单数第二人称: A) you B) I C) he D) she ( ) 4.下列哪个是单数第三人称: A) it B) you C) I ( ) 5.下列哪个是单数第三人称: A) I B) she C) you,C B A A B,be 动词 是,be,am is are,I am He / She / It is You are,口诀: 我用am,你用are,is连着他她它,一般疑问句,如果有人问你

2、,你今年是九岁吗,你会怎么回答? 你一定会说,是或者不是。 这种只回答“是”或者“不是”的问句,在英语就叫做一般疑问句。 只能用Yes / No(或相当Yes / No)回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。 陈述句:陈述一件事情的句子叫陈述句,我们已学过的一般疑问句,都有哪些词引导的?,1)由is, am ,are引导的 2)由情态动词can, must, should引导的 3)由助动词do, does, did引导的 4)由助动词has, have引导的 四大类哦,be动引导的上一节课我们已经复习了,再简单练一练。 重点讲余下三项,一 般 疑 问 句 的 复 习,一、根据问句作肯定回答或否定回答.

3、以be 动词(are, am, is, were, was)开头的一般疑问句。 1. Is Sarah sad today? Yes, _ _. 2. Are you playing chess , John and Mike? No, _ _ . 3. Is there a bookstore near the hospital? No, _ _ . 4. Are there any pictures on the wall? Yes, _ _.,she,is,we,arent,there,is,there,are,肯定句变一般疑问句: am 1.找be动词 is 如果有,就把 be 动词提

4、前 are 我的:my 改成你的:your 注意:首字母大写,句号改问号。 朗读时用声调 例:1. This is a ruler.(变一般疑问句) Is this a ruler ? 2. It is a tree. Is it a tree?,变一般疑问句: 1、This is a book . Is this a book ? 2、That is your pencil . Is that your pencil ? 3、It is my pen. Is it your pen ? 4、She is six years old. Is she six years old? 5、He is

5、 a boy. (男孩) Is he a boy?,变一般疑问句: 1、This is an ear. Is that an ear ? 2、It is your stick. Is it your stick? 3、That is my tree. Is that your tree ? 4、He is four Is he four ? 5、 She is a girl. (女孩) Is she a girl?,1.That is a peach. 2.It is my ruler. 3.Thats an apple. 4.This is your bag. 5.She is my tea

6、cher. 6.He is two.,变一般疑问句:,Is that a peach? Is it your ruler? Is that an apple? Is this your bag? Is she your teacher ? Is he two?,情态动词主语动词原形其它? 肯定回答: Yes,主语代词+情态动词 否定回答: No,主语代语情态动词 not 1)Can you swim? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. (cant=can not) 2)Should I walk in the road? No, you shouldnt.(shouldnt=

7、should not),由情态动词引导的一般疑问句,例1: I can sing songs very well. Step1由情态动词引导的一般疑问句: Can Step2: Can you Step3: Can you sing songs very well?,口诀:一提二换三照抄 一提:将情态动词提到句首; 二换:将第一人称换成第二人称; 三照抄:陈述句剩下的都照抄,例4:I can finish my homework. Step1: Can Step2: Can you finish your Step3: Can you finish your homework?,例2:We c

8、an play football. Step1: Can Step2: Can you Step3: Can you play football?,例3:The car can be mine. Step1: Can Step2: Can the car be yours?,以情态动词 (can, may ) 开头的一般疑问句。 1. Can you cook the meals? No, _ _. 2. Can Chen Jie dive ? Yes, _ _. 3. Can they play the piano? Yes, _ _. 4. Can your brother use a c

9、omputer? No, _ _. 5 .May I have a look? _, _ _ (肯定),I,can,she,can,they,can,can,he,can,Yes,you,变一般疑问句: 1.I can dance 2.She can jump 3.I can write. 4.He can draw an orange. 5.I can sing a song. 6.She can read a book.,Can you dance? Can she jump? Can you write? Can he draw an orange? Can you sing a son

10、g? Can she read a book?,口诀:一选二提三换四照抄 一选:根据陈述句动词时态选择助动词; 二提:将选好的助动词提到句首; 三换:第一人称换第二人称, 动词换回原形。 四照抄: 陈述句剩余部分照抄,如何选助动词? 陈述句是动词原形选do 陈述句是动词第三人称单数选does 陈述句是动词过去式选did,I ,we转 you me, us 转you my, our转your mine, ours转yours,例1: I like eating apples. Step1: like是动词原形,故选do Step2: do Step3: do you like(I 变you) S

11、tep4: do you like eating apples?,第一人称变第二人称,例2: I want a teacher. Step1: want是动词原形,故选do Step2: do Step3: do you want ( I 变 you) Step4: do you want a teacher?,例3: He loves his mother. Step1: loves是第三人称单数,故选does Step2: does Step3: does he love (loves 变原形love) Step4: does he love his mother?,练一练将下列陈述句变成

12、一般疑问句,(1) Helikes Chinese. (2) MikerunsasfastasBen. (3) Igetupatsixthirtyeveryday. (4) Benrunsfast. (5) Thepolicemancaughtthethief.,1.I like apples. 2.I like to eat bananas. 3.I like to dance. 4.I like oranges. 5.I like to eat cakes.,Do you like apples? Do you like to eat bananas? Do you like to dan

13、ce? Do you like oranges? Do you like to eat cakes?,变一般疑问句:,含有have/has的陈述句变一般疑问句,I ,we转 you me, us 转you my, our转your mine, ours转yours,口诀:一提二换三照抄 一提:将选好的助动词提到句首; 二换:第一人称换第二人称 三照抄: 陈述句剩余部分照抄,例1: I have got a bike. Step1: Have Step2: Have you Step3: Have you got a bike?,例2: He has got a book. Step1: Has Step2: Has he Step3: Has he got a book?,练一练将下列陈述句变成一般疑问句,1) The dog has got a bone(骨头). 2) I have got a pen. 3) He


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