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1、 A Lesson Plan ELTM 08级英语系一班 顾腾飞 200840904009NSE BOOK11 UNIT 5 Module1 一.Teaching aims:By the end of the lesson,students should be able to:(a)Use these sentences correctly: I can speak some English. Can I write to her? They can write in English. You can be my Chinese pen pal.(b)Use the sentences to

2、communicate with each other appropriately. They can talk about different languages(Chinese and English) and different countries and cities.(c)Use the word “can” properly to ask other students their abilities.(d)Feel the pride of being a Chinese, learn to love our country and make their minds to work

3、 hard.二.Teaching contents:Vocabulary of countries and cities: China, England, America, Japan, London, Hongkong,New YorkGrammar:Write to somebody in +language, somebody can do somethingAbilities: Can speak, can write, can be my friend,etc三.Important and difficult points:A.Important points:(a)Learn to

4、 use the word “can” to ask the others their abilities(b)I really want a Chinese pen pal. Ive got a friend in China. Teacher gives different countries for the students to substitute for”China”.(c)She can speak some English. She can tell you about China. The two sentences are about others abilities. S

5、tudents can tell others their abilities correctly.B. Difficult points:(a)Pleased to meet you. Learn the other similiar sentences:Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Glad to see you. Nice to see you.(b)In the sentence”Can I write to you?” write to” means writing a letter to somebody and let the perso

6、n know what you want to do. Besides, the person in the sentence can be substituted by other persons like they, he, Daming and so on.(c)The different meanings of “visit”. It includes visiting somebody and visiting some places. Like “Do you live here now? Or are you visiting? ” and “I am visiting Sam

7、now.”四.Teaching aids:tapes, PPT,blackboard, chalks, postcards from different countries and cities, white papers, big pictures and a world map五.Teaching methods and learning methods:TBLT, CLT, Audio-Lingual method, Constructive approach六.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Review(a)Warm up:talk between teache

8、r and students about the personal information or the simple greeting(b)Students talk about what they can do, like “I can speak English”.”She can speak some Chinese”.” Daming can swim”.(C)Students draw pictures of the things they can do and exchange with their partners or deskmates.(d)Students volunt

9、eer to show their pictures and talk about what he/she can do.Step 2: Learn the new words(a)Use the map to introduce to the students different countries and cities.(b)Pair-work. One student does the action, the other students guess what he/she can do.Step 3:The presentation and introduction of the te

10、xt.Teacher tells students:”I believe many of you have been to other cities in China and made lots of new friends. Now lets see Damings experience in America. There he will make a new friend. Who is she? Lets listen.”Then the teacher shows the students the picture about the text and play the tape.Ste

11、p 4:The explanation of the text:(a)Let the students listen to the tape and know about the meaning of the story generally.(b)Teacher asks the students some simple questions from the text, like: Where is Laura from? What is Daming giong to do this summer? What does Laura want to do? Whos Damings new f

12、eirnd? What can she do?(c)Let the students listen to the tape again. Group work. Discuss the questions with their partners.(d)Volunteers answer the questions.(e)Teacher corrects the answers and students listen to the tape again. Teacher teaches students sentences or words in every picture.Step 5:Mor

13、e practice:(a)Ask the whole class to do exercise 1,Unit 1 on the Aid Book. Then the teacher corrects the answers or let the students correct each other and make sure the whole class understand.(b)Make the students read after the tape and let them imitate the pronunciation and tone. Correct mistakes

14、in time.(c)Make the atudents read the text and act as the characters in the text. After several pairs, make the students do exercise2,3 and 4 and correct mistakes.(d)Teacher gives students different postcards. The students take the one they like and pretend they are from those countries or cities.Then they communicate with their classmates and find their pen pals.七.Homework:Write a short passage with 30-50 words. Teacher gives a topic: Where did you


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