高中英语 Unit2 Wish you were here Period3 Word power教案 牛津译林版必修2_第1页
高中英语 Unit2 Wish you were here Period3 Word power教案 牛津译林版必修2_第2页
高中英语 Unit2 Wish you were here Period3 Word power教案 牛津译林版必修2_第3页
高中英语 Unit2 Wish you were here Period3 Word power教案 牛津译林版必修2_第4页




1、Unit 2 Wish you were herePeriod 3 Word power一【设计思想】本课以教会学生扩充词汇的方法、培养学生学习词汇的兴趣和帮助学生扩大词汇量为教学目标。借助简单的语境及图片进行词汇教学能达到比较直观的效果, 学生比较容易接受,也能学得更轻松些。通过词汇的分类,内化学生分类记忆词汇的策略。句型操练可以帮助学生加深记忆以巩固所学词汇。二【教学目标】By the end of the class, the students will be able to1. know more about adventures. 2. enlarge their vocabular

2、y about items for holiday.三【教学重难点】Learn to classify the words into different groups to help memorize them.四【教学环节】【课堂导入】 Show pictures of places of interest in China like the West Lake, the Yellow Mountain, the Great Wall and so on to the class and ask them questions as follows: 1. Do you like travel

3、ing? 2. Have you ever been to any of the places?3. What should you take while travelling?【预习检查】【课堂教与学】Step 1 Warming upAsk the Ss to discuss the following question:Suppose you are given a chance to choose one of the places for your holiday, where would you like to go? What kind of things will you pl

4、an to take with you?Then divide the whole class into 4 or 5 teams and ask them to compete with each other for more answers. Write down their answers on the blackboard. Afterwards, show pictures of the items that are often packed by people for their holiday.Step 2 Pre-readingShow the question below o

5、n the screen and get the whole class to think about the answer.What do you think is the most important when you are traveling in a different world?Step 3 Reading1. In order to broaden his horizon, Colin decides to go on an adventure holiday. Now he is thinking about what to pack for it. Please read

6、the short passage in Part A and complete the form below (show it on the screen):What to takeWhy to take them 2. Show pictures of the items to take by clicking the words in the column “what to take” so that the Ss will have a clear idea of them.Step 4 Vocabulary-learningAll of the things mentioned ar

7、e necessary for Colins adventure. In order to make his holiday comfortable, safe and happy, Colin has also packed something else. Lets find what they are.Show the picture in Part B on the screen and talk about all the items and their usage with the whole class. Pay attention to Ss pronunciation of t

8、hese words at the same time.After that, ask the Ss to have a discussion in groups about which item would be the most useful for Colin and give the answer in the following sentence pattern:If I were Colin, I would never forget to pack_, because I could use it to_.Step 5 Vocabulary extension Now do yo

9、u think Colin is well equipped for his journey? Is he missing something really important? As his friend, Jennifer wrote an e-mail to him, reminding all the things that he should take to make his trip more enjoyable. Allow the Ss 5 minutes or so to complete the e-mail individually. Then, ask the Ss t

10、o recall the items that Jennifer advised Colin to take in the following way:1) Show the picture with 8 “GUESS” on the screen, and then display all the items by clicking the 8 “GUESS” one by one.2) For the last item “a first aid kit”, ask the Ss this question:What is it that Jennifer considers to be

11、the most important for Colins adventure holiday?Get the whole class to give the answer together: Then, show the picture of a first aid kit on the screen and ask the question below:What items are often included in a first aid kit?Show pictures of all the 8 items in the box in Part D and ask the Ss to

12、 choose the 4 correct items.Finally, check the answers with the whole class.Step 6 Classification & ConsolidationShow the following words on the screen and ask the Ss to classify them into different categories.flashlight; bread; cotton balls; fruit juice; boots; bandages; cap; compass; water purifyi

13、ng tablets; biscuits; aspirin, scissorsGroup1: clothesGroup2: foodGroup3: medicineGroup 4: tools【课堂巩固】Allow the students 5 minutes or so to complete the e-mail to Colin according to what they have learned in this lesson. Then check the answers with the whole class. 【知识小结】根据不同需要安排不同形式的练习,如表格形式的运用,使得阅读任务更加清晰,有助于学生训练扫读能力,并帮助学生对所学词汇语义层面的掌握。【提升与拓展】Suppose you are a reporter of the school newspaper, interview an experienced traveler about taking adventure holidays. Write a short passage about that in about 150 words.Meanwhile, offer the following English proverbs to the Ss to help with th


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