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1、1.A localized lesion in which of the following structures would be expected to produce prolonged coma? A. Nucleus tractus solitarius B. Locus ceruleus C. Right frontal lobe D. Both frontal lobes E. Periaqueductal region at top of midbrain 2.关于兴奋性突触传递的叙述,哪一项是错误的? A. 突触前轴突末梢去极化 B. Ca2+进入突触前膜内 C. 突触前膜释

2、放递质是以102个分子为单位 D. 突触后膜Na+、K+,特别是Na+通透性增高 E. 突触后膜去极化达阈电位时,突触后神经元发放冲动 3.Retrograde amnesia A. Is abolished by prefrontal lobotomy B. Responds to drugs that block dopamine receptors C. Is commonly precipitated by a blow on the head D. Is increased by administration of vasopressin E. Is due to damage to

3、 the brain stem 4.Which of the following is not characteristic of a reflex action? A. Modification by impulses from various parts of the central nervous system B. May involve simultaneous contraction of some muscles and relaxation of others C. May involve either somatic or visceral responses but nev

4、er both simultaneously D. Always involves transmission across at least one synapse E. Frequently occurs without conscious perception 5.Interruption of the motor pathways in the internal capsule on one side of the body causes A. Spastic paralysis on the same side of the body B. Spastic paralysis on t

5、he opposite side of the body C. Loss of touch and pressure sensation on the opposite side of the body D. Flaccid paralysis on the same side of the body E. Flaccid paralysis on the opposite side of the body 6.Visceral pain A. Shows relatively rapid adaptation B. Is mediated by B fibers in the dorsal

6、roots of the spinal nerves C. Can sometimes be relieved by applying an irritant to the skin D. Most closely resembles fast pain produced by noxious stimulation of the skin E. Can be produced by marked and prolonged stimulation of touch receptors 7.突触前抑制的发生是由于 A. 突触前膜兴奋性递质释放量减少 B. 突触前膜释放抑制性递质 C. 突触后膜

7、超极化 D. 中间抑制性神经元兴奋的结果 E. 以上原因综合的结果 8.A man falls into a deep sleep with one arm under his head. This arm is paralyzed when he awakens, but it tingles, and pain sensation in it is still intact. The reason for the loss of motor function without loss of pain is that in the nerves to his arm, A. A fibers

8、 are more susceptible to hypoxia than B fibers B. A fibers are more sensitive to pressure than C fibers C. C fibers are more sensitive to pressure than A fibers D. Sensory nerves are nearer the bone than motor nerves and hence are less affected by cooling E. Sensory nerves are nearer the bone than m

9、otor nerves and hence are less affected by pressure 9.脊髓前角运动神经元轴突侧支与闰绍细胞形成的突触所释放的递质是 A. 氨基丁酸 B. 甘氨酸 C. 乙酰胆碱 D. 去甲肾上腺素 E. 5羟色胺 10.A primary function of the basal ganglia is A. Sensory integration B. Short-term memory C. Planning voluntary movement D. Neuroendocrine control E. Slow-wave sleep 11.电击头部或

10、脑震荡可能导致 A. 逆行性遗忘症 B. 顺行性遗忘症 C. 近期记忆受损 D. 远期记忆受损 E. 近期和远期记忆障碍 12.切除猴小脑绒球小节叶后,将出现 A. 站立不稳 B. 四肢乏力 C. 运动不协调 D. 静止性震颤 E. 意向性震颤 13.The inverse stretch reflex A. Has a lower threshold than the stretch reflex B. Is a monosynaptic reflex C. Is a disynaptic reflex with a single interneuron inserted between t

11、he afferent and efferent limbs D. Is a polysynaptic reflex with many interneurons inserted between the afferent and efferent limbs E. Requires the discharge of central neurons that release acetylcholine 14.以下属于丘脑非特异投射系统的主要细胞群是 A. 联络核和髓板内核群 B. 感觉接替核和联络核 C. 感觉接替核 D. 联络核 E. 髓板内核群 15.可被阿托品阻断的受体是 A. 受体 B

12、. 受体 C. N型受体 D. M型受体 E. N型和M型受体 16.The representational hemisphere is A. The right cerebral hemisphere in most right-handed individuals B. The left cerebral hemisphere in most left-handed individuals C. The part of the brain concerned with language functions D. The site of lesions in most patients w

13、ith aphasia E. Morphologically identical to the opposite nonrepresentational hemisphere 17.Which of the following is a ligand-gated ion channel? A. VIP receptor B. Norepinephrine receptor C. GABAA receptor D. GABAB receptor E. Metabotropic glutamine receptor 18.兴奋性突触后电位在突触后膜上发生的电位变化为 A. 极化 B. 超极化 C.

14、 后电位 D. 复极化 E. 去极化 19.The distance by which two touch stimuli must be separated to be perceived as two separate stimuli is greatest on A. The lips B. The palm of the hand C. The back of the scapula D. The dorsum of the hand E. The tips of the fingers 20.In which of the following disease is there rea

15、son to believe that the mesocortical system of dopamine neurons is hyperactive? A. Parkinsons disease B. Manic-depressive psychosis C. Schizophrenia D. Hyperprolactinemia E. Migraine 21.形成条件反射的基本条件是 A. 要有适当的无关刺激 B. 要有完整的大脑皮质 C. 要有非条件刺激 D. 非条件刺激出现在无关刺激之前 E. 无关刺激与条件刺激在时间上结合 22.Causalgia is A. Associat

16、ed with loss of hair in the affected area B. Abolished by sectioning the sensory nerves in the affected area C. Relieved by drugs that block glycine receptors D. Relieved by drugs that block a1-adrenergic receptors E. Relieved by drugs that block muscarinic cholinergic receptors 23.下列对皮质运动区功能特征的叙述,哪

17、项是错误的 A. 对躯体运动的支配有交叉的性质,但对头面部的支配多数是双侧性的 B. 功能定位总的配布是倒置的,头面部代表区内部的配布为正的 C. 肌肉的运动越精细、越复杂,其代表区越大 D. 人工刺激所引起的肌肉运动反应为协同性收缩 E. 运动区的基本功能单位呈柱状结构 24.下列关于丘脑的感觉接替核的论述,哪一项是错误的? A. 是一般经典感觉的第三级神经元 B. 后外侧腹核为脊髓丘脑束与内侧丘系的换元站,同躯体四肢感觉有关 C. 内侧膝状体是听觉传导的换元站 D. 外侧膝状体是视觉传导的换元站 E. 后内侧腹核为三叉丘系的换元站,与传导内脏感觉有关 25.关于突触传递的叙述,下列哪一项是

18、正确的? A. 双向传递 B. 不易疲劳 C. 突触延搁 D. 不能总和 E. 呈衰减性 26.脊髓突然被横断后,断面以下脊髓所支配的骨骼肌的紧张度 A. 增强,但能恢复正常 B. 增强,但不能恢复正常 C. 降低,能恢复但与正常不同 D. 降低,但能恢复正常 E. 基本不变 27.关于脊髓休克的下列论述,哪一项是错误的? A. 脊髓突然被横断后,断面以下的脊髓反射活动即暂时丧失 B. 断面以下的脊髓反射、感觉和随意运动可逐渐恢复 C. 动物进化程度越高,其恢复速度越慢 D. 脊髓休克的产生,是由于突然失去了高位中枢的调节作用 E. 反射恢复后,第二次横断脊髓,不再导致休克 28.副交感神经系

19、统不具有下列哪一特点 A. 节前纤维长,节后纤维短 B. 不支配某些脏器 C. 紧张性活动 D. 刺激节前纤维时反应比较局限 E. 在应急反应中活动明显增强 29.运动神经元轴突末梢释放的递质是 A. 乙酰胆碱 B. 去甲肾上腺素 C. 甘氨酸 D. 谷氨酸 E. 5-羟色胺 30.5羟色胺神经元的胞体主要位于脑内的 A. 丘脑中线核群 B. 脑干中缝核群 C. 苍白球 D. 尾核 E. 壳核 31.The function of neuroglia is responsible for A. transmiting impulse B. metabolic exchange C. contr

20、action D. secretion E. absorption 32.人类脑电图波最为显著的大脑部位是 A. 额叶 B. 颞叶 C. 顶叶 D. 枕叶 E. 前脑底部 33.边缘系统不包括 A. 大脑皮质边缘叶 B. 苍白球 C. 隔区 D. 杏仁核 E. 下丘脑 34.A lesion of Wernickes area (the posterior end of the superior temporal gyrus) in the categorical hemisphere causes patients to A. Lose short-term memory B. Speak

21、in a slow, halting voice C. Experience dj vu D. Talk rapidly but make little sense E. Lose the ability to recognize faces 35.下列关于腱器官的描述,正确的是 A. 与梭外肌纤维呈并联关系 B. 与梭内肌纤维呈并联关系 C. 是一种长度感受器 D. 传入纤维是类纤维 E. 作用意义在于避免肌肉拉伤 36.神经冲动抵达末梢时,引起递质释放主要有赖于哪种离子的作用? A. Cl- B. Ca2+ C. Mg2+ D. Na+ E. K+ 37.关于神经胶质细胞的叙述,下列哪项是

22、错误的? A. 具有许多突起 B. 具有转运代谢物质的作用 C. 具有支持的作用 D. 没有轴突 E. 没有细胞分裂能力 38.A man loses his right hand in a farm accident. Four years later, he has episodes of severe pain in the missing hand (phantom limb pain).A detailed PET scan study of his cerebral cortex might be expected to show A. Expansion of the right

23、 hand area in his right somatic sensory area I (SI) B. Expansion of the right hand area in his left SI C. A metabolically inactive spot where his hand area in his left SI would normally be D. Projection of fibers from neighboring sensory areas into the right-hand area of his right SI E. Projection o

24、f fibers from neighboring sensory areas into the right hand area of his left SI 39.人类小脑受损后可出现一些症状,下列哪一项是不会见到的 A. 运动共济失调 B. 肌张力降低 C. 平衡失调 D. 安静时出现震颤,做精细运动时震颤消失 E. 以上症状可由大脑皮质代偿而缓解 40.有关与ATP结合的嘌呤能受体,正确的描述是 A. 2Y受体激活后cAMP增加 B. P2U受体激活后cAMP减少 C. X受体激活后通IP3 和DG增加 D. Z受体激活后IP3 和DG减少 E. T受体是离子通道,可被DP激活 41.交

25、感神经节后纤维的递质是 A. 去甲肾上腺素 B. 多巴胺 C. 5羟色胺 D. 乙酰胆碱 E. 去甲肾上腺素或乙酰胆碱 42.下列哪种情况最能说明去大脑僵直是由骨骼肌牵张反射亢进引起的 A. 刺激网状结构易化区,引起僵直 B. 横断脊髓后,断面以下僵直消失 C. 刺激前角运动神经元,引起僵直 D. 切断腹根传出纤维,僵直消失 E. 切断背根传入纤维,僵直消失 43.谈论梅子时引起唾液分泌是 A. 交感神经兴奋所致 B. 副交感神经兴奋所致 C. 第一信号系统的活动 D. 第二信号系统的活动 E. 非条件反射 44.内侧膝状体接受下列哪种感觉纤维投射? A. 内侧丘系 B. 三叉丘系 C. 视觉

26、传导束 D. 听觉传导束 E. 脊髓丘脑前束 45.萎缩性瘫痪是由于 A. 中央前回运动区全部损伤 B. 下运动神经元麻痹 C. 纹状体受损 D. 黑质病变 E. 小脑后叶受损 46.丘脑中发出特异投射纤维的最主要核团是 A. 内侧膝状体 B. 外侧膝状体 C. 后腹核 D. 丘脑前核 E. 外侧腹核 47.胆碱能M型受体存在于 A. 大多数副交感节后纤维支配的效应器细胞膜上 B. 神经-肌肉接头的后膜上 C. 自主神经节神经元上 D. 受交感节后纤维支配的虹膜辐射状肌上 E. 受交感节前纤维支配的肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞上 48.AMPA受体激活时,允许通过突触后膜的离子是 A. a+和Cl-,主

27、要是a+ B. K+-和Cl-,主要是K+ C. Cl-和a2+,主要是Cl- D. K+和a2+,主要是a2 E. a+和K+,主要是a+ 49.Which of the following diseases is not caused by overexpression of a trinucleotide repeat? A. Alzheimers disease B. Fragile X syndrome C. Spinocerebellar ataxia, type 3 D. Huntingtons disease E. Friedreichs ataxia 50.Which of

28、the following does not exert an analgesic effect? A. Tetrahydrocannabinol B. Substance P antagonists C. Cholinergic agonists D. Histamine E. Morphine 51. A. Delta (0.5-4 Hz) B. Theta (4-7 Hz) C. Alpha (8-13 Hz) D. Beta (18-30 Hz) E. Fast, irregular low-voltage activity 52.下列哪项是人类新小脑受损时所特有的症状 A. 肌张力降

29、低 B. 偏瘫 C. 静止性震颤 D. 意向性震颤 E. 位置性眼震颤 53.运动单位是指 A. 一个运动神经元 B. 一组具有相同功能的运动神经元群 C. 一组可产生某一动作的肌肉群 D. 一束肌纤维 E. 由一个运动神经元及所支配的全部肌纤维所组成的功能单位 54. A. Ca2+ B. Cl- C. K+ D. Na+和K+,尤其是Na+ E. Cl-和K+,尤其是Cl- 55.治疗震颤麻痹的最佳药物是 A. 左旋多巴 B. 依色林 C. 利血平 D. 乙酰胆碱 E. 5-羟色胺 56.下列关于条件反射的生物学意义的叙述,哪项是错误的 A. 后天形成,数量无限 B. 具有极大的易变性 C

30、. 具有高度的适应性 D. 可脱离非条件反射独立完成 E. 条件反射建立的过程就是学习记忆的过程 57.下列关于视觉通路的描述,哪一项是正确的? A. 右眼颞侧视网膜的传入纤维投射至左枕叶皮层 B. 左眼鼻侧视网膜的传入纤维投射至右枕叶皮层 C. 视网膜上半部的传入纤维投射到距状裂下缘 D. 视网膜下半部的传入纤维投射到距状裂上缘 E. 视网膜中央黄斑区的传入纤维投射到距状裂前部 58.下列关于神经胶质细胞的描述正确的是 A. 既有树突又有轴突 B. 与相邻细胞有突触联系 C. 细胞间普遍存在突触联系 D. 有随细胞外Na+浓度改变的膜电位 E. 有产生动作电位的能力 59.When moto

31、r neuron discharge increases at the same time as a motor neuron discharge to muscle A. There is prompt inhibition of discharge in spindle Ia afferents B. The contraction of the muscle is prolonged C. The muscle will not contract D. The number of impulses in spindle Ia afferents is smaller than when

32、a discharge alone is increased E. The number of impulses in spindle Ia afferents is greater than when a discharge alone is increased 60.传入侧支性抑制和回返性抑制全属于 A. 突触后抑制 B. 突触前抑制 C. 周围性抑制 D. 交互抑制 E. 前馈抑制61.关于外周递质的叙述,下列哪项是错误的? A. 副交感神经节前纤维释放的递质为乙酰胆碱 B. 交感神经节前纤维释放的递质为乙酰胆碱 C. 大多数副交感神经节后纤维释放的递质为乙酰胆碱 D. 交感神经节后纤维

33、释放的递质为乙酰胆碱 E. 躯体运动神经末梢释放的递质为乙酰胆碱 62.Increased neural activity before a skilled voluntary movement is first seen in the A. Spinal motor neurons B. Precentral motor cortex C. Basal ganglia D. Cerebellum E. Cortical association areas 63.下列哪项属于副交感神经的作用 A. 瞳孔扩大 B. 糖原分解增加 C. 逼尿肌收缩 D. 骨骼肌血管舒张 E. 消化道括约肌收缩 6

34、4.逆行性遗忘症的机理可能是 A. 第一级记忆发生扰乱 B. 第二级记忆发生扰乱 C. 第三级记忆发生扰乱 D. 第一级记忆至第二级记忆过程发生扰乱 E. 海马环路的损害 65.以会聚学说和易化学说解释牵涉痛的主要依据是 A. 病区与放射部位源于相同胚胎节段和皮节 B. 体表局部麻醉不能取消剧烈的牵涉痛 C. 体表局部麻醉可消除轻微的牵涉痛 D. 脊髓后角存在调控痛觉传入的闸门 E. 感觉传入通路中存在辐散式和聚合联系 66.关于丘脑第二类核群的叙述,错误的是 A. 总称为联络核 B. 参与许多感觉的联系功能 C. 与大脑皮层无特定的投射关系 D. 包括丘脑前核、丘脑外侧腹核等 E. 不直接接

35、受感觉投射纤维 67.The optic chiasm is sectioned in a dog, and with the right eye covered, the animal is trained to bark when it sees a red square. The right eye is then uncovered and the left eye covered. The animal will now A. Fail to respond to the red square because the square does not produce impulses

36、that reach the right occipital cortex B. Fail to respond to the red square because the animal has bitemporal hemianopia C. Fail to respond to the red square if the posterior commissure is also sectioned D. Respond to the red square only after retraining E. Respond promptly to the red square in spite

37、 of the lack of input to the left occipital cortex 68.递质共存的正确叙述是 A. 一个核团的多个神经元内共存同一种递质 B. 一个神经元可存在两种或两种以上的递质 C. 两个神经元共存一种相同的递质 D. 两个神经元共存一种递质和一种调质 E. 两个中枢的神经元共存同存同一种递质 69.Withdrawal reflexes are not A. Initiated by nociceptive stimuli B. Prepotent C. Prolonged if the stimulus is strong D. Absent sev

38、eral months after transection of the spinal cord E. Dependent on local sign for their exact pattern 70.Thirst is stimulated by A. Increases in plasma osmolality and volume B. An increase in plasma osmolality and a decrease in plasma volume C. A decrease in plasma osmolality and an increase in plasma

39、 volume D. Decreases in plasma osmolality and volume E. Injection of vasopressin into the hypothalamus 71.When an individual is naked in a room in which the air temperature is 2l C and the humidity 80%, the greatest amount of heat is lost from the body by A. Elevated metabolism B. Respiration C. Uri

40、nation D. Vaporization of sweat E. Radiation and conduction 72.反射时的长短主要取决于 A. 刺激的强弱 B. 感受器的敏感性 C. 传入与传出纤维的传导速度 D. 中枢突触的多少 E. 效应器的敏感性 73.High-frequency stimulation of which of the following does not produce the alerting response? A. Sciatic nerve B. Lateral spinothalamic tract C. Midbrain reticular f

41、ormation D. Medial lemniscus above the midbrain E. Intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus 74.临床上的“锥体束综合症”实际上是 A. 锥体系受损 B. 锥体外系受损 C. 锥体系和锥体外系合并受损 D. 延髓锥体受损 E. 脊髓运动神经元损伤 75.第一感觉区位于 A. 中央前回 B. 中央后回 C. 颞叶皮层 D. 中央前回与岛叶之间 E. 颞下回 76.脊髓闰绍细胞参与构成的抑制称为 A. 周围性抑制 B. 侧支性抑制 C. 去极化抑制 D. 交互性抑制 E. 回返式抑制 77.成人脑电图波在 A. 安静

42、闭目时出现阻断现象 B. 糖皮质激素血浓度高时频率减慢 C. 高血糖时频率减慢 D. 发热时频率减慢 E. 动脉血PO2高时频率减慢 78.副交感神经对代谢的影响是 A. 促进甲状旁腺素分泌 B. 促进胰高血糖素分泌 C. 促进糖原分解 D. 促进胰岛素分泌 E. 促进甲状腺激素的释放 79.Activation of which of the following receptors would be expected to decrease anxiety? A. Nicotinic cholinergic receptors B. Glutamate receptors C. GABAA

43、receptors D. Glucocorticoid receptors E. a1-Adrenergic receptors 80.舞蹈病主要是因为下列哪条通路受累引起的 A. 黑质-纹状体多巴胺能易化通路 B. 黑质-纹状体多巴胺能抑制通路 C. 黑质-纹状体胆碱能易化通路 D. 黑质-纹状体胆碱能抑制通路 E. 纹状体内胆碱能和-氨基丁酸能神经元病变 81.下列关于巴宾斯基征的描述,错误的是 A. 检查时以钝物划足跖外侧 B. 阳性体征为拇指背屈而其他四趾扇形散开 C. 婴儿正常时可出现阳性体征 D. 成人在麻醉或熟睡状态下多为阴性体征 E. 临床上用于检查皮层脊髓束功能是否正常 82

44、.关于感觉皮层代表区的叙述,下列哪一项是错误的? A. 本体感觉在中央前回 B. 内脏感觉的投射区在额叶 C. 体表感觉区在中央后回 D. 听觉代表区在颞叶 E. 视觉代表区在枕叶 83.以下属于胆碱能受体的是 A. M、N和 B. M、N和 C. M、N1和N2 D. M、和 E. M、1和2 84.下列哪项指标比较适用于检测睡眠的深度 A. 体温变化 B. 唤醒阈或脑电 C. 呼吸变化 D. 脉搏变化 E. 血压变化 85. A. 促进生长和体力恢复 B. 促进细胞增殖和成熟 C. 促进记忆和幼儿神经系统成熟 D. 促进食欲和消化 E. 促进脑电图的同步化 86.Benzodiazepin

45、es such as diazepam (Valium) relieve anxiety because they A. Inhibit dopamine binding in the brain stem B. Inhibit glutamate binding in the limbic system C. Facilitate norepinephrine release in the hypothalamus D. Facilitate the effects of GABA throughout the nervous system E. Block muscarinic acety

46、lcholine receptors in the limbic system 87.突触前抑制的特点是 A. 突触前膜超极化 B. 潜伏期长,持续时间长 C. 突触前轴突末梢释放抑制性递质 D. 突触后膜的兴奋性降低 E. 通过轴突树突式突触的结构基础实现 88.下列对缝隙连接的描述中,哪一项是错误的? A. 连接部位的膜阻抗较低 B. 属于电传递 C. 传递的速度快 D. 通常为单向传递 E. 只存在于神经系统中 89.以下属于丘脑特异性投射系统的核团是 A. 联络核 B. 网状核 C. 感觉接替核 D. 髓板内核群 E. 感觉接替核和联络核 90.人类基底神经节调节功能障碍,主要表现形式

47、不包括 A. 肌肉强直 B. 肌张力障碍 C. 随意运动完全丧失 D. 静止性震颤 E. 不自主的舞蹈样运动 91.脊髓的何种损伤可导致痛温觉与轻触觉障碍分离? A. 完全横断 B. 脊髓空洞症 C. 脊髓离断 D. 后角受损 E. 前根病变 92.以下哪种感觉不经过特异投射系统传入? A. 嗅觉 B. 听觉 C. 视觉 D. 味觉 E. 本体感觉 93.Which of the following is not synthesized in postganglionic sympathetic neurons? A. L-Dopa B. Dopamine C. Norepinephrine

48、D. Histamine E. Acetylcholine 94.The effects of bilateral loss of hippocampal function include A. Disappearance of remote memories B. Loss of working memory C. Loss of the ability to encode events of the recent past in long-term memory D. Loss of the ability to recall faces and forms but not the abi

49、lity to recall printed or spoken words E. Production of inappropriate emotional responses when recalling events of the recent past 95.神经纤维的传导速度 A. 与阈电位成正比 B. 与髓鞘化的程度成反比 C. 与纤维直径成正比 D. 与刺激强度成正比 E. 温度降低,传导速度加快 96.An anterolateral cordotomy is performed that produces relief of pain in the right leg. It

50、 is effective because it interrupts the A. Left dorsal column B. Left ventral spinothalamic tract C. Right lateral spinothalamic tract D. Left lateral spinothalamic tract E. Right corticospinal tract 97.内脏痛的主要特点是 A. 刺痛 B. 慢痛 C. 定位不精确 D. 必有牵涉痛 E. 对牵拉不敏感 98.下列哪条通路不属于锥体外系 A. 网状脊髓束 B. 顶盖脊髓束 C. 红核脊髓束 D.

51、皮质脊髓束 E. 前庭脊髓束 99.脊髓丘脑侧束的主要功能是传导 A. 同侧的痛、温觉 B. 同侧的触觉 C. 对侧的痛、温觉 D. 对侧的触觉 E. 同侧的深压觉 100.Which of the following statements about nerve growth factor is not true? A. It is made up of three polypeptide subunits B. It is found in high concentration in the submandibular salivary glands of female mice C. I

52、t is necessary for the growth and development of the sympathetic nervous system D. It is picked up by nerves from the organs they innervate E. It is present in the brain 101.Secretion of which of the following hormones does not increase at night? A. Growth hormone B. ACTH C. Melatonin D. Insulin E. Prolactin 10


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