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1、Unit 2Do you want to go to a movie?Unit 2Do you want to go to a movie?一、设计理念:根据新课程标准提倡的任务型教学,在课堂教学中我们设计了多种形式的任务,以便充分训练学生的听、说、读、写技能,培养学生综合运用英语进行交际的能力,并结合本单元的题材,提高学生对影视作品的鉴赏能力。二、学习目标:1.学会询问对方喜欢哪种类型的电影。2.学会谈论自己计划去做某事。3.学会表达喜欢与不喜欢某种电影。4.学会名词的单数和复数及几个描述性词汇的用法。5.学会动词want,like一般现在时态的句型及用法。三、学习重点、难点:1.词汇: a

2、ction movie, comedy, documentary,thriller,great, boring, scary, funny, exciting, sad2.短语: go to a movie,what kind, see an action movie,Beijing Opera, stay at home, a lot, for the reason, in a word,movie star, in fact3.句型: Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie. Does h

3、e want to go to a movie? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies. I like comedies but I dont like documentaries. I think Beijing Opera is very interesting. I also read sad, funny, or exciting stories.四、教学准备:四种类型电影片段,海报,图片,影视明星图片和资料五、教学时间:4个课时

4、六、教学过程:第一课时Section A (1a-Grammar Focus)完成任务所需词汇和句型:1. action movie, comedy, documentary,thriller2. Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie. Does he want to go to a movie? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies.

5、 I like comedies but I dont like documentaries.一、课前准备:让学生搜集各种类型的电影海报或图片,按动作片、喜剧片、纪录片和恐怖片进行分类,并标上英语单词。教师搜集四种类型的电影片段或图片。二、情景导入:运用以前所学句型,以提问的形式导入。如:Do you like movies? Do you want to go to a movie? 然后播放四种类型的电影片段,继续询问。如:Which movie do you like? What kind of movies do you like? An action movie or a comed

6、y? A documentary or a thriller? 引导学生简单表达他们的喜好,并重复四个词汇,让学生读准、会说。三、任务活动:1. 1a Match the kinds of movies with the posters. (1)看图并让学生谈论一下图中所展现的语言环境。(2)完成任务,把电影类型词汇和图中海报搭配起来。(3)核对答案。(4)朗读四个词汇。2.1b Listen and circle the kinds of moves in activity 1a.(1)播放录音,让学生初步理解听力内容。(2)再次播放,辨别并在1a中圈出所听到的词汇。(3)核对答案。3.1c

7、 Pairwork Practice the conversation below. Then make your own conversations. (1)同桌熟练课本对话。(2)自编对话师生示范。如:Teacher: Hi, Tom! Good evening!Student: Good evening, Mrs. Guo!Teacher: Do you want to go to a movie?Student: Yes, I do.Teacher: Do you want to see a thriller?Student: No, I dont. I want to see an

8、action movie.Teacher: What movie do you want to see?Student: The Big Race!Teacher: Great! Lets go!(3) 让学生拿出所搜集的电影海报或图片,把教室布置成影院宣传大厅。让学生自由结对,在模拟的真实环境下,自编对话,在规定的时间内,尽可能多地运用所学语言进行交流。(4)抽小组进行演示汇报。4. 2a Listen to Ben and Sallys conversation. Number the kinds of movies in the order you hear them.(1)播放录音,初

9、步理解对话内容。(2)再次播放,标出正确顺序。(3)核对答案。(4)朗读四个单词的复数形式,掌握单词复数的正确发音。5. 2b Listen again. In the chart, draw under the kinds of movies Ben and Sally like, and under the kinds of movies they dont like, and ? for “ I dont know.”(1)再次播放录音,填写表格,完成2b要求。(2)问与答,并核对答案。同时为2c句型做导入。如:Teacher: What kind of movies do Ben an

10、d Sally like?Students: They like comedies and action movies.Teacher: What kind of movies dont they like?Students: They dont like documentaries.Teacher: How about thrillers?Students: I dont know.6. 2c Pairwork Ask and answer questions about the kinds of movies you like.(1)对话示范。如:Teacher: What kind of

11、 movies do you like?Student A: I like action movies and comedies.Teacher: What kind of movies do you like?Student B: I like documentaries and thrillers.(2)对话练习示范(游戏:网状问答接龙)。AB C D E Fb 2 2 2 2 2c 3 3 3 3 3d 4 4 4 4 4e 5 5 5 5 5横排和纵队问与答同步进行。如:A: Hi, B! What kind of movies do you like?B: I like action

12、 movies and comedies. Hi, C! What kind of movies do you like?C: I like documentaries and thrillers.D: E: (3)进行对话游戏。四、知识小结: Grammar Focus1.让学生朗读四组单词,观察可数名词的单数、复数形式,试找出单数变复数的规律。2.师生共同归纳总结名词单数变复数的几种形式。3.朗读、观察动词want的一般疑问句式及其肯定、否定回答,点拨want的用法。五、作业。1.复习掌握所学重点词汇和句型。2.预习课本page 9内容。第二课时Section A (3a-4)完成任务所需

13、句型:What kind of movies do you like?I like action movies and comedies.I like comedies but I dont like documentaries.Maria likes thrillers but she doesnt like comedies.Do you like Beijing Opera?一、课前准备:让学生每人制作一个圆形姓名挂牌。如:Brad, Maria, Michele等。准备电影海报或图片。分小组各准备表演一个1分钟小电影。二、自由会话:运用已学的like句型和球类或食品进行对话。如:A:

14、Lets play sports!B: That sounds interesting!A: Do you like baseballs?B: No, I dont.A: What kind of sports do you like?B: I like soccer balls and basketballs. But I dont like baseballs.A: Well, Lets play basketball with Brad!B: Brad likes soccer balls but he doesnt like basketballs.三、任务活动:1. 3a Fill

15、in the blanks with and or but.(1)让四组学生上台分别表演四种类型的1分钟小电影。让学生猜测它们分别属于哪种类型。进一步熟悉(action movie, comedy, documentary,thriller )4个词汇。然后问与答,运用本单元重点句型,并体会and和but的用法。如:Teacher: What kind of movies is it?Student: An action movie.Teacher: Do you like thrillers?Student: No, I dont.Teacher: What kind of movies d

16、o you like?Student: I like comedies and action movies, but I dont like thrillers.(2)完成3a任务,把and或but填入横线。(3)核对答案。(4)朗读句型,体会like句型及and或but的用法。(5)演示示范:在教室内张贴四种类型海报,准备好4个姓名挂牌(Brad, Maria, Guo Peng,Michele )选4名学生上前演示3a会话内容。其他学生一起提问和转述他们所说的话。如: Brad: Hi! Im Brad.Students: Hi, Brad! What kind of movies do

17、you like?Brad: I like thrillers and I like action movies.Students: Brad likes thrillers and he likes action movies.(6)小组活动。运用学生自己准备的海报、图片、挂牌,4人一组进行会话练习。2. 3b Pairwork Take turns talking about the people in the picture.(1)看图观察,让学生示范。如:A: Do you like Beijing Opera?B: No, I dont. That sounds boring. Do

18、 you like it?A: Yes. I like Beijing Opera very much.B: Look! Who is the man in the picture?A: Its Wu Song. This actor is very great! Do you like Wu Song?B: Yes.(2)同桌谈论。(3)小组活动。学生取出准备的明星图片,进行谈论。如:A: I like Cheng Long. He is a movie star in Hong Kong. I like his action movies. They are great!3. 4 Game

19、 Find someone who likesFind classmates who like the kinds of movies on the chart below. Then write their names on the chart.(1)在规定时间内,尽可能多地询问、交流和记录姓名。如:A: What kind of movies do you like?B: I LikeA: Do you like Beijing Opera?C: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.(2)汇报:部分学生把统计结果班内汇报。如:A: Wang Xiao likes comedie

20、s and thrillers. Zhang Lin and Liu Wei like action movies but dont like comedies.四、作业。1.写篇小文章,介绍自己及家人对电影的喜好。2.预习Section B。第三课时Section B完成任务所需的词汇和句型:1 scary, funny, interesting, sad, exciting2 I think Beijing Opera is very interesting.I also read sad, funny, or exciting stories.Hes a great actor.The

21、movie is exciting.一、 课前准备让学生搜集自己喜欢的电影,并且对它们进行分类,完成下列表格:主要演员影片名称类 别二、 活动任务1 1a What kind of shows are scary? Interesting? Exciting? Choose words from the box and write them under the pictures.(1) 教师播放电影片段,然后利用问答的形式一起讨论电影片段。例如:Teacher: Do you like comedies? Student: Yes, I do.Teacher: Is it interestin

22、g?Students: Yes, it is. (2) 学生朗读方框中的单词。 (3) 看图完成1a任务,并归纳the description words。 (4) 学生分组讨论所搜集到的影片。 22a Listen and circle the description words in 1a that you hear.(1)播放录音,让学生初步理解听力内容。(2)再次播放,辨别并在1a中圈出所听到的词汇。(3)核对答案。 3. Listen again. Write down the different words Edward and June describe the movies.(

23、1) 播放录音,完成任务。(2) 核对答案。 42c Read what June says and write the differences between Edward and June.(1) 阅读短文,整理June的喜好。(2) 同桌交流。(3) 小组活动:比较并写出Edward and June不同的爱好。(4) 小组汇报。 52d Pairwork Tell your partner what you think of movies and Beijing Opera.(1)同桌讨论交流。 63a Read the article. Underline the description words.(1) 学生阅读文章,初步把握文章大意。(2) 教师示范description words,要求学生划出词汇,完成任务。(3) 学生归纳整理已学的描述性词汇。 7. 3b Complete the movies review with the words in t


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