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1、山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Lesson 4,Visiting a Factory 参观工厂,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Learning Objectives,To learn how to show your clients around the factory To learn how to introduce all aspects of a factory,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Conversation A,Focus on: Factory size Buildings, departments & workshops Unit capacity,山东外贸职业学院 商务

2、外语系,Notes,1.Is your unit capacity up to our demands? 你们的单位生产能力能满足我们的要求吗? be up to达到 The goods should be fully up to the Chinese Export standard. 产品必须完全达到中国出口产品的标准。,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Conversation B,Focus on: Location Products Materials Craftsmanship Design & patterns,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Notes,1.Its in good d

3、emand in foreign markets. 它在国外市场上的需求量很大 demand 需求 heavy/great/big demand 大量需求 steady demand 稳定的需求 increasing demand 增长的需求 Cotton is in great demand. 棉花需求量很大。 Demand for oil has been on the rise since the economic recovery in the industrialized countries. 工业化国家出现经济复苏以来,对石油的需求量一直在上升。,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,wa

4、terproof 防水的 fireproof 防火的 quakeproof 防震的 damp proof 防潮的 bulletproof 防弹的,mothproof 防蛀的 -proof 防,耐,dustproof 防尘的 shockproof 防震的 shrink proof 防缩水的 acid proof 耐酸的 airproof (tight) 密封的,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,3.rug: 小地毯,尤指卧室里或壁炉边的小地毯 区别: carpet: 比rug 大,是地毯的统称,常用于客厅、楼梯等面积较大的地方。 mat: 垫子,材质不限,不像地毯。比如: play mat (垫在地

5、上给小孩子爬的垫子) cushion: 沙发上的靠枕,或者是坐着的垫子,基本上跟坐着有关的。,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Conversation C,Focus on: Talk with an engineer Staff Equipment Quality Delivery,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Notes,1.production staff 工人 相关表达: workshop director 车间主任 chief of section 工段长 foreman 工长 skilled worker 技工 veteran worker 老工人 apprentice 学徒工,山东

6、外贸职业学院 商务外语系,2.The output has seen a big rise. 产量有了大幅度提高。 output n. 产量 相关表达: total output value总产量 yearly (annual) output 年产量 raise (increase) production 提高(增加)产量 double the output 产量翻一番,增加一倍 triple the output 产量翻两番,增加两倍,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Can you assure us of delivery on time? 你能保证及时交货吗? assure v. 使某人确

7、信,向某人保证 它常有以下用法: 1) assure sb. of sth. We can assure you of our sincerity to cooperate with you. 请相信我们的合作诚意。 2) assure sb. +that 从句 I can assure you that youll get the L/C in time. 我可以向你保证你方将及时得到信用证。,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,3) be /rest assured of sth. You can be assured of our most prompt attention to your o

8、rders. 请放心,我们会及时处理你们的订单。 4) be/rest assured that 从句 Please rest assured that we will provide you with most favorable terms and conditions. 请尽管放心,我们会给你最优惠的条件。,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,4.Though we are heavily committed, all orders, including yours, will be made up before the end of this month. 尽管我们的订单很多,但所有的订单,

9、包括你们的,在本月底前将全部完成。 be heavily committed 订单很多 相关表达: heavy commitments many (crowded) orders many bookings,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Exercises,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,1.Would you like to have a look around our factory? Now you try: 你想喝点咖啡吗? b. 你想看一下我们的展品吗? c. 你想参加今晚的晚宴吗? d. 你想听听我们的工厂介绍吗? Would you like to have some coffee

10、? Would you like to have a look at our exhibits? Would you like to join the party tonight? Would you like to listen to the introduction of our factory?,Exercise II,Pattern drills. Make sentences with the following italicized expressions:,key,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,2.Our unit capacity is 5,000 units per mont

11、h. Our production capacity is . We are capable of . Now you try: a.我们厂年生产能力为 50 万吨。 b. 我们厂每年能销售100 万台洗衣机。 c. 我们厂一个班(shift)每天能生产1 万瓶果汁。 d. 我厂的月生产能力足以满足客户的订货需要。 a.Our annual capacity is 500,000 tons. b.We are capable of selling 1 million sets washing machines every year. c.Our daily capacity for a shi

12、ft is 10,000 bottles of juice. d.Our monthly capacity can fully meet the demand of our customers.,key,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,3.Though were heavily committed, all orders, including yours, will be made up before the end of the month. Now you try: a. 我方工厂第三季度的订货已满。 b. 我方收到第89 号货订单太多,故元月前不能装运。 c. 我方工厂最近接到大量挂毯订单

13、,故不能于明年春季前交货。 d. 工厂订货已满,我们只好把订单退回。 a.We are fully committed in the third quarter. b.We have heavy commitments for Art.No.89, so we are not able to make shipment before January. c.We have received many bookings for tapestry recently, so we are unable to make delivery before spring next year. d.Having

14、 been fully committed, we have to withdraw your order.,key,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,4.By the way, how many production lines do you have? Now you try: a. 顺便说一下,我们厂离最近的港口只有5分钟的路程。 b. 顺便说一下,所有的生产设备都是德国进口的。 c. 顺便问一下,你们的王经理也参加这次展览会了吗? d. 顺便问一下,你们工厂占地面积有多少? a.By the way, it only takes 5 minutes to the nearest port

15、from our factory. b.By the way, all the equipments are imported from Germany. c.By the way, did your Manager Wang take part in this exhibition? d.By the way, what is your floor area?,key,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Exercise III,Put the following sentences into English orally: 1.请问您要不要到我们的工厂参观一下? I wonder if youd

16、 like to have a look around our factory? 2.我们的工厂占地5,000平方米,建于1980 年,位于烟台的市郊,交通很方便。 Our factory was built in 1980 with a floor area of 5,000 square meters and is conveniently located on the outskirts of Yantai. 3.我们厂现有五个车间,大约一千名工人。 Our factory has 5 work shops with about 1,000 working staff.,山东外贸职业学院

17、 商务外语系,4.我们在全国有四个工厂,这是第二大工厂,年生产量约为24,000吨。 We have four factories in China, this is the second largest one with the annual output of about 24,000 tons. 5.我代表我们全体工人欢迎你们来我厂参观。 Wed like to welcome you to visit our factory on behalf of all our staff. 6.我们的工厂正在加班加点,尽量往前赶。 We are working over time to step

18、 up production.,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,7.所有订货,包括你们的在内,将在本月底前完成。 All the orders , including yours, will make up before the end of this month. 8.质量监督是个至关重要的因素,我们的质监科就是为此设立的。 Quality control is an essential factor, our quality control department was established for this. 9.我们希望您能真诚提出意见与建议,以便我们改进。 We hope you c

19、ould give us your sincere comments and suggestions so as to enable us to improve. 10.我对这次参观非常满意,它使我加深了对贵厂的了解。 We are entirely satisfied with this visit, which gave us further understanding to your factory.,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,Exercise IV,Role play the following dialogue orally: A: 这就是爱利兰玩具厂吗?太雄伟了! B: 是的,

20、我们进去参观吧。 A: 好的。 B: 这是我们的布棉车间。平均每天生产2000 多个毛绒玩具,很受消费者的欢迎。 A: (拿起一个布兔子)看起来质量很好,而且造型新颖。是你们自己设计的吗? B: 是的,我们厂雇佣了一批有创意的设计人员和一批技术熟练的工人。,参考译文,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,A: 很不错。 B: 这是塑料车间,专门生产塑料玩具。 A: 喔!电动汽车!遥控飞机!你们厂的原料是从哪购进的? B: 大部分是从当地购进的,小部分是进口的。 A: 如果大量订购布兔子,你们能在一个月内交货吗? B: 没问题。我们还可以进行来样制作。,参考译文,山东外贸职业学院 商务外语系,A:Is this Emilan toy company? It is fabulous. B: You are right. Lets have a look around it. A:Good ! B: This is our cotton workshop. The


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