高中英语 Module 4 Music Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary学案 外研版选修6_第1页
高中英语 Module 4 Music Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary学案 外研版选修6_第2页
高中英语 Module 4 Music Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary学案 外研版选修6_第3页
高中英语 Module 4 Music Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary学案 外研版选修6_第4页




1、黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语 Module 4 Music Introduction; Reading and Vocabulary学案 外研版选修6Teaching aims: 1. To know about some English vocabulary related to music.2. To have a discussion about music and express their own opinions freely.3. To develop the Ss speakingability by practicing saying the familiar

2、topic.Important and difficult points:1. Get the Ss to know about as much music knowledge as possible.2. Enable the students to recognize some musical instruments.3. Arouse the students interests in music.使用说明和学法指导:在预习时,要把课文诵读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点。 一、一轮阅读做题目。1.Pre-reading:Brainstorm mu

3、sicians and famous music stars, telling why you like them._2.Read the passage and fill in the form Information about Liu FangCareerYear of birth HometownThe place she is living nowThe school she went toThe person who taught her to play musical instrumentsThe musical instruments she plays二、探究点 语篇探究1.

4、完成教材p45 Activity42. True (T) or False (F).(1) Liu Fang listened to music before she could speak. (2)Liu Fang lives in Canada with her husband now. (3) Liu Fang often cries when she plays a sad tune. erg:三.Read part 1 of the passage and explain the references.1. during her visit to China. who visited

5、 China?2. She taught me to play the yueqin. Who taught her to play?3. I have been living there since then. where has she been living?4. The same is true of my second instrument. What is true about the second instrument?四Read Part 2 of the passage and choose the correct answers.1. Traditional singing

6、 is _. A. the most important influence on Liu Fangs style B. not such an important influence2. When people listen to her playing, _. A. they also hear her singing B. they think they can hear singing3. Liu Fang thinks that _. A. Chinese music is like the Chinese language B. Chinese music and language

7、 use the same tones4. Chinese classical pieces often have poetic titles, _. A. which is understandable B. which is very surprising5. Empty spaces in Chinese paintings _. A. are like the silent parts of Chinese music B. mean the pictures have no life五Post-reading:1.Suppose you have an interview with

8、a musician, what questions will you ask?_2.How will he or she answer your questions?_六课文回顾Liu Fang is an international music star, 1 2 her work with traditional Chinese instruments. She has 3 4 since he was eleven. After she 5 6 the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, she 7 8 9 her hometown of Kunming a

9、nd 10 11 a pipa soloist of the Kunming Music and Dance Troupe. In 1996, she 12 13 Canada with her husband and she has 14 15 there since then. Since she moved to Canada, she had 16 to 17 18 19 other musical traditions and play with master musicians.反思巩固:二写出下列单词和短语的汉语意思:1.单词(1) instrument n. (2)interv

10、iew n. (3)background n. (4) challenge n. (5) combine vt. (6) interpret vt. (7) silence n. (8)title n. (9)traditional adj. (10) concert n. (11)conservatory n. (12)repertoire n. (13)soloist n. _ _ (14) technique n. (15) n. 亲戚,亲属 (16) n. 特征,特性 _ _ (17)n. 诗歌 (18) prep.关于 (19) vt.使沮丧,使心灰意冷 (20) n.抱负,雄心 2

11、.短语: (1)由于而出名 (2)举办演奏会 (3)带某人去看节目 (4)民歌 (5)与相似 (6)与有密切联系 (7)接触,与联系 (8)把介绍给 (9)与分享感受与想法 (10)中国传统乐器_ _(11)弹琵琶_(12)赋予生命 (13)在公共场合 (14)master musician (15)compose music (16) be the same with 3.句型:(1)In 1990, when I was 15 years old, I went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where I studied the pipa

12、and the guzheng.(P44)【译文】 1990年,我15岁的时候去了上海音乐学院。在那里,我学习琵琶和古筝。【分析】a. 这是一个_句,主句是I went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music。b. when引导的是_从句,对1990进行补充说明。c. where引导的是_从句,对the Shanghai Conservatory of Music作附加说明。【仿写】 2001年,汤姆10岁的时候去了北京。在那里,他参观了很多名胜。_ (2) Secondly, classical Chinese music is closely conne

13、cted to Chinese poetry, so it isnt surprising that most classical pieces have very poetic titles.(P45)【分析】 a. 这是一个由_连接的并列复合句。b. 在表示原因的分句中,be connected to . 意为“与有关”。c. 在表示结果的分句中,it是形式主语,_引导的从句作真正的主语。【仿写】 爱丽丝学习很努力,因此她总是在考试中得第一就一点也不奇怪了。_ 我的疑惑: 探究案探究点一 语篇探究1.完成教材p44 Activity2 2. True (T) or False (F).(1

14、) Liu Fang listened to music before she could speak. (2)Liu Fang lives in Canada with her husband now. (3) Liu Fang often cries when she plays a sad tune. 探究点二 重点句型与长难句探究(1) I like the atmosphere in a concert hall and I always feel happy when I have a concert.(P45)【分析】a. 这是一个由and连接的_句。 b. and前面的分句的结

15、构为:主语(I)+谓语(like)+宾语(the atmosphere)+_语(in a concert hall)。c. 在and后面的分句中,when引导的是_从句。【仿写】 他生活在农村,每当收获的时候他总是很兴奋。_ (2) I also enjoy the time immediately after the concert to share the feelings and ideas with friends and music lovers, listening to their impressions and understanding about the music.(P4

16、5)【分析】a. 这是一个_句。 b. to share the feelings . music lovers是不定式短语作_语,修饰time。c. listening to their . about the music是现在分词短语作_语。(3)Its the same with classical Chinese music.(P45)【分析】(be) the same with意思为 ; 表示前面的情况也适用于后者,尤其是在前面说了两种以上的情况的时候,只能用此句式,也可以用“so it is with”翻译:He is a southerner and he likes rice

17、very much. It is the same/ So it is with me. 即学即练1He designed the first great suspension bridge,using an idea that _ beauty and function perfectly. AgathersBjoins Ccombines Dconnects2.The city dedicated a monument _ those killed in battle.Awith respect toBin line with Cin answer to Din honor of 3. My mother didnt


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