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1、Unit 6Water,Water is more valuable than gold.,Skimming:,Before you read the story, look at the title of the story and the picture, and then answer this question. Who are talking in the story?,The girl and the drop of water.,Skimming:,Read through the story quickly and answer: What did the water and

2、Daisy talk about?,They talked about what the water is. B. They talked about the waters journey(旅途). C. They talked about what Daisy and Benny did in the bathroom.,A. The water tells Daisy to turn the tap off, and she is surprised. B. Daisy tells Benny that she has talked to the water, and Benny thin

3、ks she is weird. C. Daisy is brushing her teeth with the tap on. D. The water tells Daisy about its long journey from a cloud in Yunnan and where it will go. It reminds(使想起,提醒) her not to waste or pollute water.,P1 P2-3 P4-14 P15-17,Read the story and match the main idea with each part.,Waters journ

4、ey,Vocabulary,The long journey,tap,sink,drain,pipes,Back,sewage,sewage plant,Back,stream,reservoir,water treatment works,Back,This map shows the waters journey. Read the story and mark the names of different places on the map.,cloud,stream,Dongjiang River,reservoir,water treatment works,sewage plant

5、,sea,Daisys bathroom,Back,Waters journey,floated comfortably in a cloud,dropped into a stream and sped down,relaxed for a few days,was given a thorough cleaning,was added a few chemicals,traveled in the pipes,came out of the tap,was cleaned up,was pumped into the river,10,Scanning,1 Why was the voic

6、e impatient? Because Daisy was wasting water. 2 Why did Daisy nod her head? Because she knew the Dongjiang River. 3 Why did the water go to a treatment works? Because it was dirty after its journey.,4 Why did the water say, “ I will be back in the sea again? Because it came from the sea in the first

7、 place. 5 Why did the water say it was like liquid gold? Because it believed that it was precious. 6 Why did Daisys brother think she was weird? Because she said, I was talking to a drop of water.,Scanning,1. Water was pouring into the sink. 2. The tap was on. 3. The voice sounded angry. 4. People c

8、leaned me up. 5. I waited there until you called me. 6. People pump me out into the river. 7. Remember not to waste or pollute water. 8. Water is precious, like liquid gold.,Important sentences,1. 听起来不耐烦 2. 跌入小溪 3. 彻底清洗 4. 添加 5.源源流入 6.在旅程的终点 7.浪费水 8.欣赏风景,enjoy the view,Useful phrases,sound impatient

9、,drop into the stream,a thorough cleaning,addto,pour into,at the end of the journey,waste water,10. 把净化 11.记着不要做 12.等一下 13. 开、关水龙头 14. 点头、摇头 15. 当初本来 16. 比金子更珍贵,Useful phrases,clean up,remember not to do,wait a minute,turn on off the tap,nod shake ones head,in the first place,more valuable than gold

10、,Look at the pictures and discuss in groups.,Group discussion,If there is no water, ,Living things cant live without water.,Water is unhappy because people .,Water is crying for help!,What can we do to help it and save ourselves?,1.Discuss what we should do or shouldnt do to protect water. 2.Make a

11、list about what we can do. 3.The group leader need to give a presentation.,When you are enjoying others performance, remember to write down your comments and marks by using the forms.,What should we do to protect water in our daily life?,*wash clothes under running water *take a shower with water ru

12、nning for a long time ,*reuse water *plant more trees *protect rivers and lakes *fight against water pollution ,Listening,Listen to the coins story and number the pictures.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1. Hi! I am a one-yuan coin! I was born in a mint. That is where new money is made. I was lovely and shiny then

13、. I was with lots of other coins.,2. They put me in a bag and took me to a bank. I sat in that bag at the bank for a few days.,3. Then a cashier at the bank gave me to a customer. He needed some bags of coins for his shop.,4. That man had a cake shop. He gave me to a woman. She was buying some cakes

14、. She gave him 50 yuan. I was part of her change.,6. I stayed on the road for a long time. I got very dirty. Then an old man found me. He was very happy to see me!,7. The old man took me to a food stall. He bought some food and gave me to your mother. She gave me to you as pocket money.,8. Then you washed me to make me clean again. I felt so happy that I decided to tell you my story!,5. That woman put me in her purse. But lat


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