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1、职业高中英语优质课教学设计方案职业高中英语基础模块上册题目:Unit 12 FestivalsThe Spring Festival类型:阅读课单位:灵寿县职业中学作者:高财纳日期:2015/5/9Analysis of materialThis class, the reading part, is chosen from the English book for the senior grade students. The passage is mainly about the Spring Festival. The structures of sentences and words a

2、re not very difficult, but there are some names ,related to the customs of the Spring Festival, may seem strange to them. On the other hand ,the topic is interesting and students will be interested in it.analysis of students situationThe students are of grade one whose major is tourism. They have a

3、poor English knowledge and most of them show little interest in English which make it hard for them to concentrate during the class. Besides , poor oral English makes them be afraid of speaking in the public. Indeed , all of them know the importance of English study well but know little about how to

4、 learn it well. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aim:In learning this passage ,students will learn more words and expressions that are related to festivals and celebrations as well as useful sentence structures.2.Ability aim:1 To train students reading ability as well as ability of collecting information q

5、uickly.2 To help students overcome their anxiety of being able to listen and speak effectively and the final goal is to improve their reading listening and speaking ability.3.Emotion aim:By learning about the Spring Festival ,students national confidence and pride will be aroused and they will also

6、have a new understanding of Chinese culture. Teaching designThe general idea of the design of this class is that teacher should be a guide instead of an authority of the class and Ss will be given more opportunity and freedom to participate in the class and be the master of the class. During the tea

7、ching procedure, the teacher uses a variety of materials ,including pictures a Chinese folk song and radio tape to make the students become interested in what will be introduced, besides students also can have a visual impression of the content. The teacher will have the students to read after the t

8、ape to correct their pronunciations and also have a fast reading of the passage. During the intensive reading some items will be designed, only driven by tasks can they read the passage quickly and effectively. After finishing the first two times of reading , some difficult exercises will be designe

9、d to help them to strengthen what they have gotten and to form a general idea of the structure of the whole passage. The group discussion is necessary for cultivate Ss cooperative spirit, and the presentation part means to make the students practice their oral English and encourage them to speak in

10、public more confidently. Homework includes two parts considering different learning competence. teaching method:Task driven method Discussion learning methodPractice learning method Teaching aidstape recordermultimedia Teaching procedureStep one: pre-reading1.Since something about festivals have bee

11、n discussed in last class, at the beginning of the class the teacher will ask the Ss to have a brain storm about festivals: 1 give some foreign festivals the Christmas Day the Thanksgiving Day Easter Halloween 2tell some Chinese festivals you knowthe Spring Festival the Lantern Festival the Tomb Swe

12、eping Day the Dragon boat Festival. 设计意图:在这一环节教学中,将话题交给学生来展开,话题贴近生活,问题简单,易于鼓舞了学生学习的积极性,使所有学生参与到课堂教学活动中来;同时引出本节课话题。 2.Lead-in:Ask the Ss a question : about the customs of the Spring Festival how much do you know?According to Ssanswers the teacher will show them a traditional Chinese folk song about t

13、he Spring Festival and ask them to read:小孩儿小孩儿你别馋,过了腊八就是年; 腊八粥,喝几天,哩哩啦啦二十三;二十三,糖瓜粘;二十四,扫房子;二十五,炸豆腐;二十六,去买肉; 二十七,宰公鸡;二十八,把面发; 二十九,蒸馒头;三十晚上熬一宿;初一、初二满街走。设计意图:以朗朗 上口的民谣开始本课时授课,易于引起学生学习兴趣。由此引出了本课话题春节,并使学生通过民谣对春节传统习俗有了简单了解。为新授课奠定了基础。Step two:while reading1.scaning&listeningSs will be asked to listen to th

14、e passage and read after the tape and underline all the phrases they can find while listening.设计意图:使学生跟读,既通读了全文,又纠正了发音。划出词组搭配的任务要求,使学生带着任务阅读,一方面,有助于帮助学生集中注意力;另一方面,有助于学生注意到词汇用法。2.skiming1 Ss will be asked to read the required paragraphs(2-5) then decide whether those given statements on the PPT are T

15、(true) or F(false).Then complete the sentences according to your understanding of this passage.2 Ss will be asked to read the whole passage again and try to find the main idea for each paragraph then finish the match match part设计意图:本环节为精读,设计了判断正误、连线等题目,训练学生快速从文中找到信息能力,同时帮助学生掌握了文意。答题过程中采用了抢答计分模式,有助于激

16、发学生参与课堂活动的积极性。Step three: post-reading1.exercise1 show the Ss some pictures and ask them to give a English expression learned in this unit:Spring Festival couplets red Lantern paper-cuts fireworks crackers Good luck knot 2ask the Ss to fill in the blanks on the PPT according to their knowledge of th

17、e passage :设计意图:本环节运用了练习法,使学生根据提示回顾本课重点,并完成要求题目。词汇复习结合了图片,更加直观形象,有助于加深印象;问答填空形式帮助学生回忆并记忆课文相关关键信息及重点句式。本环节为抢答计分,根据学生个人表现进行评分,激发学生参与课堂活动积极性。2.Group discussion:Do you like the Spring Festival ? Which part do you like most of the Spring Festival?Discuss in group and later each have one student give a pr

18、esentation.设计意图:小组讨论法的使用,帮助学生培养了发散思维并练习了英语语言组织能力,同时训练了学生团队合作能力。小组讨论代表发言的环节,使学生锻炼了口语,培养了公开发言的自信。本环节根据小组表现(学生整体状态,口语表达,语言组织等方面)进行小组互评,让学生自己去发现自身的优缺点。Step four:conclusionT: In this class we learn some information about the Spring Festival and some new words and expressions. Most of you have a good perf

19、ormance, and XX have done an excellent job according to our recording of this class. I wish you all can do a better job in next class. 设计意图:教师总结本课内容及学生表现,对积极、有效参与课堂活动的同学以及进步较明显同学提出表扬,从而对良好课堂表现进行强化激励。Step five:Homework1. read and memorize the words and phrases then finish exercise 2 and 3 of the lang

20、uage study part.2. free options: for those hoping to be better in English translate the following sentences into Chinese 1They clean their houses meaning to sweep out all the bad luck in the past year.2They prepare many kinds of Chinese traditional food, get new clothes for children ,hang up red lan

21、terns in the yard, paste colorful paper-cuts on windows and Spring Festival couplets on both sides of gates or doors.设计意图:作业第一部分侧重基础,适合大部分学生。第二部分难度稍大,针对基础较好的同学设计,适当难度有助于激发学生学习动机,帮助他们提升英语水平。 Blackboard writingUnit 12 The Spring Festival1.Spring Festival coupletsPaper-cutsCrackers/ fireworksred lantern good luck knot Teaching reflection It turns out to be effective to use a folk song at the beginning to attract the Ss. The combination of listening and skimming makes the Ss find it hard to follow t


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