



1、人教修订版英语高三上unit 5 getting the messagewriting教案内容说明:1. 本节课设计的指导思想以及课后反思;2. 本节课的教学过程;3. 本节课授课中所需材料。1本节课的设计与反思这节写作课是充分利用人教社新编版高三教材第五单元的内容,结合高三教学的特点来设计的一堂议论文写作课。这节课的总体设计指导思想就是:充分利用教材提供的有用信息,结合教学的实际需要,把握教学的最佳时机。因为广告这一话题对于学生来说是一个熟悉的话题,即使不进行专门学习,他们也有很多想法。但是,在学完课文之后,学生能不能学以致用,能不能在语言表达上有相应的提高,就有待于教师设计好教学任务,进行

2、必要的指导和训练。而另一方面,考虑到议论文的写作教学也是高三写作教学的一个重点,所以我就抓住契机,给学生设立了一个真实的情景(real context),让他们对广告利与弊的各抒己见,从而把课本上有用的表达法变成自己的语言。在设计教案前,我主要考虑了以下几个因素:1 教学时间和阶段教学计划。这节课是在高三讲授新课阶段进行的,根据我们学科的阶段教学计划和学校的安排,我把这堂课确定为议论文写作的启蒙课,即这是高三阶段对议论文写作的第一次指导,所以在指导的深度上还未达到高考的要求。这节课的主要目标是让学生明确议论文的结构,结合课文所学语言,写出一篇语言水平相对较高,结构较为严谨的文章。2 议论文的命

3、题意图和评分标准。在备课过程中,我反复研读高考作文评分标准,并对作文的内容、语法及篇章结构方面都一一作了分析。我首先考虑的是从哪些角度入手去帮助学生解读范文, 对评分标准有一定的认识,从而使学生明确如何展开议论文写作。3 学生现在的实际写作水平。高三学生已经具备了一些写作的基本知识,但是,学生目前面临两个问题: (1) 拿到作文题目能写一些东西, 但是在内容和结构安排上还不够规范; (2) 语言表达能力不强, 尤其是针对日常熟悉的话题, 词汇重复率太高, 语言肤浅贫乏。作为议论文写作的启蒙课, 这节课要着力达到两个目的: (1) 规范议论文写作的框架;(2)充分利用课文的经典语言,来扩大学生对

4、于广告这一话题的词汇量。在对学生和教学内容进行了充分的分析之后,我进行了精心的准备。授课当天是我给学生讲的第六节课,师生之间的互动还没有达到最高峰。 此外,通过课堂提问,暴露出一部分同学课下没有对课文进行及时的复习,导致在课堂上不能用顺畅的语言表达出自己的观点,在这一部分耽误了一些时间。但学生听讲的认真程度并没有降低,事实上整个课堂教学的实施过程还是比较顺畅的。课后反馈:在课堂上,我给了学生12分钟现场写了一篇作文,并且拿了学生的作文进行现场点评。重点是看文章的结构和连词的使用。课后,我把全班学生的作文都收上来进行了批改,在结构方面,学生没有出现失误,并且水平较好学生的作文语言也比较生动,使用

5、了较为丰富的词汇。所以,总的说来,我觉得这节课达到了我预期的目标。2lesson plan教师兰香学科英语课型写作班级高三(3)授课时间2005.9课题on argumentative essay教学目标知识与技能1. arrange an argumentative essay by paying special attention to coherence and structure;2. use vocabulary related to the topics of advertisements.过程与方法communicative approach and ppp approach (

6、presentation-practice-product)情感态度价值观at the end of the class, the students will be able to tell what a good argumentative essay will be like, concerning its logic structure and appropriate wording.教学重点1. brainstorming the advantages and disadvantages of ads;2. discussing the logical structure of an

7、argumentative essay;3. designing a proper writing task for the students;4. evaluating pieces of work by the students with the whole class;5. summarizing the evaluation criteria for an argumentative essay.教学难点1. brainstorming the advantages and disadvantages of ads;2. discussing the logical structure

8、 of an argumentative essay.3. summarizing the evaluation criteria for an argumentative essay.学生学情分析与学法指导the students are expected to write an essay within 12 minutes. after that, they take an active part in evaluating their own work together with the teacher, paying special attention to coherence an

9、d structure. as for the structure, none of them fail to follow the instructions; meanwhile, a few students are able to employ accurate vocabulary and a variety of sentences.教学过程设计教师活动学生活动评价内容step 1:revision and brainstorming: teacher helps students to recall advantages and disadvantages of ads.step

10、2:creating a real context for the writing taskteacher motivates and activates students by asking themselves to vote.step 3:guided writingteacher guides students to analyze the structure and coherence of the sample and encourages them to organize an essay in a logical way.step 4:writing practiceteach

11、er monitors all the students and offers help to individual student.step 5:summaryteacher analyzes the structure of a piece of writing by a student as feedback. step 6: homeworkstudents brainstorm some ideas and tell each point.students decide whether they are for or against ads and vote. two of the

12、students count and calculate the percentages of each group.students listen to the teacher attentively and answer the questions.students practice writing.students evaluate the work by themselves and work together with the teacher to summarize the evaluation criteria for an argumentative essay.polish

13、their own writing according to the assessment criteria.some students fail to tell the advantages and disadvantages because they didnt go over the text after class.encourage the students to learn to make decisions.the teacher needs to be well prepared to ask logical questions so as to enable the stud

14、ents to have a quick understanding of the structure. for example: how many parts can this passage be divided into? what is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? how many reasons are mentioned to support this idea? what kinds of words or expressions does the author use to connect the ideas? rem

15、ember to give a time limit!consolidate the structure of an argumentative essay. feedback is always necessary.they also can exchange their work and make suggestions to each other.3. supplementary materials1. a list of advantages and disadvantages of advertisements2. writing task3. a sample of an argu

16、mentative essay 4. structure of an argumentative essay5. the standard criteria of an argumentative essay1. a list of advantages and disadvantages of advertisementsadvantagesdisadvantages1.help us make informed choices2.increase product sales3.may lead to reduced prices4.help consumers choose among a

17、ll the available vide useful information6.allow consumers compare prices and quality without going to the store7.help government make people aware of social problems and government policies1.mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is2.use illegal

18、ways to promote the products2. writing task本班级44名学生中做了一次题为“views on advertisements”的调查。请你根据下表中的提示给我校杂志社编辑写信,客观介绍调查情况,并简单陈述你的看法。_%的人_%的人为广告辩护,认为:1.广告帮助消费者作出明智的选择2.广告有助于增加产品的销售额3.广告向人们介绍新产品4.广告帮助政府部门进行宣传,使人们了解社会问题和政府政策对广告提出批评,认为:1.公司滥用广告误导消费者2.公司投入大量资金作广告,可能会提高产品价格3.误导青少年盲目追求时髦4.有些广告太吵闹,令人感觉不舒服3. a sa

19、mple of an argumentative essaydear editor, im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether it is necessary to include a test of spoken english in nmet. opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of an oral test in nmet. for one thing, students may not get just results because oral test is so subjective. for another, most students spoken english is not good enough so it is too early to add an oral test. however, about 40% students have quite a different opinion. they think spoken english should be tested bec


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